
CanadaPlus , to World News in Cuba sentences 22-year-old mother to 15 years in prison for publishing videos of protests

Autocracies gonna autocrat. I'm not even going to read this because it's not really news.

Most countries in the world do this stuff.

john89 , to World News in Cuba sentences 22-year-old mother to 15 years in prison for publishing videos of protests

Screw this.

Maybe they deserve the embargo.

@BNE@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Don't you have a flag to wave over a razed hospital somewhere?

john89 ,


dirtypirate , to World News in Cuba sentences 22-year-old mother to 15 years in prison for publishing videos of protests

This is one of the reasons Havana is safe af and San Juan is high crime zone

safe but tolerates 0 dissent or unsafe and protests in the highway chased the governor off the island (and it's still high crime and fucked)

Djejevhwvwbebebr , to World News in Cuba sentences 22-year-old mother to 15 years in prison for publishing videos of protests

Good. Hopefully they teach her how to use a condom

lucullus , to Technology in Why data centers want to have their own nuclear reactors

What is currently the state of things for nuclear waste in the US? In germany they still search for a place for storing it long term. Gets in the news now and then. Did the US have more success with finding a good site? Or is this again just companies betting to hand over the waste to the public when they are done? As I remember in germany the companies got a cheap buy out for the waste after the closure of nuclear power plants where setup.

theFibonacciEffect ,

The US does not have a final deposit for nuclear waste. But nuclear waste is not more dangerous than other chemical waste which already has final deposits in Germany. The specifications are deliberately made harder for nuclear because of politics.

douglasg14b ,
@douglasg14b@lemmy.world avatar

The US has an ideal, chosen, location for long-term mass storage.

Unfortunately State politics and news fear mongering are preventing it from being developed and utilized.

Just more footgunning.

survirtual ,

*unfortunately oil companies that control the entire energy sector, NRC, and most politicians have created a fictional State politics and news fear cycle, since nuclear energy is the primary way to eradicate their business and profits

Fixed it for you.

Friendly reminder that the government is a facade and is run by major corporations and nations like Saudi Arabia & Israel. The people have completely lost control of the government in the US. Voting is a construct hijacked to institutionalize hopelessness and release the steam of rebellion. It isn't voting when corporations choose who your choices are!

daltotron , to World News in Cuba sentences 22-year-old mother to 15 years in prison for publishing videos of protests

seems like the blockade is working as intended

Tinidril ,

At least I get to live in the US where the right to protest is protected. /s

chemicalwonka ,
@chemicalwonka@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

is this irony?

daltotron ,

don't forget our great first rate healthcare, best and most innovative in the world

VirtualOdour ,

I swear people on here think the right to protest is some magical talisman that protects you from the consequences of your actions.

If you break other laws the right to protest doesn't somehow stop that being illegal - you cant just wear a free Palestine shirt and go shop lifting or break into someone's house.

It is about not making protesting illegal in the absence of other crimes - like for example it is in Cuba where this person didn't commit other crimes but is arrested simply for documenting.

Tinidril ,

I see you've been relying on the mainstream news narrative. There was nothing illegal about the protests until after the police started cracking down.

Then there was UCLA where pro-Israel counter protesters were dragging protesters out and beating them with sticks while an army of cops half a block away stood around with their thumbs up their asses.

It's the neoliberal way to keep protesting legal while making it all but impossible to actually do so without breaking some minor law. Then the police come in huge numbers with riot gear, rubber bullets, and chemical agents that aren't even legal in a warzone. Suddenly it's a "violent" protest.

Neoliberals are always on the side of the protesters starting about 10 years after the protests are over. Until then they always wring their hands and whine about how the protest was done. This is all the exact shit they said about every protest of the civil rights movement.

VirtualOdour ,

Sure, yet even with your very biased telling of events it's still nothing like the situation in Cuba

Tinidril ,

First of all, I never said it was. Second, the results are not that far off, it just looks different. Don't forget that there are states where it's now explicitly legal to drive over protesters, and I already mentioned protesters getting beaten with sticks while the police stood by and watched. The US has just privatized much of the oppression.

Tinidril ,

Also, if you have any evidence of an actual crime happening before police crackdowns start, I'd live to see it. (Not something lame like loitering). If you think I'm biased, then show me I'm wrong.

