yokonzo , to Canada in Homelessness increased by 20 per cent despite $443 million Liberal plan: PBO

God why must everything be polarized

corsicanguppy , to Canada in Homelessness increased by 20 per cent despite $443 million Liberal plan: PBO

What would the homeless numbers be without a plan to reduce it? When NatPo's done with its crystal ball, can we use it for other things? What would (US Republican-tied) Chatham Asset Management suggest as a better plan? Declare homelessness illegal and house people in jails for profit?

Showroom7561 , to Canada in Homelessness increased by 20 per cent despite $443 million Liberal plan: PBO

Prior to the Liberals coming to power Ottawa was responsible for about seven per cent of the money spent on reducing homelessness, a number that rose only to 14 per cent with all the new money. Most of the money spent on reducing homelessness was spent by provincial and municipal governments.

This is the most important take away.

The Liberal government doubled their funding, but it's the provinces and municipalities who are responsible for spending it in ways that help the homeless.

Any failings are on them, and the headline makes it seem like Liberals are at fault.

HikingVet ,

Well, that is normal for natpo.

DerisionConsulting , to Canada in Homelessness increased by 20 per cent despite $443 million Liberal plan: PBO

The PBO found that the program had paid for 17,849 people to find housing placements and for an additional 5,399 people to find emergency housing

So the conclusion is homelessness has risen, but it would be worse without the money.

canis_majoris , avatar

Yeah but it's NatPo, so you have to have some conservative angle about how spending money on social issues is literally the devil.

DerisionConsulting ,

They only think that spending public money on social issues is literally the devil.

I thought that I've seen Natpo take money from the rich to post ads disguised as articles about how good those rich people are for donating to things, but it was hosted content from other "Post Media" outlets. So, it's still basically them, just not them-them.

Transporter_Room_3 , to Canada in Homelessness increased by 20 per cent despite $443 million Liberal plan: PBO avatar

"government spending deemed useless as corporate greed exceeds government increases"

Conservatives everywhere: "LOOK SEE I TOLD YOU IT NEVER WORKS"

MapleEngineer , (edited ) to Canada in Canada’s living standards alarmingly on track to be the lowest in 40 years: study avatar

Keep in mind that our standard of living while at its lowest point in 40 years is still among the top two or three in the world. The propagandist never mention that while they're pushing their grievance politics.

And to be very clear, electing a Conservative government that will cut taxes on the rich and cut services to everyone else to pay for it will crash or standard of living. Never trust s politician who says, "Elect me because I'm not the other guy and I'll fix everything" but never tells you how. The one thing you can be absolutely sure of is the fact that he's not going to fix everything.

FireRetardant , (edited )

I highly doubt the average canadian standard of living is higher than the average in countries like Switzerland, the scandinavian countries and some other well developed countries. They all have better social services, better access to public transit. Finland almost comepletely solved homelessness. We might still be in the top 10, but I doubt the top 3.

Edit: it can be difficult to gauge exactly how to measure QOL. This website tries to break down a few different metrics. Canada has a high QOL when reading US based news, otherwise well developed European countries dominate the list.

MapleEngineer , avatar

15th? Out of 204? Yes pretty good.

This website says no. 3.

FireRetardant ,

You've linked a US based site which my source implies tends to bias towards ranking Canada higher.

MapleEngineer , avatar

Perhaps we look better by comparison to their own country.

madcaesar ,

I've been alive for decades and at no point in my life has a conservative politican ever done anything to actually make my life better.

At best, they do some temporary tax cut bullshit that ends up just fucking us worse in 3-4 years time.

Liberals aren't perfect by any stretch, by at least it seems like two steps forward one step back.

With conservatives it's always somersaults backwards.

MapleEngineer , (edited ) avatar

Conservatives always do the same thing. They cut taxes giving billions of dollars to the rich and cut services for everyone else. (Just a note, here...if you don't use a million dollar yacht as a runabout for your billion dollar yacht you are the poor that they are referring to when they say, "We don't want our tax dollars going to support the poor." They're taking about you, not for you.) They cut revenue and try to cut spending to make it up but always fail, running up the deficit and the debt, neglecting the military, government, and infrastructure leaving not only a fiscal debt but also an operational/maintenance debt until they are voted out of office. Then the next Liberal government has to pay that debt by spending and the Conservatives complain that they are spending money like drunken sailors, run on, "We're not them and we're going to fix everything" without ever having a plan for HOW they're going to fix everything let alone the intention to fix everything, win, and start the cycle over again.

LeFantome ,

“never tells you how”. Regardless of right or left politics, this is damn good advice.

FunderPants , to Canada in International student’s video on getting free food in Canada unleashes anger and abuse: ‘Please die’

It's been my experience that international students are more at risk of insecurity due to outdated regulations on the amount of money they must have, increasing costs all around, and restrictions on their ability to work and for their spouse to work.

Combine that with social media culture and communication challenges and we get situations like this, I work with a number of students from India and they speak English well, but differently from a long term Canadian. Often, the english is more direct in word choice and more... bombastic or sales oriented. Combine that with social media presence and you are bound to get culture clash.

So instead of using a more Canadian culturally appropriate phrase, like "here is where to turn when in need" or "this helps me afford rent", many will just be less cautious and might say "here is how I save hundreds of bucks" or "here is how I get free food".

