scorpious , to Technology in Male birth control breakthrough safely switches off fit sperm for a while

If it flies, look for a huge spike in stds

ynazuma ,

Huge spikes in STD’s is already happening due to other factors

Wear a rubber kids. No one likes a raunchy coochie/schlong

Kolanaki , avatar

No one likes a raunchy coochie/schlong

Untrue. There are some people that specifically seek that, along with the STDs called "bug chasers." Since I've been cursed with this knowledge, so must you all be.

Wahots , avatar

There were bug chasers during the pandemic, too. >_>

cro_magnon_gilf ,

Honestly, I think condoms are unrealistic. Fucking with a condom is so totally useless that you almost feel a bit resentful of the woman after. Like she has bad minge or something. The first time I had sex I was a good boy and used a condom and I just quit after a while, and sat down and wondered what the fuck was wrong. She thought I'd finished.

Saying "wear a rubber" is stupid. For a lot of people, sex with a condom is completely useless. I'll wear one the first time with a woman as I ofc want to get imtimate, but the sex itself will be useless.

frankspurplewings ,

If you aren't creative enough to get off, then sex with you is probably useless too. 🤷🏼‍♀️

But lame ass roasting aside, being responsible during sex is important. Being able to communicate your wants and needs is absolutely necessary. I'll tell you that I also hated condoms during sex, but it took being with my partner about six months before I felt comfortable enough to bring up a discussion about having sex without condoms. We then talked about the risks of accidental pregnancy, STDs, and my hormones and birth control.
In the long term, the time period we used condoms was worth it because we learned each other's bodies, as well as each other's personalities. Once we did move to sex without condoms, it was sooooo much better, but we also were better communicators and the sex was wayyy more fun.

You have to be willing to put in the time and effort and trust that leads to a real connection first.

cro_magnon_gilf ,

If you aren’t creative enough to get off, then sex with you is probably useless too. 🤷🏼‍♀️

But lame ass roasting aside

Not gonna pretend that I don't deserve it, or that I'm very polite either, but beginning every response with an insult is not some clever 'roasting'.

I don't agree with you that it should take half a year of learning your partner for sex to be good. If you're attentive and interested in getting your partner off, then you can do that the first time, or certainly atleast in a shorter time than that. But it's going to differ between different people ofc.

Xaphanos , to micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility in Butt-friendly bike seat moves with your legs

This is why I have a recumbent. It's a lawn chair with wheels.

Cornpop ,

They sure are comfortable.

FartsWithAnAccent OP Mod , avatar

I totally want one, but they're expensive AF. I think I'm gonna go with a Cane Creek Thudbuster seatpost after reading some reviews, the LT looks like it could soak up a good amount of bumps for a seatpost.

TubularTittyFrog ,

you aren't supposed to sit on the saddle over bumps. you lift up your butt and use your knees/hips to as the suspension.

njordomir ,

They neglected road maintenance for decades in a climate with hot summers and cold winters so large cracks developed across the roadways every 10 feet. If I stood for every bump, i would never sit down. I bought a suspension seatpost.

It's a great way of smoothing out the smaller bumps, or the rumble of crumbling asphault. That's about what I paid for mine. Unlike a suspension that will suck away my power, once I stand up, the bike is as rigid and connected as ever. When I sit down it's like I'm floating on a pillow a few inches above my speeding bike. I set it per their suggestion but when I have some time I want to see if I can get it tuned in even better for me.

njordomir ,

Do you prefer the praying mantis bars, or the under-seat steering? I hear you on the price, I've been eying the Hase Pino Tandem for a while now. The driver is upright in the back, while another rider can pedal along recumbent in front. It's a marvel. Test rode it 2-3 times and I just can't bring myself to fork over that much dough unless I have to (which is why most of the recumbent riders in my life did it). Also knowing I'll have ongoing maintenance costs the whole time I have it and some of those parts may not be off the shelf.

The guys who ride the recumbent trikes have it made though, they can pull up their wheeled lawnchairs in a circle and reach behind them into the attached cooler for some snacks.

ZeffSyde , to micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility in Butt-friendly bike seat moves with your legs

Hooray. I've been looking to add a few more points of maintenance and failure to my bike.

echodot ,

I think these things are pretty well made, they don't appear to be cheap Chinese tat, but I'd want to confirm that before I was prepared to even consider buying one.

