MustardCabbage , to Canada in Canada’s living standards alarmingly on track to be the lowest in 40 years: study

Welp, better lower the taxes on the wealthy some more, then. Surely it will help this time

zqwzzle ,

It’ll trickle down any decade now.

henfredemars ,

I can hear something trickling.

Auli ,

All I hear is grunting and plopping.

zqwzzle ,

Hopefully it’s blood off a guillotine blade.

MoonRaven , avatar

Oh that's just a billionaire peeing down.

psvrh , to Canada in Rex Murphy, the sharp-witted intellectual who loved Canada, dies at 77 avatar

Yeah, listened to him carry water for people that wanted to harm me and people like me either through neglect, if not outright malice.

He's not Henry Kissinger, so I'm not actively hoping he's burning in hell, but I'm not sorry he's gone.

m0darn ,

Yeah I thought that headline might be satire too

Enkers ,

It's postmedia, so that tracks. A good portion of their titles make for tough rounds of Beaverton-or-not.

It's shameful we allow the republican propaganda arm to operate with impunity here.

Grant_M , to Canada in Canada’s living standards alarmingly on track to be the lowest in 40 years: study avatar

National Post is a US far right owned propaganda rag

cyborganism ,

For real.

Coasting0942 ,

They’re just saying things you don’t want to hear /s

DerisionConsulting , to Canada in Rex Murphy, the sharp-witted intellectual who loved Canada, dies at 77

If you're not from Canada and you see this, understand that the National Post is a right-wing paper that Rex had written for.

Rex loved the fossil fuel corporations and used "woke" as an insult. A lot of Canadians are not going to miss him.

Windex007 , (edited )

Rex Murphy was literally a member of the Liberal Party, running for office himself twice.


I have fond memories of some really great content from him on CBC radio in the 00s.

The vitriol in the comments here did prompt me to look at what he's been doing for the last (checks watch...) 20 years... Sigh... And yeah... It's not good.

Sorry that this is how you chose to go out, Rex. Genuinely.

Knoxvomica ,

From his Wikipedia:

"Murphy won a Progressive Conservative nomination in 1975. However, he abandoned it due to lack of funds. Instead, Murphy went to work as special assistant to PC leader and Premier Frank Moores.[4]

He then switched parties in the 1980s and served two years as chief researcher for the provincial Liberal caucus before running for provincial office twice, as a Liberal."

Sucks to suck.

"Murphy argued that climate change is "a sub-branch of climate politics". He criticized former American Vice President Al Gore's opposition to the Alberta oil sands and in a 2013 column, called the industry "a dazzling and profitable engineering endeavor of which all Canadians should be proud"."

Rex can absolutely get fucked, what a sellout shitbag.

Windex007 ,

I didn't really understand how much people hate oil until today.

Knoxvomica ,

I work in oil and gas and I understand that it's detrimental to the future of our children and grand children. I don't hate oil specifically, I hate pollution and industries that purposefully drive humanity to the brink of extinction for profit.

loonsun ,

Oil is literally the biggest polluter on the planet, you basically just said "I don't hate murders specifically, I hate killings and people that purposefully kill others"

Knoxvomica ,

And I would work in solar or wind if my province wasn't actively in the pocket of energy companies and purposefully dissuading renewable projects.

loonsun ,

I feel that, a lot of the provinces worry more about money now than our future.

John_McMurray ,

He wrote for everyone. Worked for CBC for years, back when they employed talent not mouthpieces

MrGG , to Canada in Rex Murphy, the sharp-witted intellectual who loved Canada, dies at 77

Rex Murphy, the socially-malignant gas-pump-fellating pseudo-intellectual who claimed to love Canada but was really just perpetually daydreaming about a socially conservative Randian right-wing dystopia, has finally and permanently shut the fuck up at 77.

Fixed that for you, NatPo.

dogsnest , (edited ) to Canada in Some illegal border crossers receive $224 in food and accommodation per day while awaiting processing avatar


To enter Canada without prior authorization for the purpose of seeking asylum is not a crime under international and Canadian law.

Because it is not always safe or even
possible for a person running for his/her life to obtain proper travel documents to reach
safety in another country.

The NP and PCs have to bigot, because bigots gotta bigot.

MacroCyclo ,

I think the bigger problem is the amount of people seeking "asylum" vs the people actually needing asylum. In both the US and Canada it is being used as a loophole.

dogsnest , avatar

Do you have any kind of source or reference that indicates this is any kind of an issue?

