daddybutter , to Android in SimpMusic - a awesome music app

I've been using this on and off for a while, since v1.3 in September (and swapping with InnerTune which seems to now be abandoned..) but I have a few glaring issues with it as a daily driver.

Downloads are a mess. Tap download and it may or may not download. The download notification frequently becomes persistent for some reason, even if the downloads have finished and you kill/restart the app. Restarting my phone will get rid of it. Accessing auto cached songs is hit and miss if you don't have internet which completely defeats the point of it. Also there's no download management so whatever you download is now what you have saved unless you delete the library and start over...

The library page is ass. There's no breakdowns by song or artist or album or any other category. You have favorites, followed, most played, and downloaded along with a bunch of playlists under that and finally a recently added list. If I want to shuffle my library I go to downloaded (because I download everything) and just tap a song which will start playing but take the UI ~10 seconds to catch up while, I'm assuming, it builds the playlist.

When I connect to a bluetooth device and my screen turns off I immediately lose the bluetooth connection. Turn the screen back on, reconnect, start playing the music again and it works fine after that. This only happens with SimpMusic. Occasionally have had issues connecting to bluetooth and the app says it's playing via bluetooth but when you change the volume it says it's playing via phone while no audio is coming out anywhere. This is usually paired with a "something unexpected happened" error message and app restart (have had this issue loop before for hours, phone restart fixed it).

The music player notification stops working regularly and just won't come back until I restart the phone.

Intense lag after listening for a while.

No dislike button to help avoid songs.

And maybe my last complaint which is relatively minor to the other things, but under some categories, like new releases, it will show the art, the name of the album/single and then say "Album" instead of the artist which probably annoys me more than it should and may be a result of the other issues adding up.

No, my last complaint is the copying of Spotify's horrible UI, but somehow it's even worse.

On the upside, sponsorblock works well, my YTM playlists are all accessible, even ones I forgot existed from the GPM days, and the app does work for the most part. Long listening sessions work better than Innertune or Vimusic did. Hoping to see this continue to be worked on and improved, it still has a long way to go though.

helenslunch , to Android in SimpMusic - a awesome music app avatar

That's very cool with the exception that it has the same horrific UI as Spotify...

bowroat , to Android in SimpMusic - a awesome music app

well there goes my plans for thirstracks, beat to market

Dasnap , to Android in SimpMusic - a awesome music app avatar

Pretty sick app, but I think I'll struggle telling people I'm listening to SimpMusic. They'll just think I'm listening to Owl City or something.

In all seriousness, just been testing it out and it's very impressive. Serious contender with YouTube Music Revanced Extended if it keeps getting worked on.

macattack , to Android in SimpMusic - a awesome music app

Interesting name choice

keyez , to Selfhosted in Pinepods 0.5.0 - Great news for Podcast enjoyers and self hosted advocates. Self hosted podcast management with Nextcloud sync. All open sourced!

Good to see this works with antennapod, just need to get a gpodder thing setup in my unraid server and give this a go. Been using antennapod on my phone for the last several years but didn't do backups and exports often enough and when my Samsung dropped and died I lost 8 months of data. This would make it a lot easier to also be able to stream on my desktop during work. Will be giving it a go here soon!

madeofpendletonwool OP ,

All the reasons you gave are all the reasons I took on this project for sure. Thanks for giving it a go! Let me know if you have any troubles with the setup.

keyez ,

Hey! Finally gave it a go this morning but ran into some headaches pointing to existing dockerized mysql and postgres containers on unraid. I reached out in discord this afternoon but setting up auth according to the docker-compose on the site and github I get lots of errors about missing tables or properties during the database initialization.

madeofpendletonwool OP ,

Hi there, I sent you a reply over on the discord post. Let's continue the conversation there. Should be an easy enough fix. Thanks!

tagginator Bot , to Selfhosted in Pinepods 0.5.0 - Great news for Podcast enjoyers and self hosted advocates. Self hosted podcast management with Nextcloud sync. All open sourced!

New Lemmy Post: Pinepods 0.5.0 - Great news for Podcast enjoyers and self hosted advocates. Self hosted podcast management with Nextcloud sync. All open sourced! (

(Replying in the OP of this thread (NOT THIS BOT!) will appear as a comment in the lemmy discussion.)

I am a FOSS bot. Check my README:

Flatworm7591 Mod , to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ in Qbittorent Anonymous Mode Question

The short answer: if you are particularly concerned about anonymity, then yes, enable it AND use a VPN. But be aware some people may consider this leeching, because anonymous mode may compromise your ability to upload (and download) to some extent. But there are some circumstances in which this is entirely justified.

Public tracker scenario

For most people using public trackers, just a VPN without anonymous mode is fine and recommended, and gives you the maximum speeds in this scenario, while giving you an adequate level of protection from your ISP (if configured correctly). If you do enable anonymous mode, then you'll likely find your upload/download speeds are slower, mainly because DHT & uPnP are typically disabled. And anonymous mode without a VPN is NOT recommended.

WARNING: anonymous mode doesn't provide strong privacy guarantees on its own. If you are concerned about legal authorities and copyright trouble, for example, consider using a VPN instead (or in addition to it).

Private tracker scenario

If you are using private trackers then you would usually not be using a VPN or anonymous mode because many of them explicitly ban such things so they can track your download/upload ratios server-side against your IP address to ensure you are following their policies. While some private trackers allow exceptions to this (e.g., you may be able to get a dedicated VPN IP address whitelisted for your account after signup), many don't.

