
How is it possible for this track to have so few plays on Spotify? ( lemmy.one )

I noticed that the track "Canon (Primo)" by Justice only has 5,815 plays on Spotify, even though every other track on the album has millions of plays. How is this possible? I know it's just an interlude track that you wouldn't listen to unless you're listening to the full album, but still, this play count seems extremely low....

Is this bad? ( lemmy.one )

I bought a new CPU fan and when i took the one I had it came out with my CPU(AMD Ryzen 7 I stolefrom my friends abusive ex so I can't even be upset if it breaks and I was careful I made sure I was grounded when handling it)inoticed the pins in the corner were bent. I unbent them but I noticed these were gone. This is the corner...

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