PugJesus , to World News in Ana Piquer, human rights activist: ‘The militarization promoted by the government of Mexico has not improved security’
@PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

[Mexico sends police]

[Police are corrupted]

[Mexico sends Special Police(tm)]

[Special Police(tm) are corrupted]

[Mexico sends military]

[Military is corrupted]

[Mexico sends Special Forces]

[Special Forces are corrupted]

Maybe there's a more essential problem here than "We're not using the right weapons"?

Nah. Let's ignore these human rights dweebs and send more troops again.

catloaf ,

It's almost like guns don't solve socioeconomic issues.

taanegl , to Technology in „If companies were to do the right thing, they would lose the most valuable customers on earth, preteen kids”

...well, is he wrong? Exploiting kids is the most lucrative endeavour. In fact, if we're going by piece meal and not lump sum, young people are a fat wad of cash.

So of course you knew we need to take every musical art form and turn it into sensory overload on stilts, because money.

Your little crotchgoblins are a path to your wallet.

rottingleaf ,

If I ever go as far in the relationship area as to have kids, they are not going to have anything Apple\Android until they can think for themselves.

That would be 12 years old or so at least, and before that they'd have to pass an exam (with me evaluating) on how to write simple Unix shell scripts, set up a web server, write simple SQL queries and, well, install and set up the system on which they are going to do this first. Non-computer parts would probably involve some media literacy and symbolic logic. And I think control theory would be required.

areyouevenreal ,

If I ever go as far in the relationship area as to have kids, they are not going to have anything Apple\Android until they can think for themselves.

That's actually not unreasonable. Getting kids using Open Source platforms which aren't trying to manipulate or spy on them is good.

That would be 12 years old or so at least, and before that they'd have to pass an exam (with me evaluating) on how to write simple Unix shell scripts, set up a web server, write simple SQL queries and, well, install and set up the system on which they are going to do this first. Non-computer parts would probably involve some media literacy and symbolic logic. And I think control theory would be required.

What does any of that have to do with media literacy or using those devices? You are just being a curmudgeon, not everyone needs to be a systems administrator. Unix isn't even used anymore. Linux and the BSDs are Unix-like, not actual Unix. What if your kids are physicists, chemists, or mathematicians? Are you going to say they aren't good enough to use a fucking smartphone just because they don't know specific things about a certain specific area of tech? How do you know SQL specifically will even be relevant then? NoSQL is already making headway.

This isn't how you get people into Open Source software or interested in technology. You can't do it by forcing them to do things that are esoteric to the majority of people.

rottingleaf ,

Unix isn’t even used anymore. Linux and the BSDs are Unix-like, not actual Unix.

That's still called Unix shell scripts even on Linux. Also it is used, Solaris and AIX - sometimes rarely, and BSDs are Unix unless you are a lawyer.

What if your kids are physicists, chemists, or mathematicians?

They still can spend a few hours on something useful for life. I know hundreds of little things like this from various areas even less useful specifically for me. While this is useful for everyone, as we can see every day from normies not knowing how anything in computing works and getting scammed.

And of course this is insufficient to be a systems administrator.

Are you going to say they aren’t good enough to use a fucking smartphone just because they don’t know specific things about a certain specific area of tech?

No, that it's dangerous for them without some knowledge and feeling of how computers work. That's not to become a specialist, that's just to feel things right.

How do you know SQL specifically will even be relevant then? NoSQL is already making headway.

Can do any of that. That's not about preparing someone for a job.

This isn’t how you get people into Open Source software or interested in technology. You can’t do it by forcing them to do things that are esoteric to the majority of people.

This is about upbringing and introducing people to things they can't avoid. Not about making them interested (but I'm almost confident that actually it will make a kid interested).

areyouevenreal , (edited )

The shell used on most Linux is bash, a GNU project. Not a part of Research Unix. ZSH is newer than both Unix and BASH and is also not a part of Unix.

They still can spend a few hours on something useful for life. I know hundreds of little things like this from various areas even less useful specifically for me. While this is useful for everyone, as we can see every day from normies not knowing how anything in computing works and getting scammed.

None of this is going to stop someone getting scammed. You can have plenty of technical knowledge and still get scammed. I got scammed trying to sell a laptop for example. Teaching them how paypal works and to avoid using the friends and family option is much better for this purpose.

This is about upbringing and introducing people to things they can't avoid. Not about making them interested (but I'm almost confident that actually it will make a kid interested).

