
Sam_Bass , to Technology in UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech

Thats about as close to a generic female face there is

afraid_of_zombies , to Technology in UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech

The developers should be looking at jail time as they falsely accused someone of commiting a crime. This should be treated exactly like if I SWATed someone.

Guest_User ,

I get your point but totally disagree this is the same as SWATing. People can die from that. While this is bad, she was excluded from stores, not murdered

AnxiousOtter ,

You lack imagination. What happens when the system mistakenly identifies someone as a violent offender and they get tackled by a bunch of cops, likely resulting in bodily injury.

MiddleKnight ,

That would then be an entirely different situation?

blusterydayve26 , (edited )

That's not very reassuring, we're still only one computer bug away from that situation.

Presumably she wasn't identified as a violent criminal because the facial recognition system didn't associate her duplicate with that particular crime. The system would be capable of associating any set of crimes with a face. It's not like you get a whole new face for each different possible crime. So, we're still one computer bug away from seeing that outcome.

PM_Your_Nudes_Please ,

I mean, the article points out that the lady in the headline isn’t the only one who has been affected; A dude was falsely detained by cops after they parked a facial recognition van on a street corner, and grabbed anyone who was flagged.

AnxiousOtter , (edited )

No, it wouldn't be. The base circumstance is the same, the software misidentifying a subject. The severity and context will vary from incident to incident, but the root cause is the same - false positives.

There's no process in place to prevent something like this going very very bad. It's random chance that this time was just a false positive for theft. Until there's some legislative obligation (such as legal liability) in place to force the company to create procedures and processes for identifying and reviewing false positives, then it's only a matter of time before someone gets hurt.

You don't wait for someone to die before you start implementing safety nets. Or rather, you shouldn't.

Custodian1623 ,

People should be thrown in jail over a hypothetical?

Alenalda ,

Mike judge calling it out again https://youtu.be/5d7SaO0JAHk?si=rieJnFE0YHd-_3lY

BCsven ,

This happens in the USA without face recognition

FiniteBanjo ,

In the UK at least a SWATing would be many many times more deadly and violent than a normal police interaction. Can't make the same argument for the USA or Russia, though.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Difference in degree not kind

ipkpjersi , (edited )

I'm not so sure the blame should solely be placed on the developers - unless you're using that term colloquially.

IllNess ,

Developers were probably the first people to say that it isn't ready. Blame the sales people that will say anything for money.

afraid_of_zombies ,

They worked on it, they knew what could happen. I could face criminal charges if I do certain things at work that harm the public.

IllNess ,

I have no idea where Facewatch got their software from. The developers of this software could've been told their software will be used to find missing kids. Not really fair to blame developers. Blame the people on top.

afraid_of_zombies ,

It says right on their webpage what they are about.

IllNess ,

Developers don't always work directly for companies. Companies pivot.

yetAnotherUser ,

It's impossible to have a 0% false positive rate, it will never be ready and innocent people will always be affected. The only way to have a 0% false positive rate is with the following algorithm:

def is_shoplifter(face_scan):
return False

Zagorath ,
@Zagorath@aussie.zone avatar
line 2
    return False
IndentationError: expected an indented block after function definition on line 1
nossaquesapao ,

In their defense, it didn't return a false positive

yetAnotherUser ,

Weird, for me the indentation renders correctly. Maybe because I used Jerboa and single ticks instead of triple ticks?


Zagorath , (edited )
@Zagorath@aussie.zone avatar

Interesting. This is certainly not the first time there have been markdown parsing inconsistencies between clients on Lemmy, the most obvious example being subscript and ^superscript^, especially when multiple words ^get used^ or you use ^reddit ^style ^(superscript text).

But yeah, checking just now on Jerboa you're right, it does display correctly the way you did it. I first saw it on the web in lemmy-ui, which doesn't display it properly, unless you use the triple backticks.

afraid_of_zombies ,

You can arrest their managers as well, good point.

uis , to Technology in UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech
@uis@lemm.ee avatar

Is it even legal? What happened to consumer protection laws?

