
MeaanBeaan , to Games in Space Marine 2 Devs Cancel Beta To Focus On 'Best' Possible Launch

Is that not the purpose of a beta? That doesn't seem like a good sign.

ChicoSuave ,

Traditional, pre-2006, beta tests were bug hunts in feature complete software. Then public beta tests became a thing that rapidly evolved into marketing for a finished game. Most public betas don't see any bugs fixed on launch.

smeg ,

Not just marketing, they're often also a load test for the networking infrastructure. Not much change to actual gameplay though.

warmaster , to Games in Space Marine 2 Devs Cancel Beta To Focus On 'Best' Possible Launch

This game is fucked

hogunner , to Games in Space Marine 2 Devs Cancel Beta To Focus On 'Best' Possible Launch

It says the beta was to test multiplayer so hopefully that means the PvP multiplayer mode and not the campaign co-op mode. If so, I’m fine with that; the pvp mode looked interesting but that’s not what I’m really buying it for.

Geek_King , to Games in Space Marine 2 Devs Cancel Beta To Focus On 'Best' Possible Launch

My knee jerk reaction is that the rumors I heard that the game isn't in a good place might be more then rumors. That sucks, I was really excited for this one, I hope it turns out great.

murmelade ,

So 'best' = 'most profitable'

Revonult ,

My guess is that the game gets really repative because that is kinda the Tyranid style. Waves and waves of teeth and claws. Maybe some variations, but how long can you send swarms of the same guy before its boring.

I guess Vermintide and 40k version (can't remember name) make it work but they are very different games.

TheDarksteel94 ,

The prequel had mostly orks in the beginning, but they sprinkled in some other enemies later on. So I assume they'll do something similar here.

Badeendje ,
@Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

Gene stealers, Lictors, a carnifex here or there.

bionicjoey ,

Tyranids can have plenty of variety if you are familiar with the full breadth of their forces.

ChicoSuave ,

Dark Tide hardly works. The "cultists" that are everywhere are usually chaos and die to a stern glare. The game has serious grind problems. The over-the-top waves of 40k make for really boring gameplay.

JoMiran , to Games in Space Marine 2 Devs Cancel Beta To Focus On 'Best' Possible Launch
@JoMiran@lemmy.ml avatar

Good thing I am a patient gamer.

Badeendje ,
@Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

I had the same thought.

RightHandOfIkaros , to Games in Space Marine 2 Devs Cancel Beta To Focus On 'Best' Possible Launch

This is not a good sign.

NOT_RICK , to Games in Space Marine 2 Devs Cancel Beta To Focus On 'Best' Possible Launch
@NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

Not sure how to feel about this

workerONE , to Games in New FPS Built Using Doom Tech Is Better Than Most AAA Shooters

The Demo was great, Im going to play this today

IMALlama ,

Let us know what you think of it! It certainly looks like it could be entertaining.

magic_lobster_party ,

I’m not the same person, but I’ve played a few levels now. I think it’s really good, especially for being early access. Reminds me of original Half Life, so if you like that kind of game it’s a strong recommend!

workerONE ,

Just following up in case anyone reads this in the future. The game is really good. In FPS games muzzle flash obscures the target and there's a little of this here, and there's a rhythm to shooting enemies and then stopping when they are dead so you don't waste ammo. Once you get used to it, it feels like a challenging part of the game. I didn't find the map key until like an hour ago and I wandered around a lot looking for the next thing. Navigating is a large part of the game, because exits and tunnels are not always obvious. Sometimes it's irritating especially if you don't use the map. Movement and the world are awesome

IMALlama ,

Thanks for the follow up!

radix , to Games in Ubisoft Excited To Let You Know Prince Of Persia Remake Is Still Years Away
@radix@lemmy.world avatar

Don't worry, though. It's not in development hell, it's going to be a AAAAA game, and that takes time.

bionicjoey ,

Part of the development process is finding a fifth A

random_character_a ,
@random_character_a@lemmy.world avatar

You mean coming up with bullshit for adding another A

bionicjoey ,

Relevant username

mrfriki ,

Where do you think the bulk of the budget goes to?

bionicjoey ,

They have a legion of people toiling in the letter mines in order to dig up more A's

bolexforsoup , to Games in The First Borderlands Movie Clip Looks Like An SNL Skit

I just don’t understand why this is even being made. Borderlands is definitely nowhere on my list of games I want adapted. I understand I am not the arbiter of what gets made into movies, but it definitely feels like a shared sentiment among the general gaming population lol just feels like a bizarre choice

acosmichippo ,

they’re about 10 years too late on this. can’t even blame the pandemic.

bolexforsoup ,

Yeah no one has been excited for it in years. It peaked a long time ago. Pre-sequel was a disaster, 3 landed with a mediocre thud, tales has a following but it’s modest. This is not going to go well.

