SorteKanin Mod , to Teknologi in Immich - et gratis, open source, selfhosted alternativ til Google Photos og lignende avatar

Noget jeg virkelig godt kan lide ud fra at kigge på deres demo-side er at de helt tydeligvis har tyvstjålet brugergrænsefladen så den ligner Google Photos til forveksling.

Det er fantastisk! Det burde mange flere open-source projekter bare gøre. Firmaer som Google, Microsoft og Apple bruger utrolig mange penge på at undersøge og forbedre brugervenligheden af deres produkter. Samtidig har folk inden for open-source desværre tit ikke kompetencerne til at lave særlig gode brugervenlige brugergrænseflader. Så det giver simpelthen meget bedre mening bare at kopiere hvad de her firmaer gør. Så får man en god brugergrænseflade som virker godt for næsten ingen indsats.

Der er mange open-source projekter der prøver at genopfinde den dybe tallerken i deres brugergrænseflade, og det er dybt unødvendigt.

JohnOliver , avatar

Har du tjekket ?
De har både en betalt løsning og for nyligt også en self hosted løsning

Jeg har selv kigget på immich, men kan ikke finde ud af at selfhoste så gik ret hurtigt væk fra det igen

SorteKanin Mod , avatar

Jeg ville personligt nok selv selfhoste hvis det var.

JohnOliver , avatar

Jeg må komme i gang med at lærer det. Det Virker bare uoverskueligt

SorteKanin Mod , avatar

Altså jeg er professionel softwareudvikler... Det er ikke fordi jeg vil anbefale selfhosted for alle. Det kræver noget teknik.

JohnOliver , (edited ) to Teknologi in Immich - et gratis, open source, selfhosted alternativ til Google Photos og lignende avatar

Jeg er slev ved at flygte fra Google universet. Google photos var en af mine værste frygter, men det er gået ok. Jeg havde kortvarigt kigget på Immich men er en kegle til teknik så gav ret hurtigt op med at selvhoste. I stedet for, er jeg gået med Ente som har en betalt løsning men som også kan selfhostes hvis man har lyst til det (eller evt skifte over til selfhost senere).

De har end to end kryptering, og er godt i gang med at udvikle billed genkendelse lokalt, så det ikke bliver delt med nogle. Derudover har de en familie funktion så man kan koblet op til 5 ekstra brugere på


(brug evt kode UPJT4Q for 10gb ekstra hvis du vælger at købe et abonnement)

Derudover, har jeg skiftet google search ud med Kagi search. Det er også en betalt løsning, men det er bare SÅ lækkert at slippe for reklamer og promoverede anbefalinger. Angående mail så har jeg oprettet egen domain hos et webhosting firma og forwarder min Gmail dertil. Alle de vigtige mails sørger jeg derefter at skifte eller opdatere og evt slette kontierne.

Cloud storage bruger jeg Icedrive og MEGA

meldrik , to Teknologi in Immich - et gratis, open source, selfhosted alternativ til Google Photos og lignende

Findes der en god app til Apple TV, hvis man gerne vil kunne se sine billeder fra Immich på sit fjernsyn?

bobslaede , to Teknologi in Immich - et gratis, open source, selfhosted alternativ til Google Photos og lignende

Jeg har sat Immich op derhjemme. Det virker ret godt. Har et gammelt grafikkort til at lave ansigtsgenkendelse osv. Tager backup på en ekstern disk hver nat, og jævnligt til skyen også.

Jeg har migreret mine egne billeder fra Google. Resten af familiens billeder er ikke migreret endnu. Når Immich er nået en stable release, så tror jeg at jeg vil migrere resten af husholdningen. Vi er ved at løbe tør for plads på vores Google one abonnement, og jeg vil helst ikke give dem flere penge eller mere data.

Tror desværre aldrig vi kommer ud af gmail, men resten vil jeg gerne ud af :)

EvilCartyen OP ,

Jeg skal helt klart have sat det op lokalt når jeg får tid, sf med backup osv. Jeg håber jeg kan køre det med min Intel HD 630 gpu, men ellers går det vel uden ansigtsgenkendelse.

Jeg er i process med at forlade gmail, synes protonmail fungerer fint. Gider ikke selfhoste en emailserver......

bobslaede ,

Vil nok aldrig selv selfhoste mail heller. Alt andet giver god mening at hoste hjemme :)
Jeg tror jeg vil selfhoste en email-sender, så jeg kan få notifikationer fra alle mine services osv.

