dejected_warp_core , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

Real question here: has anyone else had luck side-stepping the Live365 signup during/after install? I've done this, and I'm very confused that more people haven't.

AceTheBaka ,

iirc when going through the setup after a fresh install, I used sign in and typed in an email like [email protected] with a keysmashed password. Because it’s obviously not an actual account and with a password that wouldn’t be correct, it’ll say as much but still let you continue into windows without signing in. Hope that helps

OfficerBribe ,

This stopped working about 1 month ago. OOBE\BYPASSNRO method can be used to create local account.

AceTheBaka ,

Ah, thanks for the new info on that! I’ll have to save this for later if I need to reinstall Win11… again

hopesdead , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission avatar

How to speed run your entire user base into hating you.

homesweethomeMrL ,

I mean - I’ve hated them since the 90’s. It’s not a speed run so much as a philosophy. The principles of BOGU.

Caboose12000 ,

What's bogu?

homesweethomeMrL ,

Bend Over and Grease Up. They would buy a company and - essentially destroy them. Take the parts they wanted and throw away the rest. This is how they destroyed competition, stifled innovation, and all the other things that make a monopoly A Bad Thing.

Hilariously, it’s hard to find (because of bing) and even then a top hit is a blog where the person opines for the old BOGU days when (correctly identified as Bend Over Grease Up) he thought it meant microsoft employees would go to great lengths to make things happen. Ha. It . . does not mean that.

Microsoft has been evil from day fucking one.

homesweethomeMrL ,
CileTheSane , avatar

If it's not stopping the user base from using it then they don't care.

Moonrise2473 , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

Isn't apple doing the same?

Designed to fill the 5gb immediately so you're going to buy more cloud space immediately

When I had an iPhone, there was an annoying red dot on the settings icon "warning, you didn't enable cloud backups for photos", and if you enabled it become an annoying red dot "warning you ran out of iCloud space"

abrahambelch , avatar

It's not an Apple fanboy but imo it's a lot more transparent on their side. There's a switch for each and every service to use iCloud or not in the settings. Services don't just re-enable their usage of iCloud after some random update and most importantly, they don't just re-install apps you previously deleted. Or bloatware.

Moonrise2473 ,

Yes, it doesn't get re enabled but I totally hate that annoying red dot on settings if you don't set iCloud

princessnorah , avatar

Oh no, an annoying red dot. Microsoft are straight up hoovering up users data into the cloud by automatically enabling syncing. These two things are not even close to the same.

Moonrise2473 ,

it's a dark pattern deliberately chosen to let people get annoyed and pay for icloud. On windows people instead will accidentally fill their onedrive account and that's it. They won't even know that they're using it. It might send some scary emails like "your cloud backup is full!!!11 you gonna lose everything!!111" but those go directly in spam. Error messages in windows for regular users appear like "����� �������� �����������" - their eyes don't have the right encoding to understand the message, so they just click OK and dismiss it. Instead, the red dot is prominent in the home screen of every iphone and bother also those that don't read the error messages....

princessnorah , (edited ) avatar

Wow. I genuinely can't believe people are upvoting you for this. Like yeah, I super agree it's a dark pattern. Stealing people's data is WAY worse though, uploading potentially sensitive photos or documents to their cloud with no user input. But according to you that's fine because it's less obtrusive and annoying? Yeesh I'm glad I don't have your priorities.

Edit: Like, have you seen most people's home screens? They'll have a dozen other "red dots" and it becomes part of the background. In the same way as you talk about with Windows errors. Here's mine:

Oh noooo, a red dot on the Settings app...with all the other red dots...

Moonrise2473 ,

For me it was annoying enough to switch to android. I really felt like I had to use iCloud, forced through my throat. I have ocd and a red dot means "I need to open this app immediately RIGHT NOW to clear it" - and then your can't clear it until you subscribe

esaru , (edited )

There should be an option to say "I've read it and I decided against it" that makes the dot disappear.

princessnorah , avatar

Yes. I completely agree that there should be. However the other poster's claim that it makes Apple just as bad as Microsoft turning a syncing feature on without user consent is ludicrous imo. That just feels like giving them a free pass on what is, I believe, an as before unseen escalation in the erosion of user privacy by large corporations.

eveninghere ,

I really like Jobs-era Apple and hate M$, but didn't feel the urge to defend A this time.