SkyNTP ,

It's being made because there is a successful franchise to be exploited to death for the sake of earning a few more pennies for shareholders.

You aren't looking at the creative human spirit here. You are looking at a stupid money printing machine banking purely on the inertia of fans hoping for more of what made the original work of art magical.

bolexforsoup ,

I get that normally but my point is…can borderlands still be considered a successful franchise in 2024?

BL2 was 13 years old and it’s never hit those heights since. Each mainline release has performed poorly or mediocre and TFTB has been pretty well received but they weren’t huge releases like the main games. They’ve been sort of irrelevant for almost a decade, limping along to middling applause lol

BL3 did well financially for the most part but that was what? 5 years ago? And critically it did poorly/had no staying power. It died pretty quickly.

djsoren19 ,

The first Tales was well received, but it was made by Telltale and much closer to the Borderlands 2 era. Gearbox made another one recently that was terrible and panned.

I think you're right in saying the franchise is just dead. As someone who played actually thousands of hours of BL2 in my youth, I have zero interest in the rumored Borderlands 4. I think I own all the DLC for 3 and just never bothered to play through all of it.

bolexforsoup ,

TWAU2 when telltale :(

HappycamperNZ ,

You could easily exploit borderlands- but live action? Its like a live action Kerby.

TachyonTele ,

That would be an awesome horror flick.

JigglySackles , to Games in The First Borderlands Movie Clip Looks Like An SNL Skit

Yeah it's relying in star power and the drooling masses to get money. It's an awful awful attempt and it's extremely apparent from the trailers that this is going to be hot fucking garbage.
The only thing that would potentially save it, is if all this shit was promo trolling and the actual movie used completely different better suited people with better lines etc.

mPony ,

if all this shit was promo trolling

we can only hope

TachyonTele ,

I always wished a Batman movie would do that. Imagine going into it and realizing you have no idea who Batman is. That would be fun.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

A villain POV where you see Batman dismantling the organization until the very end would be amazing.

TachyonTele ,

Hell yeah.
Just remake The Usual Suspects with Batman instead of Kyser Sosey.

acosmichippo ,

but then you can’t promote george clooney in all the marketing to draw people in.

TachyonTele ,

They didnt promote him in the last one. So it's not too far fetched.

Katana314 ,

It’d be fun to make it halfway through the movie to reveal Bruce Wayne is a worthless playboy, and have Barry Allen show up and explain to the current Batman “I’m here to correct a mistake. In my timeline, that drunkard over there is Batman.” “I’m sorry, what?”


Not going to happen. Nobody can afford promo trolling because then people are simply not going. Word to mouth propaganda doesn't bring the masses needed to pay the bills nowadays.

Kolanaki ,
@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

The only thing that would potentially save it, is if all this shit was promo trolling and the actual movie used completely different better suited people with better lines etc.

That would be hilarious as shit.

JigglySackles ,

It would be the most on brand thing to do too imo.

Warl0k3 , to Games in The First Borderlands Movie Clip Looks Like An SNL Skit

The Bad:

No Marcus narration. How are they so out of touch with the source material to miss THAT one? And there's like... five guns. And while I like all the actors, what the hell are they doing playing those characters? Claptrap already had a voice, and it sure wasn't jack black. Poop jokes. They'd be fine if they were, you know, funny. But they weren't. How do you fuck up a poop joke?? The absolute lack of a coherent timeline that follows the canon. How is Tiny Tina the most subdued performance in the whole trailer? WHERE THE HELL ARE LILITH'S TATTOOS? Why are the cars so... lame? Why is the part where the narration says "Weirdest and most dangerous world" playing over a shot of random boulders? Why is Roland being played by a comedian? Where the hell is Zer0? Mordecai? HANDSOME JACK? Chris Sabat isn't listed on the cast so we're not getting Mr. Torgue. There's no vending machines. This fight is so rough it looks like I choreographed it. NO HAMMERLOCK.

The Good:

Florian Munteanu (Krieg) doesn't have a shirt on.

The Bad Again:

This movie isn't 1hr30min of Florian Munteanu not wearing a shirt and hitting things. Preferably in slow motion, and glistening. Maybe throw in some cute Pandorian animals, too. How cute must a baby skag be? I don't know, but I want to find out the answer.

I mean come on you could do ANYTHING with this, a feature length movie just of Granny Flexington's Story Corner would be lauded as one of the best troll moves in history. Sure, I'd go and throw a brick through Gearbox's windows for that, but I'd make sure nobody was behind said window first. ... Probably.

Both this clip and the first clip emphasize the same poop joke. And that's a problem. Somehow they've managed to make poop jokes in Borderlands a problem.

And keep in mind this is the scene the producers and people involved thought was good enough to debut online. This is what they are selling the movie on. This is their big “Take a look at this and get excited!” clip. If that’s the case, well, I fear for the rest of the movie.

