
Enkers , to World News in Greece introduces the six-day work week

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you're not going to address your labour shortage by making things worse for labourers.

PugJesus ,
@PugJesus@lemmy.world avatar

It's like Greece doesn't understand what being part of a (mostly) united labor market with the EU means.

You have to offer better standards, not worse, to retain labor

GreatDong3000 ,

Grexit when

wewbull ,

Is that when the Country leaves the EU or the people leave the country?

Lost_My_Mind ,


ThePowerOfGeek ,
@ThePowerOfGeek@lemmy.world avatar

The beatings will continue until morale improves!

SlopppyEngineer ,

Usually people will work less hard to save some energy for that extra day of work they have to do.

Rekorse ,

Seems like a stop gap, is there supposed to be some larger plan to turn Greece around?

ultratiem ,
@ultratiem@lemmy.ca avatar

A stop gap till what? There just isn't anything left to "labour" for?

catloaf , to World News in Germans fear migration more than climate change, study finds

Bad news, Germany, because immigration is about to increase because of climate change.

Right-wing media has really done a number on critical thinking.

TransplantedSconie ,
@TransplantedSconie@lemm.ee avatar

That's because when right-wing politicians get into power, the first thing out the window is education and critical thinking. You can't have a population that thinks too much because they're harder to control.

CitizenKong ,

"So long as they (the Proles) continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance. Left to themselves, like cattle turned loose upon the plains of Argentina, they had reverted to a style of life that appeared to be natural to them, a sort of ancestral pattern...Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult." George Orwell, 1984

rustydrd ,
@rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

From what I see, lots of people in Germany understand that some countries will be hit hard by climate change. The key issue is that they don't care, and instead of stopping climate change their solution to this is to shut the borders and let no one in. These people are so resistant to changing their way of life, they'd happily trade people's lives for it.

auzas_1337 ,
@auzas_1337@lemmy.zip avatar

I don’t want this to be a low effort comment, but I just wanted to ask - where are you from? So maybe we can have a lil’ discussion.

iarigby ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • rustydrd ,
    @rustydrd@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Changing our way of life is required to limit climate change and the effects it will have globally and locally, not to accommodate immigrants. Your rant is misplaced, and I don't agree with it either.

    iarigby ,

    Ah, yes I completely misunderstood it, sorry

    Augustiner ,

    People in western nations are largely responsible for climate change. Someone in Syria won’t be flying around the world and buying new clothes all the time. But they will be the ones hit the hardest by climate change, so they will likely either die or become refugees trying to come to the west.

    Also, a lot of our western wealth is based on exploitation of those nations (through colonialism and later capitalism or wars). So if westerners don’t want people from poor countries to come to the west they should help those nations to recover from that exploitation.

    Furthermore we need to do these things, because a bigger influx of desperate migrants will steer western politics even further to the right. That’s never a great thing and will lead to more inequality and possibly the collapse of our democratic systems.

    Finally to your point about migrants being more criminal. That is largely a result of worse economic circumstances and outlooks. Improve their chances and watch the crime rate drop.

    illi ,

    Worst thing is they are fucking it up for their kids and/or grandkids who will be forced to change their way of life because of the hellscape they'll inherit

    kromem ,

    Right-wing media has really done a number on critical thinking.

    Correlation is not cause and effect.

    It's more likely that the lack of critical thinking was there in the first place and served as the soil for right wing media to sink its roots into.

    kaffiene ,

    Fear is a fantastic motivator and reactionary politicians prove that time and time again

    OutlierBlue , to World News in Pope uses homophobic slur in meeting with bishops — reports

    It's interesting that we have documented cases of homosexuality in thousands of different species, and yet not a single other species that practices Catholicism.

