aesthelete , to Technology in Tesla Has The Highest Accident Rate Of Any Auto Brand

Maybe they're sentient and actively suicidal.

SocialMediaRefugee ,

It would be a brilliant way to knock people off.

tanisnikana ,

Terra Ignota used carefully calculated automobile tragedies as a pretext for civil war.

teft , to World News in Russia announced it had deployed, to Ukraine, its best new artillery-detecting radar. Hours later, the Ukrainians blew it up—with artillery. avatar

I was a counter battery radar operator. The systems I used 20 years ago had these neat things called electronic counter measures. I guess russia never got the message that it's not a smart idea to radiate in a zone with anti-radiation missiles.

TWeaK ,

This wasn't a seeker missile, it was GPS guided. If the Russian machine had been fully set up then they probably would have blocked it, however Ukraine got to it before they were ready.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Drone scouts found it and they called in a fire mission from a HIMARS, since this was considered a HVT. I saw the raw footage of it yesterday - it was pretty neat.

tacosanonymous , to Technology in Half Of All Skills Will Be Outdated Within Two Years, Study Suggests

lol. If the overlords want to hasten their overthrow, then sure.

I can’t think of a more likely scenario that puts the rich onto dinner plates.

gravitas_deficiency ,

They’re forgetting rule 0: do not get on the Infra team’s bad side.

IbnLemmy , to Technology in Google Chrome Warning Issued For All Windows Users

Now sure how popular this is, but tbh,. Microsoft Edge is way better than Chrome. Yes I get it's chromium underneath, and I also do agree. And no I don't use Firefox, it doesn't play well with our stack.

transientpunk , avatar

Use a better stack

lolcatnip ,

I'm sure they'll get right on convincing their comment too ditch a bunch of suggested they're heavily invested again. Should be easy and not a career limiting move at all.

phoenixz , to Technology in Google Chrome Warning Issued For All Windows Users

Again, install Linux already and be done with this shit.

HKayn , avatar

That's always so easy to say, isn't it?

Pyroglyph , avatar

Far easier to do too. I did one of each last month and there's no question that the Windows setup experience is terrible in comparison.

Poem_for_your_sprog ,

The software and hardware I'm using won't work on Linux.

RoundSparrow , avatar

Linux community arrogance is to deny the device driver issues and think Apple is fine, when the reason Apple thrives is because they don't have open hardware like Linux, BSD, Windows...

Hardware companies are rarely held account for their absent support of Linux - some campaigns have come and gone, but in the end Linux users tend to arrogantly say it's trivial to switch and embrace dishonesty. I guess they figure Microsoft is dishonest, so they normalize it.

JoMiran OP , to World News in After A 12-Month Wait, The Ukrainians Are Finally Firing Their 90-Mile Glide-Bombs At The Russians avatar

Forbes dropping bombs.

Ukrainian brigades are starving for artillery ammunition—ironically because of Russia-aligned Republican lawmakers in the United States.

lettruthout ,

Yeah, I was going to comment on this, but you were faster. This is the first time that I've noticed a major media outlet connecting Republicans with Russia. So it's an open secret now?

gravitas_deficiency ,

It’s the first time I’ve noticed a major non-liberal media outlet pointedly connecting Republicans with Russia. Which is a pretty big deal tbh.

Rayspekt , to Technology in Reddit’s IPO Filing Shows Lots Of Losses After Nearly 20 Years

I receiced one of those special offer emails to buy stocks on Monday. Weren't those supposed to go only to power users? I haven't done anything with my account since the API debacle and wasn't a power user before.

I feel like their rug pull before the ipo doesn't work that good. I hope the gme bros will short reddit to the ground, that would be the best end to Reddit I can imagine. Fuck spez.

TubularTittyFrog ,

I got it as well. My accounts were banned... and then all the sudden an IPO comes along and the are unsuspended.... i went back in and redacted my accounts that got the email.

PM_Your_Nudes_Please ,

Your comment made me go back and check, and I definitely got unbanned at some point. I was site-banned for mass edit>deleting my comments on all my accounts during the API evacuation. One sub saw me doing it, and banned that first account. Whatever, no big loss cuz I’m scorching things on my way out the door anyways. When I did the same with the second account, both accounts were banned site-wide for ban evasion, (because that second account also had comments on that same sub.) And that same pattern happened with every account I had.