You very much can avoid using a Unix-like shell. Your average Windows user has never used one, and neither do most macOS people even though it's included with macOS. Likewise most people will never have to setup a web server.

If you want to give people practical skills start with adblockers and how to reinstall Windows, macOS, and Linux Mint if it goes wrong. If you want to teach them command line skills, maybe start with CMD and PowerShell, since they are more likely to see those in real life than Solaris or FreeBSD. Heck your average person probably needs a Virtual Machine or an emulator more than a web server. Being able to pirate and play old Nintendo games or Play Station 1/2 is pretty cool. So is running Windows stuff on mac or Linux. Could save them buying another PC for that one software program. Likewise learning to work on desktop and laptop PCs can save them buying a new one every few years. Especially useful for PC gamers.

rottingleaf ,

And GNU utilities were obviously used a lot on Unices and when Linux didn't yet exist. Also bash is more or less similar to Korn shell, which was used earlier than you may think. And also zsh, despite people perceiving it as very modern, is older than you may think.

Anyway, if a program written for Unix works on a Unix clone, it doesn't cease being a Unix program. POSIX was a standard for Unix.

I don't get what are you arguing for. Especially since I meant bourne shell scripts, not bash scripts.

You very much can avoid using a Unix shell. Your average Windows user has never used one, and neither do most macOS people even though it’s included with macOS. Likewise most people will never have to setup a web server.

I've said once that I want to give a taste of something. I was more general with things one can't avoid, as in "one can't avoid computers and the Internet". And this was pretty clear from the context, either you are playing dumb or you want to defeat someone in an argument, in the latter case I don't care because I see you are not doing that.

A taste of real things I'd want to give to help them connect their inner abstract idea of how the world works with actual material things. They will have that idea, I absolutely trust every person to develop that on their own without help. Without that they might not believe themselves when they should.

None of this is going to stop someone getting scammed. You can have plenty of technical knowledge and still get scammed. I got scammed trying to sell a laptop for example. Teaching them how paypal works and to avoid using the friends and family option is much better for this purpose.

See previous.

If you want to give people practical skills start with adblockers and how to reinstall Windows, macOS, and Linux Mint if it goes wrong.

I don't want them to hate computing. This will lead to that exactly. Especially PowerShell.

Anyway, see that same paragraph.

areyouevenreal , (edited )

Why would learning how to fix a PC make you hate computing? If anything it makes you more confident in your ability to fix things if and when you break them. Likewise I don't get what's wrong with learning about Virtual Machines and emulators. PowerShell can't be that bad lol.

What it sounds like to me is you teaching your kids to think computing with Linux/FreeBSD is hard, and to hate using it. You're also teaching them to hate you for putting unnecessary barriers in front of them doing normal things like using a smartphone. Having a smartphone is necessary for modern life, as it does everything from communicating with family, finding out information, banking and booking appointments, ordering a taxi or takeout. Gatekeeping that behind arbitrary things like learning shell and setting up a web server is fucking dumb.

A taste of real things I'd want to give to help them connect their inner abstract idea of how the world works with actual material things. They will have that idea, I absolutely trust every person to develop that on their own without help. Without that they might not believe themselves when they should.

I don't even know what this is supposed to mean or how it's related to the things you are asking them to do.

I've said once that I want to give a taste of something. I was more general with things one can't avoid, as in "one can't avoid computers and the Internet". And this was pretty clear from the context, either you are playing dumb or you want to defeat someone in an argument, in the latter case I don't care because I see you are not doing that.

Not it wasn't clear at all, especially given the other nuts things you have said. You're also not winning this argument, look at who's getting downvotes here.

rottingleaf ,

You’re also not winning this argument, look at who’s getting downvotes here.

Downvotes don't have anything to do with winning\losing.

I think it was pretty clear just like other things I've said, and I'm too lazy to repeat or rephrase.

So you may go on and think you've "won" or something, but you didn't understand a single thing of what I said in the first place.

areyouevenreal ,

Looking at the votes suggests no one else agrees with you or that no one understands you. You started this conversation coming out swinging. It's on you to explain your position, not on me or anyone else to read your mind. Winning an argument means either convincing the person your arguing with, or better yet convincing everyone else. You have done neither.