    Being gay is more natural than being Catholic.

    slurpinderpin , to World News in France's Macron dissolves parliament, calls new elections

    Scary shit.

    casmael ,

    It’s a bold move cotton, let’s see if it pays off

    loutr ,
    @loutr@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Didn't pay off for Chirac but it was the left that took power, let's hope we don't have as many fascists as yesterday's results seem to indicate.

    synapse1278 ,
    @synapse1278@lemmy.world avatar

    I bet you we will get a RN prime minister next month... I don't know what's Macron's move, but he is really to bet on our heads and democratic system with a roll of die.

    mecfs , (edited )

    Maybe he thinks if the RN share power for the next couple of years, people won’t see them as the outsiders that are against the system, which seems to be driving their voterbase. Basically betting on the fact that all incumbents are unpopular in France, so if he gives the RN some power now, they won’t be able to win the 2027 presidential elections.

    synapse1278 ,
    @synapse1278@lemmy.world avatar

    Accelerationism theory. Maybe, but that is a gamble, that could cost us our democracy.

    spujb , to World News in Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters

    yknow what fuck it, i support this. i was a little on the reactionary side back when they were throwing soup,

    but after seeing hundreds of comments saying “just do <insert violent felony> if you want something done” and then seeing those same people turn around and say “but safely blocking streets in protest is an affront to my rights, stop being annoying”

    …i get it now. it’s cornstarch and will wash off. calling for “optics” is just concern trolling. people are hearing about it. that’s the point. fuck oil. keep up the messaging. people are going to starve and drown and bleed from war caused by climate change. we are gonna survive a few people yeeting nonpermanent shit at public art.

    intensely_human ,

    If it’s cornstarch that will wash off, then the headline is a lie and your quarrel is with whoever wrote that, not the people who believe the headline and believe stonehenge is getting actually defaced.

    qevlarr , (edited )
    @qevlarr@lemmy.world avatar

    True, but also there's the more general point about "I support the cause but not the method" naysayers being absolutely counterproductive. Climate protesters are finding themselves cut off from every method of protest, violent or not. Because lots of people want to continue business as usual in peace without those pesky tree huggers complaining about, y'know, the fact we're already well past the Paris 1.5 °C target with no end in sight

    intensely_human ,

    People have the right to do as they please, even if it means choosing a path toward their own demise.

    People aren’t unaware of climate change. Everyone knows about it. What you’re seeing is a manifestation of the average human’s ranking of climate change in their own list of things to be concerned about.

    You have no right to tell someone that climate change is more important than the things they choose to focus on instead.

    If you think they’re mistaken about what’s on the table, like they underestimate the danger or something like that, then the right move is to inform them. All this protest activity is implicitly based on the assumption people just sort of … forgot about climate change.

    They didn’t. They just don’t prioritize it over the other problems in their lives. Which is their right.

    Blackbeard ,
    @Blackbeard@lemmy.world avatar

    Amen. Plus some of us do prioritize it. We've minimized our carbon footprint, we've dedicated careers to environmental awareness and protection, and we spend countless hours in our own lives to communicate the reality of the situation to others, but we resent the fact that these protestors push people away from the rest of our messaging by making us look like a group of unhinged, attention-seeking morons.

    FinalRemix ,

    "Carbon footprint" was invented by BP as a marketing ploy.

    Blackbeard ,
    @Blackbeard@lemmy.world avatar

    I didn't say it wasn't.

    n1ck_n4m3 , (edited )
    @n1ck_n4m3@lemmy.world avatar

    On top of that, one of the biggest problems with climate change is that us as individual citizens have absolutely no control over it no matter how many people try and guilt us into taking action.

    No amount of individuals recycling, driving less or with a more efficient vehicle or with an electric car, or drinking less water is going to change the fact that container ships, factories, manufacturing facilities, cruise ships, private jets, etc. belch more pollutants into the atmosphere by so many orders of magnitude that anything we can do as individuals is completely and utterly inconsequential in comparison.

    Me recycling my plastic doesn't mean shit and it never will. Same with me driving an electric car vs. a gas powered car, hell even me driving a car with good fuel economy vs one that has bad fuel economy. Cargo shipping is responsible for more than 20% of the greenhouse gas emissions in the world while passenger automobiles are responsible for 5%-7% at most based on recent estimates. If every single person in the world stopped driving fossil-fuel powered cars and moved entirely to renewable fuel sources for their transportation, it would still be a drop in the bucket -- and that's never going to happen.

    But the media keeps pointing the shotgun at everyday citizens like it's our fault that cruise ships belch shit into the atmosphere when we haven't been on a cruise in 10 years, or it's our fault that the shipping industry refuses to use more ecological and eco-friendly fuel sources.