Jake_Farm OP , to micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility in Hydrogen fuel-cell e-bikes can be "recharged" in seconds avatar

Fyi I didnt post it because I thought it was a good idea.

lnxtx , to micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility in Hydrogen fuel-cell e-bikes can be "recharged" in seconds avatar

Basically a sodastream[^1] canister with H2. How convenient...

[^1]: Israel-based company

AchtungDrempels , to micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility in Butt-friendly bike seat moves with your legs

This doesn't look gimmicky at all but like the future of bicycle saddles.

captain_aggravated , to micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility in Butt-friendly bike seat moves with your legs avatar

Nope! I recognize a pair of testicular pliers when I see them. Your application is rejected.

Grass , to micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility in Butt-friendly bike seat moves with your legs

would be interested in comparison to properly fitted regular seat but I'm not super convinced.

sbv , to micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility in Butt-friendly bike seat moves with your legs

This looks similar to the Hobson bike seat I've been using for the last couple of decades. I recommend the Hobson - it's very comfortable. Maybe this one will be great too.

TheFeatureCreature , to micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility in Butt-friendly bike seat moves with your legs avatar

Makes it easier to fart while you ride.

SonicBlue03 , to micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility in Butt-friendly bike seat moves with your legs avatar

Each cheek gets its own seat.

FartsWithAnAccent OP Mod , to micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility in Butt-friendly bike seat moves with your legs avatar

Seems pretty wild, IDK about this one but I guess we'll see how people like it.

cro_magnon_gilf , to Technology in Male birth control breakthrough safely switches off fit sperm for a while

I will never ever trust this. Not with how gender/maleness is treated these days. What 'they' consider safe can be entirely political and ideology-based, rather than a biological fact.

ShunkW ,

Found the incel

JudahBenHur ,

good god.

go back into your cave and stop telling people what you think, please.

Luccus ,

Who's "they"?

If it's Urologists, like, those are the experts.
If it's someone on Twitter, they don't matter.
If it's women as a whole… oh, boy. Dude.
If it's "the jews", OH. BOY. DUDE. HOW EVEN?

cro_magnon_gilf ,

It's not jews, it's not women, and it's not strictly urologists. It's everyone in government and the medical field who can influence what is and isn't considered OK.

i2ndshenanigans ,

Time to loosen your tinfoil hat it’s starting to cut of circulation.

Girru00 ,

Living up to your name cro magnon

intensely_human , to Technology in Male birth control breakthrough safely switches off fit sperm for a while

Safe, cheap, permanent but trivially reversible male birth control was invented in 1979 and has yet to be approved for US sale.

SuperCub ,

Can you share more info?

intensely_human ,

RISUG is a technique by which a polymer with specific electrical properties is injected into the vas
deferens. This polymer messes up the flagella on sperm that pass nearby. Since “nearby” is a distance larger than the radius of the vas deferens, this means all sperm passing through get their flagellum screwed up, can no longer swim, and is therefore immotile.

It makes the man essentially sterile, until he wants to reverse the effect at which point a second injection simply washes the original polymer layer off the inner lining.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

Probably talking about RISUG, although the US equivalent is Vasagel.

Basically Vasagel plugs up the Vas Deferens so sperm can't get out, and RISUG rips sperm to shreds as they come out. It lasts for 10 years, and is reversible with a shot of baking soda.

RISUG is approved in India (where it was developed), and Vasagel is being developed by a foundation instead of a pharmaceutical company, so progress has been slow.

intensely_human ,

It does not plug up the vas deferens. One of the (many) advantages RISUG has over vasectomy is that it doesn’t block material from flowing through the vas
deferens, and hence avoids the complications from that aspect of vasectomy.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

I said that.

iiGxC , to Technology in Male birth control breakthrough safely switches off fit sperm for a while

Vasectomy gang 😎😎✂️✂️ All juice no seeds

JoMiran , avatar

I got mine from Dr. Dick Chopp.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

Dr. Richard Chopin.

Too subtle?

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

I gave myself one with a pair of rusty nail clippers, it worked well.

KingThrillgore , avatar

I had a GP named Richard Cutter.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

How was the recovery process? I keep meaning to do it (we're done having kids), but we keep having trips or whatever, so excuses pile up.

