
Hadriscus , to Technology in Windows 10 is EOL in October 2025

Well this will be the month where I install PopOS

Willer ,

i cant access my laptops bios anymore tho after installing pop os

knolord ,

systemctl reboot --firmware-setup

That will reboot to UEFI setup instantly.

Willer ,

oh thank you i will try

Imgonnatrythis , to Technology in Windows 10 is EOL in October 2025

This one is particularly harsh since win11 has ridiculous artificial hard stops on installation based on made up hardware requirements. Also it sucks.

Toes , to Technology in Windows 10 is EOL in October 2025
@Toes@ani.social avatar

I really want to see the EU force Microsoft to release a stripped down version that continues to support older hardware.

fuckwit_mcbumcrumble ,

Why? Only hardcore computer nerds would ever want that.

Toes ,
@Toes@ani.social avatar

A devastating amount of computer hardware is about to be e-wasted because they decided to drop support for anything older than roughly 2017/2018.

It's an arbitrary limitation as people have succeeded in forcing it to work on much older hardware that still works well enough for your avg person.

Additionally, windows used to be a tool now it's a platform for them to essentially market any number of things and user privacy appears to be the least important thing on the table.

The only reason we don't see mass adoption of Linux has been 4 decades of software development and marketing that let's them continue to wear their crown.

A regulatory party needs to humble them and return windows to being a tool.

Imagine if the gasoline companies one day announced that they will be changing gas so only cars bought in the last 5 years or so could refuel.

Now imagine if to buy a car you had to tolerate cameras and other forms of tracking your telemetry just to get to work and feed yourself.

Lunacy yes? They took the "my" out of my computer.

JackGreenEarth ,
@JackGreenEarth@lemm.ee avatar

Why should they have to support Windows 10 when Linux would run fine on your 'old' machine? That really puts the 'yours' back in your computer, no need for a company to do it for you.

pHr34kY ,

I have two Surface Pros that are BIOS locked so I can't install Linux. They also don't support Win11.

I'm not sure what I can do with them.

barsquid ,

I am full of rage by proxy, sorry to hear that. I've been thinking of only buying coreboot motherboards from now on, but that's easier said than done.

DScratch , to Technology in Windows 10 is EOL in October 2025

You can recommend what you like. As soon as Windows 10 can’t play the latest games I’m off to Linux.

Eat my whole ass, Microsoft.

Bahnd ,

Come on over, the water is fine. I switched to Pop_OS a few months back for the gaming rig and Proton+Steam works almost flawlessly. Older titles sometimes have hiccups, but so far ive only been blocked on one title.

mesamunefire ,

Yep it's pretty easy and my computer runs so much faster than Windows on the same machine.

DichotoDeezNutz ,
@DichotoDeezNutz@lemmy.world avatar

I just switched from W10 to Pop_OS and have had lots of trouble. I'm trying to stick with it but from audio glitches to many games not running unless I find a random CLI arg that someone mentioned on Reddit, to my UI freezing, it's not been an easy switch.

metaStatic ,

it's not a drop in replacement and anyone looking for one will be disappointed by literally anything available.

You're learning an entirely new operating system, don't think of it as an upgrade, this is a time sink. You'll be under the hood more than on the road for the foreseeable future, but what's the alternative?

DichotoDeezNutz ,
@DichotoDeezNutz@lemmy.world avatar

I get that, and I love Linux, it's just annoying to see people say that they switched with 0 issues and trying to sell it off like people won't have problems.

InFerNo ,

I don't understand why people can't simply believe that someone could actually have very little issues with performance or settings after switching.

What About™ people who have issues when installing windows, as if that never happens.

I put both kinds of operating systems on a myriad of computers and sometimes it's smooth sailing and sometimes it's like stepping on rake after rake.

DichotoDeezNutz ,
@DichotoDeezNutz@lemmy.world avatar

Its not that I don't believe it, rather they are "selling" Linux as if there won't be any problems, but whoever is making the switch will have to learn about troubleshooting. That's a good thing, but something that they should be aware of.

InFerNo ,

I don't really have a problem with "selling" Linux. You gotta take all things with a dose of skepticism.

Has anyone ever recommended a product of any complexity as an OS and then also listed all of the common issues people might encounter? When people talk about a product they like, of course it will highlight the positive things, but anyone who has ever touched a computer, hobbyist or not, knows these things might sometimes shit the bed in unexpected ways. I think that's common sense.