    Tell me more about how me as a single person recycling is gonna save the world, lol.

    qevlarr , (edited )
    @qevlarr@lemmy.world avatar

    Just Stop Oil is specifically pointing to governments to stop new oil projects. They aren't blaming you, why are you so defensive?

    qarbone ,

    Because most protests are about making the lives of normal people miserable until they're pissed enough to hold someone to task.

    Are the Tories gonna care that Stonehenge was dusted, from in their mansions? Most of them would love to dig up the stones and use them as new countertops, simply as a bragging point at their parties. But normal people that care about landmarks like these will be pissed and, maybe, bitch to the government.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    Because most protests are about making the lives of normal people miserable until they’re pissed enough to hold someone to task.

    And how is that working for you? How is diet-terrorism panning out?

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    that container ships, factories, manufacturing facilities, cruise ships, private jets, etc. belch more pollutants into the atmosphere by so many orders of magnitude that anything we can do as individuals is completely and utterly inconsequential in comparison.

    In my area they were talking about building a natural gas plant. We have some of the strictest laws on earth about air pollution. People protested against it. The planet got moved to a different state, one with less regulations.

    I mentioned this to one of the people organizing the protest. I point out exactly what was going to happen and my prediction was correct. If the decision is already being made to do the wrong thing I want it done by the best person I can find, because they will do it in the least offensive way that they can.

    It's shit like this. It's not being able to look at the whole picture that is the most devastating.

    qevlarr , (edited )
    @qevlarr@lemmy.world avatar

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • jordanlund Mod ,
    @jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

    Removed, civility.

    qevlarr ,
    @qevlarr@lemmy.world avatar

    If it's your personal choice, don't fuck up MY planet then

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    You would have to be the laziest dumbest motherfucker who has ever lived to not be able to get a job in recycling or renewable energy sector right now if you want one.

    spujb , (edited )

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Zess ,

    That's not even half as clever as you think it is.

    spujb ,

    dude im not trying to be clever i just don’t like people telling me what i believe. do you?

    lepinkainen ,

    It was coloured corn starch, and the stones have lichen growing on them that has helped them survive this long.

    Nobody knows what the colouring agent was.

    spujb ,

    If it causes lasting damages they will and should be prosecuted for exactly what happens. I’m hoping they did their due diligence but hey, if not that was dumb as hell of them and they should pay for it.

    Again though, the sentiment remains that people are going to die. That damage is also irreparable and far less redeemable. I support this kind of action.

    Bertuccio , (edited )

    Even if they did damage anything their message is that anyone getting mad about damaging works of art or heritage sites through direct action should be just as mad about people destroying the actual entire planet indirectly and calling for their immediate imprisonment too.

    As annoying as I find them and as much as I want to preserve these things, they're exactly right that paintings and rocks mean fuckall if we ruin our only home.

    fine_sandy_bottom ,

    Yeah I'm on board now.

    These stunts are a harmless way to keep climate activism in the media. It's fine.

    Sadly, I don't see human kind changing course and I think it's inevitable that this kind of activism deteriorates into environmental terrorism.

    Crikeste ,

    The people up in arms about the protests have never given a shit about the things the protesters “destroy”. It’s all just an optics game to make any dissenting opinion from the norm look batshit. Fuck the pieces of shit getting up in arms about this without knowing what’s up. Theyre the problem. They make the world worse every day they exist. They stop change. They allow for the atrocities to be committed.

    paddirn , to World News in Post-Brexit trade border controls to cost UK $6 billion

    One of the most epic face-plants of the 21st century and proof of how vulnerable democracy is to misinformation.

    sirico ,
    @sirico@feddit.uk avatar

    All the people that voted yes as some sort of protest, "That'll show them ^tm^ "

    GreyEyedGhost ,

    Yet another piece of evidence that protest votes do nothing but help those who are up to no good.

    doleo ,

    Yet another piece of evidence that protest votes do nothing but help those who are up to no good.

    kent_eh ,

    Meanwhile the mis/dis-information campaigns continue to roll along at an ever accelerating speed around the world.

