
solsangraal , to World News in Italian teenager nicknamed ‘God’s influencer’ set to become Catholic Church’s first millennial saint

LOL i love how desperate they are

photonic_sorcerer , to World News in Italian teenager nicknamed ‘God’s influencer’ set to become Catholic Church’s first millennial saint
@photonic_sorcerer@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Lisan al Gaib!

theskyisfalling , to World News in Italian teenager nicknamed ‘God’s influencer’ set to become Catholic Church’s first millennial saint

What a load of utter bullshit xD

siv9939 , to World News in Italian teenager nicknamed ‘God’s influencer’ set to become Catholic Church’s first millennial saint
@siv9939@lemmy.zip avatar

Does that mean he'll be the first person to be officially ?

RunawayFixer , to World News in Pentagon says none of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population

This pier has got to be one of the most expensive examples of virtue signaling ever. Since Israel controls the land that the pier connects to, aid that comes off this pier would always get the exact same treatment as aid that hits an Israeli overland checkpoint, the pier is a pointless + very costly edifice.

Imo the only reason that it exists is so that the USA government can claim to be helping by throwing money at the problem, without actually doing anything about the problem.

Maalus ,

Same with the airdrops. They dropped food for 40k people, lasting them 1 day, a couple of times. Gaza has 2 million people. Just a token gesture.

Corkyskog ,

Better then no aid I guess, especially if you know where people are most hungry.

Maalus ,

Ah yes, "the ocean" is where they are most hungry. You do know people died trying to get the aid since it drifted from shore and they were desperate, right? Deaths which could be prevented by opening crossings and driving the necessary aid in

TokenBoomer ,

$320 million

Objection , (edited ) to World News in Pentagon says none of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population
@Objection@lemmy.ml avatar

Do you mean to tell me that the guy who spent his entire decades-long career unwaveringly supporting the apartheid state currently committing genocide, who sent them billions of dollars of military equipment while they were performing a genocide, who redefined criticism of the government committing said genocide as hate speech, who threatened international courts for trying to hold the genocidal country accountable - are you telling me that person failed to provide an ounce of material support to the people being genocided? No way. I mean, when was the last time an American politician said something that was purely performative?

TokenBoomer ,
SpaceCowboy , to World News in EXCLUSIVE: ICC seeks arrest warrants against Sinwar and Netanyahu for war crimes over October 7 attack and Gaza war | CNN
@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

FFS so Netanyahu was extremely close to being pushed out of power and this dumbass pulls this stunt (just to get publicity) which only makes it easy for Netanyahu to make the case that "it's us against the world". He's also seeking to prosecute Gallant, the guy that would most likely make the push to remove Netanyahu. So he's pushing Gallant back towards falling back in line with Natanyahu.

Does this idiot want Netanyahu to stay in power? He's basically throwing a lifeline to Bibi while throwing away the credibility of the ICC. Never attribute to malice and all that, so likely just a moron.

Fuck, I was starting to have some hope the Netanyahu could be gone in the next few weeks and this guy is pulling out all the stops to keep him in power. All to get his face on TV.

avidamoeba , (edited )
@avidamoeba@lemmy.ca avatar

The position of support for creating a famine (or not giving a shit to stop it) seems to have wider support than just Bibi. This guy's move puts in focus that creating a famine is a war crime, and he's forcing the Israelis players to face that and state their support or lack thereof clearly. Getting rid of Bibi alone might not increase the aid in Gaza. If the other party leaders aren't willing to throw Bibi and Gallant under the bus for this and/or shift gears on aid, then perhaps the Israeli political class is too far gone and the world should increase the pressure till someone gets it and starts telling the Israeli public that what's happening is wrong and is extremely counterproductive for Israel as whole.

Also, some polling shows Bibi's coalition being neck and neck with the alternative so the narrative that Bibi is certain to be ejected by Israel's democracy isn't so solid.

SpaceCowboy ,
@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Israel asked for help from Arab countries in providing support in dealing with the humanitarian crisis. They laughed in the Israelis faces.

The problem is too many people are willing to let the Palestinians die in order to win some propaganda war against Israel. I don't feel like anyone really cares about Palestinians. They'd rather Palestinians die so they can have proof Israel is evil.

