MapleEngineer , (edited ) to Canada in Canada’s living standards alarmingly on track to be the lowest in 40 years: study avatar

Keep in mind that our standard of living while at its lowest point in 40 years is still among the top two or three in the world. The propagandist never mention that while they're pushing their grievance politics.

And to be very clear, electing a Conservative government that will cut taxes on the rich and cut services to everyone else to pay for it will crash or standard of living. Never trust s politician who says, "Elect me because I'm not the other guy and I'll fix everything" but never tells you how. The one thing you can be absolutely sure of is the fact that he's not going to fix everything.

FireRetardant , (edited )

I highly doubt the average canadian standard of living is higher than the average in countries like Switzerland, the scandinavian countries and some other well developed countries. They all have better social services, better access to public transit. Finland almost comepletely solved homelessness. We might still be in the top 10, but I doubt the top 3.

Edit: it can be difficult to gauge exactly how to measure QOL. This website tries to break down a few different metrics. Canada has a high QOL when reading US based news, otherwise well developed European countries dominate the list.

MapleEngineer , avatar

15th? Out of 204? Yes pretty good.

This website says no. 3.

FireRetardant ,

You've linked a US based site which my source implies tends to bias towards ranking Canada higher.

MapleEngineer , avatar

Perhaps we look better by comparison to their own country.

madcaesar ,

I've been alive for decades and at no point in my life has a conservative politican ever done anything to actually make my life better.

At best, they do some temporary tax cut bullshit that ends up just fucking us worse in 3-4 years time.

Liberals aren't perfect by any stretch, by at least it seems like two steps forward one step back.

With conservatives it's always somersaults backwards.

MapleEngineer , (edited ) avatar

Conservatives always do the same thing. They cut taxes giving billions of dollars to the rich and cut services for everyone else. (Just a note, here...if you don't use a million dollar yacht as a runabout for your billion dollar yacht you are the poor that they are referring to when they say, "We don't want our tax dollars going to support the poor." They're taking about you, not for you.) They cut revenue and try to cut spending to make it up but always fail, running up the deficit and the debt, neglecting the military, government, and infrastructure leaving not only a fiscal debt but also an operational/maintenance debt until they are voted out of office. Then the next Liberal government has to pay that debt by spending and the Conservatives complain that they are spending money like drunken sailors, run on, "We're not them and we're going to fix everything" without ever having a plan for HOW they're going to fix everything let alone the intention to fix everything, win, and start the cycle over again.

LeFantome ,

“never tells you how”. Regardless of right or left politics, this is damn good advice.

Altofaltception , to Canada in Growing number of Canadians are moving abroad due to lack of affordability: McGill study

As long as we're replacing them faster than they can leave, right? /S

Beaver , to Canada in Canada Post was wrong to suspend unvaccinated remote workers during COVID, arbitrator rules avatar

The Canadian government did the right thing with the restrictions

lautan OP ,

Why? They were remote workers

Beaver , avatar

Because they will come in contact with people outside of work. We need to protect the vulnerable as much as possible.

lautan OP ,

I would say that's not Canada Post's responsibility.

Beaver , avatar

I could also argue it’s the workplace’s responsibility to keep their workers safe.

yannic ,

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that responsibility is limited to during working hours and/or inside the workplace. (And to be clear, I'm referring to their employer, Canada Post, not the Canadian Government, who does have the right to enforce similar mandates in a Public Health Emergencies like the one we just had)

Eheran , to Canada in Why the price of milk in Canada has increased

Oh no, 1.77 %...

DeathbringerThoctar , to Canada in Why the price of milk in Canada has increased

Because the rent went up on Galen Weston Jr's castle?

rand_alpha19 , to World News in Canada reportedly preparing to evacuate 45,000 citizens from Lebanon amid war fears

What a nothing burger of an article. I'm so ashamed to be Canadian amidst our government's abject failure (really, it's a refusal) to rescue Palestinians through the asylum program that was proposed months ago.