PenisWenisGenius ,

I'm going to think twice before enerting any big box store because of this.

afraid_of_zombies ,

I am amazed that anyone is still using them. It is the 21st century, just shop online.

intensely_human ,

Last time I ordered big boxes online, they just shipped me empty boxes. I don’t know how they screwed that up, but then I’ve always gone to big box stores so I can actually see the big boxes I’m buying.

afraid_of_zombies ,


deafboy ,
@deafboy@lemmy.world avatar

No need to avoid such stores, just wear a protection to avoid your face from being falsely flagged.


ChillPenguin ,

Welcome to 2024. Where we move closer and closer to black mirror being real due to our technology improvements.

Buddahriffic ,

Plus our allowing sociopaths to hold so much power.

intensely_human ,

Allowing bad character to reign generally speaking. Sociopaths are like seed crystals; it’s the rest of us implanting their way of life that do most of the evil, even if they’re the ones providing the purest examples.

We need to be good people, not just nice people, in order to improve things.

maynarkh ,

Brexit. The EU has laws forbidding stuff like this.

uis ,
@uis@lemm.ee avatar

I don't think this is legal in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus either.

StaySquared , to Technology in UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech

Dang... the UK got China'd.

Suavevillain , (edited ) to Technology in UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech
@Suavevillain@lemmy.world avatar

People who blindly support this type of tech and AI being slapped into everything always learn the hard way when a case like this happens.

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Sadly there won't be any learning, the security company will improve the tech and continue as usual.

This shit is here to stay :/

Sarmyth , (edited ) to Technology in UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech

Facial recognition still struggles with really bad mistakes that are always bad optics for the business that uses it. I'm amazed anyone is still willing to use it in its current form.

It's been the norm that these systems can't tell the difference between people of dark pigmentation if it even acknowledges it's seeing a person at all.

Running a system with a decade long history or racist looking mistakes is bonkers in the current climate.

DarkThoughts ,

You make it sound like that's a bad thing.

Buddahriffic ,

I'm curious how well the systems can differentiate doppelgangers and identical twins. Or if some makeup is enough to fool it.

PM_Your_Nudes_Please ,

Facial recognition uses a few key elements of the face to hone in on matches, and traditional makeup doesn’t obscure any of those areas. In order to fool facial recognition, the goal is often to avoid face detection in the first place; Asymmetry, large contrasting colors, obscuring one (or both) eyes, hiding the oval head shape and jawline, and rhinestones (which sparkle and reflect light nearly randomly, making videos more confusing) seem to work well. But as neural nets improve, they also get harder to fool, so what works for one system may not work for every system.

CV Dazzle (originally inspired by dazzle camouflage used on some warships) is a makeup style that tries to fool the most popular facial recognition systems.



Note that those tend to obscure the bridge of the nose, the brow line, the jawline, etc… Because those are key identification areas for facial recognition.

Buddahriffic ,

Yeah, if we can still recognize those as faces, it's possible for a neural net to do so as well.

But I'm talking more about differentiating faces than hiding entirely from such systems. Like makeup can be used to give the illusion that the shape of the face is different with false contour shading. You can't really change the jawline (I think... I'm not skilled in makeup myself but have an awareness of what it can do) but you can change where the cheekbones appear to be, as well as the overall shape of the cheeks, and you can adjust the nose, too (unless it's a profile angle).

I think the danger in trying to hide that you have a face entirely is that if it gets detected, there's a good chance that it will be flagged for attempting to fool the system because those examples you gave are pretty obvious, once you know what's going on.

It would be like going in to a bank with a ski mask to avoid being recognized vs going in as Mrs Doubtfire. Even if they are just trying to do banking that one time, the ski mask will attract unwanted attention while using a different face would accomplish the goal of avoiding attention.

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

Functional and subversive, just how I like my makeup

UnderpantsWeevil , (edited )
@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

The catch is that its only really a problem for the people getting flagged. Then you're guilty until proven innocent, and the only person to blame is a soulless machine with a big button that reads "For customer support, go fuck yourself".