Is this akin to "that one guy" who fakes homelessness to scam pennies?

MacroCyclo ,

There's some reporting at the US border. The cartel brings you to the border and tells you what to say for a price in the thousands per person. They put you through and you tell them you are in specific personal danger if you return.

I don't know if this guy counts as a journalist, but here's a youtube documentary:

dogsnest , avatar

It counts as something - it's out there, and up to the viewer to process.

Thank you.

joshhsoj1902 , to Canada in Some illegal border crossers receive $224 in food and accommodation per day while awaiting processing

Good? 140$ per night for a hotel room is roughly what I would have expected, it's not like this government (or the Conservatives) would ever consider building and operating their own housing, so this is the only option...

I imagine the problem here is that we need more government workers hired to process asylum seekers, but once again would we expect the Conservative government (the one that has been on and off criticising the number federal workers we have) to actually hire more people to fix that?

I'm so tired of reading these low effort "news" pieces

xmunk ,

Conservatives would really prefer to force Holiday Inn to house asylum seekers for 10$/day because they apparently hate the free market. Their words - not mine.

PeriodicallyPedantic , to Canada in Rex Murphy, the sharp-witted intellectual who loved Canada, dies at 77

Dude became more hateful and delusional as he aged, he should have been removed from public life decades ago

some_guy , to Canada in Olivia Chow skips Toronto's Israeli flag raising event as 'it's a bit divisive'

Why raise another nation's flag at all, let alone one filled with murder as a state goal.

Delusional ,

And they've been doing it since 1999. Makes no sense to me.

Son_of_dad ,

Why raise the Canadian flag then? How many of my native brothers y'all kill?

small_crow , avatar

National flags are jingoist nonsense. Patriotism is a social disease.

Adderbox76 ,

Patriotism is a social disease.

Agreed. Imagine being proud of where you're from like it's some sort of personal accomplishment.

Nationality isn't an accomplishment, it's a statistic.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

I haven’t killed anyone.

Agent641 ,

A likely story!

sbv , to Canada in Rex Murphy, the sharp-witted intellectual who loved Canada, dies at 77

The on-air announcement of Murphy's death on CBC didn't mention it, but he left the CBC after it became clear he'd been accepting "speakers fees" from various oil and gas companies. After Peter Mansbridge did the same, the CBC instituted transparency requirements for their on-air personalities.

HungryJerboa ,

Disappointing to hear of this. He had a sharp tongue and I liked some of his critiques when he was still writing occasional columns for the Globe and Mail, but I didn't realize he already lost his journalistic integrity...

sbv ,

I don't think he was a journalist, although he got an undergrad in English, so maybe. He managed to build a career on having opinions.

lemmyng , to Canada in Rex Murphy, the sharp-witted intellectual who loved Canada, dies at 77 avatar

Good fucking riddance to that massive waste of oxygen.

xmunk , to Canada in They came to Canada on student visas and now face charges in B.C. Sikh leader's death

Fuck you natpo - the visa they came in on is fucking irrelevant you racist bastards.

CTDummy ,

It is for national security reasons. One of the perpetrators over stayed a student visa by a year. That individual also appeared in a promotional video with a visa providing company which the university stated it has no affiliation with. Student visa are conditional and requirements must be met or you will be deported. This is common in many countries.

The article emphasises this idea hence why the people accused of state sanctioned murder are having their visa/background scrutinised.

Bookmeat , to Canada in Olivia Chow skips Toronto's Israeli flag raising event as 'it's a bit divisive'

She may be signaling that she's against Israeli genocide.

DerisionConsulting , to Canada in Homelessness increased by 20 per cent despite $443 million Liberal plan: PBO

The PBO found that the program had paid for 17,849 people to find housing placements and for an additional 5,399 people to find emergency housing

So the conclusion is homelessness has risen, but it would be worse without the money.

canis_majoris , avatar

Yeah but it's NatPo, so you have to have some conservative angle about how spending money on social issues is literally the devil.

DerisionConsulting ,

They only think that spending public money on social issues is literally the devil.

I thought that I've seen Natpo take money from the rich to post ads disguised as articles about how good those rich people are for donating to things, but it was hosted content from other "Post Media" outlets. So, it's still basically them, just not them-them.

Transporter_Room_3 , to Canada in Homelessness increased by 20 per cent despite $443 million Liberal plan: PBO avatar

"government spending deemed useless as corporate greed exceeds government increases"

Conservatives everywhere: "LOOK SEE I TOLD YOU IT NEVER WORKS"

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