Sums it up pretty well. I'm just astounded by how awful this is going to be. This looks bad enough I'm not even going to hate watch it, just... just no.

polonius-rex ,

Poop jokes

  1. it creates symmetry when paired with the pee joke from the trailer
  2. honestly this is the part that feels most on brand for the game

This fight looks like I choreographed it

atlas had better fight choreography, and 90% of that movie was arguing with siri

HappycamperNZ ,


I don't have the right rant to express my displeasure at this, someone wanna help me out??


all-knight-party ,
@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

Yeah, I hope people don't mistake bad comedy for letting the games down. The games probably got a laugh out of me once every 75 jokes.

Warl0k3 , (edited )

See its not that the poop jokes are bad its that there's only one damn joke and they keep recycling it. Like the poop jokes were rarely funny in the games (I'm secure enough to admit that I laughed at more than a few...) but at least there was a variety. This is the same damn one as in trailer #1. What kind of person can't write two "claptrap shitting bullets" jokes???

Vinny_93 ,

Fairly certain this is supposed to be a Borderlands 1 movie so Jack will be in the sequel. Mordecai should've been in here, so should Brick. But there are loads of missing characters.

Regarding Claptrap: the voice actor from the first three games (counting Pre-Sequel) quit and was replaced in 3 and Wonderlands. But yeah the new guy could've been in instead of Jack Black.

Bottom line is this movie is not for the enjoyment of the Borderlands players, it's more likely it's made to get people to buy Borderlands 4 (and maybe try the older ones while they're at it).

djsoren19 ,

This is the game series that seriously gave a quest where you tried to rename one of the enemies to Bonerfarts, and this movie is failing to even hit that level of unfunny.

I guess it's PG, so maybe it'll hit Gearbox's new target audience; 10 year old boys.

taiyang , to Games in The First Borderlands Movie Clip Looks Like An SNL Skit

Omg, haven't been this hyped since the live action Dragon Ball movie.

xenoclast ,

Almost as hyped as the live action Avatar movie!

Alexstarfire ,

James Cameron really knows his stuff.

rbesfe , to Games in The First Borderlands Movie Clip Looks Like An SNL Skit

The fact they chose Kevin Hart to play Roland shows how little they care about the games themselves

NegativeInf ,

It's all IP baby. They think we are the unwashed masses with no taste or critical thinking and just consume whatever they excrete.

fsxylo ,

Close, but they genuinely think video games are a lesser medium than movies. So of course they don't take this movie, or our standards seriously.

zaphod ,

I think some game developers think like this too, that's why they try to turn their games into movies, either directly or by making their games more "cinematic".

TexasDrunk ,

At least it's not still just Uwe Boll making adaptations.

MeatsOfRage ,

Or Cate Blanchett. Like if me and my friends were dream casting this movie one of us would say Cate Blanchett as a joke and we'd all laugh and move on. Don't get me wrong, she's one of my favorite actresses, you can Tar and feather me all day but this was frankly a bizarre call.

Reminds me of the show Barry, the character Sally is on a press circuit and someone throws the question at her "Who should play the next Spiderman" and confused by the question she says Ben Mendelson


Looks wise Hayley Williams is great for Lilith, don’t think she acts but there has to be a ginger actress other that Karen Gillian interested

polonius-rex ,

anya-taylor joy so that it all comes full circle to mad max

bigmclargehuge ,
@bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

Me and my sister have a running joke casting for a movie of the Uncharted games, I'm pretty sure Danny DeVito was Sully and Mel Gibson was Elena. I'd rather watch something that stupid than something as uninspired as this.

PumaStoleMyBluff ,

I cannot fathom how Cate Blanchett even got involved here. Do they have some Panama Papers kind of leverage against her?

herrvogel ,

Tar and feather

I see what you did there

bionicjoey ,

My personal theory is that they wanted The Rock (who would be straight out of central casting for Roland) but he declined and so some exec was like "okay, just use KH instead, they both work together on a lot of the same movies"

oxideseven ,

Or Jack Black. I love him, but this dumb Hollywood trend of hiring Jack for anything comical is absurd.

w3dd1e ,

Supposedly he met the creators at a party after the first game came out and asked to play claptrap. I don’t have a source to share with you, but if that’s true then I’m fine with it.

But yeah, most of this movie looks very bad.

SnotFlickerman , to Games in The First Borderlands Movie Clip Looks Like An SNL Skit
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

After how expertly Fallout nailed its landing by using literal assets from the game for set design...

Yeah this is gonna flop hard.

djsoren19 ,

It blows my mind that we're still getting uninspired shitty adaptations after Fallout, The Last of Us, honestly even stuff like Sonic and Mario showed suits that people will praise any adaptation as long as it shows them what they know.

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