No one apart from you thinks making kids do an exam on installing web servers and writing shell scripts before being able to use basic technology they will need for the rest of their lives is a good idea. A smartphone is a basic and essential tool in the modern world and there isn't a real workable alternative to the iOS and Android duopoly.

rottingleaf ,

No, actually nothing is on me. You don't get it - ok, keep walking.

BigPotato ,

Shoot man, you gotta think about it the other way. Show them a mobile game, show them the prices, then turn around and show them purchasing power.

For instance, Animal Crossing Pocket Camp. Cute, aimed at kids, horrible leaf ticket practices. Broke down the pricing of one set and for the cost of ACNL and a 2DSXL - you've got something like a 0.8% chance of getting the whole set.

So, show that to a kid, do you want a 0.8% chance of having this set or a whole Game and System?

Granted, this was a while back - the price of those two together probably gets you a 2% chance these days.

rottingleaf ,

I was thinking of showing that on MMORPGs.

letsgo ,

That's a great plan! Do be sure to let us all know how it goes.

rottingleaf ,

Well, that won't be soon, but the closest thing I've had to that - went well.

RBWells ,

2 of my kids are young enough that they were targeted by the micro transactions, but the total lifetime spend on gaming stuff is under $1k, mostly spent on a PS4 and a PC for gaming, bought some Steam games, some PS games and both spent a little in Genshin. But not ever from my money, except for the equipment, I split that cost with them. $0 before they were 15. And they both UNDERSTAND money, both got part time jobs in high school, they make money. I don't think it's unreasonable to throw a little cash at a game you enjoy but it needs to be a decision not an impulse, turn off the game and think about it.

Deebster , (edited ) to Technology in „If companies were to do the right thing, they would lose the most valuable customers on earth, preteen kids”

Maybe his analysis considered this, but the article doesn't mention real-world factors like the climate crisis, the cost of living crisis, and what feels like the resurgence of fascism and the spectre of World War 3. It's noted that liberal families seem more susceptible - perhaps it's because right-wing families are more likely to believe these things aren't real, or aren't a problem?

filister , (edited )

Yes, I am predicting that at some point society will reach a tipping point when certain parts of the society will start to revolt against the status quo. Because younger generations are really screwed.

I don't think they can even afford paying their rents and buying their own food by simply working. And this is pushing more and more young people to stay with their parents as long as possible, which ultimately is responsible for lowering birthrate in developed economies. And this puts additional pressure on the social system and weakens the economy of the said country as there would be less working age people for a pensioner.

Social media is creating this social stigma, where everyone pretends to be a better selves and you have a lot of comparing and this of course is unlocking mental diseases. It doesn't help that now we are living in a looming climate crisis, extreme data collection, and exploitation that benefits very few, creating an even bigger social divide.

And call me sceptical but I think a lot of things will change in the future and probably not for the better. We see what is happening in Gaza and this is just like a sneak peek of a bleak dystopia, where the working class will be controlled by the upper echelon with buzzing drones monitoring their every step, and everything monitored for even the slightest signs of descent and violently crushing them in order to preserve the status quo. We already have something similar in China with their social credit system. Authoritarian governments would become more common across the globe and it will be way harder for their population to overthrow them.

Either this or we will experience a big financial crisis when a lot of people will lose huge chunks of their savings and their livelihoods destroyed. And this will be followed by perhaps full restart or the dystopian future, where we won't own anything and everything will be loaned to us by huge corpos.

dylanmorgan ,

This is what keeps being ignored in these studies, and it seems like the only reason is that copping to the real reasons young people are showing higher rates of mental illness would require admitting that the status quo is unsustainable and frankly evil.

A report that said “gen z is profoundly distressed by the reality of global warming” means admitting we need to fix the climate or see our kids suffers deaths of despair in unprecedented numbers. The same is true if we admit that the economy won’t provide most of them a job that allows basic survival, much less a comfortable fulfilling life; or that these factors have combined to cause a turn to fascism.

filister , to Technology in „If companies were to do the right thing, they would lose the most valuable customers on earth, preteen kids”

My good deed for the day: https://archive.is/fxufa

Carrolade , to World News in Russia leaves thousands of planes without GPS in northern Europe

Imagine that kinda sucks for a pilot. A ship is at least moving fairly slowly, so you have time and plenty of space to do your charting the old fashioned way. Might even be kinda fun for the first few times, a chance to actually use that skill for once. A plane would have a tougher time of it, unless it has some inertial navigating system or something.

_edge ,

unless it has some inertial navigating system or something.