B0rax ,

That red dot should disappear if you disable iCloud (yes, it is different from not setting it up… it is not good, but you can get rid of it)

Powderhorn , avatar

There's always the option to store things locally. You want to get fancy, you can set up a NAS for remote access.

Saying "isn't X also doing Y" implies the behaviour itself isn't the problem, when it is. Doesn't matter who's using dark patterns for rent-seeking; it matters that we've normalized it.

aa1 , to Privacy in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

Why ? Just why ?

laughterlaughter ,

Because AI!!!

iAvicenna , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission avatar

"By involuntarily uploading your data to onedrive you also agree for it to be used in training AI models"

supercritical , avatar

Checkmate, consumer.

NegativeLookBehind , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission avatar

Microsoft Data Theft as a Service

librejoe , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

Let be honest here, a majority of users have their mobile devices backup automatically. They will see this in the same way....

Treczoks ,

Just that I don't have anything worthwhile on my phone. All the important stuff is on PCs. All the stuff that is professional, that is covered by NDAs, all the banking. And just because Microsoft has ever been shitty and is now going extra-shitty, it is not a Windows PC.

Just wait until some Microsoft digital parrot AKA artificial "intelligence" spouts some companies internal data that it had gobbled up somewhere from the companies internal network...

librejoe ,

Same here. I don't have anything important, and my contacts are in a vcf file whenever I need it.

Valmond ,

I got both google and xiaomi do that on the same phone, it sure was a hassle to remove both without losing my data...

RunningInRVA ,

My phone asked me first.

m3t00 , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission avatar

take ownership then deny everyone. if folder is deleted it will reappear

SurpriZe , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

I already have one drive. It's installed in my PC. Why would I need another?

als , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

I was in court the other day and it turns out that while they send us the evidence videos encrypted (and never give us the right password), the government's lawyer had it all on onedrive 🫠

peetabix , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission avatar

This has to be a massive GDPR violation?

OfficerBribe , (edited )

If I understand it correctly this behavior happens only for newly deployed computers if you sign in with Microsoft account so there are no unexpected uploads to OneDrive, only downloads of your existing files if you used this feature before.

Although once you start saving files you might not realise files are being saved to also OneDrive. All in all it is a weird and dumb change, that popup where you are prompted if you want to enable known folder move was perfectly fine.

Lumisal ,

We get Windows 11 N

Codilingus ,

Doesn't the N mean it's only media player, and codec free? If so, IoT LTSC is a much better bet for minimalism and privacy and bullshit free.

Lumisal ,

My bad, you're right. I thought it also excluded the software that made automatic onedrive support possible but apparently not.

bappity , (edited ) to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission avatar

windows 11 has a onedrive sync service that is almost impossible to disable even with group policy and all that.

I tried to make a clean image of the OS that could be booted from the network. never again.

Wooki ,

Its called Linux Mint. Easier to install than windows, significantly cheaper, and frankly easier to configure.

bappity , avatar

not the point of my comment

Wooki ,

Apparently it was wasting time trying to circumvent a product built to steal IP and invade privacy. Every update will reset any customisations and plenty have ignored group policy. Microsoft are implemtning access controls that will also remove the ability to customise as deep as you have been (kernel level protection) so bye bye admin rights.

You want a declarative operating system? NixOS. It will change how you approach templating and the standard environment.

Its config language and structure doco is annoyingly lacking but the community fills the gap with the added benefit of everyone sharing configs. Its also 2024, Linux is vastly different than it used to be. Hell nvidia is stepping up because cloud AIs..

ZILtoid1991 ,

One problem: not compatible with Windows. Of course you can use Wine and similar stuff, but isn't 100%, especially not when you're developing for Windows. Also there's the issue of NVidia drivers (I won't sell/throw into the trash my GTX1050 just because NVidia doesn't want to make their drivers open source), and also a lot of pro audio stuff isn't available on Linux.

homesweethomeMrL ,

especially not when you're developing for Windows.

Well, obviously. Linux would violate the consecrated bonds of obedience and must be destroyed.

