jiton , to Technology in Volkswagen Will Bring Back Physical Buttons In New Cars | Down with touch screen controls.

Certainly! Here's a comment in English:

It's refreshing to see Volkswagen taking customer feedback seriously. Bringing back physical buttons and controls in future models is a smart move towards improving user experience and addressing user preferences. This customer-centric approach shows Volkswagen's commitment to listening to its market and adapting accordingly. Looking forward to seeing how these changes enhance the driving and usability of their vehicles!

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anachronist , to Technology in Americans Are Open To Cheap Chinese Cars. That’s 'Scary' For The Rest Of The Auto Industry

The biggest con is the industry's war to make Kei trucks illegal in the US.

chemicalprophet , to Technology in Americans Are Open To Cheap Chinese Cars. That’s 'Scary' For The Rest Of The Auto Industry

I'd rather walk than spend money on an 'American' car. Fuck, I'd rather walk period but you can catch my drift.

umami_wasbi , to Technology in Americans Are Open To Cheap Chinese Cars. That’s 'Scary' For The Rest Of The Auto Industry

If it pass safety standards without all those smart and data collection bs and being reliable for 7+ years with easy part sourcing I might give it a try.

InternetUser2012 ,

The data collection thing is a big one for me.

cobra89 , to Technology in Americans Are Open To Cheap Chinese Cars. That’s 'Scary' For The Rest Of The Auto Industry

Until they're testing and pass NHTSA standards, fuckin nope.

Maybe people will change their minds once they see the aftermath of high speed crashes in these things. Or crashes with a MUCH heavier vehicle. With the weight of EVs these days you NEED a car that's designed around safety.

schizoidman OP ,
umami_wasbi ,

That's interesting. I just watched a vid about how unreliable they are in China. (chinese audio, no eng sub)

umami_wasbi ,

Another chinese audio, no eng sub about this

Zeroxxx , to Technology in Americans Are Open To Cheap Chinese Cars. That’s 'Scary' For The Rest Of The Auto Industry

I personally own Ioniq 5 but that is because Hyundai has better after sales support in my country than emerging Chinese OEMs.

Not to mention existing Chinese cars currently do not possess enough battery capacity and efficiency for my taste.

Once they fix that atrocious after sales support, I will reconsider them.

FYI, Wuling Air EV probably has the 2nd biggest sales number here in my country but people who own them complain alot about maintenance and spare part supplies.

bastonia ,

You have to drive 250km to do your grocery shop then another 150km to drive your kids home? lmao

PanArab , to Technology in Americans Are Open To Cheap Chinese Cars. That’s 'Scary' For The Rest Of The Auto Industry

EVs are cheaper to fill up than internal combustion engine cars, even in oil rich countries - Changan Eado EV, 9 Saudi Riyal (2.4USD) to drive 460km (287.5miles) - . I want to get an EV eventually, I just want to know how well can they handle +50C temperatures.

MrOzwaldMan ,

Same, but I fear the risk of the car getting hacked giving the hacker the control or an EMP attack causing the electric car to shutdown indefinitely.

Tar_alcaran ,

An EMP will brick any car from the past 3 decades. And also trigger ww3, so I'm not sure if you've got your priorities straight there.

MtnPoo ,

ICE cars are just as reliant on computers. Have you seen the articles on "your car is spying on you" and BMWs heated seat monthly fee?

Plus, when you consider all the emissions controls required by the government versus the car companies trying to make the cars exciting for the consumer, the whole thing ends up one big giant mess of computer and sensors.

Fridgeratr , to Technology in Americans Are Open To Cheap Chinese Cars. That’s 'Scary' For The Rest Of The Auto Industry

Maybe make affordable cars here then??

ShaggySnacks ,

Profit line must always go brrrrr!

I_am_10_squirrels ,

I want to know how much the price of a car would come down if I didn't need to visit a salesperson working on commission. I want to go to Costco, test drive it to make sure I like it, and check out.

Randelung ,

Right?? Cheap is the wrong word.

