SurpriZe , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

I already have one drive. It's installed in my PC. Why would I need another?

Aceticon , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

For starters, bulk copying a person's documents without their approval sounds like mass copyright violation.

laurelraven ,

Oh, that's okay though, you signed them the rights to do that by having an account with them

... I'm sure is how they'll spin it

BorgDrone ,

If it’s a machine used for business: corporate espionage.

als , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

I was in court the other day and it turns out that while they send us the evidence videos encrypted (and never give us the right password), the government's lawyer had it all on onedrive 🫠

zipzoopaboop , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  1. Not even once.

Thank you steam deck for teaching me the basics of Linux

skyy , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

At this point, Microsoft is becoming an advertisement for Linux.

NutWrench , avatar

I finally switched to Linux Mint a few weeks ago. CoPilot/ Recall was the last straw.

ComicalMayhem ,

Been using Mint for about a month now on my daily laptop. It's nice, not having to deal with windows' bullshit, but on the other hand I've had a number of issues with it; most recently, it sort of reboots itself every so often randomly. That, and issues with not being able to hear high fidelity audio on a bluetooth headset while also using the headset's mic (there's a codec that let's me use both mic and audio, but the audio is low quality).

Usually though issues get fixed with an update, just gotta check the update manager often.

thirteene ,

I work with Linux for a living and am finding the transition frustrating myself. It feels like every new is just revealing more stuff I have to configure before it works, then usually get hit with the backend of the solution as well. Be sure to check /var/log/anythingrelevant for the system reboots for logs. My display driver kept crashing.

macattack ,

I made the transition last summer and there was definitely growing pains. Over time it will become second nature like everything else. The advice I would give would be to be patient and accept that you have used a different operating system probably for over a decade, so there will be a learning curve initially.

Also, artificial intelligence models (especially Claude) are very useful for troubleshooting.

librejoe , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

Let be honest here, a majority of users have their mobile devices backup automatically. They will see this in the same way....

Treczoks ,

Just that I don't have anything worthwhile on my phone. All the important stuff is on PCs. All the stuff that is professional, that is covered by NDAs, all the banking. And just because Microsoft has ever been shitty and is now going extra-shitty, it is not a Windows PC.

Just wait until some Microsoft digital parrot AKA artificial "intelligence" spouts some companies internal data that it had gobbled up somewhere from the companies internal network...

librejoe ,

Same here. I don't have anything important, and my contacts are in a vcf file whenever I need it.

Valmond ,

I got both google and xiaomi do that on the same phone, it sure was a hassle to remove both without losing my data...

RunningInRVA ,

My phone asked me first.

AWittyUsername , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

And this is why nobody trusts windows

style99 ,

Windows has always been trash. People use it because it usually comes with the machine.

AWittyUsername ,

Windows 3.1 - 98 weren't too bad. Windows 95 was massive and people queued to buy boxed copies, so far from just using it because it came with the machine. Windows used to have actual fans, people that enjoyed using the OS

iAvicenna , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission avatar

"By involuntarily uploading your data to onedrive you also agree for it to be used in training AI models"

supercritical , avatar

Checkmate, consumer.

beetlejuice0001 , (edited )

“Also we will keep a copy of your data on our cloud service, for you to access, for only $19.99 a month”

Codilingus , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

Just a heads up, Windows 11 IoT LTSC is out, and it has none of M$'s bullshit you read about weekly. It can be tricky to find the .iso, so it would be a real shame if people wasted their time looking for it @

sodamnfrolic ,

It's somehow even trickier to find a list of differences between them and regular win 11.

Codilingus , (edited )

It's probably hard to keep up with lol. I'll try my best. It has Edge and Defender ONLY. No cortana, copilot, recall, candy crush bloat or anything similar, .net, vcredist, edgeview/runtime, TPM requirement, online account, secure boot, store, xbox, one drive, winget, nor widgets.

You finish the install and it is BARE. All I do post install is, in regex and gpedit, turn off telemetry.

For my use, Steam installs all the .net and vcredist as needed.

