kamenlady , to World News in Farage doubles down on Ukraine comments after Sunak and Starmer condemned Reform UK leader avatar


FlyingSquid Mod , to World News in Farage doubles down on Ukraine comments after Sunak and Starmer condemned Reform UK leader avatar

I have heard the "the West forced Russia to invade Ukraine" bullshit even here on Lemmy.

A country can't force a second country who is in opposition to them to invade a third country. That's just not how anything works.

AllNewTypeFace , to World News in Farage doubles down on Ukraine comments after Sunak and Starmer condemned Reform UK leader avatar

Either he is the great English Everyman and the UK’s population backs Russia, or he isn’t, and hard Brexit is not the Will Of The People. Though given both major parties ruling out any softening, and the BBC platforming him enthusiastically whilst having a ban on coverage of, say, the Green Party who actually have MPs, the powers that be are leaning hard on the former. Something will have to give.

Badeendje , to World News in Farage doubles down on Ukraine comments after Sunak and Starmer condemned Reform UK leader avatar

So Brexit was a good idea just implemented badly. Why don't people remember that when he got his way he immediately bailed and left others holding the bag.

kamenlady , avatar

That's all i think about when i see this guy and I'm not even British.

Abovethefold OP , to World News in Farage doubles down on Ukraine comments after Sunak and Starmer condemned Reform UK leader

He really seems to think this pro-Russia strategy will work well for his party at the voting booth.

I doubt it will push his party above the 20% they are currently polling at.

breadsmasher , avatar

the more farage shills for putin, the more putin will help farage’s misinformation campaign

neidu2 ,

How did UKIP do in elections and polls way back when?

ThePowerOfGeek , avatar

He's been listening to his pal Trump too much. But the pro-Russian contingent is less significant in the UK than it is in the US.

carpelbridgesyndrome , to Ukraine in Putin is ready to launch invasion of Nato nations to test West, warns Polish spy boss

The majority of his army is bogged down in Ukraine. I have doubts about their readyness

echodot , to Ukraine in Putin is ready to launch invasion of Nato nations to test West, warns Polish spy boss

Russia has claimed it's going to attack a NATO country since before the Ukrainian war started. They like to say it every now and then, just to remind us that they exist and North Eastern Europe is not just an unpopulated wasteland.

Pringles , to Ukraine in Putin is ready to launch invasion of Nato nations to test West, warns Polish spy boss

Can we goad him into it? I don't really want a NATO-Russian war, but it might be the only way to resolve the Russo-Ukraine war to Ukraines advantage.

Opisek , to Ukraine in Putin is ready to launch invasion of Nato nations to test West, warns Polish spy boss

That's a BS headline made to scare people. The article boils down to "Russia theoretically has the capabilities to attack, but don't because they know the West will be angry".

Bookmeat , to Ukraine in Putin is ready to launch invasion of Nato nations to test West, warns Polish spy boss

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  • jonne ,

    Even if the US sat on the sidelines, the European parts of NATO would still be formidable.

    el_abuelo , (edited )

    And likely the US would eventually intervene once both sides had slugged it out for a while, ensuring they have a seriously compromised enemy and seriously dependent allies...and enrich themselves in the process.

    psycho_driver ,

    It's almost as if something like this has happened before . . .

    echodot ,

    And the time before that as well.

    At least they're consistent I guess.

    woelkchen , avatar

    Even if the US sat on the sidelines, the European parts of NATO would still be formidable.

    You mean the parts of Europe that has been taken hostage by Orban?

    echodot ,

    I've had to point this out to people a few it's amazing how Americans think that the US is the only country in the world with any real military might.

    Even without the United States NATO still has two nuclear powers. A military that would rival that of the US on its own. Access to space assets such as spy satellites, gps systems, and communication systems. Extensive bioweapons research labs, if they wanted to go that route (although realistically they would be better utilized to research bio defenses). And more money than the adversary. They also have a population that on the whole seem to be more on board with the politicians then not (relatively speaking).

    I'm sure if there was a war, the French would go on strike about it, but they always do that.

    All the United States brings to the table is just more people and more stuff. I'm not saying that wouldn't be useful to have access to it, but losing it wouldn't be as devastating as some Americans seem to think.