As security theater, its cheap and easy to implement. As a passive income stream for tech bros, its a blank check. As a buzzword for politicians who can pretend they're forward-thinking by rolling out some vaporware solution to a non-existent problem, its on the tip of everyone's tongue.

I'm old enough to remember when sitting Senator Ted Kennedy got flagged by the Bush Admin's No Fly List and people were convinced this is the sort of shit that would reform the intrusive, incompetent, ill-conceived TSA. 20 years later... nope, it didn't. Enjoy techno-hell, Brits.

Paragone , to Technology in UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech

IF you want to create accountability among such arrogent tech executives,

THEN you need to enforce accountability, and 1 excellent way of doing it, would be to immediately, & permanently, ban the CEO of that company from having any right to any in-country right to purchase anything.

Force THEM to be subject to the abuse they enforce on "their inferiors", and .. oh, suddenly their motivations appear from "nowhere"??

Enforced-accountability against executives & oligarchs needs to be automatic, not "politically impossible, because they're the privileged ones, with real rights", the way our current dogshit for-profit manufactured "culture" insists.

_ /\ _

dependencyinjection , to Technology in UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech

Could attaching infrared leds to glasses or caps be away to prevent these systems from capturing people’s faces.

Think I saw something on black mirror once or might have been another show.

Possible business opportunity selling to crackheads lol.

fiercekitten , (edited )

I think IR lights on glasses can blind cameras, and there are also infrared-blocking glasses that also reflect IR light from cameras back at them. So yes, adding lights or reflectors can be effective.

But we shouldn't even have to consider these workarounds to maintain our privacy and security. And even if we start wearing these glasses or fooling the systems, governments will outlaw the use of such circumventing tech.

Our reaction to this needs to be "we will not allow this tech to be used against us, period." Ban it for law enforcement, ban it for commerce, ban it in airports and schools.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

governments will outlaw the use of such circumventing tech

They can't stop all of us. If they outlaw using it, I'd support (or even organize) a protest group that organizes widespread use of them.

fiercekitten ,

Well in that case, one brand of such glasses is Reflectacles 😎

sugar_in_your_tea ,


Cool! Looks like they also have a discount for Monero purchases. I might have to pick one up.

I wish they would make a line available for cheap so a charity could hand them out for free, ~$150 is a bit much.

squidspinachfootball ,

Very neat, I wonder how effective they are at confusing facial recognition and 3D facial scanning systems? Not that we often encounter the 3D scanning, but an interesting aspect to consider.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

I just wonder if I'd get in trouble for wearing them at the airport. That's the most likely place for 3D facial scanning.

But AFAIK, most facial recognition systems use IR, whether they're 2D or 3D, so I would guess they'd be pretty effective.

dependencyinjection , (edited )

Thanks for the informative and thought out reply.

Also, thanks for killing my joke business idea by mentioning a brand that makes these.

I would like to see them in the rim of a cap too. As I always have a cap in my head.

Edit: Hot damn they’re expensive. Business idea is back.

Edit 2: If they have blockers to block IR. Would UV light have the same issue or other wavelengths that are not visible to humans.

Edit 3: UV is dumb. We don’t need cancer.

Final solution is we all convert to Islam and pretend to be women.

You999 ,

Ultraviolet would be a terrible idea as UV-A and UV-B can cause skin cancer over prolonged exposure and UV-C will straight up burn your eyes and skin.

dependencyinjection ,

Thanks for saving my dumbass. Got enough going on to deal with skin cancer haha.

setsneedtofeed ,
@setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world avatar

I presume at that point the store would just have security walk out the person wearing the hat.

dependencyinjection ,

How would they know it had lights in it?

It could be a ravers led hat that isn’t turned on.

setsneedtofeed ,
@setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world avatar

If the AI is flagging faces and immediately alerting employees, it is likely also going to throw up a flag for abnormal interference like that. Or if it doesn't do it now, it is a feature that could be added if such hats become a common enough.