Joe Biden has built a pier to provide aid. This is more than anyone else has done to prevent famine. But the propaganda says he's "Genocide Joe".

absentbird ,
@absentbird@lemm.ee avatar

I've seen stickers around the town where I live calling him "Jihad Joe" for helping the Palestinians. He gets hate coming and going, meanwhile thousands of tons of aid are reaching the people of Gaza because of him.

SpaceCowboy ,
@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I've always said the Pro-Palestine crowd and the MAGAs are basically the same people. Gotta ignore anything that doesn't conform to whichever narrative they've gotten sucked into.

supersquirrel ,

I’ve always said the Pro-Palestine crowd and the MAGAs are basically the same people.

Why because you are an ideologically bankrupt centrist that finds it convenient to equate protestors desperately trying to stop a genocide with MAGA heads… who tried to violently overthrow the US government because it wasn’t hateful enough for them?

You aren’t welcome in the progressive coalition if you desire to ignore reality in favor of a “both sides” narrative to the degree you are doing. We are talking about a genocide here and you are saying the people trying to stop it are crazy, violent hateful extremists who are obsessed with hurting trans people for no reason, fucking over women and taking power away from everybody but white men.

TokenBoomer ,

“You have to finish up your war. You have to finish it up. You’ve got to get it done,” he said in an interview with Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom. “We’ve got to get to peace. You can’t have this going on, and I will say Israel has to be very careful because you are losing a lot of the world. You are losing a lot of support.”

Donald Trump

TokenBoomer ,

Really. Really? Disinformation is easily disproved.

absentbird ,
@absentbird@lemm.ee avatar

The pier is having trouble getting aid past the Israeli offensive, but over 1000 tons have already been airdropped, and once logistics are worked out for the pier it's expected to deliver 500 tons of aid per day.

TokenBoomer ,

Well, this didn’t age well

Asked whether any of the aid has been delivered to the people of Gaza, Ryder said, “As of today, I do not believe so.”

avidamoeba ,
@avidamoeba@lemmy.ca avatar

What are you talking about.. Arab countries didn't stop food and water going into Gaza, Israel's leadership did.

SpaceCowboy ,
@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

They were asked to help distribute food and refused. Just something you're not you seeing in your information silo.

Muehe ,

What the fuck kind of argument is this? Courts aren't supposed to play politics, they are supposed to enforce the law. And if you want to do that in a genocide case you have to prove intent. Gallant made several public statements that can interpreted in that way.

SpaceCowboy ,
@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

This guy is playing politics. If he wasn't he'd just put in the paperwork instead of sitting down for an interview with CNN.

See how Jack Smith, a serious prosecutor rolls. There are very few press conferences and they are concise and to the point.

This guy is playing games to get publicity, he's probably working on a book deal or whatever right now to monetize the publicity.

Crampon , to World News in Pentagon says none of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population

No way! Wholesome Hamas would never.

wildbus8979 ,

Did you even read the article? Hamas is mentioned exactly zero times wrt to the aid. This is all the US and Israel's doing.

disguy_ovahea , (edited )

Did you read the article? It’s neither the US nor Israel. It’s “a group of men in Gaza.”

Over the weekend, as trucks began moving the aid delivered off the floating pier, CNN reported that a group of men in Gaza intercepted the aid, saying they did not trust that it was actually meant for the Palestinian people.

“I have doubts,” Mounir Ayad, a Gaza resident, told CNN near the pier. “I don’t understand this floating pier or what it indicates and what its purpose is. They say it’s for aid, but people are apprehensive. Is this aid or something else? We know that the US has never supported the Palestinian cause, so it’s implausible that it’s giving us aid without something in return.”

Ryder acknowledged on Tuesday that some initial aid brought into Gaza was “intercepted by some people who took that aid off those vehicles.”

Edit: Downvoted for copying and pasting the article shows your preference in maintaining a narrative over understanding the facts. There’s enough wrong about what’s happening without willful ignorance or manipulation of truth.

wildbus8979 ,

None of that says Hamas.

disguy_ovahea , (edited )

It’s also neither the US nor Israel, which was your claim. It was intercepted by men in Gaza, and not passed on to the residents.

wildbus8979 ,

This whole operation is ran solely by the US and Israel, they have no one to blame but themselves. Moreover

He added that aid had been held in an assembly area on shore, [...]
A US official told CNN that the Defense Department and UN are still working to determine how much aid can be held at he staging area inside Gaza at any given time.

