4lk47qekff , to World News in Sister of Hamas leader Haniyeh killed in Israeli strike on Gaza avatar

They only had to kill about 30k children first

Nobody , to World News in Gaza peace talks at 'dead end' as Israel rejects permanent truce

US, Egypt, Qatar, and every sane nation: Let's end this war now.

Hamas: We'll give Israel everything they want if they will end the war.

Israel: Fuck you. Give us everything we want, and we'll still kill you all.

US and Israel: We're not sure why Hamas is being so unreasonable, but it looks like no ceasefire.

machineLearner ,

rinse and repeat for 9 months

sunzu , (edited ) to World News in Gaza peace talks at 'dead end' as Israel rejects permanent truce

Israel did not start this bullshit [not to] finish the removal. Get real, that's what we are getting.

Real question is where are these people going or we just gonna let Israel massacre them at the Egyptian border?

ModernRisk , avatar

Israel did not start this bullshit no top finish the removal. Get real, that's what we are getting.

I don’t really understand what you’re saying/ writing honestly. If you mean that Israel didn’t start this entire thing, I’d say, I disagree. Due to the history of how Israel become an actual state (1948, 750 000 displaced, lots of Palestinian murdered and many other atrocities). Not to mention the ongoing apartheid system, illegal settlers and such. 

Real question is where are these people going or we just gonna let Israel massacre them at the Egyptian border?

That’s one of the main problems. If other countries let the Palestinian people in their country it’s a free-ticket for far-right extremist Israel to steal everything from the Palestinian land. Which is a no-no. 

But if nothing is done, Israel will just keep bombing Gaza which results in innocent Palestinians being murdered by Israel. 

So here we are; majority of the countries doing nothing, Palestinians being murdered and lots of protests around the world.

sunzu ,

They started this whole thing in early 20th century with implicit plan to remove locals from the land.

This is just them finishing the job vis a vis Gaza, West Bank is next.

anlumo , to World News in Gaza peace talks at 'dead end' as Israel rejects permanent truce

It’s a bit hard to negotiate peace when both parties would rather die than stop attacking.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Hamas: Let's have a permanent ceasefire

Israel: No we can bomb kill Palestinians infinitely with American bombs and barely risk our own lives

You: Nobody wants peace because they would rather die

ModernRisk , to World News in Gaza peace talks at 'dead end' as Israel rejects permanent truce avatar

The Israeli official made further comments blaming Hamas for the impasses, echoing the language of Israeli and US officials that “the ball is Hamas’s court” and that stopping the war is in their hands.

Did Hamas not accept a deal before while Israel (I assume their PM) rejected it?
Found the article: Hamas accepts UN ceasefire resolution, ready to negotiate over details, official says

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stating clearly that Israel does not support a permanent ceasefire.

Israel blaming Hamas for not having a ceasefire or any deal and then this written in the article.

Israel’s demand appears to be for Hamas to release all the hostages right now in exchange for a temporary ceasefire

I mean any sane person would understand Hamas won’t accept this. This means they lose all negotiation ‘material’ (could not find a better word, apologies). The deal should be something along lines of; release of all hostages and a permanent ceasefire.

Hamas has said it will only support a deal that includes a permanent ceasefire

Exactly this. They are willing to accept a deal, it is Israel who does not want to accept anything.

retrospectology , avatar

Israel's entire position when negotiating is essentially "We won't agree to anything until the other party we're negotiating with is destroyed forever." and then they turn around and blame Hamas for the impasse.

They can't accept any deal because they set an impossible goal for themselves that can't be reached without killing or driving out every single Palestinian.

DancingBear ,

Correction. Netanyahu can’t accept any deal because he will immediately lose power and likely go to jail for corruption and fraud, when he steps down or is voted out of office his ongoing criminal trials will resume.

Remember at the beginning of the war when the propaganda rhetoric talking point for the genocide was….. but Hamas wants to destroy Israel state.

Everything is a projection.

retrospectology , avatar

Hamas is not demanding the destruction of the Israel state in these negotiations, no. They don't have the power to do that whether it's what they want or not.

You don't have to be on the side of Hamas to understand that they're not the ones holding up a resolution to the genocide in Gaza. They've been at the table for all these negotiations and the only demand they have for release of the hostages is withdrawl from Gaza and a permanent cease fire. Israel's refusal to accept that means they have no intention of stopping the genocide or stopping their pursuit of the total destruction of Hamas after a temporary ceasefire.