Grippler ,

Tror desværre aldrig vi kommer ud af gmail

Det var ellers den nemmeste at komme ud af for mig. Hvad er det, som gør det svært for dig at slippe gmail?

bobslaede ,

Kunne nok godt nemt skifte til at bruge noget andet, men det ville kræve at vi skulle forwarde meget mail i lang tid, så det ville ikke rigtig være at komme ud af gmail.
Gmail'en er over tid blevet brugt til at logge ind rigtig mange steder. Både med google login, og som brugernavn. For os allesammen i husholdningen. Det ville kræve en del af skifte alle de steder.

EvilCartyen OP ,

Man spiser en elefant én bid af gangen :D

Grippler ,

Ja sådan havde jeg det også, havde brugt min gmail i næsten 20år, siden det var invite only. Det tog kun et par måneder så var alt faktisk flyttet. Jeg brugte ikke videresendelse, men havde dem bare parallelt og flyttede så stille og roligt som mails kom ind på gmail. Jeg tjekker den sporadisk for at se om der ee noget (vigtigt) jeg ikke har fået med, men der har ikke været noget længe.

bobslaede ,

Jeg skal bare også lige have min partner til det. Det er altså lidt sværere :)

EvilCartyen OP ,

Det er det sværeste ved at self-hoste 😁 men altså, de behøver jo ikke skifte fordi du har en fiks idé....

farsinuce , (edited ) avatar

Samme her. Skiftede til Proton sidste år, fordi jeg også skulle bruge et par af deres andre services, og gøre det nemt for mig selv.

Google Calendar, derimod...! 👀

SorteKanin Mod , avatar

Jeg har migreret mine egne billeder fra Google.

Hvor svært er det at flytte alle billeder fra Google Photos til Immich, efter din erfaring? Jeg har også overvejet at bruge begge dele, så jeg har det både hos Google Photos og Immich.

bobslaede ,

Jeg har omkring 160-170 gb billeder som jeg migrerede. Det var nemt.
Google takeout, og så bare zip filerne sammen i en mappe. Så findes der er script til at køre det igennem, og smide det ind i min bruger i Immich. Det hele tog et par timer :)

theorangeninja , to Selfhosted in Immich public roadmap

How does Immich compare to something like PhotoPrism or Piwigo?

AtariDump , to Open Source in The Immich core team goes full-time | Immich

What will change?

The following things will change as Immich joins FUTO:

  • The brand, logo, and other Immich trademarks will be transferred to FUTO.
  • We will stop all donations to the project.
  • The core team can now dedicate our full attention to Immich
  • Before the end of the year, we plan to have a roadmap for what it will take to get Immich to a stable release.
  • Bugs will be squashed, and features will be delivered faster.
skoberlink , to Open Source in The Immich core team goes full-time | Immich

I've never heard of FUTO before and it sounds a little too good to be true. It looks like they have made some grants to other big projects. I like what they're saying to the point that it seems too good to be true.

Does anyone know if this is a legit organization and if it has staying power?

Either way getting further progress on Immich, hopefully moving towards real stability, is very exciting!

rijom ,

Do they say anywhere how they’re funded? Couldn’t really find anything on the FUTO page…

TheHobbyist ,

I was wondering this too and couldn't find anything about it.

I believe this to be a legitimate organization, as Louis Rossman was hired there, see
Or privacy friendly:

skoberlink ,

Immich will be funded by an optional purchase in the near future. Since I can't find anything else, my best guess is some portion of that goes to FUTO. But it is just a guess. I also couldn't find any specifics on FUTO's funding.

doeknius_gloek ,

Uhhh so I copied the part from their website that tries to answer your question and now my clipboard seems to include an invisible link to some scummy sounding website. So either I have to nuke my smartphone (and another system I tested this on) or this just got a whole lot sketchier.

That organization is FUTO, founded in 2021 by 18-year Silicon Valley veteran, programmer/founder of Yahoo! Games, and WhatsApp seed investor Eron Wolf.

Through a combination of in-house engineering projects, targeted investments, generous grants, and multi-media public education efforts, we will free technology from the control of the few and recreate the spirit of freedom, innovation, and self-reliance that underpinned the American tech industry only a few decades ago.

FUTO is not reliant on any existing tech company or venture capital firm for its funding. We are not expecting quick profits.


warmaster , (edited )

Holy shit, same thing here. That shady link is in fact on their page, it doesn't come from your phone.

Edit, here it is, line 22:

<h2 style="position: absolute; top: -14649px;"></h2>
doeknius_gloek ,

Thanks for testing! I really wonder what happened there.