Store and Xbox and the like are available to install via power shell or downloads, but fair warning. Once you do store or M$ account sign in, copilot and recall might find a way to sneak in via updates. None of them work, and error out when you open them, but the fact they install and exist makes me uneasy.

Edit: If you don't even want Defender, nor Edge, look up Windows X-Lite. That man is a wizard at figuring out the bare minimum needed for an .iso.

Lumisal ,

Didn't know these customized windows os's were still a thing. I thought they did out in the windows 7 age

But like back then, how do we know these are safe and don't have some kind of password stealing malware? Excluding Defender specifically makes it a bit sus

Codilingus ,

There's a custom OS forum where I found it originally a year ago. Everything got scanned from virus total when uploaded and showed the report. And the guy had an excellent reputation there as well. I decided to go for it until 11 LTSC came out, and daily drove it for 2+ years issue free.

In the end, it's up to you if you want to trust it.

Lumisal ,

I think reputation is better than the virus total scan, since it wouldn't catch malware broken up in different parts that are integrated into the OS.

I will definitely keep this in mind. Have you had any issues with the OS not having Edge? I thought it wasn't easily possible without causing some issues.

Codilingus ,

One of the things for X-Lite I would do post install, is install Edge WebView2 along with the other runtimes available on X-Lites website. Not sure if I ever needed it or not, but never had issues with no Edge.

umbrella , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission avatar

bullshit like this is getting worse and worse and is why i moved away from windows.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Its been their practice since the early 90s. Bundling and defaulting all their shitty apps, then making sure everything else has compatibility issues by design.

The worst thing to happen to Microsoft was the IETF. It shattered their walled garden and forced them to integrate with a host of other internationally developed and encoded systems through a uniform protocol. They've spent the last 30 years trying to claw their position of OS dominance back.

throbbing_banjo , avatar

Same. They've always done this shit, but installing windows - and then uninstalling or disabling all the cooked-in bloat and spyware - has become so ridiculously tiresome that I just said fuck it and went Linux full-time.

Every update or service pack, it starts all over. There's no such thing as a clean windows install.

Nobara was up and running in like ten minutes with no fuckery at all, and it's no nice not having to fight my OS on everything.

perdvert , (edited )

You game and if yes, ATI or Nvidia?

Edit: yes I'm old and meant AMD.

mbfalzar ,

I'd be really impressed if anyone still gamed on ATI.

I'm not that guy but yes and Nvidia

throbbing_banjo , avatar

Yep! I'm on Nvidia, the new drivers are really solid.
I've read AMD cards run fine as well, but don't use one

bitwolf ,

I can testify for AMD.
It just works on the 7900xtx.

Early last year it had issues buy they pushed a driver update and its perfect now.

umbrella , (edited ) avatar

the constant cat and mouse game to disable the crap is something i dont miss after switching.

Tardil ,

What are you running? I tried Ubuntu as my daily driver and honestly found it's user experience pretty shitty. Lots of little buggy issues with the interface and running a few games on steam that support Linux wasn't great

helenslunch , avatar

It's really a matter of would you rather:

  1. Deal with MS relentlessly jamming their garbage down your throat

  2. Become a sysadmin

trougnouf ,

I don't think my grandma was a sysadmin.

Log5J ,

I became a sysadmin, I like being able to learn to get around problems. But an outsider just sees someone spending all morning fiddling with winetricks when it 'just works' on windows.

Valmond ,

The thing is it's the same base linux as decade(s?) ago, windows is changing how stuff is done all the time.

So a one time effort or a marathon IMO.

umbrella , avatar

not that big of a deal if you choose a distro with good defaults ootb. choosing the right distro is the biggest step imo if you don't want to debug your computer.

wanderingmagus ,

Really depends on your use case. Like @trougnouf said, casual users that use the OS as a browser and email client can use practically any distro. Users that do a bit more, like casual gaming on gold-rated Steam games, generally do fine with something like Pop!_OS or Linux Mint.

