thingsiplay , to Open Source in Neofetch development discontinued, repository archived avatar

Finally it's official. I think it's a good move to make it an archived repository, so everyone knows for a fact this is not developed anymore. That means bugs or security issues are no longer actively searched and corrected. I wonder if this program will be taken out from distribution repositories now. My personal alternative is fastfetch .

Edit: ... oh, I didn't realize all of his repositories are now archived. Not only neofetch:

otter , avatar

Hopefully the dev is doing well, and has luck with whatever he's doing now

thingsiplay , avatar

Looking at the readme edit history:

  1. First edit 3 years ago: Away till the New Year. Merry Christmas.
  2. Then next edit 10 month ago replacing that line with: On hiatus.
  3. Then next edit 4 days ago replacing that line with: Have taken up farming.

English is not my native language, and I don't understand what "Have taken up farming.", but I have my guesses. means. Normally I don't interpret such a situation, but it doesn't look good. Most contributions of the software is 3 years old, and only a few readme and link updates recently are made alongside making everything archived.

bjorney ,

English is not my native language, and I don't understand what "Have taken up farming."

It means they aren't developing software anymore because they are growing vegetables instead

eager_eagle , to Linux in Neofetch development discontinued, repository archived avatar

most popular fork - hyfetch

eager_eagle , to Linux in Neofetch development discontinued, repository archived avatar

finally touching some grass

Trincapinones , to Privacy in Made Python program to delete messages from Discord

Why is it better that Undiscord? I've never used Undiscord, I'm just curious

user ,

No reason to use this insead of Undiscord.
Edit: Clear up missunderstanding.

Trincapinones ,

But why?

Aachen ,

From my understanding, Discord Search API is heavily rate-limited. If you have a lot lot of messages (say, removing ALL of your message history in ALL servers) then this would theoretically be faster.

krolden , to Privacy in Made Python program to delete messages from Discord avatar

This would be cool if discord actually deleted any of your data

andrew_s , to Open Source in bore, cli tool written in Rust - alternative to localtunnel and ngrok avatar

Looks interesting - I imagine there's lot of uses for this. I currently use ngrok to tunnel from 443 to a local server, which is good way to test fediverse apps, but I wouldn't be able to use bore for that (because it only assigns random public ports above 1024, and doesn't deal with the SSL end of things)

cypherpunks , avatar

See for a list of many similar things. A few of them automatically setup letsencrypt certs for unique subdomains so you can have end-to-end HTTPS.

vort3 , avatar

If you are good with all of this stuff, can you tell me if usijg bore relays traffic or creates some kind of direct (P2P?) connection between devices?

I have a device without public IP, AFAIK behind NAT, and a server. If I use bore to open a port through my server and host a game, and my friends connect to me via IP, will we have big ping (as in, do packets travel to the server first, then to me) or low ping (as in, do packets travel straight to me)?

In other words, is bore good to play with friends when games use a method if connection via IP when you have a server with public IP, but host a game on your local device without public IP?

We are currently using yggdrasil for this and connect via «local» IPv6.

cypherpunks , avatar

I have a device without public IP, AFAIK behind NAT, and a server. If I use bore to open a port through my server and host a game, and my friends connect to me via IP, will we have big ping (as in, do packets travel to the server first, then to me) or low ping (as in, do packets travel straight to me)?

No, you will have "big ping". bore (and everything on that page i linked) is strictly for tunneling which means all packets are going through the tunnel server.

Instead of tunneling, you can try various forms of hole punching for NAT traversal which, depending on the NAT implementation, will work sometimes to have a direct connection between users. You can use something like tailscale (and if you want to run your own server, headscale) which will try its best to punch a hole for a p2p connection and will only fall back to relaying through a server if absolutely necessary.

vort3 , avatar


I do have wireguard on my server as well, I guess it's similar to what tailscale does?

Too bad my friends from Russia can't connect to me, it might be because we are doing something wrong, but most likely wiregueard is somehow (DPI?) blocked in Russia.

I can connect to my own wireguard, it routes all my traffic and I can access any blocked sites, as well as access other people via «local» IPs over wireguard. I think this uses NAT traversal and we exchange data directly over wireguard. But somehow some friens are not able to use that.

