Amaterasu , to Linux Gaming in Vesktop 1.5.2 greatly improves screensharing on Linux

I'll sound a downer but it lost me on "Discord App"

muhyb ,

Not at all! Developers should stay away from that abomination, especially open-source devs.

SomeGuy69 ,

I choked and had to double read it.

Andromxda , to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ in Nintendo pursuing Yuzu Forks on Github avatar

Btw Suyu hosts a full backup of Yuzu (and other stuff like Ryujinx or Dolphin in case it gets taken down at some point) on their Forgejo instance

It's also available via Tor as an onion site: http://suyudev2qxj5x7mroamgwf4hqunz4pups27z2kl77x4ioqhh5yhpshad.onion/

Templa , avatar

I'm wondering if that's going to stay up for long considering what happened with the Suyu team last month.

Andromxda , avatar

What exactly are you referring to?

Templa , avatar

I'm referring to this and this

pezhore , (edited ) to Games in Static recompilation of Majora's Mask available for Windows/Linux avatar

How can this possibly stay available given Nintendo's lawyers? I feel like I need to set up a mirror in my homelab.

Edit: answering my own question - looks like the actual game files aren't provided, so that should hopefully give the project a pass.

tourist , avatar


I like how you need to add that qualifier because Nintendo legal is batshit

PenisWenisGenius ,

If Nintendo would put half the effort into game development as they put into picking legal fights, maybe they could make profit off their video games enough they wouldn't have to do lawsuit trolling.

SimplyTadpole , to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ in Nintendo pursuing Yuzu Forks on Github avatar

I just hope the Citra forks won't be targeted. Citra was only killed as collateral damage, but I still can't help but be nervous anyway...

Andromxda , to Games in Nintendo DMCAs Yuzu forks on GitHub avatar

Btw Suyu hosts a full backup of Yuzu (and other stuff like Ryujinx or Dolphin in case it gets taken down at some point) on their Forgejo instance

It's also available via Tor as an onion site: http://suyudev2qxj5x7mroamgwf4hqunz4pups27z2kl77x4ioqhh5yhpshad.onion/

wewbull , to Python in NumPy 2.0.0 released

Furthermore there are many changes to NumPy internals, including
continuing to migrate code from C to C++, that will make it easier to
improve and maintain NumPy in the future.

I realise that C can be rather low level a lot of the time, but I'm not sure I'd pick C++ to help keep things easy to maintain. It opens up a Pandora's box of possibilities.

cbarrick , (edited )

With a good style/best-practice guide, C++ can be quite productive of a language to work with.

Those kinds of guides typically define which standard/convention to use and which features not to use (cough exceptions cough).

I highly recommend Google's C++ style guide:

pankuleczkapl , avatar

You accidentally added a dot at the end of the link. Here's the fixed one

cbarrick ,

I intentionally added a period because it was the end of a sentence.

If your Lemmy app messed it up, then that's a bug in its markdown parser.

rhymepurple ,

I'm curious about this. The source text of your comment appears that your comment was just the URL with no markdown. For your comment about a markdown parsing bug to be true, shouldn't the URL have been written in markdown with []() notation (or a space between the URL and the period) since a period is a valid URL character? For example, instead of typing, should []( have been typed?

cbarrick , (edited )

Huh. This got me curious.

Yes, I did just type a bare URL. Every mature markdown parser I've used turns this into a link, and appropriately handles trailing punctuation.

So I went to the spec, and it's explicitly called out that this is not an autolink. Autolinks must be explicitly surrounded with angle brackets <>.

So yeah \shrug.

Edit to be clear: This means that both of our markdown parsers are wrong relative to the commonmark spec. But I'll argue that if a parser is going to attempt to autolink this, then handling trailing punctuation is better than not.

rhymepurple ,

I did not know about autolinks - thanks for the link!

It is interesting how different parsers handle this exact situation. I usually am cautious about it because I typically am not sure how it will be handled if I am not explicit with the URL and additional text.

wewbull ,

Do you think a style guide is enough for an open source code base? Contributions could be coming from lots of directions, and the code review process to enforce a style guide is going to be a lot of work. Even rejecting something takes time.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Honestly, I prefer C to C++ anyway. If they're going to switch to something, I'd prefer Rust.

But whatever, not my project, not my concern.