How soon could I be back doing active things? I have young kids, so "active" to me means roughhousing with the kids and whatnot.

bizzle , avatar

When I did mine, I drove myself home and put a bag of peas on there for the afternoon. I was fine pretty much right away, but I think medical advice says wait 3 days before you do anything wild.

Plus you have to ejaculate like 30 times in two weeks to clean out the pipes, but your sperm is still active so you can only do hand and mouth stuff. That was a pretty good two weeks.

It's literally so easy and the peace of mind is really nice especially if you're impulsive as fuck like me.

jballs , avatar

I think medical advice says wait 3 days before you do anything wil

My brother only waited 2 days because he felt like he was recovering well. He said everything felt great right up to the point he nutted. Then it was like someone punched him in the balls. He was like "oh yes... oh yes.... OH YES... OH GOD NO!!!!!

TheIllustrativeMan ,

My recovery was honestly pretty bad. I was bed-ridden for about 2 weeks, then 8-ish months of aching pain all day every day. Not actually sure when it finally cleared up, I just realized I hadn't felt the pain in a while. My first nut was about a month after the procedure, and that was also a very unpleasant experience.

My case is abnormal, but even more rare is the guys that continue to be in pain for the rest of their lives. Didn't find out about that until I started digging deeper because of my persistent pain.

That said, I still 100% recommend getting it done.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod , avatar

I knew a guy who didn't respond to the local anesthesia, and could feel the whole thing, and his doctor didn't believe him.

Even he didn't regret it.

TheIllustrativeMan ,

Oh, yeah, my local wore off halfway through. When they applied more, it felt like they lit my nuts on fire.

TK420 ,

Mine was rough too, about 6 months before I was normal.

Not a single fucking regret

Rai ,

I’m so sorry, that’s horrid! I have multiple friends who came home with no pain, didn’t do cum for a few weeks, and basically didn’t even notice anything.

That’s so fucking horrible, I wish you had a much better experience. At least you can dump in the gut eternally with no worries, though.

shrodes ,

My case is abnormal, but even more rare is the guys that continue to be in pain for the rest of their lives. Didn't find out about that until I started digging deeper because of my persistent pain.

Dang that sucks your urologist / surgeon didn’t let you know about this. Mine was very clear that though it is rare (was quoted 1% which seems kind high to me) he doesn’t recommend going through with the procedure if you have testicular pain in your day to day as it could be a risk factor for having permanent pain afterwards

brbposting ,

but even more rare is the guys that continue to be in pain for the rest of their lives


Look, it’s SUPER rare. We still drive cars even though, using my state of California as an example, eight of us die on the roads every day.


I could never forgive myself if my groin hurt thirty years from now because of a singular & highly-optional decision I made today.

Same with LASIK - some have dry eyes forever afterwards. Nooooooo

billiam0202 ,

Not bad at all.

For the first week doc said no erections- turns out not getting hard was the hardest part. After that, it was like a month or so of no unprotected sex. It's been a few years so I might not remember correctly, but I think he recommended like 15 to 20 ejaculations in that time frame. And I'm going to humble brag here- I've been blessed with a wife whose libido is way higher than mine. But that month, knowing that each orgasm was one step closer to her not having kids again- she made it her mission in life to knock those orgasms out as fast as I could get it up.

I didn't really have any swelling that I can remember- I iced my scrotum for a few hours but it didn't hurt too bad so I stopped after that. Some acetaminophen helped with the residual pain, and I think I had to take it easy for a couple of weeks- don't lift anything heavy to strain your groin muscles.

All in all, I don't regret it and highly recommend anyone who is done having children to get one.

DaPorkchop_ ,

How the hell is one supposed to avoid getting any erections? Morning wood isn't exactly something people have any degree of control over...

FiniteBanjo ,

The Caveat is that it is permanent and irreversible for the average person with very few exceptions.

EDIT: added "for the average person"

cro_magnon_gilf ,

Another caveat is that it's not allowed for men under 25 in my country (Sweden). "My body - my choice" only applies to one gender lol

edit: Although, to be fair, sterilisation is also not allowed for women under 25. They do ofc have many more options though

Wanderer ,

I'm worried about pain. Also pain lasting a long/ permanent time.

Also I had epididymitis already. So maybe I shouldn't go for it.

But too many guys get lied to and end up with a kid they didn't want. That's my biggest worry.

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