But now they’re all unbanned. I wonder if Reddit went back and unbanned old accounts, to try and boost their user numbers prior to the IPO.

TubularTittyFrog ,

Yes, also to fluff up the dataset for the AI sale.

gravitas_deficiency , to Technology in Usage Of Elon Musk’s X Dropped 30% In The Last Year, Study Suggests

How much did human usage drop? Because there are a shitload more bots on twitter nowadays than there were in the years before he took over.

muelltonne ,

This should be human usage - the user survey was done by phone.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Ah, ok, 27% -> 19%, an 8% YoY drop, and the numbers were obtained using identical methodologies across multiple years. Yeah, I agree, seems to check out.

Still, there are definitely a shitload more bots than there were before.

Ghostalmedia , to Technology in Reddit: Return Of The Junk Stock IPO avatar

When I look at those numbers I think “Apollo was made by 1 dude with some occasional help from another person. Reddit is throwing half its budget and 200+ bodies at its app and site, and it’s a fucking disaster.”

bus_factor ,

Different goals. The goal of Apollo was to make a good app. The goal of the official reddit app is to show you ads and siphon money off you.

I guarantee you a good chunk of that R&D money is for making ads more profitable and other monetization.

Ghostalmedia , avatar

To be fair, the point of Apollo was to also make money. But it was to make money by selling you things that made a nice experience nicer. Reddit makes money by selling you stuff that makes a shitty experience slightly less shitty.

NateNate60 ,

I said it before on Reddit and I will say it again here—

If Reddit has asked me for a premium subscription to use my favourite third-party app, I would have fucking paid.

Just bad business all around

Kinglink ,

I don't know the right price point, but 1 dollar a month probably would have worked for most people. It just wasn't enough because they probably can make more than 1 by spoon feeding you ads now.

KingThrillgore OP , avatar

I'd go as far as 5 dollars a month, which is more than the buck thirty they make off users right now.

gravitas_deficiency ,

It just boggles the mind.

They had the userbase. They had the community moderation. They had the power-users basically doing their job for them. They could have had a bulletproof, tied-to-world-population-growth metric - not super fast, but basically monotonically increasing. They basically could have turned it into a sustainable money printer, while not crushing user enthusiasm. Hell, they could have even done an opt- in policy for ML training datasets, either offsetting or outright paying users a commission for content that’s used as part of a training set. There were so many possibilities that didn’t involve pointing the ship at an iceberg.

Spez threw it away because he wanted the quick payout from ad revenue.

Hackerman_uwu ,

Spez threw it away because he’s a libertarian tool. He doesn’t care how he gets the payout as long as it’s not ‘collectivist’. This commie shit your’e spouting in this post would not impress daddy Elon. GTFO.

gravitas_deficiency ,

The fuck are you on about with that last half?

thorbot , to World News in Ukraine packed a Cessna-style plane with explosives, added remote controls and kamikaze’d it into a Russian drone factory 600 miles away

Absolutely badass. Slava Ukraini!

imnotfromkaliningrad ,

please go meet bandera

Tar_alcaran , to Fuck Cars in French Revolution: Cyclists Now Outnumber Motorists In Paris

Cycling around Paris 15 years ago was basically only acceptable if you had a deathwish. It's awesome that they made such huge improvements!

TaTTe ,

Almost as if it's possible to improve even the largest cities' infrastructure to be more human friendly. Almost as if there's no reason bad urban design should remain bad forever. Huh, who knew...

st3ph3n , to World News in Iran Might Receive Its First Su-35 Flanker Fighters From Russia Next Week

Kinda surprised the Russians have any to spare.

FlyingSquid Mod ,

I was going to say the same thing. Maybe these are the especially shitty jets that are even shittier than their normal shitty jets?

saltesc ,

SU-35s are legemdarily good like their older SU-27 brothers. They're arguably the best Gen 4 aircraft in the world now. In general,.Soviet and Russian aircraft have been very formidable.

What you're confusing "shittier" with is after Sukhoi hand the aircraft over to the Russian military. At which point poor selection and training hop in, strapped with janky or old weaponry, given orders by notoriously bad tacticians. And suddenly your fancy "Gen 4.5" aircraft is getting downed by anything with a half modern missile in the tube.

