zephyreks , to World News in Yemen’s Houthi rebels hit Ukrainian-owned ship in Gulf of Aden, sparking blaze, US says

Palauan-flagged, Ukrainian-owned and Polish-operated bulk cargo carrier that had docked in Malaysia and was on its way to Italy carrying wood.

Maybe this was an attack on Palau? Poland? Malaysia? Italy? No, using Ukraine will generate more clicks.

PahassaPaikassa ,

Well, who owns the ship is the important bit. Where the ship is registered is irrelevant because its done for tax etc purposes. The crews are often subcontractor kind of deals. The ports that the ship left/was going to dont matter either, the ship is just a glorified floating lorry, you wouldnt consider a arson attack against a polish lorry to be a attack against germany just because the lorry was going to frankfurt.

If you ask me personally this was an attack against the west, not any individual countries.

zephyreks ,

fair enough

Still, I thought the Houthis were mostly targeting ships that turned off their AIS and tried to run the Strait?

Stamau123 ,

They just fire at whatever the hell they think they can hit

Crashumbc ,

They almost certainly had no idea of ANY details of the ship. Much less who owned it.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

How do you think the Houthis determined which ship they were attacking? The problem is they're attacking any ship they can reach and claim it's to help Gaza.

Which isn't on the coast of the Red Sea.

People keep defending them for it too as if this somehow really does help Palestinians and doesn't just give the Houthis a PR opportunity.

Corkyskog ,

They even hit an Iranian ship at one point LOL.

Linkerbaan , to Not the Onion in Student protesters face same suspensions as those who bring assault rifles to campus avatar

And they wonder why everyone is masked up.

jonne ,

I guess the next step is to bring a rifle and masks.

mPony , to Not The Onion in Student protesters face same suspensions as those who bring assault rifles to campus

Skinny Puppy - Tin Omen

Way back in '68
Ohio, Kent State
Was nothing
So great
Have of have not
Forcing the point
Shot in the back
Take it back
Down trod soldier away
Flower power
Kill me
Kill this way of life

No way
Wrong date
Keep up the trade
Balanced charade
Close circuit truth
Used to remove
Keep the camera alive

njm1314 , to Not The Onion in Student protesters face same suspensions as those who bring assault rifles to campus

Why you should always protest with guns

RGB3x3 ,

I disagree. Protesting with guns just means the whole thing would devolve into a firefight with more civilians than police being killed.

And there's the strong likelihood in that situation that innocent bystanders would be murdered.

bloodfart ,

It’s not happened like that in the past.

If protesters are armed then the police tend to back off.

Of course, the government then has to choose wether or not to drop bombs on the protesters, but the odds are way, way against that.

SpaceCowboy , to Not The Onion in Student protesters face same suspensions as those who bring assault rifles to campus avatar

Threatening people of another ethnicity is the same thing no matter who is doing it.

Sure we generally take extreme measures against those that threaten Jews. But given past history, is that really a bad thing?

When you see antisemitism, call it it out. Don't look the other way out of fear of being ostracized. These protest movements have a problem, it won't go away if you pretend to not see it.

tearsintherain , (edited ) avatar

Just because you say so, over and over and over that these protests are antisemitic, doesn't make it true.

Bernie Sanders to the Mainstream media: "go to Gaza, and take your camera show us the emaciated children who are dying from malnutrition because of Netanyahu's policies."

PREPARED REMARKS: Sanders on the Nationwide Student Protests and the Ongoing Humanitarian Disaster in Gaza

peg ,

Israel isn't an ethnicity. Neither is zionism.

Calling hard truths antisemitic makes antisemitism meaningless.

JustZ , to Not The Onion in Student protesters face same suspensions as those who bring assault rifles to campus avatar

What a shitty headline.

It's a suspension pending hearing. Happens all the time.

They're used for a whole host of reasons including things way less serious than taking a gun to school.

Article chose to paint it this way for clicks and outrage bait.

lettruthout ,

Some of those facing punishment, including 40 students at UC San Diego, were slapped with “interim suspension” notices following mass arrests at protest encampments. But many others who avoided arrest face the same penalty for reasons that are far less clear.

“You very rarely see these interim suspension cases,” said Sukham Sidhu, who heads of the Office of Student Advocacy at UC San Diego and has spent her undergraduate career representing peers through campus disciplinary proceedings. “The only times I’ve seen it imposed are in cases of physical assault.”

JustZ , avatar

Physical assault = bringing an assault rifle to campus? In your mind?

That quote is doing some heavy lifting.

Interim suspensions are a universal thing in colleges. Every college has them. They are used all the time. Cheating. Sexual harassment. Threats.

Repeat violations is a big one. You know, like if the dean or police come bye and tell you to please remove your illegal campsite for the University grounds, and you refuse to do it day in and day out?

S_204 ,

And it worked LoL. The simpletons are frothing over the bait. There's video of one of the protesters at UCLA literally pulling a gun on a guy they thought was pro Israel....but wasn't LoL he was there to join. He's been doing pretty funny interviews about it, doesn't seem like the brightest light.

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