Do you know if Yggdrasil does something similar and if we exchange data directly when playing over Yggdrasil virtual IPv6 network?

cypherpunks , (edited ) avatar

I do have wireguard on my server as well, I guess it’s similar to what tailscale does?

Tailscale uses wireguard but adds a coordination server to manage peers and facilitate NAT traversal (directly when possible, and via a intermediary server when it isn't).

If your NAT gateway isn't rewriting source port numbers it is sometimes possible to make wireguard punch through NAT on its own if both peers configure endpoints for eachother and turn on keepalives.

Do you know if Yggdrasil does something similar and if we exchange data directly when playing over Yggdrasil virtual IPv6 network?

From this FAQ it sounds like yggdrasil does not attempt to do any kind of NAT traversal so two hosts can only be peers if at least one of them has an open port. I don't know much about yggdrasil but from this FAQ answer it sounds like it runs over TCP (so using TCP applications means two layers of TCP) which is not going to be conducive to a good gaming experience.

Samy Kamkar's amazing pwnat tool might be of interest to you.

vort3 , avatar

Oh, I have found pwnat before, but it's not available for windows, also most people say that it doesn't work anymore because most routers patched the behavior that made it work IIRC.

What's the easy way to know if two peers are directly connected without measuring ping time and guessing?

cypherpunks , avatar

You can use Wireshark to see the packets and their IP addresses.

A word of warning though: finding out about all the network traffic that modern software sends can be deleterious to mental health 😬

leecalvin , to Technology in GoToSocial is a new ActivityPub social network server for the Fediverse

This isn't new. I've been running my personal instance since last year using it.

GadgeteerZA OP , avatar

Let's agree on newer. It is not even in stable release yet, and until this week I'd not even heard about it anywhere else.

esaru , to Technology in GoToSocial is a new ActivityPub social network server for the Fediverse

Beta and moreso Alpha are tags that indicate a software is not ready for use in production environment, because it is either not secure or stable enough. Otherwise it wouldn't need to be tagged as Alpha or Beta.

intrepid , to Self Hosted - Self-hosting your services. in Release v0.52.0 · navidrome/navidrome · GitHub

Please add a single line of description of the software for those who don't know. The name gives no clue.

sabreW4K3 OP , avatar

If you tell me what general self hosted community you're not subscribed to, I'll confine my posts to there so that they don't bother you.

EDIT: Someone was kind enough to explain that sometimes no matter how pure your intentions, it's how things are perceived that matters.

Ultimately I wanted to avoid confrontation and in doing so, it was easy to read my comment as being snarky or confrontational and violence begets violence.

I honestly just wanted to post updates in a community whereby they may help people by keeping them informed. Alas, things escalated and one wrong step and all subsequent steps will be wrong too. Hence me trying to explain and everyone feeling I was being unreasonable.

I think someone even said they were blocking me in what in my head amounted to me saying hey, take the playground and keep my ball and I'll go and play somewhere else.

I had a long weekend and just wanted to chill and I think people interpreted that as me being dismissive.

I wholeheartedly believe that the beauty of Lemmy is that there are different flavours like desktop environments that do things differently. I didn't feel it was appropriate for me to try and say this or any community I didn't create should do things my way and so was happy to hop around until I found a good fit. In hindsight, I could've and should've explained that.

Apologies for bringing the community into disrepute.

LeLachs ,

Don't think it was meant the way you interpreted it. A little tagline/description just adds a lot of value to a post.
Something like this:

Navidrome is an open source web-based music collection server and streamer. It gives you freedom to listen to your music collection from any browser or mobile device. It's like your personal Spotify!

(taken directly from the repo)

[Project] Navidrome music collection Server

Could you add one?

sabreW4K3 OP , avatar

I feel that self-hosted communities are full of smart and capable people with the ability to click a link. That said, If I degraded the user experience of the community subscribers I'm happy to remove myself. There are more than enough general self hosted communities on Lemmy, each of them fit different groups to different degrees. If it's so important to the members of this community to post descriptions, I'm happy to post in a community where it won't impact the enjoyment of members.