Toe-to-toe it'll be Israel's F-16s—which will need modern configs—that will present a challenge. Certainly not the F-15s. But the real contender will be SAMs which I imagine are the latest fancy American ones.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Well… yes and no. Anything made in Russia over the last 2 years likely has electronics that are rather suspect. I wouldn’t be shocked to learn that some of those new flankers Iran is getting have some repurposed Whirlpool dishwasher chips squirreled away in there somewhere.

gravitas_deficiency ,

The Iranians have been churning out literal thousands of Shahed drones for Russia to shoot into Ukraine. I’m pretty sure this was the other half of the deal they made.

ButtermilkBiscuit , to World News in Iran Might Receive Its First Su-35 Flanker Fighters From Russia Next Week

The same SU 35s getting shot down over Ukraine? Or are these the even worse export versions? Lol, it won't matter.

Aux ,

SU-35 is a defence jet, not an assault one. It's getting shot over Ukraine because it's not used for its purpose. It's like sending a heavy bomber into a dog fight.

ForgotAboutDre ,

It's supposed to be an air superiority aircraft not an interceptor. I think you've confused the two. Inceptors are defensive, air superiority are aggressive.

Their role is to take control of new areas, in this role they've been taken out by Ukraine's air defence. Which defends against aggressive aircraft.

Nobody , to Ukraine in A Ukrainian Sport Plane Drone Just Flew 800 Miles Into Russia To Blow Up An Oil Refinery

The Ukrainian military has gotten so creative with what they’ve had available. I can’t wait to see what they do with all those F16s.

Slava Ukraini

Badeendje , avatar

Just like noone in NATO ever dreamed of an offensive patriot battery.. but Ukranians made it work.

Diplomjodler3 ,

They never had to. They've always had far superior firepower in every conflict.

Badeendje , avatar

Very true, curb stomping 3rd rate dictators and terrorists in the outlands is different from peer on peer warfare.

But still, ukranians writing the book on this kind of stuff and on the new types of drone warfare. It is Impressive.

Diplomjodler3 ,

Of course. No doubt about that.

aniki ,

The previous edition was written by ISIS.

deft ,

I wouldn't consider it peer to peer, they're fighting Russia they're basically the short bus of wealthy countries

realitista ,

They were considered the 2nd military in the world by most before Ukraine. I hope we knock them out of the top 10.

ladicius , to Ukraine in A Ukrainian Sport Plane Drone Just Flew 800 Miles Into Russia To Blow Up An Oil Refinery

Both planes cruise at around 100 miles per hour and blend in with civilian air traffic, making them difficult to intercept.

And the ruzzkis are not aware that there is some plane coming from Ukrainian airspace travelling 100s of kilometres around their forlorn country? They are that blind on the border to an active battle ground? And why would there be so much civilian air traffic near that battle ground that they can't oversee all air traffic?

Remembers me btw of German bumblehead Matthias Rust who flew a small single engine plane into ruzzia and landed in front of the Kremlin - in the middle of cold war. They simply didn't see him coming until he parked his plane right in front of their door.

skittlebrau ,

Maybe they’re flying these drones at very low altitudes to avoid conventional detection. I imagine it’d be through less densely populated areas as well for part of the way.

Badeendje , avatar

Also it is a pretty long border with Ukraine and the Ukranians have been hard at work dismantling Russian radar and detection capabilities.

Static radar sites are long gone and the mobile radars are Prime targets for himars, storm shadow, scalp, Harm ER, atacms and homebrew drones.

The occupation of Crimea is very expensive in terms of radar losses, and I would not be surprised if the east of Russia has no more radar coverage at all.

And the there was the hunt for those radar planes, epic show of ingenuity.. twice.. so not lucky.

ours ,

And when they identify one of these they still need to act. How quickly and efficiently can they get interceptors up in the air and vectored in? How operational are their ground-based anti-air capabilities and do they dare shoot something down? And how much coverage do they actually have?

thepreciousboar ,

They have supersonic jets. How difficult would it be for a Su27 to intercept a driverless sport plane?

Badeendje , avatar

Still a win for Ukraine if the Russians have to start burning a lot of precious flight hours on checking out every aireal anomaly.

thepreciousboar ,

Maybe they decided is was not worth it and they prefer losing refineries and fuel storage rather than using jet hours

maynarkh ,

If they lose a few more refineries, that will certainly cut into their jet hours.

ours ,

The fuel is (relatively) nothing. Interceptors have to haul ass and that means going full throttle for periods which translates into countless hours of maintenance on those planes. This immobilizes the aircraft after the mission and the ground crew to work on it. It also consumes spare parts and reduces the overall lifetime of the airframe.

