gandalf_der_12te , to Green Energy in Good news for 100% clean energy. Geothermal has finally arrived avatar

I think geothermal is a scam?

I remember reading somewhere that geothermic heat basically doesn't replenish (or only does so at geological timescales), and by extracting heat from underground we're basically depleting the underground heat reservoir, leading to shrinkage of the ground and therefore possible cracks in buildings.

TL;DR: It's not truly renewable, but rather renewable only on geological timescales (similar to fossil fuels).

Antitoxic9087 ,

It is highly dependent of the local geological conditions. Convection-based geothermal plants (those with hot spring flowing around) probably have less constraints on heat extraction limit. Conduction-based geothermal plants will face more problems.

In some shallow geothermal use case the ground is used as seasonal heat storage so heat renewable rate is not an issue.

threelonmusketeers , to Green Energy in Good news for 100% clean energy. Geothermal has finally arrived

Was it not here yet? What changed?

Edit: Ah. Better drilling techniques, ironically, pioneered by the fossil fuel industry!

Latimer and his colleagues improved on traditional geothermal techniques in several ways. But the biggest was this: They utilized horizontal drilling, boring about 10,000 feet down and then 5,000 feet to the side with each well. The technology has been around for decades, but it’s gotten a lot less expensive since the mid-2000s due to widespread adoption by oil and gas companies.

Nice that this drilling technology can be used in green energy applications too.

zephyreks , to World News in Yemen’s Houthi rebels hit Ukrainian-owned ship in Gulf of Aden, sparking blaze, US says

Palauan-flagged, Ukrainian-owned and Polish-operated bulk cargo carrier that had docked in Malaysia and was on its way to Italy carrying wood.

Maybe this was an attack on Palau? Poland? Malaysia? Italy? No, using Ukraine will generate more clicks.

PahassaPaikassa ,

Well, who owns the ship is the important bit. Where the ship is registered is irrelevant because its done for tax etc purposes. The crews are often subcontractor kind of deals. The ports that the ship left/was going to dont matter either, the ship is just a glorified floating lorry, you wouldnt consider a arson attack against a polish lorry to be a attack against germany just because the lorry was going to frankfurt.

If you ask me personally this was an attack against the west, not any individual countries.

zephyreks ,

fair enough

Still, I thought the Houthis were mostly targeting ships that turned off their AIS and tried to run the Strait?

Stamau123 ,

They just fire at whatever the hell they think they can hit

Crashumbc ,

They almost certainly had no idea of ANY details of the ship. Much less who owned it.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

How do you think the Houthis determined which ship they were attacking? The problem is they're attacking any ship they can reach and claim it's to help Gaza.

Which isn't on the coast of the Red Sea.

People keep defending them for it too as if this somehow really does help Palestinians and doesn't just give the Houthis a PR opportunity.

Corkyskog ,

They even hit an Iranian ship at one point LOL.

ValueSubtracted OP Mod , to Star Trek in [Interview] 'Star Trek: Discovery' is over. Now Alex Kurtzman readies for 'Starfleet Academy' and 'Section 31' avatar

I really like his answer to a question about Academy's setting:

So you’re setting this —

In the “Discovery” era. There’s a specific reason for that. As the father of a 17-year-old boy, I see what my son is feeling as he looks at the world and to his future. I see the uncertainty; I see all the things we took for granted as given are not certainties for him. I see him recognizing he’s inheriting an enormous mess to clean up and it’s going to be on his generation to figure out how to do that, and that’s a lot to ask of a kid. My thinking was, if we set “Starfleet Academy” in the halcyon days of the Federation where everything was fine, it’s not going to speak to what kids are going through right now.

It’ll be a nice fantasy, but it’s not really going to be authentic. What’ll be authentic is to set it in the timeline where this is the first class back after over 100 years, and they are coming into a world that is only beginning to recover from a cataclysm — which was the Burn, as established on “Star Trek: Discovery,” where the Federation was greatly diminished. So they’re the first who’ll inherit, who’ll re-inherit, the task of exploration as a primary goal, because there just wasn’t room for that during the Burn — everybody was playing defense. It’s an incredibly optimistic show, an incredibly fun show; it’s a very funny show, and it’s a very emotional show. I think these kids, in different ways, are going to represent what a lot of kids are feeling now.

valen ,

I don't know. I watched the first few seasons of Dicsco, but it wasn't for me. Having it set so far in the future seems to me to remove it from so much of ST lore. It'll only overlap 1 series.

ValueSubtracted OP Mod , avatar

I think that's a good thing - not just for the reasons Kurtzman highlighted, but because Starfleet being in a "rebuild" phase gives them a nice excuse to put cadets to work.

I also just enjoy the 32nd century setting, so I'm glad to stick with it a while longer.

skfsh ,

The problem is that the Burn is space magic, but the problems of today's world is being caused by ourselves. These cadets have all the support of their political structure to enact change. We don't have that. Our entire political and economic system is stacked against us right now. You'll need to take a lot of power and money away from people who will salt the earth rather than give it up.

I love the sentiment behind it, but I can only hope it delivers on a truly revolutionary premise.

SpaceCowboy , to Not The Onion in Student protesters face same suspensions as those who bring assault rifles to campus avatar

Threatening people of another ethnicity is the same thing no matter who is doing it.

Sure we generally take extreme measures against those that threaten Jews. But given past history, is that really a bad thing?