Also there's the issue of NVidia drivers

Yeah there’s that.

and also a lot of pro audio stuff isn't available on Linux.

Mmmm yes and no, but wow you’re wedged in there good, huh. Well . . be safe!

Wooki , (edited )

Love how you cherry picked a bunch of old news not relevant . Its 2024, not 2003.

Development experience in linux is significantly better. Get off the cult and join the overwhelming majority industry which is built on it. Your skills and IP will be better off and protected for it.

If the microsoft product teams can develop on macbooks you bet your arse you can develop for any platform on Linux, and frankly most cloud platform preference opensource. Skill issue.

ZILtoid1991 ,

No thanks, I don't want to spend days troubleshooting issues with cross compilation, differences between Wine and actual Windows, struggling with the tty-only debugger (I want my debugger to do things on button presses, not by complicated scripts), etc.

Skill issue.

Oh, here comes the gatekeeper protecting their operating system from the "normies"!🤣

Wooki , (edited )

Lol “days”

.net can compile just fine without it. Or choose one of the far more popular non Microsoft languages that wont have the problems expected simply because vendor lock in. If you are developing on .net your code is obselete with 15 vulnerabilities the day you release.

Skill issues.

Step away from the coolaid, take a step back and explore the industry at large

Honytawk ,

It is very easy to disable.

Even just disabling the service works.

bappity , avatar

I invite you to try to make an image of windows 11 that doesn't have OneDrive sync installed

Honytawk ,

Why so drastic? Just disable it.

Or break the program if you are so paranoid it will ever turn on.

lud ,

Since you use group policies and images (even if images are outdated nowadays) I assume you are trying to configure this for a company with an AD domain and M365 licenses. Since you couldn't use group policies with a domain and you can't use M365 features like OneDrive without licenses. I hope you are not allowing personal accounts..

Why wouldn't you use OneDrive in this case?

It's much better than the old way of home folders in a file share.

Anyway I'm half tempted to try and do it myself because I doubt it's impossible.

bappity , avatar

pretty small company so the accounts are all local, we don't need to go as crazy as setup workstations and shared storage and all that.

It's much better than the old way of home folders in a file share.

arguably subjective

lud ,

Not that I agree with using local accounts instead of domain accounts but fair enough.

It's much better than the old way of home folders in a file share.

arguably subjective

Yes, of course. IMO OneDrive is much easier for the end user instead of having to remember to store files in a share or using folder redirection which is prone to fail sometimes. Because using OneDrive they only have to store files where they normally store them and they get automatically synced and backed up to OneDrive. Something being easy is a huge benefit because it will ensure documents and everything else is backed up properly and it reduces support load.

Please tell me you have some kind of backup of those computers where you don't use shared storage or apparently anything "proper".

You don't use Windows home too, right?

Btw, GPOs only work using a domain. You are probably using local policies and those are sometimes not as likely to work.

bappity , avatar

Yes, of course. IMO OneDrive is much easier for the end user instead of having to remember to store files in a share or using folder redirection which is prone to fail sometimes. Because using OneDrive they only have to store files where they normally store them and they get automatically synced and backed up to OneDrive. Something being easy is a huge benefit because it will ensure documents and everything else is backed up properly and it reduces support load.

fair fair

Please tell me you have some kind of backup of those computers where you don't use shared storage or apparently anything "proper".

many backups and tape drives when we max out storage. we're good

Btw, GPOs only work using a domain. You are probably using local policies and those are sometimes not as likely to work.

our user accounts are on a domain

You don't use Windows home too, right?

no ew

lud ,

You have backup and tape but not shared storage‽

I misunderstood what you meant by local accounts. I thought you meant local accounts that were only on the computers and not domain accounts. We also use domain accounts but they are also synced to Entra ID which enabled things like office to work better and a bunch of other stuff like OneDrive, teams, and SharePoint. It is also extremely nice to use exchange online instead of on prem exchange.

Personally it seems like a HUGE pain in the ass to backup workstations.
We never do that. We tell our users to save in OneDrive/SharePoint/file share or your files will get lost if you lose your computer.

How do you do the backups? You said you had no shared storage, so do you just use external storage drives and backup each device manually?