China does this to Taiwan by playing chicken at the edge of their defensive zone, forcing a smaller air force to keep up with the interceptions.

Badeendje , avatar

That was my point indeed.. flight hours translate to wear and tear, maintenance and spare part usage. And sourcing some of the spare parts is getting harder and harder by the day.

Some defense industry in Russia is already buying back airframes from abroad.. this reduces the value of the Russian defense sector as these countries can shop elsewhere.

And countries with large Russian military hardware stocks cannot get parts in the foreseeable future.. so they also cannot wage war without serious risks to their own readyness.

Badeendje , avatar

Well as proven with mh17 the buks are pretty good at taking down airliners.

ours ,

Such a system can shoot at a maximum range of 30km. How many refineries and ammo depots does Russia have to protect? It's a huge bloody country which makes it very hard to cover with radar and air defence.

The edge that allowed Russia to win against powerful invading armies bites them in the ass here. So much real estate is hard and expensive to protect.

During the height of the Cold War, a kid flew across Europe in a small, slow plane and landed on the damn Red Square. Another guy landed a helicopter on the White House lawn.

Badeendje , (edited ) avatar

Buk is 50km, but s300 already over 100 and s400 does 400km range. And for even shorter range you have pantsir and shilka.

But indeed, so much real estate. And the refineries are very vulnerable.

Can you imagine.. at this development pace in a year suck a plane will carry 10 autonomous drones with thermite charges that deploy on target and spread even more chaos.

ours ,

The asymmetry between the cost of defense vs. offense here is absurd.

The operation of air defense networks, missiles, and fighter jet interceptions, all to try to down kit aircraft costing less than the average Porsche sports car. Fancy-pantsy capabilities that required billions not long ago can be had for cheap. It's no longer the exclusive realm of low-flying supersonic or stealth aircraft to strike the heart of the enemy. What required billions of R&D can be somewhat achieved on the cheap.

RidderSport ,

Well no. The cost of defence is not actually what pricetag the system is you use to shoot something done. It is what you are defending and an oil refinery is probably in the hundreds of millions, literally a high-profile target

fuckingkangaroos ,

Yeah, spending a hundred thousand to take out a refinery cracker is an amazing trade. What's a cracker worth, a few tens of millions? Plus lost production etc

Ilovethebomb ,

They did know, he was actually intercepted by a fighter jet at one point, who followed him for some distance, and was picked up on radar multiple times. They weren't sure if he was hostile or not though.

Russia was anticipating an attack using jets and ballistic missiles, they likely didn't consider a Cessna a threat.

tal , (edited ) avatar

To put the shoe on the other foot, the US had trouble effectively getting fighters up for 9/11. On the surface of it, dealing with a civilian airliner seems like it should be trivial compared to a warplane. But North American air defense had been designed around an assumption that there would always be advance warning of incoming aircraft out over the Atlantic or Pacific or Arctic, not a sudden discovery that an aircraft was already inside US airspace and heading for the Capitol, and alert levels had been lowered after the Cold War.

As a result, at the time, the "ready aircraft" were not kept armed. Loading weapons aboard required time that wasn't available, and the fighter pilots involved scrambled unarmed, with the intention of suicide-ramming Flight 93.

Orders had come from Vice President Dick Cheney for her squadron to get airborne and stop Flight 93 from reaching Washington D.C. Penney and her squadron leader, Mark (“Sass”) Sasseville, were to launch first. With no live missiles on board, they had nothing but their aircraft to use as a weapon. It would take upwards of an hour to assemble and load the missiles on to a jet. Another pair of F-16s would stay until missiles could be loaded, but Penney and Sasseville were to take off immediately.

“I’m zipping up my G-suit when Sass looks at me and says, ‘I’ll take the cockpit.’ [Meaning that he would ram into Flight 93’s front end.] I would take the tail,” she said. “I’ve had people ask me, ‘Who told you would have to ram the airplane? Who ordered you?’ But no one did. What was said was all that was said.”

In the event, the passengers voted to storm the cockpit, were breaking down the door, and the hijackers power-dived the plane into the ground, thus eliminating the necessity.

khannie , avatar

Wow. That's a fascinating little nugget that I never heard before. Thanks.

Ilovethebomb ,

I'd heard this story before, and having fighter aircraft on standby with no weapons seemed utterly ridiculous at the time, and still does.