Mixel ,

Probably because of accessibility I would say. Not good design but it is what it is

magnor , avatar

Same thing here. What the fuck is this?

helenslunch , avatar

my clipboard seems to include an invisible link to some scummy sounding website

I reported it. Should be fixed soon.

lemann ,

Aside from the other income channels mentioned by others, licenses for Grayjay and FUTO Voice Input.

Louis Rossmann is an employee there so I would expect that organization to have very strong staying power, especially considering the founder of that organization funded Rossmann's R2R lobbying very early on (I no longer believe that is the case though: a dedicated charity was set up for that IIRC, which has recieved very generous donations)

helenslunch , avatar

FUTO is the company that also hired Louis Rossman. They also make the Grayjay video app, FUTO Voice (offline voice recognition keyboard, as well as FUTO keyboard), and Circles (a Matrix-based private social media app), and many other cool things.

They have a literal free lunch every Friday and I've been a couple times. Eron the owner seems like your typical tech billionaire. You're definitely right that it seems "too good to be true" but we're in the midst of the worst of times for technology and they just keep doing all the right things.

Most of their stuff is licensed under a FUTO license, often called "source available".

Everything is a paid app, but also if you choose not to pay, as Louis says, "that's between you and your God".

krnl386 , to Selfhosted in The Immich core team goes full-time | Immich avatar

Whoah, isn’t FUTO the non-profit that Louis Rossmann works for? This is great news!!

smileyhead , to Selfhosted in The Immich core team goes full-time | Immich

I love it. The only thing keeping me from switching is two-way sync. Or at least make apps updates edited photos.

I keep photos of the current year on my phone and all photos on my computer. That's because I want to edit them or use. Unfortunetly Immich currently is typical black hole, where I am expected to download file from cloud manually, then edit, then delete original, then patch creation date and then upload it again.

mypasswordis1234 , to Selfhosted in The Immich core team goes full-time | Immich avatar

What does it mean?

B0rax ,

That the developers have more time to develop it.

mypasswordis1234 , avatar

Thanks, that's great!

barbara , to Selfhosted in The Immich core team goes full-time | Immich

Very cool! You made it :)

Who gets the payment? Immich or futo? Does futo own immich now?

lemmyvore ,

FUTO receives the money and pays people to work on various FOSS projects (listed on their website).

Nobody "owns" Immich. It's still a FOSS project licensed under AGPL and very unlikely to change license ever again (not impossible, but getting harder all the time since copyright is now shared among all contributors and any license change would have to either get permission from all contributors or remove their code).

hperrin , to Selfhosted in The Immich core team goes full-time | Immich

That’s awesome. Immich is one of the most professional self hosted solutions I’ve used, so I love to see this.

RootBeerGuy , to Selfhosted in The Immich core team goes full-time | Immich avatar

Don’t Abuse the People
We expect FUTO companies to have an honest relationship with their customers. Ideally revenue comes from customers paying directly for the services provided by company.

Good for the Immich guys, but I fear incoming enshittification or a subscription model.

flork , avatar

It is a bit weird. They're doing the Winrar business model of "pay if you want to, but don't have to". I don't get how such a niche product can support multiple salaries.

sunbeam60 ,

Scale. Look at a programming language like Zig … tiny, but managing to have three people full time.

traches ,

Your quoted paragraph is the only sane alternative to the ad supported internet. Think Fastmail vs gmail - both are run for a profit, but fastmail’s business model is to simply sell subscriptions. Their incentives are better aligned with the consumer, and while nobody’s going to become a billionaire off the company I have to imagine that they have a very reliable customer base.

Good software should be paid for, devs gotta eat

RootBeerGuy , avatar

I don't mind if they are going to charge for it. But since it is selfhosted I hope a fixed price option with maybe still getting some important updates is on the table. If this goes subscription I am out.

traches ,

That’s fair, but I’ll point out that eating is sort of a subscription model.

RootBeerGuy , avatar

Yeah, but I am not paying for their food, I am paying for the software that I selfhost on my system. With that analogy you can justify subscription for everything in life, since in the end, people gotta eat.

uninvitedguest , to Selfhosted in The Immich core team goes full-time | Immich avatar

I'm happy for them. Immich, along with Nextcloud, was the driving force behind my getting in to self hosting - getting away from the ridiculous and increasing subscription prices associated with keeping family photos and documents.

It has come an incredibly long way in the time I've been using it. I've kicked them a donation or two, a first for me with OSS, because it continued to provide so much value for me.