When you see antisemitism, call it it out. Don't look the other way out of fear of being ostracized. These protest movements have a problem, it won't go away if you pretend to not see it.

tearsintherain , (edited ) avatar

Just because you say so, over and over and over that these protests are antisemitic, doesn't make it true.

Bernie Sanders to the Mainstream media: "go to Gaza, and take your camera show us the emaciated children who are dying from malnutrition because of Netanyahu's policies."

PREPARED REMARKS: Sanders on the Nationwide Student Protests and the Ongoing Humanitarian Disaster in Gaza

peg ,

Israel isn't an ethnicity. Neither is zionism.

Calling hard truths antisemitic makes antisemitism meaningless.

A_Chilean_Cyborg , to Not The Onion in Student protesters face same suspensions as those who bring assault rifles to campus avatar

I come and study in a place that protesting in university is almost normal, would even go to say that is one of the staples of Chilean universitary culture, something you must Live at lest once to feel complete would say... I can't believe that in the so called "country of freedom" students are repressed like in authoritarian countries. (Even tough they don't reach in extent to commit true crimes against humanity to those who oppose.)

Students should be the spearhead of societal change, and a society that suppress the students is a society that suppress change.

Here in chile, that kind of attitude would make the protests worsen off heavily and be turned around to demand for the deanery to be replaced.

electric_nan , to Not The Onion in Student protesters face same suspensions as those who bring assault rifles to campus

Those who make peaceful protest impossible, make violent protest inevitable.

Snapz , to Not The Onion in Student protesters face same suspensions as those who bring assault rifles to campus
Thcdenton ,

Well she did say she felt safer with the bear :p

Potatos_are_not_friends , to Not The Onion in Student protesters face same suspensions as those who bring assault rifles to campus

That's why you might as well strap up when protesting. Gonna get the same shit no matter what.

At least when you're strapped, the police are behaved.

mPony , to Not The Onion in Student protesters face same suspensions as those who bring assault rifles to campus

Skinny Puppy - Tin Omen

Way back in '68
Ohio, Kent State
Was nothing
So great
Have of have not
Forcing the point
Shot in the back
Take it back
Down trod soldier away
Flower power
Kill me
Kill this way of life

No way
Wrong date
Keep up the trade
Balanced charade
Close circuit truth
Used to remove
Keep the camera alive

Lemmeenym , to Not the Onion in Student protesters face same suspensions as those who bring assault rifles to campus

Bringing an assault rifle to campus is only a suspension?

dRLY , avatar

The legal charges that would also be brought by the cops/legal system would be the real punishment likely (depending on the state and whatnot). The school doesn't really need to do anything, and I am guessing it is more a fallback or show of denouncing someone. Though I agree that it is odd that they don't outright expel given the nature of the other examples given. Maybe it has to do with being a public school or something? Or maybe suspension until after the legal results? Idk.

I think they are slightly playing up the "assault rifles" bit though, as I imagine that the same suspension would be applied to any long rifle or shotgun (maybe even pistols tbh). I agree with the overall point of drawing attention to how incorrect the punishments are being applied to the pro-Palestine protestors. As shit is very very different from someone or a group of people showing up armed to a school campus. As I imagine the people more likely to jump to doing that would most certainly be the pro-Israel no matter what crowd. Though it might be getting to the point of pro-Palestine/anti-genocide folks having protection. At minimum access off campus. As the right most certainly does, and would likely be following people home.

njm1314 , to Not The Onion in Student protesters face same suspensions as those who bring assault rifles to campus

Why you should always protest with guns

RGB3x3 ,

I disagree. Protesting with guns just means the whole thing would devolve into a firefight with more civilians than police being killed.

And there's the strong likelihood in that situation that innocent bystanders would be murdered.

bloodfart ,

It’s not happened like that in the past.

If protesters are armed then the police tend to back off.

Of course, the government then has to choose wether or not to drop bombs on the protesters, but the odds are way, way against that.

Ioughttamow , to Not the Onion in Student protesters face same suspensions as those who bring assault rifles to campus

Speech is more dangerous than a gun to an authoritarian

giantofthenorth , to Not The Onion in Student protesters face same suspensions as those who bring assault rifles to campus

More protests need people openly armed so cops are less likely to abuse us and leaders listen.

Very cool students!

bobs_monkey ,

Yeah that'll end well. They'll either have the swat team mowing people down for have the national guard do the same thing. They'll treat it like terrorism and wipe everyone out, then go on the evening news and say the protestors were firing on police first and killing puppies.

Revan343 ,

That's not how it has historically went. When the protestors are armed, organized, and remain peaceful, the cops back off because cops are cowards

bobs_monkey ,

Ok, and when is the last time that happened here in the US in the last 40 years?

giantofthenorth ,
doingthestuff ,

That only works if they break no other laws. In a lot of places, committing a misdemeanor while armed makes it a felony.

deathbird ,

Yeah, I don't know that it would work well in these particular protests.

Plopp ,

That only works if you're a fascist, because cops won't target their allies.

PyroNeurosis ,

Black Panthers seemed to prove otherwise. They won't brutalize in the moment, but it will stick in their craw and they'll wait to hurt you later.

Linkerbaan , to Not the Onion in Student protesters face same suspensions as those who bring assault rifles to campus avatar

And they wonder why everyone is masked up.

jonne ,

I guess the next step is to bring a rifle and masks.

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