Don't all commercial planes have this?

Carrolade ,

I am not a pilot or aviation watcher, so I don't know. Makes sense.

Inductor ,

They do, but compounding errors are always a problem with inertial navigation.

Instead of GPS, they can use fixed radio beacons like VOR and TACAN (which I think are both just US systems, but there are similar systems around the world and at major airports). This is basically the system that was in use before GPS.

EDIT: grammar

spirinolas ,

I understood everything in your comment! All those years playing FSX instead of going to school finally paid off!

maynarkh ,

VOR is international, my local airport has one. TACAN is military only (though some can be used as a VOR by civilian aircraft), also international, and by the way originally British as per Wikipedia.

darvocet ,

There are other ways to navigate and fly other than gps and it’s basically just as easy to do. It’s just not quite as accurate and relies on stations on the ground which have been decommissioned over the years as gps has become more prevalent. VOR to VOR flying airways and then using ILS type approaches as an example.

FlyingSquid Mod ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Would air traffic controllers be able to guide them via radar?

darvocet ,

They could but you wouldn’t want to do that for all planes. Planes follow standard departure and approach paths so the controllers know where everyone is and should be going. Moving a few planes around no biggie but if you’re doing radar vectors for everyone that will slow things down dramatically.

FlyingSquid Mod ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

That makes sense. I was thinking more about emergencies because it says outages are almost daily, which means not consistent.

_edge ,


Thinking about it: This can also be manipulated by an enemy on the ground...

darvocet ,

Well they are all radio signals even the ILS and localizers. In the US our 5G network interferes with radio altimeters. A person at home can spoof airplane traffic that would show up in cockpits. Bad actors could cause havoc anywhere.

ForgotAboutDre ,

Lots of lighthouses don't operate anymore. Ships crashing into thing in the night was a big problem before GPS.

There are other navigation methods, radio towers etc. But GPS is a reliable works everywhere system, outside of malicious actors.

Carrolade ,

That's a good point, we have very few active lighthouses in the US anymore.

LarryTheMatador ,
@LarryTheMatador@sh.itjust.works avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • AlbertSpangler ,

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  • Jesus_666 ,

    Somewhere, Gul Dukat is silently crying.

    Transporter_Room_3 , to World News in Russia leaves thousands of planes without GPS in northern Europe
    @Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

    I mean.... It's obviously electronic warfare from Russia.

    There isn't a need to "accuse" and nobody will listen to a denial.

    This is just deliberate communication disruption, and prequel memes aside, we all know what disrupted communications leads to.

    And they started with Ukraine, thinking it an easy target.

    When I read an article the other day about laser point-to-point communication with a sattelite , I immediately thought to myself "oh this probably isn't good, widespread sattelite communication disruption is about to be put to widespread use, why else would this be necessary when current systems have much higher bandwidth" and you know if you're reading a news article about it, it's been put to use by the DOD for years.

    Am I sounding like a conspiracy theorist? Genuine question, because that seems reasonable in the modern world to me.

    Linkerbaan ,
    @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

    Wouldnt Ukraine do it too to jam Russian drones and planes GPS signals?

    PugJesus ,
    @PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

    Just Asking Questions, huh?

    Russia uses GLONASS, not GPS.

    NoIWontPickAName ,

    Sometimes people really don’t know.

    Thank you for answering the question.

    I hope you have a bad day for being an asshole about it though

    PugJesus , (edited )
    @PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

    I'm familiar with Linkerbaan. Pattern recognition is not an offense.


    All from our dear friend - took me only a few minutes of searching. Not faulting you for not searching, that would be ridiculous to expect of someone who didn't know the poster, but this isn't just "SOMEONE ASKED A QUESTION ABOUT RUSSIA!" it's "Someone with a long history of playing 'bothsides' and putting forth bullshit assertions and feigning ignorance is doing it on one of the subjects they constantly do it on".

    Israel has already killed more civilians in 45 days than Putin during his entirely Ukraine war.

    The west is commiting actual genocide right now. Don’t mis use the word for Putin.

    Ukraine is doing plenty of terrorism against their occupier. Your double standards are showing.

    Reminder that israel had already killed more civilians than Putin did since the start of the Ukraine war. Biden is literally worse than Putin.

    You fuck off genocide apologist. When it came to Ukraine you were all calling for the Russians to assasinate Putin.