    Kanda ,

    No, no, no, the US isn't the only military power in the world, the US is the only country in the world

    wildcardology , to Ukraine in Putin is ready to launch invasion of Nato nations to test West, warns Polish spy boss

    He's not winning on 1 front, now he wants to add another?

    Anticorp , to Ukraine in Putin is ready to launch invasion of Nato nations to test West, warns Polish spy boss

    Russia can't even succeed against Ukraine. What makes him think he has a chance in hell against the combined power of NATO? Hell, man, I'm pretty sure the USA alone would make quick work of Russia in an all out war.

    Holyhandgrenade , avatar

    Assuming it doesn't result in a nuclear war. Both nations have enough nukes to wipe all life off the face of the earth.

    xor ,

    unless they let loose the whole thermonuclear, biological and chemical warfare...

    Anticorp ,

    Well, nobody wins in that scenario

    echodot ,

    Russia would be hardest hit though because most of their population is confined to two or three cities. In most of the rest of the world the population is more distributed.

    It would be devastating to all sides of course, assuming Russia's oligarchs haven't stolen the nukes, but Russia would come off worse. Anyway Putin wants to be in charge he isn't going to risk getting the entire country destroyed, if only because it's not fun ruling over a crater riddled radioactive moonscape.

    Anticorp ,

    Also because the wind blows East out of Europe. So, nuking Europe pushes the fallout across Russia. They would essentially be nuking themselves. The United States is probably the most dispersed population. The country is huge, and other than the big coastal cities, people are spread out over thousands of miles.

    fuckingkangaroos ,

    Even if he survived the exchange, he would be killed. There's no way he'd be allowed to live.

    Oderus , avatar

    I'm sure Poland alone can take on Russia at this point.

    maculata , to Ukraine in Putin is ready to launch invasion of Nato nations to test West, warns Polish spy boss

    I kinda doubt even he thinks that’s a good idea. Unless he’s truly delusional.

    NocturnalEngineer ,

    That suggests his recent actions haven't been delusional?

    maculata ,

    Your argument has a strong essential basis for validity.

    Thorny_Insight , to Ukraine in Putin is ready to launch invasion of Nato nations to test West, warns Polish spy boss

    They barely have the manpower to push forward even in Ukraine. Then again if they ever want to do it now is the time because in a few decades they're not going to have enough fighting age men. I just really doubt this. If the current war has taught us anything it's that they would get absolutely obliterated by Nato and there are no winners in a nuclear exchange. Also them using nukes in Ukraine/Europe would mean nuking themselves too because that's the direction wind is going to push the fallout. Though that assumes they would care about their civilian population which they clearly don't.

    wandermind , to Ukraine in Putin is ready to launch invasion of Nato nations to test West, warns Polish spy boss

    I'm half convinced Putin wants NATO to get directly involved so that he can pull out of Ukraine and be like "We didn't lose to Ukraine, it was the West who once again oppresses poor little Russia"

    logi ,

    If that's what he really wants, then I'm sure it could be arranged and nobody needs to get nuked. But it probably isn't.

    wandermind ,

    I'm not so sure NATO wants to play directly into Putin's anti-West narrative.

    Also why would anybody get nuked lol

    IceFoxX ,

    There is simply no way back for Putin. Defeat or retreat will definitely not happen. It is tantamount to his downfall and dead... Before he remains negative in Russia's history books, he will rather continue to attack and as soon as Russian land is lost, launch a first strike for the Holy War.

    logi ,

    I'm not so sure NATO wants to play directly into Putin's anti-West narrative.

    They might give Putin that in return for his retreat from Ukraine. That would be the "arrangement". But again, I don't really believe it.

    Also why would anybody get nuked lol

    That's what Putin keeps threatening if NATO gets involved.

    Munkisquisher ,

    He warned about nukes if the west sent artillery, and then when they sent tanks and again over HIMARS, and guess what the threat was about sending jets?

    gigachad ,

    If that's what is necessary let's go

    Hux ,

    I bet that will be his playbook if Joe Biden retains the White House.

    If Trump returns to the White House, Putin will get a punch card for every NATO state he annexes—for every sixth country he conquers, he’ll get a genocide “free-pass”.

    NotMyOldRedditName ,

    for every sixth country he conquers, he’ll get a genocide “free-pass”.

    The fine print will read: may be used on past genocides to obtain this card.

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