
yeahiknow3 , to World News in Three French Youths Arrested in Alleged Antisemitic Gang Rape of Jewish Girl, 12

Death penalty is too good for them, IMO.

felykiosa ,


555 , to World News in Three French Youths Arrested in Alleged Antisemitic Gang Rape of Jewish Girl, 12

One of the suspects, the girl’s ex-boyfriend, said he was angry that she had hid being Jewish from him

This is a problem with the parents raising a pile of shit.

sunzu ,

Ex boyfriend... 12 years old... Wtf is going on here.

555 ,

It’s okay to have a boyfriend at 12. It’s a whole other thing if they are fucking. Yikes.

sunzu ,

Since this is ended like this, I am going to assume there was a lot of shit there ain't right

xc2215x , to World News in Three French Youths Arrested in Alleged Antisemitic Gang Rape of Jewish Girl, 12

Glad they are. Very disgusting.

felykiosa , (edited ) to World News in Three French Youths Arrested in Alleged Antisemitic Gang Rape of Jewish Girl, 12

I hope they will be killed.

Scartiloffista , to World News in Three French Youths Arrested in Alleged Antisemitic Gang Rape of Jewish Girl, 12
VaultBoyNewVegas ,

Look at ops post and comment history. They post articles that only ever paint Palestine or hamas in a negative light, never any articles about settlers in the west bank or the killing of journalists by the IDF. Op has taken a side and is pushing an agenda.

Billy OP , (edited )

Plenty of articles like those here.
And plenty of people denying there's any rise in hatred and violence towards Jews.

Scartiloffista , (edited )

Plenty of articles like those here.

Well, so far just one it seems. With scarce sources, with the French police hardly a reliable one. Still a terrible crime, like all the other thousands of rapes each year, which surprisingly are not in the front page while they probably should. I wonder why...

And plenty of people denying there’s any rise in hatred and violent actions towards Jews.

Like a lot of other minorities, especially en France, which has presque an institutionalized racism. One would think that the antisemitism is receiving coverage for some other reasons beside it being "simply" an hate crime.

Billy OP , (edited )

The "Plenty of articles like those here." was a reply to the first part of your post.

Yeah, it's receiving coverage because there has been a serious spike in hatred and violence specifically towards Jews since the 7th of October. Not just in France.

And the rape was specifically because she's a Jew. Like the other recent case of a French Jewish woman who was raped specifically because she's a Jew.

555 ,

No child deserves to be raped… for any reason. I can’t believe people are even arguing

palordrolap ,

There are plenty of stupid and/or devious people who will see what's going on in some part of the world and believe a narrative or use that narrative as an excuse for their own ends.

If it wasn't her, it would have been someone else. The whole human race has a problem with human garbage who can't control their actions. Some of them end up running countries and turning a blind eye to war atrocities, if not asking for them outright.

This doesn't lessen what happened to this 12-year-old victim, and it doesn't lessen what's happening elsewhere in the world, nor the ramifications. My point is that the link, while there, is tenuous.

The perpetrators are human garbage who found a reason to stop pretending not to be, and now should be treated as such.

Billy OP ,

How is the link tenuous?
You could write the same thing about neo-nazi violence.
There's a clear issue here.

The reality is that this is a part of a global spike of cases against Jews since the 7th of October, who are targeted because they are Jews.
It could've been someone else. Another Jew. Like the other French Jewish woman who was raped because she's a Jew and was done as "revenge" in the eyes of the perpetrator.

palordrolap ,

They used a current world event as an excuse for an atrocity that they might well have found a different excuse for otherwise.

They could have chosen any Jewish person and any "punishment" but they chose her, and that "punishment". That's because they wanted to mete out that "punishment" in particular. They're disgusting.

And yes, that's true of neo-Nazi violence too. The violent ones are usually nutters spoiling for a fight, or worse. The prejudices they hold are merely their excuse for it.

assassin_aragorn ,

There is a terrible trend of people blaming Jewish people overall for what Israel is doing -- and ironically, some of Israel's sharpest critics are Jewish.

Some people are incapable of realizing that Jewish people are not the same as Israel, and in doing so, they play right into Netanyahu's hand. Antisemitism is completely separate from criticism of Israel, but Netanyahu would love for people to believe it's one and the same.

People who want revenge against Jews in the West for what Israel's doing are no different than those who interned the Japanese in WW2 or demonized all Muslims after 9/11. It's collective punishment and it's wrong.

Billy OP ,

Yeap. Although this "trend" isn't very new.
Antisemites calling all Jews, Zionists, was done from even before the founding of the state of Israel. One example from before its founding, is of Muhammad Rashid Rida.

555 ,

Well, so have you.

VaultBoyNewVegas ,

Hardly. My recent comments have all been about things other than gaza. My last comment was calling out a double standard and the one before that criticised both hamas and Israeli government. If you're going to chat shit then fucking look properly.

555 ,

Chat shit.