I had read earlier that Alex was hoping to transition to working on this full time and I am happy he has been able to see that realized in - what appears to be - a positive manner.

jose1324 ,

Loved immich. But the fact I can't filter on specific folders / collections that are uploaded from my phone makes it unusable for me. I don't want one timeline full with meme images.

This only works when manually uploading using the CLI with a flag, but that breaks the whole point of the app. So I went back to Google photos

RootBeerGuy , avatar

I am not sure I understand the issue, are you or are you not wanting to backup those memes? Because in the immich app you can select the folder to backup from, e.g. camera, and in the timeline on my phone in the immich app I only see my camera timeline plus backed up images, but not other folders on my phone.

If you mean they all get backed up from different folders into the same timeline, then yes, that's a bit stupid. I have a situation like that and what I did was to make a separate account on my immich server just for art I find online I am collecting. Then I don't upload through the app, although with switching account you maybe could, but instead move those images into that accounts external library. Then share the whole library of that account with my actual account. Then it appears in the shared tab. But I understand that might get too cumbersome.

jose1324 ,

Exactly the second situation. And I'm not doing all that. To 'fix' I just periodically upload using the cli to different collections or whatever they're called. But probably not going to continue using it ngl.

poVoq , to Selfhosted in The Immich core team goes full-time | Immich avatar

Funded by a (somewhat controversial) tech billionair, see a recent interview with him here:

SomeBoyo ,

Does it matter? At the end of the day it's still money put in to open source.

catloaf ,

Yes, because there's a desire, conscious or unconscious, to keep that money flowing, which means pleasing the investor.

SomeBoyo ,

If that happens, it will be forked

phrogpilot73 , avatar

The other partner in FUTO is Louis Rossman. Maybe one cancels out the other?

unique_hemp ,

I'm pretty sure Louis is just another recipient of FUTO's funding, not "the" other partner to this dude.

RobotToaster , avatar

How is he controversial? the only negative thing I've seen about FUTO is the proprietary license grayjay is under.

poVoq , avatar

Some of the views he expressed in the past sounded a lot like Elon Musk before he went full bonkers recently. But I guess it could be worse.

traches ,

I know nothing about this person, but on multiple occasions I’ve had the thought that if I was a gazillionaire, I’d sponsor a bunch of open source. Maybe this is that? I’ll choose to stay hopeful (though I’m kinda dumb about this sorta stuff)

avidamoeba , avatar

This is some naive stuff right here.

Elite programmers make most of the important stuff

This is false. Not even gonna elaborate.

Competition is the solution

No. Competition is inefficient and the best software we have is built cooperatively. Linux, most open source software. We dislike duplication for a reason and seek to avoid it when possible. We try to avoid forking, instead we try to work together as much as possible. Corporations also run things cooperatively internally instead of duplicating effort. Competition is only needed when you a profit driven market is what determines what's offered and used and it comes with tremendous inefficiency.

I'm a big fan of free market capitalism. When there's a lot of churn...

Yeah. See above.

If you have an individual in charge of a company, that's better than having a mob

Oh Jesus... He doesn't realize that most of the problems that developers face which they can't fix, including himself when he was at Yahoo, are exactly because there's a guy or few in charge and the developers have no decision power.

Quit your job ...

Nope. I won't quit my job to join another place where I have no vote. As long as you're creating companies that aren't democratic by design, I'm changing one guy profiting from me for another. If the other guy is marginally more ethical, that's only gonna last as long as the push for profit knocks on the door. We can't all be CEOs so the only way to build sustainably ethical companies is for them to be ruled by the mob. One person, one vote. Otherwise I'm better off creating democracy by working to unionize the existing corporations.

If the guy wants to fund FOSS, great. But unfortunately this FUTO venture is unlikely to be the organization that dramatically changes the status quo. We need another billi that has read and understood a bit about class analysis and democracy to do that.

avidamoeba , avatar

Watched this talk as well. These folks are clueless. I'm glad the Immich devs are getting money from them but that's not gonna last. Eron himself went about if they don't have X users in Y time, then they'll have problems (they not being Immich specifically).

Appoxo , avatar

Why does it matter? The devs make the program not the investor.

The only reason I would refuse the tech was if the investor would try to change the direction of development or is giving out money from questionable sources...

sunbeam60 ,

If you fund, you influence.

Appoxo , avatar

You can alao invest without influencing?

poVoq , avatar

The very fact that the developer's livelihood now depends on the investor is enough to influence development significantly.

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