Yes, it's true that Netanyahu is avoiding a resolution to the genocide in order to stay in power, he's doing that by making the only terms he will accept in the negotiation to include further annhiliation of the other negotiating party. Which is obviously impossible to accept, thats not a negotiation, Hamas are not going to agree to just off themselves or w/e.

boyi ,

This means they lose all negotiation ‘material’ (could not find a better word, apologies).

maybe leverage or bargaining chip

MadMadBunny , (edited ) to World News in 640 Palestinian children detained in West Bank since October 7

640 Palestinian children hostages detained by terrorists in the West Bank since October 7


DolphinMath , (edited ) to World News in 640 Palestinian children detained in West Bank since October 7

I wish reporting like this would bother to define what they mean when they say children. Are we talking about 16 and 17 year olds, or are we talking about 7 and 8 year olds? They mention a single 7 year old who was released “hours later” after supposedly being arrested and “beaten on his hands” whatever that means exactly.

Also, if anyone has information on the primary source for the article, the Palestinian Prisoners Club, I’d be interested in learning more. From a quick search, Qadura Fares, a Fatah/PA politician is cited as the President/Head in several articles. The Wikipedia page redirects to this article, and this Facebook page comes up in a quick search. I didn’t find anything else of consequence unfortunately.

Edit: After a little more digging, looks like some articles refer to the same group as The Palestinian Prisoner's Society (PPS). I believe this is their, currently down, official website. Their Instagram, Twitter/X

solo OP ,

I wish reporting like this would bother to define what they mean when they say children.

I'm pretty sure that they define children like the rest of the planet does.

Also, please keep in mind when using wiki links on anything (even loosely) related to Israel, that it has been edited by Zionists. This part of wiki doesn't work like the rest. See a 2 min video below from13 years ago.

Course: Zionist Editing on Wikipedia - Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

Feliskatos ,

Globally, there are at least two relevant definitions in play per Wikipedia:

A child (pl. children) is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty,[1][2] or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty.[3] It may also refer to an unborn human being.[4][5] In English-speaking countries, the legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, in this case as a person younger than the local age of majority (there are exceptions like, for example, the consume and purchase of alcoholic beverage even after said age of majority[6]), regardless of their physical, mental and sexual development as biological adults.[1][7][8]

It seems reasonable to request clarification as to which definition of child is being used.

Count042 , (edited ) to World News in 640 Palestinian children detained in West Bank since October 7

Kidnapped, I think you mean.

The Israeli government kidnapped 640 children.

sunzu , to World News in 640 Palestinian children detained in West Bank since October 7

Future Hamas foot soldiers getting proper training and jail house skills to navigate the savage world under Israeli occuption.

Andromxda , to World News in 640 Palestinian children detained in West Bank since October 7 avatar

They're all undercover Hamas members /s

OccamsTeapot , to World News in 640 Palestinian children detained in West Bank since October 7

If it was a war on Hamas, nothing would escalate in the West Bank. If it was a genocide against Palestinians... well...

Adderbox76 , to World News in Israel re-arrests Palestinian parliament speaker Aziz Dweik

They've learned from the previous doctor that when a prominent Palestinian "dies during interrogation", there are literally zero consequences. So fuck it, let's get this guy back into custody and let the problem take care of itself...

I guarantee you that was the thought process.

ManuLeMaboul , to World News in Israeli army knew of Hamas plot to take hostages before 7 Oct
oce , to World News in Israeli army knew of Hamas plot to take hostages before 7 Oct avatar

Wouldn't they have this kind of prediction every other week due to the intense threat, but this one happened to be true? If that's the case, it is a bit easy to come after the fact and say that this one should have been considered better than the 20 others.
European countries, for example, are constantly getting attacked, even if it's rarely big enough to be noticed in the current times.

In 2022, 16 terrorist attacks took place in the EU and an additional 12 attacks failed or were foiled.

Linkerbaan OP , (edited ) avatar

There appeared to be some pretty intense efforts from within the IDF to take this warning seriously.

They even tried to cancel the Nova music festival but got overridden by higher ups. And their weapons got taken away.

And the weirdest is how long it took the helicopters and reinforcements to arrive.

But as you said it might have been the IDF just been extremely incapable. We have certainly observed as much the past 8 months.

Mrkawfee , to World News in Israeli army knew of Hamas plot to take hostages before 7 Oct

It's anti Semitic to make Israel look bad.

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