As does taking an hour to load them.

AngryCommieKender ,

Those self sealing stem bolts take some time to actually seal.

tal , (edited ) avatar

I mean, there just wasn't any realistic threat that we expected from Russia or China or such. We've got sensor networks that should be able to pick up any aircraft even being prepared, much less flying in from a long ways out, even if they did take off.

There's some accident-risk price to pay for readiness -- like, you can have accidents with weapons, and any time that weapons are floating around outside arsenals, there's at least some potential for them to go astray. And the more weapons systems you have in a "ready to engage" status, the more-twitchy it makes everyone else. Suppose we kept a couple thousand fighters armed and on the runway. That's gonna make some other countries twitchy that they have little time to react.

The "DEFCON level" is basically a slider that trades shorter response time for increased risk of things going wrong.

Readiness condition Exercise term Description Readiness
DEFCON 1 COCKED PISTOL Nuclear war is imminent or has already begun Maximum readiness.
DEFCON 2 FAST PACE Next step to nuclear war Armed forces ready to deploy and engage in less than six hours
DEFCON 3 ROUND HOUSE Increase in force readiness above that required for normal readiness Air Force ready to mobilize in 15 minutes
DEFCON 4 DOUBLE TAKE Increased intelligence watch and strengthened security measures Above normal readiness
DEFCON 5 FADE OUT Lowest state of readiness Normal readiness

If we can, we keep it at low levels. Minimizes risk of accidents, avoids putting pressure on other parties.

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, we had it at an elevated level. That means that we can respond rapidly, and we're more-prepared to get hit with a major nuclear strike and still hit back as hard as possible. But it also...creates room for things to go rather badly, accidentally.

At 10:00 pm EDT the next day, the US raised the readiness level of Strategic Air Command (SAC) forces to DEFCON 2. For the only confirmed time in US history, B-52 bombers went on continuous airborne alert, and B-47 medium bombers were dispersed to various military and civilian airfields and made ready to take off, fully equipped, on 15 minutes' notice.[114] One-eighth of SAC's 1,436 bombers were on airborne alert, and some 145 intercontinental ballistic missiles stood on ready alert, some of which targeted Cuba.[115] Air Defense Command (ADC) redeployed 161 nuclear-armed interceptors to 16 dispersal fields within nine hours, with one third maintaining 15-minute alert status.[92] Twenty-three nuclear-armed B-52s were sent to orbit points within striking distance of the Soviet Union so it would believe that the US was serious.

As part of that, military aircraft were loaded with nuclear weapons, including a fleet of interceptors, and dispersed to civilian airports and airstrips to minimize the number that could be destroyed on the ground in the event of a nuclear attack from the Soviet Union.

Some of those airfields were -- not surprisingly -- not as secured against ground intrusions as military bases. At one point, a security guard saw a shadowy figure moving around the outskirts of one such civilian airfield, fired a burst at it from his submachine gun, but it made it over the fence and away. He hit his sabotage alarm. At that alert level, the presumption is that any detected sabotage attempt would be likely part of a preemptive strike, and doctrine dictated that the whole interceptor force get airborne and start heading towards the Soviet Union. They were rolling down the runways across the US when the sabotage alarm was cancelled -- upon further investigation of the traces left, it turned out that the figure was probably just a bear. But...a shit-ton of warplanes armed with (air-to-air, not strategic) nuclear weapons leaving the ground and heading towards the Soviet Union creates further potential for inadvertent escalation.

We had one incident, some years back, where the ground crew at an arsenal dicked up, loaded a bomber with live nukes rather than inert missiles, and the crew inadvertently flew to another airbase before the crew there checked, noticed that they had live nuclear weapons on their field, and started pushing red buttons.

An example of a Bent Spear incident occurred on the August 2007 flight of a B-52 bomber from Minot AFB to Barksdale AFB which mistakenly carried six cruise missiles with live nuclear warheads.[4]

Now, okay, those are extreme examples of risks -- a few F-16s armed with conventional weapons don't pose as much of a concern. But it does illustrate, I think, that there's a tradeoff involved. At the time, the risk of accidents was considered higher than the benefit from having a more-rapid response.