    Now that it’s about non white people you’re literally saying you’re gonna vote for the genocide guy. Fucking racist hypocrites.

    The war crimes Russia committed in Bucha pale in comparison to the complete genocide israel is committing right now.

    America is already talking about dropping support for Ukraine.

    Ukraine was just a proxy to exhaust Russian resources with.

    Now that the entire country is in ruin America is going to pull support and leave them for dead like they’ve done with all their other proxies.

    Even the Russians had far greater precision than this when attacking Ukraine.

    You’re in for a treat when you start reading about the Azov brigade. They’ve got literal Nazi’s.

    It’s so sad that all you have is whataboutism isn’t it? And the worst part is that Genocide Joe isn’t even the lesser of evils anymore. He is now the worse evil.

    Genocide Joe is the person able to stop this. Instead he removes all war crime restrictions on the weapons and protects israel with all his power. He is actively committing mass genocide.

    A reminder that Genocide Joe has killed more than twice as many civilians than Putin in Ukraine already.

    Not to mention the amount of children murdered by this barbaric Zio Nazi

    Not to forget Ukraine is slowly getting ditched too so the “world powers” are losing that one as well.

    Israel is like 10000% more genocidal than Russia.

    But anyone not supporting Ukraine with weapons against Russia obviously has to go because that’s very “unfreedom” of them.

    The Kurds welcome Ukraine in joining the long list of groups abandoned and left in ruins by the US after being promised support to fight their enemy as long as needed.

    Biden needs to focus on committing Genocide now. He has no time for Ukrainians beating an invasion. Surely Zeloonsky understands, he unconditionally supports israel’s genocide himself.

    Linkerbaan ,
    @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

    Everyone can use Glonass or GPS or the Baidu thingy from China. They publicly broadcast the timestamps there's no encryption on GPS stuff. Why would Russia limit themselves to just their own?

    PugJesus ,
    @PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

    Because Russian systems run almost exclusively off GLONASS, and GPS is owned by the USA. Russia has a history in the Ukrainian War of... get this... jamming GPS signals but not GLONASS.

    You wanna explain to me your thought process over Ukraine jamming GPS signals, the same GPS system they use, over their European allies in order to combat Russian GLONASS?

    You can stop JAQing off any time.

    Linkerbaan ,
    @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

    The combined spectrum is called GNSS and you can get receivers that combine all five for get this...

    20 bucks.

    Russia would not using the other spectrums because.... ?

    Are you okay by the way? Someone asking a very reasonsonable question doesn't mean they are pro Russia.

    PugJesus ,
    @PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

    The combined spectrum is called GNSS and you can get receivers that combine all three for get this…

    20 bucks.

    Russia would not using the other spectrums because… ?

    Because that's not how integrated systems work in a massive institution like a government or military. Jesus fucking Christ.

    Are you okay by the way? Someone asking a very reasonsonable question doesn’t mean they are pro Russia.

    You really want me to trot out your long history of this bootlicking shite?

    Linkerbaan ,
    @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah nobody there would think to ever update anything. Ever. Especially not those suicide drones from Iran. Which must have been developed 50 years ago.

    GNSS is all public broadcast. There is no encryption. Nothing prevents anyone from using the extra signals of the others.

    If all you can do is spam ad hominems then don't bother responding.

    PugJesus ,
    @PugJesus@kbin.social avatar

    Yeah nobody there would think to ever update anything. Ever. Especially not those suicide drones from Iran. Which must have been developed 50 years ago.

    "Just update it!"

    The number of reasons why military-grade equipment integrated with 40 years of GLONASS-compatible systems that rely on the information given by GLONASS in its syntax can't be replaced with a 20$ consumer receiver is massive even in a country whose military isn't famously corrupt and inept.

    If all you can do is spam ad hominems then don’t bother responding.

    Oh, alright, let's go down through, shall we?

    Israel has already killed more civilians in 45 days than Putin during his entirely Ukraine war.

    The west is commiting actual genocide right now. Don’t mis use the word for Putin.

    Ukraine is doing plenty of terrorism against their occupier. Your double standards are showing.

    Reminder that israel had already killed more civilians than Putin did since the start of the Ukraine war. Biden is literally worse than Putin.

    You fuck off genocide apologist. When it came to Ukraine you were all calling for the Russians to assasinate Putin.

    Now that it’s about non white people you’re literally saying you’re gonna vote for the genocide guy. Fucking racist hypocrites.