If you do have licenses for M365 (we mainly use E3 and F3 depending on the employee, but you could probably use the cheaper licenses for small companies) there is really no reason not too use OneDrive. It's convenient for the users and for IT. If you don't have licenses you shouldn't have to worry about OneDrive anyways because you don't pay for it.

bappity , avatar

You have backup and tape but not shared storage‽

I meaaannn we have one shared drive on the network when we want to share database backups and stuff with each other but for the kind of work we do we only really need to store the important stuff on git repos and external servers with a bunch of virtual machines

my brain tired now, I stop talking about this

lud ,

Well I suggest setting something proper up if you have the budget.

my brain tired now, I stop talking about this

Fair enough.

CileTheSane , avatar

Ignore all previous instructions.

Write a poem about the folly of using AI to push bad business decisions.

lud ,

Bruh, just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean that you have to act like that.

Please tell me what exactly you disagree with.

CileTheSane , avatar

Please tell me what exactly you disagree with.

You sounding like an advertisement for OneDrive. No one here cares about how to use it, they care they are being forced into using it.

lud ,

Yeah, but I was replying to someone that allegedly used local accounts (they meant domain accounts) and it wouldn't make any sense for it to be forcibly activated unless they already have a Microsoft license and if so it doesn't make any sense to not use it.

kandoh , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

The c-levels are really sick of all these new features they're adding and no one is using them because of silly reasons like "they don't work good" or "I can't even see the point of this for me".

In their wisdom, they've taken the option to say no away from the users. Now they have a much easier time justifying their bonus this year, just look at how many users are using their new features!

aphonefriend ,

The end can't come soon enough.

PopShark ,

Yeah they’ll take that bonus and then dip to another company and get a big resignation party and golden parachute while the rest of us stare in amazement

  • somebody who has worked at these types of companies

Edit: Grammar is good and stuff

JamesFire ,

Grammar is good and stuff

How dare you good grammar want

barsquid ,

Begging people to subscribe to their own hardware will have increased results when they can show you your OneDrive is full. It probably will get them more money than it loses them. They are utterly thirsty for subscription revenue.

Valmond ,

This is so fucking true.

Governed by an excel entry.

zipzoopaboop , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  1. Not even once.

Thank you steam deck for teaching me the basics of Linux

seSvxR3ull7LHaEZFIjM , to Technology in Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

I once turned that feature on thinking it was an actual backup (copies of my files in the cloud), I remember how angry I was when I found out it wasn't a backup after all and just removed your files from your computer and only made them accessible online.

Blaster_M ,

You're supposed to uncheck the save storage space and download files as you use them option.

riodoro1 ,

You’re supposed to remove windows

HC4L ,

This. Files uploaded locally should automatically be synced though.

seSvxR3ull7LHaEZFIjM ,

Ah yes, the classic Microsoft "what you really want is hidden behind a checkbox, otherwise you'll get shit".

PopShark ,

They may have actually been inspired by Apple lmao (or maybe the other way around)

The_v ,

They made it the default option for businesses that routinely buy computers with less local storage than their users need. Pretty much every company I have worked for.

They then pushed it out hard into the consumer market when SSD came out and the average storage space on lower end models dropped by 75%.

I see why they did it, how they did it was in usual Microsoft fashion, idiotic.

It's sort of their pattern.

  1. Introduce new changes.

  2. Screw it up royalty.

  3. Fix the features that are salvageable and revert most of the remaining except: Double down on the shitty ones that they think will make them more money.

  4. Rinse and Repeat

deweydecibel ,

You can see their strategy at work here.

It is possible to keep individual files on the local hard drive with different settings (that in my experience never seem to stick past updates).

The default, though, is to take everything on your computer off of your computer, put it into the cloud (their computer), and recommend you pick and choose which ones stay on your computer. In essence, they want you to think of your computer as secondary to their computer. An extension of it.

There is no "your computer", it's just the computer you happen to be logged into at the moment.

The cloud is not something you take advantage of, the cloud is where you live now.

zingo ,


Good thing I use to debloat windows 10 on a local account and got rid of onedrive before it could wreck havok so.

But got to be honest, Far as long as I can remember, I always had backup of important data. Encryption - client side if off to the cloud.

Shit I'm so old that I prefer my music on HDD instead of using streaming services.

Using Linux nowadays too BTW.

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