AnUnusualRelic , to Technology in UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech
@AnUnusualRelic@lemmy.world avatar

They fixed it, the new implementation requires a DNA sample now.

ChaoticEntropy , (edited ) to Technology in UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech
@ChaoticEntropy@feddit.uk avatar

Oh good... janky oversold systems that do a lot of automation on a very shaky basis are also having high impacts when screwing up.

Also "Facewatch" is such an awful sounding company.

intensely_human ,

Cara Filter wouldn’t be bad, just for the ring if it

feedum_sneedson , to Technology in UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech

As an American, I don't know what opinion to have about this without knowing the woman's race.

zcd ,
feedum_sneedson ,

Literally what people on Lemmy think.

erwan ,

If she's been flagged as shoplifter she's probably black!

feedum_sneedson , (edited )

Why, because all shoplifters are black? I don't understand. She's being mistaken for another person, a real person on the system.

I used to know a smackhead that would steal things to order, I wonder if he's still alive and whether he's on this database. Never bought anything off him but I did buy him a drink occasionally. He'd had a bit of a difficult childhood.

Dudewitbow ,

i think its more that all facial recognition systems have a harder time picking up faces with darker complexion (same idea why phone cameras are bad at it for example). this failure leads to a bunch of false flags. its hilariously evident when you see police jurisdictions using it and aresting innocent people.

not saying the womans of colored background, but would explain why it might be triggering.

Maggoty ,

Because facial recognition systems infamously cannot tell black people apart.

UnderpantsWeevil ,
@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

Why, because all shoplifters are black?

All the ones that get caught. When you're white, you can steal whatever you want.

KonalaKoala ,
@KonalaKoala@lemmy.world avatar

Congratulations, you just identified yourself as a racist and need to understand you can't just judge someone without first getting to know them.

EngineerGaming , to Technology in UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech
@EngineerGaming@feddit.nl avatar

Are you prohibited from covering your face in the stores like this?

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Idk, but as someone who has a fair skin tone and thus likely wouldn't trigger a false positive, I am prohibited from entering the store based purely on the fact that they use face recognition software. Screw that.

EngineerGaming ,
@EngineerGaming@feddit.nl avatar

I mean wouldn't the prohibited person just have to wear some mask to avoid triggering? And if this is prohibited - wouldn't that be problematic when it comes to hijabs?

sugar_in_your_tea ,

I'm guessing they use eye tracking, so they'd probably need something to block IR facial recognition. Another user mentioned Reflecticles, which should work but are a bit pricey.

Jackthelad , to Technology in UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech

Well, this blows the "if you've not done anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about" argument out of the water.

raspberriesareyummy ,

That argument was only ever made by dumb fucks or evil fucks. The article reports about an actual occurrence of one of the problems of such technology that we (people who care about privacy) have warned about from the beginning.

Maggoty ,

The US killed that argument a long time ago. We shot it in the back and claimed it had a gun.

muntedcrocodile , to Technology in UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech

We have so many dystopian futures and we decided to invent a new one.

Lith ,
@Lith@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Actually this one feels pretty similar to watch_dogs. Wasn't this the plot to watch_dogs 2?

sfxrlz , (edited )

Now I’m interested in the plot of watch dogs 2…

Edit: it’s indeed the plot of watch dogs 2


In 2016, three years after the events of Chicago, San Francisco becomes the first city to install the next generation of ctOS – a computing network connecting every device together into a single system, developed by technology company Blume. Hacker Marcus Holloway, punished for a crime he did not commit through ctOS 2.0 …

rmuk ,

Also, a kickass soundtrack by Hudson Mohawke.

Fleppensteijn , (edited ) to Technology in UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech
@Fleppensteijn@feddit.nl avatar

Reminds me of when I joined some classmates to the supermarket. We got kicked out while waiting in line because they didn't want middleschoolers there because we're all thieves anyways. So most of the group walked out without paying.

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