The amount of aid getting to the Gaza shoreline from its initial staging area in Cyprus has also fallen short of initial Pentagon estimates.

disguy_ovahea , (edited )

The problem is occurring at the point of delivery to Gaza, where “a group of men in Gaza” are detaining the aid and refusing delivery out of skepticism. In turn, the aid is backed up in the previous holding area, hence the need for discussion of alternate routes.

He added that aid had been held in an assembly area on shore, but as of Tuesday had begun getting moved to warehouses for distribution throughout Gaza as alternative routes have been established.

The point about “several desperate Gazans” taking aid from the trucks was to illustrate the need for food and supplies. Several people did not walk away with truckloads of aid.

wildbus8979 , (edited )

It doesn't say a group of men are detaining the aid, it says a group of desperate Gazan took the aid.

The solution is shockingly simple, send more aid so people aren't so desperate.

disguy_ovahea , (edited )

This is now the second time I’m quoting this sentence. I suggest you read it this time.

Over the weekend, as trucks began moving the aid delivered off the floating pier, CNN reported that a group of men in Gaza intercepted the aid, saying they did not trust that it was actually meant for the Palestinian people.

The problem is not quantity of aid at the pier. They are storing surplus in warehouses due to it being undeliverable. The obstacle is getting it into Gaza past those who are intercepting it.

wildbus8979 ,

Several desperate Gazans intercepted trucks delivering aid from the pier over the weekend

disguy_ovahea , (edited )

Right. Keep reading. Several people didn’t walk away with truckloads of aid. What happened to the vast majority of the aid according to the article?

CNN reported that a group of men in Gaza intercepted the aid, saying they did not trust that it was actually meant for the Palestinian people.

BaroqueInMind ,

Why are you arguing with clinically stupid people here? Why waste so much time on this when they have already made up their mind?

disguy_ovahea ,

I’m very committed to the truth. Good, bad, or ugly. Misinformation is one of the rare things that I will contest with such conviction. It’s not about convincing that one person to read the article, but hopefully preventing the spread of misinformation to others.

andrewta ,

So what do you suggest? Armed military personnel fight their way there to deliver it?

Also do you honestly believe hamas would openly say "yeah we are blocking the aid"?

Crampon ,

This is Lemmy. Facts are not important.

ad_on_is ,
@ad_on_is@lemmy.world avatar

I think you meant to post this on FB

Crampon ,

If you believe some dudes are blocking the aid package and Hamas has nothing to do with it and does everything they can to supply the aid for the Palestinians you probably believed some random green mens invaded Crimea in 2014.

disguy_ovahea ,

There is a disappointing amount of ignorant groupthink on Lemmy. Why read an article when you can make assumptions from the headline?

Crampon ,

I did. You didn't. Read earlier replies.

MeanEYE OP ,
@MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

Also this means US and UN are not withholding aid to Gaza!

wildbus8979 ,

The amount of aid getting to the Gaza shoreline from its initial staging area in Cyprus has also fallen short of initial Pentagon estimates

MeanEYE OP ,
@MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

There, you see. UN is starving Palestinians on purpose.

wildbus8979 ,

This isn't an UN operation, it's a US/Israel joint operation and was in fact Bibi's idea. UNRWA is a UN operation.


MeanEYE OP ,
@MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

But I've been told here we can't trust JPost or Ynet.

wildbus8979 ,

Clearly complex nuanced issues aren't you're forte. But when evaluating media it's important to remember who benefits from their bias. When people brag about doing things that aren't actually the brag they think it is, they probably aren't lying.

MeanEYE OP ,
@MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

Am behaving like a numbnut on purpose. It's the same excuse that has been thrown my way on Lemmy when there was something which didn't fit other people's narrative. But my sarcasm wasn't as obvious. Sorry about that.

Maalus ,

"Joke is on them, I was only pretending" doesn't work for anyone other than you. People see you as you presented yourself in previous comments and no amount of you saying "it isn't so!" will change their minds.