AmidFuror ,

You could counter that by posting more articles casting Hamas in a positive light.

afraid_of_zombies ,

A bit of a challenge

assassin_aragorn ,

You haven't posted any articles about Israel's genocide either. Should I presume you tacitly approve of what Israel is doing?

Articles like this are important, because they illustrate an awful human behavior we need to condemn. Jewish people are completely separate from Israel, and antisemitism is completely separate from criticism of Israel. By conflating the two, you push Netanyahu's agenda. He'd love nothing more than to say Israel is the same as Jewish people and any act or criticism is antisemitic.

Should there have been no criticism or discussion of the US internment of Japanese during WW2? Should there have been no coverage of abuse and harassment against Muslims after 9/11? What about the spate of anti Asian violence during Covid?

Fuck that. Collective punishment is wrong. It's difficult to change the policies and actions of a different country, but it's easier to call out reactive domestic shitheads and policies and demand change there. Human history is full of collateral/collective punishment like this when a shitty group of people do something awful -- and it falls on good, intelligent people to recognize that it's evil of the shitty group and of the reactionaries, and to call out both.

Don't assume everyone here is an idiot. We're capable of recognizing this event as awful while simultaneously criticizing Israel. And we can condemn this act without becoming sympathetic to Israel.

sunzu ,

It is a PR campaign to make it seem like there are two sides to the story.

Billy OP ,

The French source mentioned in the posted article - https://www.leparisien.fr/faits-divers/enquete-sur-un-viol-a-caractere-antisemite-dune-jeune-fille-de-12-ans-a-courbevoie-trois-ados-interpelles-18-06-2024-LDCLJSU4NFFQZJXQTOFSJ5GWCI.php

"Un deuxième mineur aurait confié aux policiers avoir frappé la jeune fille au motif qu’elle aurait eu de mauvaises paroles à propos de la Palestine."

Tikiporch , to Not The Onion in Voters in 13 Oregon Counties Approve 'Greater Idaho' Measure Seeking to Secede From Liberal-Run State

Western Maryland has tried several times to secede to West Virginia. They could never afford it, and West Virginia can't either. I imagine it is the same situation here.

ouRKaoS , to Not The Onion in Voters in 13 Oregon Counties Approve 'Greater Idaho' Measure Seeking to Secede From Liberal-Run State

I'm getting Brexit vibes

Emperor OP ,
@Emperor@feddit.uk avatar


banana_lama ,


1371113 ,


Threeme2189 ,

Just give it thyme.

bradorsomething ,


douglasg14b ,
@douglasg14b@lemmy.world avatar

It's exactly what it is.

It's a bunch of propaganda aimed at people in these counties that shift their opinion one piece of propaganda at a time.

I've gotten so many flyers in the mail or put on my doorstep or stuffed in my door over the last 3-4 years about this it's unbelievable.

Someone with a significant amount of money is funding this, because the advertising isn't cheap.

And they all show the same misleading information on them to convince oregonians that the grass is greener on the other side. When it most definitely isn't.

bradorsomething ,

I’m glad to hear a sane voice from out there; do people ever talk about moving? This is the same “if you don’t like it leave” crowd, so I’m surprised they don’t move to idaho.

Emperor OP ,
@Emperor@feddit.uk avatar

Someone with a significant amount of money is funding this, because the advertising isn’t cheap.

Which should make people very suspicious about who is funding this and to what ultimate aim.

douglasg14b , (edited )
@douglasg14b@lemmy.world avatar

Yes that is exactly what I said...

It is society's responsibility to inform protect and educate those that are less capable in order to maintain the functioning of that society. Otherwise that society breaks down and falls apart. "A rising tide raises all ships"

My point here is that we as oregonians should be doing better. Instead of adopting nationalism and referring to each other as "The Other", we should be looking at the root cause and not attacking each other's throats while the true enemy just watches and laughs at us peons doing what peons do best: Ignorantly blaming each other.

Emperor OP ,
@Emperor@feddit.uk avatar

The powers that be have always liked to divide and conqueror - it's excellent misdirection so we don't see then stealing everything.

stephfinitely , to Not The Onion in Voters in 13 Oregon Counties Approve 'Greater Idaho' Measure Seeking to Secede From Liberal-Run State

Wasn't it determined last time that if they did this, Idaho would have to pay Oregon because of how land law works. So they would have to get Idaho to agree to this and dought they will.

Duamerthrax ,

Surprised they aren't going for a West Virginia and becomes a new state.

PrincessLeiasCat , to Not The Onion in Voters in 13 Oregon Counties Approve 'Greater Idaho' Measure Seeking to Secede From Liberal-Run State

Oh! So now you know (sort of) what it’s like living as a Progressive in Houston or New Orleans! Just wait until they start the voter suppression/gerrymandering! /s

echo , to Not The Onion in Voters in 13 Oregon Counties Approve 'Greater Idaho' Measure Seeking to Secede From Liberal-Run State

Then move to Idaho you stupid jerks.

Drusas ,

Then they wouldn't be able to graze their cattle for free on Oregon's public land.