Turbo ,

Hey there!, No need to take it personally. Thanks for the post, I happen to know what navidrome is and found this post helpful.

A tag would be helpful for others, not required but I think the feedback came from a good place.

sabreW4K3 OP , avatar


deaf_fish ,

I don't think you are causing any problems by not posting a small description of the project.

Sounds like you just don't want to, why not just say that?

sabreW4K3 OP , avatar

Because I was exasperated and happy to remove myself.

For months I was posting updates over at Lemmy World, then someone one day decided they needed descriptions. So after some arguing back and forth, I decided to remove myself. I start posting here and rather than argue or get into a back and forth, I decide to ask for somewhere else. Little did I know that by trying to back out away from the issue, I was inadvertently causing more issues. I feel like Jackie Chan in one of his old films whereby he tries to back away from a fight and it's taken as an insult by the folk in the restaurant and erupts into a massive fight.

deaf_fish ,

I am sorry others didn't hear you. I saw your edit and I think it makes sense. I hope you feel better soon. Emotions are a wild ride. I know from experience.

sabreW4K3 OP , avatar

I just wanted to say thank you. This was such a kind and compassionate reply.

lemmyreader ,

Dear OP, this whole conversation makes me think of the bullying towards open source developers, which can be seen on and off since years.
Let me also share what I have seen on Mastodon : Unlike on Lemmy, Mastodon has had support for ALT text descriptions for uploaded images for some time. Several people have been complaining when people do not add such ALT text, and even bots were made, that you could choose to follow, for people to have themselves reminded that they forgot to add ALT to an image. What I have seen several times is that people were helpful by responding and giving an ALT suggestion to the OP. That would be complaining and helping in one.
Here in this post conversation several people have asked OP for descriptions and then some tension came up. None of the people complaining took some time to add a description themselves and appear to want to make the OP do extra work.And I understand that the OP is not obliged to do that extra work. Regardless of all this I think that a nice solution here would be if OP or someone else creates a new Lemmy community with a name like e.g. selfhosted_software_releases (For open source software releases there is a Lemmy community like that. Can't be bothered to search for the name now) which is only for software releases for self hosting. Then this and other selfhosted Lemmy community can have the announcement of that new selfhosted_software_releases Lemmy community as a pinned post or in the sidebar. The advantages of that :

  • OP and others will not need to add descriptions
  • Interested people can quickly see when there's been new releases
  • Others can have a peek at software names they never heard of before and dive into the details
  • Selfhosted communities will go back to peace mode ;-)
sabreW4K3 OP , avatar


derin , avatar

I use Navidrome myself, and I still think it would be nice for people to know a little bit about the software in an update announcement post.

Seems like a very reasonable request, I don't grok the vitriol in your response.

sabreW4K3 OP , avatar

Good afternoon. Vitriol? I'm not sure how you interpreted my post, but my intention was that in order to preserve the user experience of the person making the request, I would post elsewhere. That's a concession I'm happy to make.

derin , avatar

You know what you sounded like.

It's a small text addition for context, not a big ask. Most of these upgrade posts in this community have people asking the same thing, so they can discover new software.

Ultimately, though, it's your choice.

sabreW4K3 OP , avatar

I'm genuinely unsure in which way I could possibly sound nicer telling someone that I'm willing to go anywhere where something that they don't like doesn't effect them?

Andy , avatar

On the off chance that you truly don't understand:

The nice thing to do would be to accept the feedback and add a short description. It's confusing to others why you are staunchly opposed to performing that small courtesy, and instead jump to never posting here again.

sabreW4K3 OP , avatar

Me: does something

Someone: hey, do that another way

Me: If you tell me where you won't see it, I'll go do it my way there as I like doing things my way

Someone else: You're being rude

Me: I'm just saying I'll go somewhere else

You: The nice thing to do would be forced labour


Andy , avatar

Congrats on all the labor you saved.

If you think folks here are uniquely unreasonable you could try .

sabreW4K3 OP , avatar

Just for the record, I've not said that anyone is being unreasonable. In fact I've not criticised anyone. If anything, I'm agreeing that the request is reasonable. I'm not trying to change to force it. I'm literally just trying to extract myself from a situation because peace of mind is a beautiful thing.

abruptly8951 ,

This is an extremely odd outlook to have. Good luck with it.