MeetInPotatoes ,

Oh, apologies my good Lemming but you're mistaken. We make affordable ones here but the auto companies decided they'd make more money if they artificially keep supply low to keep prices high. Car Graveyards

eyy ,

Next you'll be seeing bs gaslighting articles saying "American carmakers are being driven to bankruptcy thanks to millenials' changing preferences"

vodkasolution , to Technology in Americans Are Open To Cheap Chinese Cars. That’s 'Scary' For The Rest Of The Auto Industry avatar

80s: You wouldn't buy a Japanese car!
90s: you wouldn't buy a Korean car!
00s: you wouldn't buy a small Italian car!

PraiseTheSoup ,

I'd still never buy an Italian car of any size. Not then and not now.

vodkasolution , avatar

It's not the country of origin, it's the brand that matters

twei ,

I'd buy a Revuelto in an instant, I'm just lacking the ~600k to do so

KingThrillgore , to Technology in Americans Are Open To Cheap Chinese Cars. That’s 'Scary' For The Rest Of The Auto Industry avatar

The industry should meet the needs of the consumer, not the shareholder.

FenrirIII , avatar

But that's not the American way

billgamesh ,

Capitalism creates monopoly. The consumer's needs can be manufactured. In a society organized around capital shareholder needs are paramount.

LaLuzDelSol , to Technology in Americans Are Open To Cheap Chinese Cars. That’s 'Scary' For The Rest Of The Auto Industry

I feel like a lot people on Lemmy, and people in left-leaning spaces in general, kind of have a blind spot on this one. People get that buying local is good, but not buying American.

It matters where your money goes. People complain about the soullessness of modern American life, and how hard it is to find a good job, and how democracies are backsliding around the globe, and then they buy things from China that are cheaply made and, at most, slightly better value in the long run.

This isn't me trying to be nationalist or xenophobic but whenever anyone (including me because there's no way to completely avoid it nowadays) buys Chinese goods you are supporting a government that is aggressively un-democratic, that actively supports Russia, and also has basically zero labor laws and an absolutely enormous wealth gap between the ruling class and the working class.

And yeah I get a lot of Americans are hurting right now due to inflation but the solution isn't to send money overseas. The best thing you can do for your neighbor is buy union and buy American.

Kultronx , avatar

lmfao more people in china believe their govt is democratic than in the usa 😂

Fidel_Cashflow , avatar

ah, but don't you know that all 1.4 billion people are brainwashed and can't think for themselves??? Something something tiny man square??????

billgamesh ,

Voting with your dollar is a myth (it's a myth that workers have any vote, not that the dollar controls the imperial core). China offering a viable alternative to not being able to afford cars because companies have arbitrarily inflated prices is great. Arbitrarily spending a lot more money that will mostly go to shareholders in the US is not going to help the worker

LaLuzDelSol ,

Voting with your dollar is a myth? So if the IDF (or ISIS, if you prefer) drops an amazing new EV for $10k, with all money going straight to weapons procurement, you'd buy it?

billgamesh ,

Very much a strawman argument. China can offer cheap electric cars because they aren't paying american car company CEOs. Also, your argument supposes that American manufacturers aren't supporting IDF...

Fidel_Cashflow , avatar

The IDF? No. China? Absolutely!

davel , avatar

basically zero labor laws

You have no idea what you’re talking about, like at all. Even shitty Wikipedia says they do.

SeattleRain ,

Their labor conditions are significantly worse than modern American work conditions let's not kid ourselves. Although this never bothers people when it comes to goods made in Mexico.

MeaanBeaan , (edited )

Yes, let's try to pick apart the one hyperbolic statement he made and completely ignore all of his other valid points. Let's also link a very biased article about Wikipedia that has absolutely nothing to do with anything as some sort of proof that China is some bastion for workers rights. It's not like they literally force people into labor camps simply for being minorities or anything.

The US is far from perfect but let's not pretend they somehow have worse labor rights than freaking China.

Fidel_Cashflow , (edited ) avatar

also has basically zero labor laws and an absolutely enormous wealth gap between the ruling class and the working class.

China's congress literally just passed a law a few days ago requiring all companies over 100 employees to have employee councils as a mandatory organ of the company structure

Article 17(2) of the Revised Company Law now stipulates that the assembly of employee representatives shall be the basic form of the democratic corporate governance system and that this shall apply to all companies. That means, regardless of whether a company is private or state-owned, whether it is a limited liability or a stock corporation. This is a notable development, as democratic corporate governance as a requirement for all companies is set out in national law for the first time.

