hernanca , to Technology in China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say

WTF. Is the abstract concept of "competition" more important than weaning out of fossil fuels in order to keep Earth habitable for humans?

I find this mindset doubly crazy because the USA grants a ton of subsidies to oil companies.

China's government is horrible for a myriad reasons but this instance of concern trolling is just blatant pro-oil and pro-capital propaganda. The USA is antagonizing China for the wrong reasons and from the outside, their alleged motivations look stupid and petty.

It's immensely disheartening to see the supposed "leader of the free world" acting in such a dumb way in the face of an impending catastrophe.

sanzky ,

Is the abstract concept of “competition” more important than weaning out of fossil fuels in order to keep Earth habitable for humans?

You need to understand, this is written by economists, the people who make a living by justifying human suffering.

0x815 OP , to Technology in China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say

I posted this elsewhere already, but it also fits here goven many of the posts in this thread: It is not just about data/privacy concerns (which are underestimated imo, as China pursues an own agenda with collecting your data through Chinese tech) and 'unfair' subsidies, but about gross human rights violations.

In short, some parts of the cheap Chinese cars are made in concentration camps where people are forced to work under catastrophic conditions.

0x815 OP , to Technology in China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say

I posted this elsewhere already, but it also fits here goven many of the posts in this thread: It is not just about data/privacy concerns (which are underestimated imo, as China pursues an own agenda with collecting your data through Chinese tech) and 'unfair' subsidies, but about gross human rights violations.

In short, some parts of the cheap Chinese cars are made in concentration camps where people are forced to work under catastrophic conditions.

trevron ,

Man I hate coming in and whatabouting but you do realize that the entire EV industry is committing some major atrocities against the people of the Congo right? Western corporations are ruthlessly vile down there. Everything you named and more.

How about we clean up our own yard before telling on the neighbor?

0x815 OP , (edited )

What about cleaning all yards? This 'the West bad, China bad okay' stance is dehumanising and ignorant. [Edit typo.]

trevron ,

Yeah, sure clean all yards but start with your own.

Your statement here and your reaction to how the community has responded is ignorant. Not sure how self awareness is dehumanizing unless you fancy yourself a champion for corporations but okay.

0x815 OP ,

Yeah, sure clean all yards but start with your own.

Do you say that to Europe, to China, or both?

It's obvious you're addressing only Europe. Why?

This is what I meant with 'The West bad, China bad okay'. It's hypocritical. It's double-standards. It's ignorant and disgusting.

trevron ,

Because you are speaking english and you are focusing on China instead of somewhere your voice might be heard. What are we supposed to do, bomb their civilians so they stop treating their civilians poorly? lol come on dude

i_am_not_a_robot , to Technology in China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say

China is simultaneously destroying the environment for profit and investing too much money in green technology?

A distinctive feature of purchase subsidies for BEV in China, however, is that they are paid out directly to manufacturers rather than consumers and that they are paid only for electric vehicles produced in China, thereby discriminating against imported cars.

That's an interesting way to spin subsidies on the production of electric vehicles. Why would China pay companies in other countries to produce cars?

Hirom , (edited )

That sounds a bit contradictory but there's an important details. Part of the accusation seems to be about picking winners, ie giving subsidies to specific companies rather than the sector as a whole.

The anti-subsidy investigation has been intended to confirm the Commission’s allegations that manufacturers of battery electric vehicles (BEV) in China benefit from countervailable – i.e. specific and advantageous to the receiving companies – subsidies

If that's true then a tweak to subsidies might technically solve the issue without changing the EU-China competition balance.

IMHO the EU should focus on carbon border tax, and on doing it quickly and efficiently. The idea is taxing import from countries that don't tax pollution, or at least less than the EU does, to make competing companies subject to similar emissions tax/regulation.

venoft , to Technology in China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say avatar

What the fuck is this bullshit article? China gives subsidies for green tech? GOOD! And then they want the EU to stop is? See, this is why we can't have nice things. When we lay parched on our barren sun baked fields this is who we can thank.

onlinepersona , to Technology in China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say

Do you want a livable planet or "fair competition"? China is doing what's necessary and the west is complaining about " distorted competition".

The priorities are clear.

Anti Commercial-AI license

regul , to Technology in China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say

The researchers conclude that the EU should use its strong bargaining power due to the single market to induce the Chinese government to abandon the most harmful subsidies.

This is their advice? Make the technology for the green transition more expensive rather than enact your own subsidies?

Capitalists are going to burn this planet.

Grimy , to Technology in China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say

By far the largest recipient of purchase subsidies was Chinese NEV manufacturer BYD, which in 2022 alone received purchase subsidies amounting to €1.6 billion (for about 1.4 million NEV) (Figure 4). The second largest recipient of purchase subsidies was US-headquartered Tesla, which received about €0.4 billion (for about 250,000 BEV produced in its Shanghai Gigafactory)

Am I reading this right? They actually gave half a billion euros to Tesla and I'm suppose to believe they are the bad guys?

This is so transparent as to be insulting. Pure oil propoganda.

demonsword , to Technology in China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say avatar

Of all things you can (justly or unjustly) criticize the Chinese government, this is the most ridiculous. They're actually doing the right thing with their subsides for EVs, while the rest of the so-called "civilized world" is lagging behind.

gedaliyah , to Technology in China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say avatar

Well... Good for them. Am I supposed to be alarmed by this? Weren't we saying a decade ago how China was the top contributor to pollution? Now they are doing something about it by investing in necessary tech?

If US and EU can't compete due to subsidies, let's increase our subsidies. C'mon, it's not rocket surgery.

0x0 ,

And drop the oil subsidies?! How dare you!

algorithmae , to Technology in China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say

So... Match em? It's not "unfair" if you don't even bother to keep up

Glowstick , to Technology in China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say

So then the only way to make it fair is for us to invest equally as much into our own green energy industries

catloaf ,

Yup. From an economic and political perspective, this is a bad thing. From a climate perspective it's good. But if we all invest, then everyone wins.

Well, not the oil companies, but they can die from climate effects for all I care.

Bassman1805 , to Technology in China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say

"China is the worst polluter on the planet and they need to do better"

[China invests heavily into green technologies]


Kecessa ,

That's what I like to remind people when they say that reducing emissions on our side isn't worth it because China is worse... They have a system in place that makes it so they can turn around and make the switch in a year, if we wait for them to really start moving then we'll end up decades behind them with how everything is complicated and bureaucratic in Europe and North America.

sunzu ,

how everything is complicated and bureaucratic in Europe and North America.

In Tejas, we call that corruption...

sunzu , to Technology in China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say

I am sorry that the state aid provided by EU and US got stolen and we have nothing to show for it.

Sorry fucking losers want us to pay them even more money for nothing. JFC stop

GenderNeutralBro , to Technology in China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say

Okay. Good for China?

This seems like a really weird way to say "EU countries aren't investing enough into green tech".

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