I'm not claiming to be any great expert on this topic, and so this is just my general-level understanding. If anyone wants to contribute any useful expert info or to correct anything I may have wrong here, please feel free to comment.

weirdo_from_space ,

In my experience most entry level private trackers allow using VPNs. I don't know about anonymous mode, I have never heard about it before.

drunkensailor , avatar

prety sure MAM dont allow vpn

weirdo_from_space ,

I didn't take the MAM interview so I can't speak on that front. All of my stuff is from OpenSignups.

slighting4295 OP , avatar

you’ll likely find your upload/download speeds are slower, mainly because DHT & uPnP are typically disabled

If anonymous mode was disabled for a public tracker, are having DHT & uPnP still enabled dangerous?
And what if qbittorent is bound to a network interface (the VPN), wouldn't all qbittorent data still have to passthrough the VPN regardless?

I kind of get that uPnP can open up ports without user intervention, but I've seen VPNs offer specific ports during connection so I'm not to worried about that.

Flatworm7591 Mod , avatar

I think it's generally recommended if you are security conscious to manually forward ports rather than allow uPnP to be enabled on your router. There's been cases where IoT devices or apps can open sensitive ports to your network without your knowledge. And the uPnP protocol itself was found to be flawed a few years ago:

Çadırcı reported his findings to the Open Connectivity Foundation, which maintains the UPnP protocol, and the foundation has updated the underlying specification to fix the flaw. Users can check with developers and manufacturers to find out if or when a patch will be available. A significant percentage of IoT devices never receive updates from manufacturers, which means the vulnerability will live on for some time to come.

But you know, it depends on your risk profile. For most people, it's probably fine. Depends how paranoid you want to get.

Binding your VPN connection to qbittorrent is a good idea, for sure, if you use a VPN. I usually keep DHT enabled with a bound VPN connection and a manually forwarded port using Proton VPN. I'm going to try out anonymous mode to see if it affects speeds any, since it looks like it doesn't impact uploads or connections any more. That's a bonus :)

slighting4295 OP , avatar

I'm quoting from

AtlanticJack Wednesday, August 14, 2019 at 4:11:29 AM EDT who wrote about the topic:

That's not how I understand it. In older versions it does disable LPD DHT etc but in versions since v3.3.0 it disables the client's fingerprint, creates an empty string for the user agent and doesn't expose other identifying information directly yo the public such as IP, port etc.

The LPD DHT etc is now covered in the proxy section by "Disable connections not supported by proxies".

I use anonymous mode and also disable connections not supported by proxies, still seem to get plenty of seeds and peers via DHT and PeX though.

I know that copyright trolls have used modified versions of torrent clients to join swarms and log the participants IP. Well they wouldn't get my IP because I'm using a proxy or vpn but they also wouldn't get any fingerprints or user agent info from my qBittorrent client if I'm using Anonymous Mode.

Xen0Man Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at 6:31:21 PM EST in response to somebody stating VPN is enough:

Mmh not really... Anonymous mode is meant to be used together with VPNs. It blocks libtorrent advertising facts about you. For example, client's fingerprint (in peer ID) or user-agent.

You should never disable anonymous mode, unless you want to connect to some private trackers that uses the peer ID and user agent to identify white-listed clients.

Flatworm7591 Mod , avatar

Okay, that's useful additional info, I figured I was probably a bit out of date on the technical details :p

DeltaTangoLima , to homeassistant in Warning: HAOS may become unbootable after upgrade from 12.1 -> 12.2 avatar

Adjacent question: is there a compelling reason to run HAOS? I run my HA setup in docker on a Proxmox CT, using Portainer/Watchtower to manage, so genuinely wondering if there would be benefits I'm missing out on.

CondorWonder ,

The add-on store that’s managed and updated via the supervisor. It does the same thing as your setup, but integrates into HA nicer (automatic connectivity to HA for the containers, when they need it). If you’re happy with how your setup works then there’s no compelling reason to switch.

DeltaTangoLima , avatar

Ah, gotcha. Thanks for that.

drwankingstein , to Android in Sync for lemmy patch is ready

I just use thunder-app, Fast and good UI, free and open source. A really nice app.

EinfachUnersetzlich , to Android in Sync for lemmy patch is ready

So now the developer gets nothing in return for creating the app?

Fake4000 , to Android in Sync for lemmy patch is ready

Sync is good, but I'm not sure if it's discontinued. If it is, that would be a shame.

This app alone (along with boost) helped seamlessly shift a lot of user to lemmy.

Vent ,

It's not discontinued. Imo patching out ads in this case is pretty lame, since it's just a single dev making a good product, but who am I to judge.

radiant_bloom , to Open Source in vaporise - an alternative to the common `rm`...written in Rust...

Someone has to explain how rm, which doesn’t allocate any memory (as far as I can tell), isn’t memory safe ?

devraza OP , avatar

I don't know whether rm is memory-safe or not, but vpr is. By 'memory-safe alternative' I meant that this alternative is memory-safe, but not that rm isn't.

Deckweiss ,

Reminds me of when they started printing "vegan" and "gluten free" on water bottles.

BlueEther , avatar

If I cant remember what dir I'm in, then rm is mot very memory safe is it?

[edit: spelling]

velox_vulnus ,

UNIX - Everything is a file

Rust - Everything is a memory

ISolox , to Selfhosted in Release v4.6.0: The end · pivpn/pivpn · GitHub

There's a docker image called wg-easy I use with a nice web interface.

sv1sjp OP , avatar

Hey, I tried to run this container but I can't make it functional... Do I need to modify something else from my host (I am talking about fw).

JASN_DE , to Selfhosted in Release v4.6.0: The end · pivpn/pivpn · GitHub

Considering it's basically just a script "frontend": wireguard and its documentation.

czardestructo , avatar

I'm sorry but wireguard is not easy for beginners and the quick QR code generator in the command line was fantastic and light years ahead of fumbling around with getting config files securely to a mobile device.

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