original_reader , to Astronomy in Planet Nine: Is the search for this elusive world nearly over?

What are we going to name it when it is found?

I trust we really don't want "Planet Nine" (if we do, we should rename Earth to "Planet 3"), let alone "Planet X". Any better ideas?

HubertManne ,

pluto was called planet X until it was discovered

thebardingreen OP , avatar

If Mike Brown finds it, he'll jump all over naming it, and I'm sure that's part of his motivation for hunting it so doggedly. He's like that.

lvxferre , avatar

With two exceptions*, the names are from Roman mythology. So I'd expect the new planet to get a definitive name from the same template. (Please be Janus. It's the gate of the solar system!)

*Uranus is from Greek mythology, with no good Latin equivalent. Terra is trickier; you could argue that it fits the template for Latin and the Romance languages, but most others simply use local words for soil, without a connection to the goddess. That is also called Tellus to add confusion.

YungOnions , avatar

Tellus would be a cool name for a planet, imo.

lvxferre , avatar

It would, indeed. I wouldn't mind if it was the scientific/"proper" name for Earth.

Murdoc ,

I would; it's too close to Telus (but pronounced the same), a terrible phone company where I live.

lvxferre , avatar

How do you pronounce the company name? For reference, Latin "Tellus" would be /tɛllu:s/; the nearest English equivalent would be "TELL loos", I guess.

Murdoc ,

Tell-us, so more like it looks I guess.

collapse_already ,

I think they should call it Nibiru to feed the conspiracy theories.

Ghyste , to Astronomy in Planet Nine: Is the search for this elusive world nearly over?


JackGreenEarth , avatar

Batterige, or whoever it is's, law of headlines ig

Olap , to Astronomy in Planet Nine: Is the search for this elusive world nearly over?

Surely the absence of nine indicates our model of gravity is off. Combined with lack of Dark Matter, is Einstein wrong?

Iheartcheese , to Astronomy in Planet Nine: Is the search for this elusive world nearly over? avatar

Pluto 2 electric boogaloo

Zachariah , avatar
homesweethomeMrL , to Astronomy in Planet Nine: Is the search for this elusive world nearly over?

Planet Nine from Outer Space

. . . I’ll show myself out

Zachariah , avatar
Hupf , to World News in Gargantuan sunspot 15-Earths wide shoots powerful X-class flare toward Earth, triggering radio blackouts
Spitzspot , to Science in Why do people hear their names being called in the woods? avatar

*John Timber enters the chat

doom_and_gloom , to Science in Why do people hear their names being called in the woods? avatar

Because our brains are pattern recognition machines.

Fun article, although I wish it had gone a bit deeper.

onlinepersona , to Science in Why do people hear their names being called in the woods?

This is the equivalent of people seeing Jesus in rice grains, but the aural version.

Anti Commercial-AI license

Karyoplasma , to Science in Why do people hear their names being called in the woods?

This reminds me of Black & White, the god simulation game from, idk, the early 2000s. They had a list of common names and if your save profile matched one, a creepy voice would call you from time to time.

umbrella , avatar

this is cool

loops ,

That game was so good.

bradorsomething ,

It need to come back on VR head sets.

Boomkop3 , to Science in Why do people hear their names being called in the woods?

I've never experienced this, I've been in the woods plenty of times tho

Paradachshund ,

Same, never had this happen and I've also been in the woods many times.

Alsjemenou ,

I would like to add to this. I spend at least 20 hours a week in forests, and have heard a lot of things. Never my name.

LallyLuckFarm , to Science in Why do people hear their names being called in the woods? avatar

Why do I hear my name being called in the woods? Gray catbirds

emptyother , to Science in Why do people hear their names being called in the woods? avatar

I know I heard my name called occasionally as a kid. Clear as day but directionless, seemingly from very close to me. I figured its just a bug in a developing mind. But could also be that my mom got damn angry if I didnt hear her calling so I was always listening for it, and like the article describe, I picked up noise and the brain filled in the expectation.

Coskii , to Science in Why do people hear their names being called in the woods? avatar

If this isn't an SCP, it definitely should be. That being said I've never experienced this and I spent an awful lot of time wandering in the wildernesses in Monterey.

Neato , avatar

If you hear your name called while collecting samples in [redacted] Forest, ND, DO NOT respond. Calmly walk back to your vehicle and radio for support. An extraction team will be at your location shortly to remove you from the gaze of [redacted].

Whimseymimple , avatar

Oh no. Did you say ND? 👀

LillyPip , to science in Plato's burial place finally revealed after AI deciphers ancient scroll carbonized in Mount Vesuvius eruption avatar

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  • TwinTusks , avatar

    Agree, agree and agree.

    Deceptichum , avatar

    A century is 100 years, half a century is 50 not 500.

    And the writings are from roughly 250 years from his death, and are from a writer who lived in studied philosophy in Athens were Plato did all those years earlier.

    So this is more akin to a blog post from a person who attended a university in a town where 250 years ago a famous person lived and died in their same field of work. They’d probably learnt some retained knowledge (or had access to first hand writings) and shared this, potentially with some misinformation to creep in but most likely a lot of truth as well.

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