Windows is said to have less problems, but the cryptic errors and non descriptive "wait while we do something" message without any other output actually makes solving problems harder. It has more users, so luckily that means someone out there probably has the issue documented so solutions are easier to find.

I use both, at home primarily Linux, at work primarily Windows. I had troubles in both that caused serious headaches, but generally they both work without too much problems.

This might have been a bit rambling 😅

Defaced ,

Running OpenSUSE Tumbleweed right now and it's great!

rdrunner ,

If iRacing and my other sim racing gear worked with Linux I'd make the switch asap. I already have popOS on another hard drive and everything other than iRacing has worked well

poleslav ,

Yup, similar boat but with planes instead of cars. Most inputs Linux can support on a single usb device is 86 or so, my throttle alone has well over 150 buttons on it. Add in all the stuff for my sim cockpit (probably around 1000 buttons), my haptic feedback chair, and then VR… as much as I’d like to use Linux, I don’t think it’d be possible for the foreseeable future for me to switch.

neutron ,

Why not start today, man? It's good to practice.

DScratch ,

Uncertainty, really.

What distro works with my setup:
3700x and rtx 4090?

7U5K3N ,

Folks will say arch.

But honestly any modern Linux system with 3rd party drivers will work.
Mint pop_os arch Manjaro Debian Ubuntu etc

I'm running a 1660 and an i5 64xx on kubuntu 24.04
Granted that stuff is older but you'll have the same experience.

Unless you're running the absolute bleeding edge... You'll not have a lot of problems.

*Ymmv of course but majority of folks won't have issues.

HeyMrDeadMan ,

The the Arch software repos are incredible and the Arch Wiki is, quite frankly, a work of art that should be celebrated with the same reverence as the Mona Lisa or David's uncircumcised cock.

But anyone recommending Arch to a Linux newbie needs a psych evaluation.

I've lost count of the number of times I've read stories to the effect of, "yeah, a regular package update bricked my desktop, but I just rolled my face across the keyboard and recompiled the offending software and got back to work, no big deal."

Cool. I'm so glad you can do that my guy, I really am. But how the hell do you expect average computer user to figure that out? The first time a software update leaves them at a command prompt with some cryptic GDM error message or a Nvidia kernel panic or something, they're going running back to Billy Gates' warm walled garden embrace. Shit, I like to think I'm half competent with Linux and I'd shit myself if that happened to me.

EDIT: Sorry, @7U5K3N, I didn't nessicarily mean to direct any of that to you specifically, it's sort of just my standard copy pasta whenever I see Arch reccomded.

Tregetour ,
@Tregetour@lemdro.id avatar

If you had any real intention of making the shift, you'd have done so already. Protip: You know I'm right!

anas ,

Genuine question, what’s the point of this comment?

niktemadur , to cats in Percy and Finnegan

Finnegan looks like he's a gas! An absolute ledger. The Archbishop of Banterbury.

Empricorn ,

Finnegan looks like he HAS gas!

MyNameIsRichard OP ,
@MyNameIsRichard@lemmy.ml avatar

He has quite the personality

Today , to cats in Percy and Finnegan

Six! I'm struggling with my 3 (plus 3 dogs). Do you have any litter box issues?

MyNameIsRichard OP ,
@MyNameIsRichard@lemmy.ml avatar

Five and a bit :) Most of them prefer to use the garden, I suppose it marks their territory. For the two who use the tray, I just have to clean it a couple of times a day.

retrospectology , to Reddit in What is phycologically wrong Reddit's community?
@retrospectology@lemmy.world avatar

It had become, over the course of years, ground zero for groups trying to launch their propaganda into the main stream. You see right-wingers and holocaust deniers, homophobes, tankies, russian trolls etc. all trying to launch their social engineering campaigns via reddit.

It's an environment that offers anonymity and unlimited alts, they're basically begging to be sock puppet central. Being in those kinds of idiot pressure cooker communities rots the brain, so it's not a great wonder that it becomes toxic.

OpenStars , to Reddit in What is phycologically wrong Reddit's community?
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

They like being shit upon.

Well I mean, they are at least okay with it. They are after all the ones who remained after Rexodus.

Some are actual heroes - nursing subs in particular, trying to help anyone who goes there for advice.

But most are bots and people who enjoy conversing with bots. And people who enjoy conversing with people who enjoy conversing with bots... which is perhaps the majority answer to your question.