Cqrd ,

But if they merge into Idaho, the same laws would apply there...

Delusional ,

Sure but they can't think that far ahead.

Drusas ,

Right, but the comment I replied to was about the individuals moving to Idaho. Then they would lose access to that Oregonian land.

supersquirrel , to Not The Onion in Voters in 13 Oregon Counties Approve 'Greater Idaho' Measure Seeking to Secede From Liberal-Run State

"In 1844, Bush and his family (along with five other families including his friend Michael Simmons, totaling 31 people) left Missouri, heading west on the Oregon Trail.[11] Bush's navigation skills and knowledge of the western region, gained during his years as a trapper, made him the indispensable guide of the party. Isabella's training as a nurse was an important contribution as well. Bush and his family were also known to be very generous, purchasing supplies for their fellow travelers first in Missouri and later at great expense at Fort Bridger. Bush bought six Conestoga wagons, equipping them with enough provisions for a year, and helped several families make the trip to Oregon.[3] According to the Bush family history, Bush built a false bottom onto his wagon in which he hid over a hundred pounds of silver, worth about $2,000.[3] The great-granddaughter of Bush claims that Bush had hidden $5,000 in silver dollars, some gold bricks, and fifty dollar slugs.[12] With him he brought many species of fruit and shade trees that he would plant in his farm at Bush Prairie.[13]

By the time the Bush-Simmons party reached the Oregon Country over four months later, the Provisional Government of Oregon reacting to racially-charged violence [my edit, love the kid gloves being used for violent white supremacists here :( ] had passed an exclusionary law barring black persons, slave or free, from entering the Oregon Territory on penalty of lashing. As a result, Bush and his party traveled north across the Columbia River, into territory that at the time was claimed by both the United States and Great Britain. The wagon path they laboriously cut would become the northern spur of the Oregon Trail.[14] Bush's connections with the Hudson's Bay Company at Fort Vancouver may have helped the settlers gain access where the company had previously barred Americans from settling"


Oregon, 2000 miles is still not far enough of a wagon ride to escape white supremacy

Do you think Oregon could put that on their license plates?


George Bush's family outside their home in Tumwater Washingon, thankfully far enough from white supremacists to start a decent life. I wonder how Bush and his family would feel knowing Oregon is still overflowing with white supremacist bigots?

Idaho ain't that big of a cultural difference from the large land owning demographic of hateful rightwing clowns in Oregon, which is not a compliment to Oregon.

Crackhappy , to Not The Onion in Voters in 13 Oregon Counties Approve 'Greater Idaho' Measure Seeking to Secede From Liberal-Run State
@Crackhappy@lemmy.world avatar

Decided to do some fact checking on the crime claims. Oregon is in the top 10 for crime rate, while Idaho sits at 4th. If you did further into statistics, they're pretty close to equal on violent crime, while Oregon has much higher property crime and robberies.

I haven't delved into the socio economic reasons for it, the policy differences or any of the causes of the difference. I live in western Oregon and enjoy the culture and freedom here, although I also don't like the massive property crime rates. I recently moved due to property crime. Went from various crimes being perpetrated either where I lived or on my street to zero.

The_v ,

The odd thing about crime rates is they are often self-reported from law enforcement. Without proper controls and regulations, a motivated party could easily and routinely fudge the numbers by a lot.

What types of crimes do you think it would be easier to suppress... murder or property damage?

huginn ,

Note for readers:

In per capita crime.

Idaho is 4th from the bottom, rank 47 (DC included)

Oregon is 10th from the top, rank 10 (DC included)

I was confused by the wording here so I wanted to add some clarity.

In violent crime per capita it's closer.

Oregon is rank 26 and Idaho is 42.

Oregon all crime: 5610
Oregon violent: 342.4
Idaho all crime: 2465
Idaho violent: 241.4

RidgeDweller ,

I wonder how much of that crime happens in eastern Oregon. It often seems like rural folks are paranoid of crime associated with cities, but they hardly ever spend time in cities to understand it's a relative issue that largely varies neighborhood to neighborhood.

tyrant , to Not The Onion in Voters in 13 Oregon Counties Approve 'Greater Idaho' Measure Seeking to Secede From Liberal-Run State

We laugh but the right is continually pushing and shouting and more and more frequently, winning. It sucks.

XeroxCool , to Not The Onion in Voters in 13 Oregon Counties Approve 'Greater Idaho' Measure Seeking to Secede From Liberal-Run State

So they want to change their identity based on the feelings and bend existing geo roles to match?

gregorum ,
@gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

"yes, but gender-neutral bathrooms crosses the line!"

/s obvs

maculata , to Not The Onion in Voters in 13 Oregon Counties Approve 'Greater Idaho' Measure Seeking to Secede From Liberal-Run State

Read “we don’t like black people and the continuing cultural legacy of how our white ancestors (and us now) destroyed their ability to have good education and jobs and the social issues that creates and now we’re running away from the problem”.

Uh huh…

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