We are beholden to Israel, so I will be astonished if even 1/3 of the 45,000 actually end up here.

Rentlar , to Canada in Some illegal border crossers receive $224 in food and accommodation per day while awaiting processing

Yeah, we should instead be spending $500 per person per day to securely confine asylum seekers and give daily whippings to men, women, children who are trying to escape hardship.

  • NatPo readers
Taleya , to Canada in How some federal employees are pretending to work using 'mouse jigglers'

Productivity remains unchanged, i'm all for it.

northmaple1984 OP ,

Unfortunately we have like 40% more public servants yet somehow services aren't 40% better... So yeah, productivity is unchanged, that's the problem.

poo , to Canada in Rex Murphy, the sharp-witted intellectual who loved Canada, dies at 77 avatar

Good. He was a total piece of shit that belonged in the ground a long, long time ago. Rest In Piss.

John_McMurray ,

Aww. Do you always act like a child when someone intelligent disagrees with you?

poo , avatar


John_McMurray ,

Bout as smart a response as I expected.

poo , avatar

Ok troll 🤣

John_McMurray ,

At least you've the base cunning to keep it to one word responses when you can't justify your bullshit.

poo , avatar


LeFantome ,

You can tell how smart somebody is by their level of self awareness. Idiots almost always tell you to do something they are already demonstrating they cannot do themselves.

unreachable , to Canada in They came to Canada on student visas and now face charges in B.C. Sikh leader's death avatar

22 is the new 40

AnotherDirtyAnglo , to Canada in Growing number of Canadians are moving abroad due to lack of affordability: McGill study

I actually talked to my GF about fucking off from Canada in the next 5 years... Not because we can't afford it, but because I'm close to retirement, and I'm sick of working for a living.

Kichae , to Canada in Growing number of Canadians are moving abroad due to lack of affordability: McGill study

The US isn't the best baseline here, what with their infamous attitude that anywhere and everywhere else is unworthy of them.

BlameThePeacock ,

There's a ton of other reasons why the US is a bad baseline.

A) They let in far fewer immigrants per capita in the first place

B) The US collects incoming taxes on foreign income for it's citizens, even if you lived outside the US while you earned it.

C) In some cases it's harder for US citizens to work or live abroad. For example working holiday visas are only available to Americans in a handful of countries, where Canada has agreements with more than a dozen countries.

AnotherDirtyAnglo ,

And let's not forget their famous ignorance of world geography, and their inability to find the USA on an unlabelled map. "Who wants to do a road trip to Europe?" "Which country is Africa again?"

psvrh , to Canada in How some federal employees are pretending to work using 'mouse jigglers' avatar

How some federal employees are pretending to work using 'mouse jigglers'.


This happens everywhere that managers are more interested in warming chairs than actually being productive:

  • If you measure your employees by their work done, this isn't an issue; if they're getting what you think should be eight hours of work done in four, you promote them, pay them more and/or give them more responsibilities.
  • If you measure them by the percentage of hours they spend warming a chair, they'll...warm the chair.
northmaple1984 OP ,

Yeah, so maybe the public service needs to take a look at say "if we have two people warming a chair for 60% of their work time, maybe we should fire two and have the third only warming the chair 10% of the time"

Rentlar , to Canada in 'Yemen, Yemen, make us proud': Anti-Israel protesters in Toronto pledge support to Houthi militants

NatPo pledges allegiance to monied interests.

kandoh , to Canada in 'Internal purposes only': Memo backs claim Trudeau government suppressing carbon-tax impact data

The problem with the carbon tax is the same problem with the US's Obamacare. It's the conservative solution that liberals picked because they thought it would be the easiest way to get the right on board with a plan of action.

In reality, the easiest way to get the right on board with a plan of action is if you either bribe them or threaten them with an overwhelming show of force. They can't be worked with, only steamrolled.

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