There are a lot of nice people there, but there are far more who are not so nice. I always got so defensive there. Tbh I may be starting to get that way here too, but like 0.1% of what I experienced there.

You cannot fix them - they seem to like it that way - your only choice is to decide whether you want to hang out there or not.

NotAnotherLemmyUser , to Reddit in What is phycologically wrong Reddit's community?

A comment got 7 downvotes and there's something wrong with the whole community???

Hardy OP ,

Oh .. that happened numerous times to me in the past on several unrelated subreddits, ive also seen it happen to other users, but my comments in particular are clearly unprovoking. Im sure most Reddit users have experienced it already.. ive just kept silent until now

NotAnotherLemmyUser ,

Ok, but there's no context for us here and with the premise of your post, you're expecting us to judge an entire community based off of a single comment that has received practically no engagement in comparison to the community at large.

You might as well be asking for us to explain to you why you are being downvoted.

People can downvote you for any number of reasons, my assumption here is that your comment didn't carry the discussion forward in any meaningful way.

Rentlar , to Reddit in What is phycologically wrong Reddit's community?

I'm not an expert in phycology so I can't answer your question. Sorry.

Hardy OP ,

Ok, can you give me your opinion as to why i got -8 on this post now?

prettybunnys ,

I think that you need to encabulate more to enhance your phycology

Hardy OP ,

I have looked up “encabulate” in the dictionary and it doesn’t exist… 🤨
Your response is funny now, In hindsight …

RightHandOfIkaros ,

You've never heard of Chrysler's best invention, the Turbo Encabulator? It is essential to the maintenance and operation of Chrysler products.

nokturne213 ,
@nokturne213@sopuli.xyz avatar

Similar to the samophlange?

Hardy OP ,

No bec i live under a rock.. more like a man cave really . Lol

Rentlar ,

Ah. That I can answer. Making posts on Lemmy being salty about downvotes begets more downvotes, almost guaranteed. Hope this helps.

RightHandOfIkaros ,

This behaviour is also common to Reddit.

The more time I spend here on Lemmy, the more Lemmy has the exact same issues I hoped it wouldn't have from Reddit.

Rentlar ,

Absolutely. Some aspects are unavoidable, being an anonymous thread based forum, so trolling, flamebaiting, brigading and the like happen here just like Reddit.

Luckily on Lemmy we do have workarounds to some of these issues. You can join instances that disable downvotes for people who are bothered by it. Federated, publicly visible moderation has its ups and downs but at least you have all the information and you can decide to move to an instance where you fit in better.

savjee , to Selfhosted in Move UnRaid from metal to Proxmox

I've been running Unraid on top of Proxmox for over 3 years. No problems whatsoever.
I initially bought a RAID controller to directly pass the drives to the UnRAID VM. Another option is to passthrough the SATA controller of your motherboard (only possible if you don't use them on the host).

I documented the process on my blog (it's quite straightforward): https://simplyexplained.com/blog/howto-virtualize-unraid-on-proxmox-host/

jjlinux OP ,

So, if I'm running ProxMox off of 2 NVMe drives in RAID, I can just pass through SATA and USB for the UnRaid VM and just NFS my way to happiness, right?

I'm still testing each of my UnRaid containers on ProxMox, and so far they all work fine. With a Ryzen 7 5700G and 64GB ECC RAM, I could give the UnRaid VM just 2 cores and 4GB of RAM, and should be smooth sailing from there, right?

savjee ,

Yep! The only requirement is that your NVMe controller is in a separate IOMMU group than the SATA controller. But that should be the case.

jjlinux OP ,

Awesome. I am happier every day I'm in Lemmy and out of Reddit. You guys are flat out amazing. Thank you.

Moonrise2473 , to Selfhosted in Move UnRaid from metal to Proxmox

If you want to just use it exclusively as a Nas, then why not truenas?

I have a unRAID server but the nas part is nowhere as good as truenas (slower, worse ad integration)

Main issue with virtualization is the bootable USB with the serial number that's used as DRM

Tag365 , to Reddit in Suspending my alt... for what?
@Tag365@lemmy.world avatar

Seems like someone closed your account without your permission.

ted , to cats in Summer vibes

These are exactly my cats minus the 4 year age gap, surreal.

some_guy , to cats in Summer vibes

Cold tile floor on a hot day is a good way to keep cool.

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