    The war crimes Russia committed in Bucha pale in comparison to the complete genocide israel is committing right now.

    America is already talking about dropping support for Ukraine.

    Ukraine was just a proxy to exhaust Russian resources with.

    Now that the entire country is in ruin America is going to pull support and leave them for dead like they’ve done with all their other proxies.

    Even the Russians had far greater precision than this when attacking Ukraine.

    You’re in for a treat when you start reading about the Azov brigade. They’ve got literal Nazi’s.

    It’s so sad that all you have is whataboutism isn’t it? And the worst part is that Genocide Joe isn’t even the lesser of evils anymore. He is now the worse evil.

    Genocide Joe is the person able to stop this. Instead he removes all war crime restrictions on the weapons and protects israel with all his power. He is actively committing mass genocide.

    A reminder that Genocide Joe has killed more than twice as many civilians than Putin in Ukraine already.

    Not to mention the amount of children murdered by this barbaric Zio Nazi

    Not to forget Ukraine is slowly getting ditched too so the “world powers” are losing that one as well.

    Israel is like 10000% more genocidal than Russia.

    But anyone not supporting Ukraine with weapons against Russia obviously has to go because that’s very “unfreedom” of them.

    The Kurds welcome Ukraine in joining the long list of groups abandoned and left in ruins by the US after being promised support to fight their enemy as long as needed.

    Biden needs to focus on committing Genocide now. He has no time for Ukrainians beating an invasion. Surely Zeloonsky understands, he unconditionally supports israel’s genocide himself.

    It goes on and on and on and on and...

    L3mmyW1nks ,

    Thanks for this list. Wowsa

    Leeks , to World News in Russia leaves thousands of planes without GPS in northern Europe

    The craziest part is that the facility believed to be the source of the jamming is estimated at only $6.7m to make.


    ForgotAboutDre ,

    It's just a big antenna. If you can broadcast a large signal on all the same frequencies you can drown out the other signals. It takes lots of power. More targeted approaches can make it more efficient, that probably where most of the money went.

    naeap ,
    @naeap@sopuli.xyz avatar

    They say I can download the PDF.
    maybe I'm too blind or stupid for X/Twitter, but I at least can't download/see it on mobile.

    Anyone having said PDF to actually see the details?

    kautau ,

    Without a twitter account you can't expand the thread, and not having a twitter account means I have no idea if there is a PDF in there or not. Nothing like using a walled garden platform to literally hide information behind Musk's paywall.

    EDIT: I managed to find them elsewhere and put them somewhere easier to access:



    naeap ,
    @naeap@sopuli.xyz avatar

    Thank you very very much!

    And fuck X

    rockstarmode ,

    We have to pay to have an account on X now?

    kautau ,

    Well, you are agreeing to have your data sold, so in that sense, yes

    assaultpotato ,

    Igor Shushko should not be trusted for OSINT. He has claimed repeatedly that the FSB was going to stage a coup, etc. since the beginning of the invasion. He also just makes stuff up pretty frequently.

    He's in the "completely ignore" category in the OSINT community.

    unreasonabro , to World News in Cuba sentences 22-year-old mother to 15 years in prison for publishing videos of protests

    cmon Cuba you're supposed to be cool, don't be this guy

    Leate_Wonceslace ,
    @Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Yeah, I'm re-assessing my thoughts on Cuba. I was under the vague impression that they didn't have the same rot at the core of the CCP and USSR. Maybe they don't and this is a particular low point. Either way, bad look.

    Potatos_are_not_friends , (edited ) to Technology in „If companies were to do the right thing, they would lose the most valuable customers on earth, preteen kids”

    When I was interested in mobile development, one of the big takeaways is to gear your game towards preteens. They have the free time to play, the numbers to add player count, and the opportunity to give you money.

    I heard it's why YouTubers gear their content towards that audience too, even if they aren't actively admitting to it.

    EngineerGaming ,
    @EngineerGaming@feddit.nl avatar

    and the opportunity to give you money

    What? Remembering myself as a preteen, even if I didn't consider microtransactions as a no-no, I don't think I would be able to do it anyway. Preteens don't have bank cards. If we are talking about begging their parents - I don't think it would have worked either. Mine, just like average parents, would have probably thought spending money on games was stupid and not allowed it. That is the reason I had pirated Minecraft too - just like most kids around me.

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