RandomGuy79 ,

Yeah sorry the narrative doesn't fit so, hamas stole more aid.

DouchePalooza ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • IchNichtenLichten ,
    @IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

    Don't let us keep you.

    Gonna go do some Hamas worshipping and antisemitism now because that's what I do, can't get enough of that shit.

    ad_on_is ,
    @ad_on_is@lemmy.world avatar

    may I join you? ... I heard worshipping Hamas and antisemitting together is much more effective.

    IchNichtenLichten ,
    @IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

    Hey, no need to ask permission, this is Lemmy.

    Doing an antisemitism with a side of Hamas fluffing is mandatory.

    ad_on_is ,
    @ad_on_is@lemmy.world avatar

    cool... let's do this...

    Is this antisemitic enough?
    Sorry for the stupid question... It's my first time, so I'm not sure whether I'm doing it right.

    IchNichtenLichten ,
    @IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

    Woah, tone it down a little.

    Eyck_of_denesle ,

    There's no place for your nazi jokes here

    Fedizen , to World News in Pentagon says none of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population

    maybe handing this shit directly to the people bombing infants in hospitals makes clear its all a publicity stunt

    BaroqueInMind ,

    Hamas doesn't bomb infants in hospitals, so no one is handing them aid, they are taking it away for themselves.

    Tryptaminev ,

    It is not Hamas taking the aid. If the US wants to prove to be sincere and solve this crisis they need to stop arming the people causing this famine and murdering the people.

    Also the only answer to reduce famine is to flood the place with so much food, that no one is fearing to not have enough anymore and become desperate to take more for their families and themselves.

    The US said it wants to deliver about 800 tonnes every day. Assuming one meal to be 500g and three meals per person per day, that could merely amount to food for 533,000 people, so about a quarter of the population of Gaza. But people also need water, sanitary products, medicial products, fuel, clothes, tents...

    To provide adequate aid, we need to think in the terms of 3000-5000 trucks a day after 8 months of famine. Everything lower than that is lip services.

    Maalus ,

    They were talking about handing the aid to Israel.

    Socsa , to World News in Pentagon says none of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population

    Of course not. We saw the same thing in darfur. The warlords create a famine to get aid shipments and then use the aid shipments to feed their soldiers.

    Obviously we still need to do everything we can to feed Gaza, but there needs to be an understanding wrapped into that that Hamas are not freedom fighters. Freedom fighters do not use starvation of the people they seek to liberate as a propaganda weapon.

    Space_Racer ,
    @Space_Racer@lemm.ee avatar

    Kind of reminds me of Mogadishu with supply handouts. Warlords just take everything.

    SaltySalamander ,
    @SaltySalamander@fedia.io avatar

    there needs to be an understanding wrapped into that that Hamas are not freedom fighters. Freedom fighters do not use starvation of the people

    Israel is perpetuating the starvation. But you know that.

    Dasus ,
    @Dasus@lemmy.world avatar

    He knows it but ofc he pretends not to

    Tryptaminev ,

    Several desperate Gazans intercepted trucks delivering aid from the pier over the weekend, leading the UN to suspend the delivery operations until the logistical challenges are resolved.

    The US is working with Israel and the United Nations to establish “alternative routes” for the safe delivery of the 569 tons of aid transported to Gaza since last week, Pentagon spokesperson Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said on Tuesday.

    Asked whether any of the aid has been delivered to the people of Gaza, Ryder said, “As of today, I do not believe so.” He added that aid had been held in an assembly area on shore, but as of Tuesday had begun getting moved to warehouses for distribution throughout Gaza as alternative routes have been established.

    Ahh yes, blame it on "warlords" and blame it on Hamas instead of acknowledging the deliberate starvation of people to result in people desperate for food. Great way to distract from the perpetrator of starvation, which is Israel who btw. could still end this famine today, by allowing in all aid and stop burning aid trucks.

    Aceticon , to World News in Pentagon says none of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population

    It was never meant to, as it would interfere with Israel's use of Starvation as a cheap Final Solution for Gaza.