    FilthyShrooms , to World News in China holds military drills around Taiwan as a 'punishment'

    Taiwan: elects a leader democratically

    China: "look what you're forcing me to do!"

    andrew_bidlaw ,
    @andrew_bidlaw@sh.itjust.works avatar

    An unfriendly reminder why they are separate.

    KevonLooney ,

    That's not why they're separate. They were both authoritarian before. Taiwan was where the KMT went after they lost the Chinese Civil War.

    FlyingSquid Mod , to World News in Afghanistan: Three Spanish tourists killed in shootout
    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar
    prettybunnys ,

    I believe the Taliban supports (at least supported, after of course desecrating them) tourism to these sites, for what it’s worth.

    Not that I’m gonna hop on a plane or anything.

    FlyingSquid Mod ,
    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

    It's more of a "just because you can doesn't mean you should" situation.

    warm ,

    > Every country highly recommends against going to Afghanistan
    > People go to Afghanistan
    > ...
    > Surprised Pikachu face...?

    Stern ,
    @Stern@lemmy.world avatar


    They are hoping to make it a tourist spot but it wasn't going well before this, and certainly not going to get better now.

    Caligvla ,
    @Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    "We want tourists!"

    Tourists go to the country and get shot.

    "All according to plan inshallah 👌"

    flower3 ,

    There is a German YouTuber doing a bike trip through Afghanistan right now. I wonder what he thinks right now after hearing about this lol

    tangycitrus ,

    People do stupid things for internet views.

    VelvetStorm , to World News in Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters

    Ffs just blow up a pipeline or sabotage parts of their infrastructure or follow the higher ups home and deface their homes.

    Prandom_returns ,

    These are all felonies.

    VelvetStorm ,

    Spray painting someone's house is not a felony. Also who cares.

    Prandom_returns ,

    Stalking is.

    Who cares? I'm sure the people who trying to protest without becoming felons. What is this take...

    VelvetStorm ,

    Following someone once is not stalking. For stalking there has to be a persistent pattern. Or else women would be able to get stalkers arrested a lot more often instead of being killed by them.

    Prandom_returns ,

    Fucking thank you for the nitpicking. I'm sure you can deduct where people live if you followed them somewhere once.

    Christ almighty the thickness.

    Encouraging people to do crimes IRL, while posting on the internet anonymously, sitting on your fat ass consuming resources that accelerate climate change.

    VelvetStorm ,

    How do the boots and assholes of the Uber wealthy taste btw? From the way you are munchin down I would guess pretty good but I would like to know your first hand knowledge.

    Prandom_returns ,

    Explain the correlation between you not understanding what a protest is and me supposedly "munching boots".

    Sit the fuck back down, basement-dweller, and enjoy people doing the hard work of resisting the status quo for you.

    VelvetStorm ,

    You are the one sticking up for oil executives, not me, but sure, I'm the bad one.

    GBU_28 ,

    Property damage over a certain sum is

    Adanisi , (edited )
    @Adanisi@lemmy.zip avatar

    This is the UK. "Felonies" 🙄

    But yeah it's a lot more severe and they'd probably be out of activism forever.

    Prandom_returns ,

    Fucking so sorry my second language isn't up to par to your standards.

    What's the right term here, "a proper naughty twat?"

    Adanisi , (edited )
    @Adanisi@lemmy.zip avatar

    That would be "crime".

    A felony is a type of crime which doesn't exist here.

    You can't just get upset if someone points out you've used a word wrong. Words have meanings and while getting it wrong, especially as a second language, isn't bad, it's still incorrect and can be confusing (e.g. most people would assume you're talking about US law when you talk about felonies).

    Prandom_returns ,

    I can get upset when instead of correcting me in the first comment, you mocked me.

    Assuming everyone's aware of the US/UK law and their nomenclature is too much sniffing of your on farts.

    Or is it flatulence. Toots?

    Oh and lastly, the person I replied to, listed random crimes/felonies, and didn't specify the country those crimes/felonies should be done.

    Adanisi ,
    @Adanisi@lemmy.zip avatar

    From context, it's clear that it'd be UK action, considering JSO is a UK group.