In any event, after 9/11, doctrine was revised, and the ready fighters are now kept armed. I'm not saying that the move was the right one. I'm just saying that there are real tradeoffs to be maintaining a high alert level. The USAF hadn't been told to expect to deal with a civilian aircraft in US airspace suddenly going hostile, so they hadn't structured their response system accordingly. The RuAF may or may not have made decisions about how to deal with civilian aircraft.

The Mathias Rust situation that someone else mentioned, as a I recall, dealt with Soviet doctrine where responses had been relaxed to help avoid accidental shootdowns, and that was part of how he made it to Red Square.


Yeah: "The local air regiment near Pskov was on maneuvers and, due to inexperienced pilots' tendency to forget correct IFF designator settings, local control officers assigned all traffic in the area friendly status, including Rust.[5]"

Rust disappeared from the Finnish air traffic radar near Espoo.[5] Control personnel presumed an emergency and a rescue effort was organized, including a Finnish Border Guard patrol boat. They found an oil patch near Sipoo where Rust had disappeared from radar observation, and conducted an underwater search but did not find anything.

Rust crossed the Baltic coastline over Estonia and turned towards Moscow. At 14:29 he appeared on Soviet Air Defence Forces (PVO) radar and, after failure to reply to an Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) signal, was assigned combat number 8255. Three Surface-to-air missile battalions of 54th Air Defence Corps tracked him for some time, but failed to obtain permission to launch missiles at him.[9] All air defences were readied and two interceptors were sent to investigate. At 14:48, near Gdov, MiG-23 pilot Senior Lieutenant A. Puchnin observed a white sport airplane similar to a Yakovlev Yak-12 and asked for permission to engage, but was denied.[5][10]

The fighters lost contact with Rust soon after this. While they were being directed back to him, he disappeared from radar near Staraya Russa. West German magazine Bunte speculated that he might have landed there for some time, noting that he changed his clothes during his flight and that he took too much time to fly to Moscow considering his airplane's speed and the weather conditions.

Air defence re-established contact with Rust's plane several times but confusion resulted from all of these events. The PVO system had shortly before been divided into several districts, which simplified management but created additional work for tracking officers at the districts' borders. The local air regiment near Pskov was on maneuvers and, due to inexperienced pilots' tendency to forget correct IFF designator settings, local control officers assigned all traffic in the area friendly status, including Rust.[5]

Near Torzhok there was a similar situation, as increased air traffic was created by a search and rescue operation. Rust, flying a slow propeller-driven aircraft, was confused with one of the helicopters participating with the operation. He was detected several more times and given false friendly recognition twice. Rust was considered as a domestic training airplane defying regulations, and was assigned the least priority by air defense.[5]

Around 19:00, Rust appeared above Moscow. He had initially intended to land in the Kremlin, but he reasoned that landing inside, hidden by the Kremlin walls, would have allowed the KGB to arrest him and deny the incident. Therefore, he changed his landing place to Red Square.[5] Dense pedestrian traffic did not allow him to land there either, so after circling about the square one more time, he was able to land on Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge by St. Basil's Cathedral. A later inquiry found that trolleybus wires normally strung over the bridge—which would have prevented his landing there—had been removed for maintenance that morning, and were replaced the next day.[5] After taxiing past the cathedral, he stopped about 100 metres (330 ft) from the square, where he was greeted by curious passersby and asked for autographs.[11] When asked where he was from, he replied "Germany" making the bystanders think he was from East Germany; but when he said West Germany, they were surprised.[12] A British doctor videotaped Rust circling over Red Square and landing on the bridge.[12] Rust was arrested two hours later.[13]

Is it embarrassing? Well, I guess so. Rust made it to pretty sensitive airspace, shouldn't have. But, big picture...odds are also pretty good that if NATO's going to have a war with the Warsaw Pact, it's probably not going to involve sending a little prop plane to Red Square. Not saying that there's no risk there for a decapitation strike or something, but the Soviet airforce had to make a tradeoff in terms of how many of their own aircraft they shoot down accidentally versus whether they make sure to deal with some little prop plane wandering around.

SkyezOpen ,

They're saving missiles for passenger airlines and their own aircraft and quadcopters. Can't be bothered to shoot down every Cessna.

Thorny_Insight ,

If they actually used a tactical nuke or attacked a Nato member and we retaliated by shooting hundreds of cruise- and ballistic missiles into Russia, I wonder how many they would actually be able to intercept. I'm starting to get the feeling that not many.

baldingpudenda ,

With their ordinance failure rate and low detection, russia should be happy with 1% intercepted.

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