    It was only ever meant to generate the right kind of images on TV in order to sway enough Progressives to keep voting for Biden so that he wins the upcoming election.

    The whole thing is pretty much like a slum landlord loudly "giving money to Charity" whilst squeezing large numbers of poor tenants who have no other options with expensive rents and bad conditions: a symbolic "positive" action propagandized very loudly while far vaster negative actions are kept as much as possible quiet, so that for outside observers - who judge the scope of those actions by what they see rather than what is actually happenning - the total looks like positive and they conclude this is a good person.

    Of course, as per the track record of the American and Israeli propaganda so far, the failure of something which was always meant to fail is, just like every single bad action by Israel without exception, blamed on Hamas.

    AllNewTypeFace , to World News in Spain, Norway and Ireland will recognize a Palestinian state | CNN
    @AllNewTypeFace@leminal.space avatar

    Norway’s not in the EU, so the US, UK and other nations can impose punitive sanctions on them in response. Ireland and Spain are harder to deal with. I imagine Germany will be applying a lot of pressure within EU mechanisms.

    theacharnian ,

    There are 143 (soon 146) countries that recognize the Palestinian state.

    Halcyon ,
    @Halcyon@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    Germany does not yet recognize Palestine as an independent state, but an independent Palestinian state within the framework of a two-state solution has long been a firm goal of German foreign policy.

    AllNewTypeFace ,
    @AllNewTypeFace@leminal.space avatar

    Germany won’t move before Israel does.

    BakerBagel ,

    I don't think there is gonna be too much they can do simce Norway is now the largest gas supplier to the EU.

    SuddenDownpour ,

    I highly doubt those three countries care enough about the recognition to pick a fight with their own allies. Israel would go for it in a heartbeat, but it doesn't have the teeth.

    ParabolicMotion , to World News in Pentagon says none of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population
    ArtVandelay , to World News in Pentagon says none of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population
    @ArtVandelay@lemmy.world avatar

    "farmer works with fox to coordinate safe escape for chickens"

    supersquirrel ,


    Next you are going to tell me Hamas is a pathetic rag tag group of resistance fighters that could never even hope of fighting a “war” against Israel (like how, would they beat fighter jets and some of the most advanced main battle tanks in the world with some assault rifles, rpgs and maybeeeee some IEDs?).


    It would be one thing if the resistance fighters had any amount of territory to hide in, but Gaza is essentially an open air prison that takes an f16 all of probably a minute and a half to fly over on afterburners, there is simply no way for Hamas to really even take the first step of fighting a traditional war with Israel since one must concentrate their troops to win a traditional war, and Hamas doing so in any numbers would lead to near instant and complete obliteration by the hands of Israel fighter bombers, artillery, or troops backed by main battle tanks.

    This is not a war, this is a genocide of the Palestinian people.

    Jaysyn ,
    @Jaysyn@kbin.social avatar

    I think you may have missed their actual point.

    Moonrise2473 , to World News in Pentagon says none of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population

    Last time someone tried to deliver some aid, the IDF bombed them because they thought they were Hamas.


    The IDF fired three missiles in five minutes at three of the WCK's cars, with some survivors of the first strike boarding the second car, which was minutes later hit by a second missile, and some survivors of the second strike boarding the third car, which was in turn struck by a third missile.[3] All seven aid workers were killed

    But the IDF said sorry we were thinking it was Hamas so again the west is ok with that

    kamenoko ,
    @kamenoko@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Not quite the same type, and even less of it is getting to it's intended target.

    PM_Your_Nudes_Please ,

    Worth noting that the “they thought they were Hamas” part is… Well… Not correct. WCK coordinated the shipment directly with the IDF. The IDF knew exactly where the trucks were, and what they were carrying. And then the IDF bombed them anyways, because they’re manufacturing a famine to further the genocide. And allowing food aid to enter would disrupt their planned famine.

    Bombing the trucks was a message for any other groups that may have considered sending humanitarian aid: “Try to help Palestinians, and we’ll kill you. Even if we know who you are, and you clear it with us ahead of time. We’ll blame Hamas and get away with it, and your death will be meaningless.” And it worked… The truck bombings had a chilling effect on any future aid that was planned, because the IDF has shown that they can and will get away with it.

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