    Prandom_returns ,

    Climate activism isn't limited to JSO

    Adanisi ,
    @Adanisi@lemmy.zip avatar

    In this thread we're talking about the effectiveness of JSOs methods and what they "should do" instead.

    Prandom_returns ,

    We were talking about something else before you "acktchually" this convo.

    Adanisi ,
    @Adanisi@lemmy.zip avatar

    Point to the comment in this chain where we aren't talking about what JSO is/should be doing before I got involved, then. With a quote and a link.

    PS there's only one comment before mine and yours and it's talking about what JSO "should" do. I'll save you time:


    Ffs just blow up a pipeline or sabotage parts of their infrastructure or follow the higher ups home and deface their homes

    Prandom_returns ,

    Right, so you think that the person thinks that vandalism of notable monuments as protest in other countries by other groups of people is fine?

    It's Just JSO in UK that should act differently.

    Christ, I thought they teach this shit in schools.

    Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

    ,they said, sitting at home, doing nothing.

    Zess ,

    So they did just as much as the protesters in this case.

    GBU_28 ,

    Nothing is preferred than destroying cultural artifacts.

    All this does is drive people away from the cause.

    Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

    None of the people clutching their pearls about this would have done anything anways.

    GBU_28 ,

    That would be ideal.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    Spent the whole day doing things about it at my job.

    lepinkainen ,

    Or go sabotage a monument in Saudi-Arabia, they produce more oil than anyone.

    Throwing orange corn starch on the Black Stone in Mecca would be amazing press.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    They won't do that. That would involve being killed. There is a reason why Peta throws red paint on old ladies wearing fur and not on biker gangs wearing leather.

    The very worst thing the UK government is going to do is throw them in jail for a few months, maybe a small fine.

    nialv7 ,

    And they did, literally destroyed a couple fuel pumps at two gas stations: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/apr/28/just-stop-oil-protesters-sabotage-petrol-pumps-on-m25-motorway

    Did you hear about that on the news? Did you see this being posted on Lemmy?

    Now you know why they have to do what they do.

    VelvetStorm ,

    All they do is make people not care about their cause.

    nialv7 ,

    Sure made me care.

    dukepontus ,

    No, those people already dont care. They just need an excuse for their inaction.

    zephorah , to World News in Greece introduces the six-day work week

    Fuck. Don’t give corporate America ideas. It’ll be the next shit spun through this travesty of a Supreme Court.

    avidamoeba ,
    @avidamoeba@lemmy.ca avatar

    The labor law challenges have already started.

    AshMan85 ,

    Why do you think Amazon and Elon musk are arguing with the Supreme Court that the DOL and labor rights are unconstitutional.

    Rekorse ,

    America already permits forced unpaid overtime, especially on corporate positions. We just hide it better I guess?

    Oh and we also permit slave labor, provided the "slave" is also a criminal of some kind.

    I'm sure there's other examples but that's all I have at the moment.

    zephorah ,

    Yes they do. Did you know, in healthcare, they can do this with all the nurses in more than half the states? It’s about whether or not your state has rules against it. The ones who have restricted it recognize how dangerous it is for patient safety. Kids have died because of errors made in these scenarios. And that’s just the publicized court case stuff. I’m sure grandma, with a no CPR choice logged in her chart, gets swept under the rug or not noticed as an aberration.

    Hospital administration is cheap so they’ll use it as a standard staffing strategy rather than call an outside, more expensive agency, to fill in, when the state lets them.

    These are usually the same states that do not have lunch break laws.

    So you can get a nurse: post-surgical, ICU, ER, or elsewhere who hasn’t slept in 24hrs. Hasn’t eaten anything in 15hrs. Maybe longer, because these people have kids and go to class. There’s no sleeping between call lights, they have to be attentive for the duration.

    They’re tapped on the shoulder about an hour or two before shift end and told they’re staying. On penalty of abandonment on their license.

    Idk about you, but I can’t read words at about 18hrs. Working tired is like working drunk. This is scary.

    That’s what I want when I’ve been in a bad car accident and need to be hospitalized. My safety in the hands of one person who is in their 21st hour awake and hasn’t eaten for 10-12hrs because nothing that sells food is open at night, including the hospital cafeteria. Even the food prep crowd is screwed on this one.