It's when you start going towards the more hardcore users, like really hardcore gamers that play obscure titles or have unsupported Windows-specific hardware, artists that need very specific unsupported programs for editing or recording, engineers who need to do CAD specifically in a Windows-specific proprietary software, or a tinkerer that's used to the Windows environment, that "become a sysadmin" starts being a reasonable complaint.

umbrella , (edited ) avatar

i'm running ubuntu. its flawless for me. its less work to set it up how i like it than to remove all the crapware on windows.

if you are running nvidia it might explain the little issues.

DNAmaster10 ,

What do you mean by this?

umbrella , avatar

nvidia drivers are much less than ideal on linux, it causes all sorts of small issues on the desktop. depends on your setup though, some people run it fine.

DNAmaster10 ,

Hmm. I think I'm going mad - I read your comment completely differently last time. Seemed completely unreliable. Probably just me lol.

umbrella , avatar

i often edit my commeents for clarity, might have been it

DNAmaster10 ,

Ah, gotcha, maybe that's what I'm seeing then :)

Tardil ,

Yeah I run a 4070. What's the go with nvidia

umbrella , avatar

nvidia doesnt follow the standards with their linux driver, its just the windows driver adapted to run on linux. its not bad for gaming ime, but causes all sorts of little issues on the desktop especially if you are running wayland instead of xorg.

its changing though, they opened the source code for it and are currently rewriting the driver with the community. long way to go still though.

Tardil ,

Never knew, thanks for the info. Probably explains what I experienced. Nothing super major but just enough to annoy me over time

Lumisal ,

Recently I've found Fedora based distros better than debian (like Ubuntu) based ones, especially on "newer" hardware (

For gaming Bazzite literally installs everything you need for you except Proton GE, although Steam's regular Proton isn't bad either for most games.

sfxrlz ,

Fedora and bluefin have been working quite well for me.

PopShark , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

Microsoft just seems to be trying various methods of shooting itself in the foot.

I guess maybe they really didn’t learn from the 80s/90s….

CileTheSane , avatar

They're gambling that it won't be enough to drive the majority of users to other operating systems.

downhomechunk , avatar

It's not much of a gamble. Most of their users won't notice or care.

Asafum , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

Microsoft is doing an amazing job keeping me off selling windows 11!

Keep up the great work!

Guess it's time for Linux and for me to give up gaming :/

martinb ,

I game on Linux.
Go check protondb for compatibility with your favourite game

Reygle , avatar

give up gaming

What? Most games run better on Linux

Asafum ,

Yeah but I'm a weirdo that actually likes early access games and random indie stuff that rarely works with Linux so a large part of what I like won't work.

Also star citizen... lol

Reygle , avatar

That's more of a you problem.

HoornseBakfiets ,

Bottles is your friend on obscure indie pre releases

Azzu , avatar

With Proton, a large majority of games run on Linux, and most even better than on windows.

Squizzy ,

Is proton the distro or program?

Womble ,

Proton is steam's version of wine which is used automatically when you install any game that doesnt have a specific linux version.

DudeImMacGyver ,


CileTheSane , avatar

I switched to Linux last week and I haven't had any issues with my Steam games. Just had to turn on the setting to have Steam provide Linux support for games that don't provide it themselves.

throbbing_banjo , avatar

I'm gonna start sounding like a shill, but check out Nobara.
Painless install, steam games just work out of the box.

peetabix , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission avatar

This has to be a massive GDPR violation?

OfficerBribe , (edited )

If I understand it correctly this behavior happens only for newly deployed computers if you sign in with Microsoft account so there are no unexpected uploads to OneDrive, only downloads of your existing files if you used this feature before.

Although once you start saving files you might not realise files are being saved to also OneDrive. All in all it is a weird and dumb change, that popup where you are prompted if you want to enable known folder move was perfectly fine.

Lumisal ,

We get Windows 11 N

Codilingus ,

Doesn't the N mean it's only media player, and codec free? If so, IoT LTSC is a much better bet for minimalism and privacy and bullshit free.

Lumisal ,

My bad, you're right. I thought it also excluded the software that made automatic onedrive support possible but apparently not.

aa1 , to Privacy in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

Why ? Just why ?

laughterlaughter ,

Because AI!!!

Flax_vert , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

I thought it already did that

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