That it turns out this guy was struggling like many others, and trying to help people like him is honestly no surprise to me.

penquin , avatar

This is true. As an immigrant myself, I have struggled with expressing my thoughts for the longest time. Different cultures and different ways of learning English. Trying to translate my thoughts from my own language to English often comes out either rude, or just wrong. I've learned to take moments before expressing my thoughts and then also explain just in case. I also throw in a disclaimer when I meet new people, especially at work. I'm getting better. It gets better with time. I feel bad for him. People on the internet are just brutal.

Greg , avatar

I'm an immigrant from Australia and I remember having to change my word choices even though Canada and Australia are nearly culturally identical. It must be a lot more work coming from less culturally similar places.

eezeebee , avatar

This is interesting to me. Do you have any examples of how you would word something differently in Australia compared to Canada?

baconisaveg ,

Well, they really don't like it when you call them a cunt here.

healthetank , to Canada in Canada’s living standards alarmingly on track to be the lowest in 40 years: study

Beyond the issues of it being NaPo and the Fraser Institute being the main interviewee, using per person GDP as a measure of living standards seems.... Wildly out of touch. There are no comments on consumer pricing index (with all its flaws).

Literally they hinge their proof of "living standards" on average GDP.

I don't even know how to begin addressing that.

SamuelRJankis ,

The broad association with GDP per person is fine as a aggregate measure and the data is from Statcan.

Their interpretation of the data is clearly bias. I think anyone bothering to even skim the actual report data would come to a different conclusion.

northmaple1984 OP ,

Per capita GDP is far better than what the government is using, which is total GDP that is technically slowly rising but not faster than our population growth rate.

CPI doesn't give near a good picture as per capita GDP does. CPI increases can be at or below target levels but if per capita GDP growth is negative it's still very bad. Having good per capita GDP data and bad CPI data and way, way less common, I'm even actually sure it's ever happened in modern times.

healthetank ,


I wound up doing more of a dive into per capita GDP as a metric, and see more of the benefits of it, as well as why its used. I'm still not entirely sold on its benefits overall due to concerns over wealth inequality and "living standards" being averaged.

Thanks for pointing out CPI vs GDP/C differences!

northmaple1984 OP ,

In theory wealth inequality can be getting worse as GDP per capita gets better, for sure.

But conversely, if wealth inequality is getting better while the GDP per capita is going down, most people will still be worse off which definitely isn't good.

Eczpurt , to Canada in Canada’s living standards alarmingly on track to be the lowest in 40 years: study

Crazy how the standard of living drops when people get priced out of it

girlfreddy , avatar

I am currently collecting all my change so I can get $20 worth of groceries to last me a week.

Tell me again how good the stock market is doing.

Croquette ,

The stock market is doing great, but the vast majority of it is owned by already rich people.

So fuck us I guess.

MustardCabbage , to Canada in Canada’s living standards alarmingly on track to be the lowest in 40 years: study

Welp, better lower the taxes on the wealthy some more, then. Surely it will help this time

zqwzzle ,

It’ll trickle down any decade now.

henfredemars ,

I can hear something trickling.

Auli ,

All I hear is grunting and plopping.

zqwzzle ,

Hopefully it’s blood off a guillotine blade.

MoonRaven , avatar

Oh that's just a billionaire peeing down.

some_guy , to Canada in Olivia Chow skips Toronto's Israeli flag raising event as 'it's a bit divisive'

Why raise another nation's flag at all, let alone one filled with murder as a state goal.

Delusional ,

And they've been doing it since 1999. Makes no sense to me.

Son_of_dad ,

Why raise the Canadian flag then? How many of my native brothers y'all kill?

small_crow , avatar

National flags are jingoist nonsense. Patriotism is a social disease.

Adderbox76 ,

Patriotism is a social disease.

Agreed. Imagine being proud of where you're from like it's some sort of personal accomplishment.

Nationality isn't an accomplishment, it's a statistic.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

I haven’t killed anyone.

Agent641 ,

A likely story!

small_crow , to Canada in Canada’s living standards alarmingly on track to be the lowest in 40 years: study avatar

Forty years... forty... years... I wonder if there was something *new *that our liberal democracy started forty years ago, where the focus shifted towards expanding economic growth at all costs.

New and different but still liberal. Neo maybe.

Beaver , to Canada in Canada Post was wrong to suspend unvaccinated remote workers during COVID, arbitrator rules avatar

The Canadian government did the right thing with the restrictions

lautan OP ,

Why? They were remote workers

Beaver , avatar

Because they will come in contact with people outside of work. We need to protect the vulnerable as much as possible.

lautan OP ,

I would say that's not Canada Post's responsibility.

Beaver , avatar

I could also argue it’s the workplace’s responsibility to keep their workers safe.

yannic ,

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that responsibility is limited to during working hours and/or inside the workplace. (And to be clear, I'm referring to their employer, Canada Post, not the Canadian Government, who does have the right to enforce similar mandates in a Public Health Emergencies like the one we just had)

TheDeepState , to Canada in Canada’s living standards alarmingly on track to be the lowest in 40 years: study

Is that in Canadian Dollars?

SamuelRJankis , to Canada in Canada’s living standards alarmingly on track to be the lowest in 40 years: study

To be clear it's on track to be worse than the worst period led by a Conservatives without a pandemic.

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