    Another fun fact. At night, hospitals run with a skeleton crew of docs. Normally, this is fine. You have competent help, read: nurses, who can see and predict the patient having problems and can then call the doc, or page an emergency overhead and get even more people for the patient. Enter mandatory overtime nurse. How well is he going to do on this while essentially working drunk?

    But hey, if it saves corporate a buck then it’s worth playing this game of Russian roulette, amiright?

    Rekorse ,

    Well I didn't know about any of that and that's all awful.

    Makes me upset healing people has been twisted so much. Shocking there's anyone left in the field under those conditions.

    foggy , to World News in France's Macron dissolves parliament, calls new elections

    It's like everyone is putting on their evil pants, getting ready to rewrite history after WWIII

    unautrenom , to World News in French parliamentary election: Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally (RN) projected to win first round, beating the leftist NPF alliance and Emmanuel Macron's centrist Ensemble

    Gee, the title sure is sensationalist. Nothing has been 'won' yet. The actual percentage here don't matter, the system works using two rounds in each circonscription (subdiv of France which can elect 1 MP). What really matters now is who will call to vote for who. The NFP (Left Alliance) leaders said no vote for Far Right, and Macron (in spite of how much he shat on the left) called for a 'grand coalition against the RN' (RN being Far Right here).

    And I'll repeat it as many times as it takes 34% IS FAR FROM 50% (The RN is unlikely to find allies, as all the traitors of the trad right wing party have already gone to them)

    Edit: forgot to mention that not all votes have been counted yet, the big cities finishing up later, which will likely drive the NFP's score up and RN's down.

    MudMan ,
    @MudMan@fedia.io avatar

    I get that immersion tends to normalization...

    ... but man, 34% is still a LOT. Especially when it's 2x the previous result and the largest bloc.

    It'll be good if they are prevented from having easy access to legislative action, but it's still an underpants-threatening result in my book.

    unautrenom ,

    34% is already lower than what they polled (and it will go down more as cities' vote get counted). Though, you are right, the normalization of Far Right IS scary af. But it's not a recent thing in France, it started nearly two decades ago, but surged to an extreme during the past few years esp with:

    • Bolloré (our own personal Murdock) bought more and more media, fired the journalists, and put propagandist in their place.

    • Macron started taking Far Right's talking points (immigration), language ('national preference', which is a concept that makes no sense) and methods (just two days ago, his party made, published and propagated on social media a fake 'NUPES' (name of the last Left Alliance) website to calculate one's future pension based on their 'program'. As it turns out, the calculations were not based off their program at all and was nearly always defavorable to the person)

    • Macron, when asked about the surge of Far Right, had only one response: bUt WhAt aBoUt tHe LeFt? (And goes on and on to try and sell a 'both sides' to try and make himself more popular. Spoilers: it didn't work) It's also why it's refreshingly suprirsing to not hear him bash 'theLleft' tonight, and instead call on everyone to vote against Far Right.

    MudMan ,
    @MudMan@fedia.io avatar

    FWIW, I'm seeing projections based on the counts that still have them at 34, but I guess we'll see.

    I agree that a resurrection of the cordon sanitaire is probably a positive and I agree that Macron was extremely clumsy, like much of the EU's centre and demochristian right, in sliding towards far right positions they just can't defend any better than the actual fascists. But still, from an international perspective France is now firmly in the club of Central European countries with a major fascist problem in a way it wasn't yesterday, even if the outcome was already understood to be going this way.

    unautrenom ,

    The vote finished in the night and we got the official results now. Paris voted massively NFP and Renaissance, so Far Right is now at 29.3% while NFP is just behind them at 28.0%. Honestly? Given the polls we had, RN is lower than anyone could have hoped.

    Source: https://www.resultats-elections.interieur.gouv.fr/legislatives2024/ensemble_geographique/index.html

    I'm kind of surprised this image of France having a Far Right issue is only becoming a thing now though. These results are close (if not better for non far right voters) than the last 2022 Presidentals, and Far Right already had a huge score in 2017.