SatyrSack , to Linux in Packaging Davinci Resolve into a Flatpak

It officially only supports CentOS which doesnt even exist anymore lol.

It is supported on Rocky Linux.

Anyway, I assume this doesn't make things any easier to get it to run on an AMD GPU, is that correct?

boredsquirrel OP ,

I have no idea as all video editors are too complicated for me and I didnt ever find the time to learn them... even though I should. And then I will use KDENlive

SexualPolytope , avatar

It's funny that the supported distros for a video editor are all server focused ones.

leopold ,

RHEL is used and is meant to be used both for servers and professional workstations. I imagine clones like Rocky are much the same.

joojmachine ,

render farms are a thing for big studios

RedStrider , to Games in Nintendo DMCAs Yuzu forks on GitHub avatar

considering downloading the roms of my games out of spite

Tier1BuildABear , avatar

Download the roms of not your games too!

dvdnet62 OP , to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ in Nintendo pursuing Yuzu Forks on Github avatar
Fortunately web archive still preserve it. But, idk how long

exu , avatar

I recently found out about Softwareheritage, they also have yuzu mirrored.

itsralC , to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ in Musescore piracy

Unfortunately they patched the mscz downloads and now they're charging for merely viewing more than one page of certain scores. Musescore4 is great but I hope burns.

Frederic , to Linux in I wrote an interactive TUI app that gives a brief tour of the `GNU awk` command for beginners

At an old place of work, someone wrote an awk script that parsed strings using regex from a CSV file, and it generated JavaScript code automatically. It was ~5000 lines of awk script, it was beautiful. I understood it after a couple of weeks, I was in charge of maintaining it, super interesting.

boredsquirrel , to Linux in The editor Zed will have regular alpha builds soon

So now we have Lapce,Cosmic-Edit, Helix (vim clone) and Zed, all in Rust. Nice!

1984 , avatar

If only Helix would have vim mappings and a plugin system, it would kill neovim over night...

In it's current state, it's only suitable for people who don't need any plugins. So if you want a plugin for picking a virtual environment in python for example, you just can't do it in Helix.

I don't know, to me it's really limited without any form of plugins. I truly wish it had a plugin system because tons of people would write high quality rust plugins.

iiGxC ,

Helix having vim mappings would defeat the purpose. But once you do hx --tutor it's super easy and intuitive coming from vim/nvim

boredsquirrel ,

What means "vim mappings"? I only ever used helix so I supposed it has the same key bindings as vim?

przmk ,

Not really. Helix is closer to Kakoune which is based on the modal editing of Vim but reimagined a bit.

iiGxC ,

Vim and helix have different keymappings for the same tasks, for example to delete a word, helix you type wd, but in vim you type dw. As a vim user of like 6 years, I prefer the helix bindings after understanding them. But the reason I say helix having vim bindings would defeat the point is that if you want vim bindings, just use vim or neovim with plugins. Those are both mature projects that will serve people who want vim bindings better, either switch to helix all the way, or don't imo

gramgan ,

I think it’s possible to remap Helix to be almost (if not completely) Vim-like. I got it to be (I think completely) Kakoune-like with like 15 lines in my config.

mke , (edited )

That's a weird way to look at the projects, in my opinion ("if only X had Y, it would kill Z...").

Helix and Neovim have different approaches to editing, configuration, etc. They don't need to be competing for users. Neovim can exist for the people who want an editor with Neovim's ideas, same for Helix, and that's just fine.

Titou , to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ in Nintendo pursuing Yuzu Forks on Github avatar

Why there's no decentralized github-like ?

MajorHavoc ,

There's are a few, but they're pretty new.
Codeberg / Forejo seems to be the most popular, at the moment.

PlexSheep ,

But it's not yet federalized. I host my forgejo instance but others can't yet create issues there.

MajorHavoc ,

I've been kinda low key waiting for federation on Feorejo to move most of my personal projects off of GitHub. I've been busy anyway, so I guess, for me, it's a race between their clever devs and my procrastinating...

PlexSheep ,

I'm so excited for it. Forgejo is by itself fully usable, but I want to be able to federate stuff.

MajorHavoc ,

Me too. GitHub is a huge part of my professional portfolio. I don't like trusting a single corporation with that much of my employment future. I saw colleagues who relied heavily of Twitter have a really bad time when it descended into bots and spam.

Forejo seems like the logical next step to protect my professional portfolio.