Unfortunately the answer to your question is to not post at all, though if your contributions are worthwhile then that is not an excellent solution

computergeek125 ,

Heyo, just wanted to say I appreciate the edit.

Some people see three extra clicks (which is what it took on mobile to get the real description out of GitHub) as a limiter. I actually clicked because I had guessed that with a name like "navidrome" it was something GNSS related, was surprised to see it was about music.

I've been self hosting for going on 7-8y, following various communities on reddit and Lemmy and I learn about new softwares every day. I'll have to toss this one on my investigation queue.

sabreW4K3 OP , avatar

What do you use the GNSS stuff for? A quick Google told me it was like GPS?

computergeek125 ,

Somewhat halfway between practical use and just messing around for fun.

Several years ago I built a GPS NTP clock out of an RPi3 and an Adafruit GPS hat. Once I had the PPS driver installed, it's precision/drift got pretty good. According to its own self measurements, I got pretty dang close to NIST stratum 1 NTP servers, but those are hundreds of miles away so that measurement isn't super precise. It's still running today, clocking nearly 24/7 operation since (checks shopping history) 2017, though I replaced the breadboard and mini module with a full sized hat with the same chipset in 2021.

Recently I acquired a proper hardware GPS clock and I stacked the two against each other and found out my RPi did not half bad and can get between 0.5-10ms of the professionals (literally I'm pretty sure I'd need more precise measuring equipment to tell the difference between the two at this point than a regular computer). Now my homelab has fully redundant internet-disconneted stratum 1 time. Been half considering if I could write a GPSD driver for it as a joke, but I know upstream won't accept it because it doesn't offer SOOO many features they'd need.

As for what else - I just kind of keep an eye out for projects related to GPS and high precision time, like the open source atomic PCI card that was released a few years ago. Finding out what people are doing to get better and better time is just downright interesting.

Outside of the time world, it's just fun to see what projects people come up with relating to maps and navigation. Stretch goal once I have enough server horsepower is to make a render-capable Open Street Map server with my home region loaded to start with, but eventually I'd like to get it to the point where I can load and process world.osm. That.... Requires a LOT of CPU and SSD space.

sabreW4K3 OP , avatar

Reading that has just brightened up my morning. That's super bloody cool!

Turbo ,

I'm impressed. Thank you. Class act

ace , to Selfhosted in Release Miniflux 2.1.3 · miniflux/v2 avatar

If you're going to post release notes for random selfhostable projects on GitHub, could you at least add the GitHub About text for the project - or the synopsis from the readme - into the post.

SpaceNoodle , to Linux in Creating a self-contained binary

Just statically link the libraries

profdc9 OP ,

The problem is that I don't have static versions of most of the libraries available.

SpaceNoodle ,

Not with that attitude.

emptiestplace , to Selfhosted in Release Miniflux 2.1.3 · miniflux/v2

This is fucking useless. Please stop.

WhatAmLemmy ,

Rather ironically, miniflux users could add miniflux releases to their miniflux feed using

So it's extra extra useless

emptiestplace ,

This community needs moderation. :(

shortwavesurfer , to Technology in GoToSocial is a new ActivityPub social network server for the Fediverse

So far out of all the fediverse i have found lemmy fits me best. So many other things want to mimic the X interface and that promotes more following of individuals and whatever they post about rather than ideas. I do much better over here because you follow a general topic and the posts are about that thing or related things. And I find that I do better in comments than making original posts. Like, I am a very introverted person, so have trouble getting a conversation started. But when I see a conversation of interest, I can generally add something to it.

BeatTakeshi , to Linux in PM-JESUS: "Your own, package-manager, Jesus" 🎶 (Package Manager front-end) avatar

Someone to read your prompt

Someone who cares

lemmyreader , to Technology in GoToSocial is a new ActivityPub social network server for the Fediverse

Following this conversation and here it was a pleasant surprise to see this pinned post from a GoToSocial developer 🙂

victoitor ,

I like them already!!

Death to capitalism!

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