    MudMan ,
    @MudMan@fedia.io avatar

    Thanks for the link! International press is still running the 33% estimate they probably got from the French morning papers or have taken down the results, so my references hadn't updated the number.

    For the record, the image is not new, there was a lot of international coverage regarding Le Pen's presidential chances in 2022. But presidentials are presidentials, only one person gets to win. Legislatives raise a lot of questions about parliamentary dynamics, alliances and the potential for the second round to generate another bout of Macron shooting himself in the foot followed by him shooting everybody else in the foot for good measure. That, and there is more paranoia about the tilt right across the EU and internationally about the US.

    gravitas_deficiency ,

    These days it seems there’s a rough third of the population in most places that’s stupid and/or bigoted enough to vote for shit like this. Those numbers don’t shock me. But I’m hoping France proves more resistant at the national level to the hyperconservative/neofascist resurgence at the we’re seeing in a distressing number of countries.

    unautrenom ,

    Culture wise? Probably. Institution wise though...?

    Our current republic was founded by de Gaule, and our constitution was written by him as well. The thing, he's a millitary general, who (much like a good chunk of the French population at the time) held disdain toward parlementarism, due to the lack of stability of the Fourth Republic.

    What that means? Our current system has much of the power concentrated in the hands of the gov (see 49.3 and to some extend 47.1 where the PM can just decide to override anu vote on law. It was something taboo, only used a fair few times before Macron, like once in 2014(?) and it ruined the PM (at the time Manuel Vals)'s carrier. Macron used it dozens of times throughout his years as President), leaving the National assembly with little manuveur than the censor motion (dissolves the current gov, but leaves the president in power).

    That and Macron preparing to sell our public media and hospital to the private certainly don't give me mich confidence in that regards if the RN were to win (' •_•)

    Veraxus ,

    I expected better from the French. It's disheartening watching Fascism take root globally like this. 34% is 34% too much.

    andrewta , to World News in Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters

    Yeah those people who built that place definitely screwed up the environment. This will show them. Let's dig up their graves and piss on them to show the world we mean business.

    Or maybe let's not screw up historical sites and go after big business and the ones actually destroying the environment.

    Sanctus ,
    @Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

    I hate it too. But you're hearing about it and its here on Lemmy. So its working. Idk if bad rep is what they want. They should be trashing the industry buildings and business headquarters of the most polluting companies. They're getting arrested anyway and at least then they'd look like Captain Planet.

    ummthatguy ,
    @ummthatguy@lemmy.world avatar
    Sanctus ,
    @Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar
    PixelTron ,

    I was today years old when I learned there’s a Don Cheadle Captain Planet short movie!?!

    ummthatguy ,
    @ummthatguy@lemmy.world avatar
    PixelTron ,

    Captain Planet Mother Fucker!

    aeronmelon ,

    "Happy Arbor Day."

    Garbanzo ,

    Is it working though? Does discussion of what absolute dipshits they are further the cause? I bet I'd hear about it if they bombed a refinery, but that takes some pretty serious commitment.

    Prandom_returns ,

    "Man, these people are dipshits", "climate change is a problem though"

    That's an overall positive discussion that wouldn't have happened otherwise.

    So these people are sacrificing their image for discourse about climate change.

    todd_bonzalez ,

    I think they're also sacrificing the image of climate change activism.

    Prandom_returns ,

    Climate-change activism shouldn't be a thing. Let's not get comfortable with it existing, otherwise it will become constant background noise.

    GBU_28 ,

    Climate discussion was everywhere, last week. Every major news outlet and chat forum.

    FluffyPotato ,

    They have spray painted those HQs as well, the news just doesn't cover it much. So far the only way to raise awerness has been to do stuff like this. Also they intentionally haven't damaged anything historic so this works with no issue, they know what they are doing.

    meco03211 ,

    It's like that internet law. The quickest way to the correct answer is to confidently assert an incorrect answer. Maybe the quickest way to getting noticed is whatever will entice the masses to "correct" your actions?

    spujb ,

    wait i love this theory and hate it so much it just might be correct

    intensely_human ,

    Yeah as a result of this stunt, I googled the term “climate change” and holy shit! Why hasn’t I heard of this!