PlexSheep ,

GitHub is huge for visibility, don't underestimate it. I put everything on my git server and mirror my important projects to GitHub and One of the things I'm excited about is a method of discover ability for my stuff. And if course collaboration being possible on my server, as others can't open issues and stuff on my server.

MajorHavoc ,

Yeah. I'll keep things on GitHub, as well. GitHub has been very good for my professional portfolio.

But I'm hoping to get to where my primary activity is on my own servers, and everything is mirrored to GitGub, or vice-versa. That way, if GitHub decides to hold my portfolio hostage, I can just redirect my resume link and get on with my life.

Rikj000 , avatar
  • Forgejo: But ForgeFed, it's federation software is still under development
  • Radicle: But they have unnecessary ties with crypto stuff
bjoern_tantau , avatar

Git is already decentralised. Every github-like is interoperable with every other github-like. But just because something works together with many others doesn't makes it invulnerable to legal takedowns. Nintendo is a gaming company. They have no problems playing whack-a-mole, as demonstrated here.

Lennard ,

Yeah, but Nintendo hasn't won a lawsuit, which means the code isn't illegal to share. They just convinced GitHub to take it down.

TheGalacticVoid ,

They convinced GitHub to send takedown notices, which can be appealed. They're legally required to do this under the DMCA.

red , avatar

I think there's a difference between distributed and decentralised. But apart from that 👍

haui_lemmy , avatar

Check out forgejo. While git is „decentralized“ it is not discoverable. Forgejo is pretty much there afaik using ap protocol.

PotatoesFall , to Linux in The editor Zed will have regular alpha builds soon

wasn't this a mac only editor? Or am I confused with another?

ralakus ,

It was. There's a partially working Linux build available and it looks like they're trying to port to windows too

featured ,

It is but they’ve been making huge leaps towards a Linux build and that’s what this is about

GrayBackgroundMusic Mod , to 3DPrinting in OrcaSlicer V2.1.0 Official Release

Can someone give me a brief intro to orca slicer? Who is it made by and what's it's quirk?

For example prusa slicer, made by prusa, prioritizes user interface and has powerful almost modeling features (text, cutting etc)

rugburn ,

Orca slicer is a fork of Prusaslicer

xenspidey ,

And it's fantastic!

Edit: its actually a fork of bamboo slicer which is a fork of prusa slicer

GrayBackgroundMusic Mod ,

Fork of a fork of a fork.

xenspidey ,

The beauty of open source software

zelifcam , avatar

What are the advantages over Prusa?

Ease of use or features? Both?

xenspidey ,

I'd say all of the above. Its integration with Kipper is also very good

xenspidey ,

I used to slicer hop around, then i discovered orca. Just the best imho

Edit: its an open source fork of bamboo slicer

Nilz ,

And Bambu Studio is a fork of PrusaSlicer

xenspidey ,

Which is a fork of Slic3r

IMALlama ,

You're four forks deep now
Slic3r to Prusa Slicer to Bamboo's slicer to Orca. It also borrowed a lot of ideas from Super Slicer. Since it's open source, and has been gaining some momentum, it seems to have a decent amount of contributors

Why Orca?

  • all the features you know and love from things up the tree
  • a revamped UI
  • built in tuning tests (temp tower, extrusion multiplier, volumetric flow, pressure advance, etc)
  • great Klipper integration if that's your jam
p1mrx ,

all the features you know and love from things up the tree

Did OrcaSlicer ever bring back the option to slice automatically when changing settings? It's called "Background processing" in PrusaSlicer.

Grippler ,

The UI of Prusa slicer is hot garbage though. I started with prusa slicer and moved to orca after a few months. Orca is a much nicer experience, and the built-in test-models (temp towers etc.) are nice.

GrayBackgroundMusic Mod ,

The UI of Prusa slicer is hot garbage though.

I'm comparing cura and prusa, so prusa wins by a lot. What are you comparing prusa to? Orca?

Grippler ,


u_tamtam , avatar

The UI of Prusa slicer is hot garbage though.

I give orca/bambu the edge for "prettier on screenshots", but in practice, I don't find their UI paradigm to be more efficient nor convenient.

Grippler ,

In find the location and grouping of parameters more intuitive in orca. I always had to look through several tabs to find the parameter I wanted to adjust when I was using prusa, it was never where I thought it should be.

lefixxx ,

It's worth giving a try

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