An Employee Assembly shall be convened at least once a year, and more than two-thirds of the employee representatives must be present at the plenary session of an Employee Assembly. Elections and votes on relevant matters at an Employee Assembly require a majority of all employee representatives.

Kultronx , avatar

don't be too hard on him, americans are taught from birth bizarre propaganda about their country, they can't help it naturally

Maggoty ,

Buying local/national is fine when the quality is there. But I'm not putting my face into a grinder just to bail out American corporations.

Heavybell , avatar

"Buying American" would be exporting money for me, and there's no domestic car manufacturing anymore. So I'm sending money overseas no matter what I buy, and it's probably all made in China anyway… :P

Zerush , to Technology in Americans Are Open To Cheap Chinese Cars. That’s 'Scary' For The Rest Of The Auto Industry avatar

Even Xiaomi has released the SU7, a real Tesla killer and also way cheaper. But not for the US market, but for the EU.

delirious_owl , to Technology in Americans Are Open To Cheap Chinese Cars. That’s 'Scary' For The Rest Of The Auto Industry avatar

What's their e-bike situation like? Are there good ones or will they blow my nuts off?

CoffeeJunkie ,


delirious_owl , avatar


CoffeeJunkie ,

Oh I was making a joke, like you posted an 'or' comment & I replied Yes like it will do both. 😂 Good bike, blows your balls off.

I've been looking at Super73 for years as a CLASSIC styling, really handsome ebike. YouTube search for things like Survival ebike, ebike for preppers. Because you'll tap into a whole community of people that want good & tough ebikes, not flimsy crap, ebikes that should be good relatively long-term. I trust Canadian Prepper; this video is a little older but information & considerations tend to be relevant years later.

I saw another prepper cheaping it with $700-800 ebikes, if I find it I'll post name & link...

Anyway jokes aside I hope that helps. Idk your situation but I'd almost be tempted to wait just a few more years; pandemic/oil prices have pushed so many ebikes into the wild & that has brought about soooooo much real-world testing & consumer feedback. I'm thinking the ebikes just a few years from now will be so much better, and possibly for cheaper or the same price.

delirious_owl , avatar

In my experience preppers buy things that sit in their storage space unused. I want something I can use hard (as a cargo bike) several times per day, every day, for decades.

CoffeeJunkie ,

This is a valid criticism that we talk about...working through supply, using supply, and becoming familiar with it is actually the ideal we should all strive for. 🙂 Idk about any bike, electric or not, that can withstand hard use several times/day for decades. (o_O) But product design is getting better all the time!

delirious_owl , avatar

Oh, I definitely know bikes that can survive hard use for decades. Of course you have to change wearing parts every X thousand km, but the bike should last generations.

What I'm unsure about is the e-bikes. I really don't want the battery to catch fire or explode. And the motor should last generations.

CoffeeJunkie ,

This is actually super great timing. I'm guessing by safer, they mean, won't blow your nuts off. 🤭 Might be a good community for us, too.[email protected]/t/764970

delirious_owl , avatar

Some of the best bikes that last decades were built in the 1970s. There are some machines that don't get more durable when you throw more R&D at it.

Breakthroughs in product design for nonelectric bikes have been mostly optimizing weight, but very minor improvements that don't apply steel cargo bikes built to last generations.

Wahots , avatar

Even some domestic brands like Juiced go on sale for like, $1,200 for a Juiced Ripracer. Aventon appears to make good stuff too, if you want bike shop support. I've had my bike for a month and put 320 miles on it. Fun little bike :)

huquad , to Technology in Americans Are Open To Cheap Chinese Cars. That’s 'Scary' For The Rest Of The Auto Industry

Auto industry looking at their overly inflated prices, "well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my actions."

whotookkarl , to Technology in Americans Are Open To Cheap Chinese Cars. That’s 'Scary' For The Rest Of The Auto Industry avatar

Not scary for the auto workers who want to work on them, build them, supply parts for them, etc or the families who want affordable EVs. More scary for the wealth class who didn't reinvest enough into updating their facilities and processes to stay competitive businesses. The government already gave them extra time with the embargo but that isn't going to last forever.

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