    So glad they raised my awareness of climate change, which I hadn’t heard of before.

    Sanctus ,
    @Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

    Amazingly missed the point. This is for the deniers and for all the inaction and half-assed attempts at fixing the problem only to bend to corporate interests. This is shows organization in a group and the means to get things done. What do you think the next steps are if these actions dont beget any changes?

    Blackbeard ,
    @Blackbeard@lemmy.world avatar

    This is for the deniers

    "Climate change is a liberal hoax! They just want to tax us to death! Look at all the research they fabricated in Climategate!"

    sees people spray orange paint on a rock

    "Wait a second. I think I was looking at this all wrong!"

    Sanctus ,
    @Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • Blackbeard ,
    @Blackbeard@lemmy.world avatar

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  • Sanctus ,
    @Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

    The Les Grossman act just made you lose any credibility you might have had. I see people being activists, even if the method is questionable. They are working, as we are all here reading about it. Then you come in with some snide ass comment and vitriol. I see no ignorance on my part. I hope you're paper does double the work that my toddler is for the climate and wish you best of luck.

    Blackbeard ,
    @Blackbeard@lemmy.world avatar


    afraid_of_zombies ,

    This is for the deniers

    You made a claim.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    Do you really think any deniers are now convinced?

    Over a century of data pouring in but this act will be what convinces them?

    GBU_28 ,

    It's not "working", people are not going to change their purchasing or lifestyle choices based on this.

    Prandom_returns ,

    It worked! You're commenting on it!
    It worked! It means we should do some more of this...

    Silverseren , to World News in France's Macron dissolves parliament, calls new elections

    Oh no, is France going to go full fascist now too?

    Lyre , to World News in Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters

    The amount of knee jerk rage I've seen over paint whenever one of these incidents happens. Its paint. It comes off. Its an extremely effective strategy to get attention while causing little to no damage.

    FluffyPotato ,

    In this case it's actually dyed corn starch so this would literally wash off from the first rain. And yea, this actually gets attention, when they spray painted car dealerships of some of the heaviest polluters, protested oil companies and when a guy set himself on fire to protest climate change it gets almost no coverage.

    Murvel ,

    Bullshit. It's an archeological site. The now faded ancient paintings risks being ruined as a result of this idiocy.

    FluffyPotato ,

    If dyed cornstarch could destroy anything on the stonehenge then it already would have been. You know it's outside, right?

    Murvel ,

    Paint and 'being outside' are two very different things.

    You slow or something?

    FluffyPotato ,

    Are you? Something just left outside for a long ass time will take more damage than even a spray of lead paint can do. And this is just corn starch, not even paint.

    Murvel ,

    “They are sensitive and they are completely covered in prehistoric markings which remain to be fully studied,”


    So the archeologists are worried but not you, since you, being the goddamn genius you are, are sure it's all fine.

    I don't even know why I start these arguments with the all-knowing wizards on Lemmy.

    FluffyPotato ,

    How about check the source of the quotes: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw44mdee0zzo

    The reporter first on the scene was concerned. The archaeologist was worried about the lichen growing on the stones, not the stones.

    Murvel ,

    Just stop, for once in your life, admit that you don't know what you're talking about, just this instance.

    TempermentalAnomaly ,

    The quote is not in the link you provided. Where did you get that quote?

    Murvel ,

    Yes, it is, I just double-checked

    CileTheSane ,
    @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

    Full context:

    The orange cornflour used to spray the monuments will be washed away by rain, said Just Stop Oil. However, according to the BBC, experts will need to assess the stones to see if lasting damage has been caused. “They are sensitive and they are completely covered in prehistoric markings which remain to be fully studied,” said Mike Pitts, archaeologist and author of How to Build Stonehenge, to the BBC.

    That doesn't say they think there is damage, just that they haven't been able to assess it yet.

    Murvel ,

    So? I never said it's permanently damaged (sure fucking hope not) I said the archeologists where worried it had been.

    CileTheSane ,
    @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

    Nothing there indicates that the archeologists are actually worried, just that they haven't assessed it yet.

    Murvel ,

    He says that the paintings are sensitive to damage, it's in the quote, now stop wasting my time.

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