Deceptichum , to World News in Israeli Politician Quotes Hitler to Argue for Resettlement of Gaza avatar

Whats with all these Judea-Nazis in Israel?

Billy , to World News in Israeli Politician Quotes Hitler to Argue for Resettlement of Gaza

A politician who got the 36th position in the Likud list 10 years ago.
The party he founded after that didn't get even 1 mandate.

MapleEngineer , to World News in Israeli Politician Quotes Hitler to Argue for Resettlement of Gaza avatar

They have become the thing they hate.

bamboo ,

I get the impression with a lot of Israeli politicians, they didn’t hate the Nazis so much as they hated being the out-group of the Nazis. Since, as soon as they were able to establish a foothold of power they’ve largely followed the same playbook, but with themselves as the “Master Race” and everybody else as the vermin to exterminate.

Zaktor ,

Fascist thought is perfectly compatible between countries of different races. The philosophy is the "right" type of people should expel (or murder) undesirable minorities and take the resources they need. If those minorities go somewhere else and oppress some other people, that's just how the world is supposed to work when it's not corrupted by things like equal rights or respect for personal freedom. It's how Aryan-supremacist Germany had no issues allying with Japan. They both believed in a world order where it was the natural state of things for racially homogeneous states to dominate lesser races and claim the resources for their people. Because they're just better, and all the problems are from race-mixing and kowtowing to the undeserving.

One of the early anti-Jewish efforts by the Nazis (promoted now by some Israeli politicians for Palestinians) was encouraging Jews migrate somewhere else, Israel being one of the common destinations.

TheBlackLounge ,

Zionists collaborated with the Nazis to try and create a Zionist Palestine, very early on. This is well documented.

TallonMetroid , avatar

I mean, Likud is the successor organization to the original Zionists, so they've always been genocidal ethno-fascists. But this guy decided to form his own party because Likud apparently wasn't ethno-fascist enough for him.

Billy ,

The "original zionists" were socialist and communists who tried to do things in the way of cooperation and peace, and were a defensive group.
The offensive groups splintered off the original one after Arab riots and massacres of Jews.

FuglyDuck , to World News in Israeli Politician Quotes Hitler to Argue for Resettlement of Gaza avatar

.... does he not see the irony in calling the other guys nazis while directly (and knowingly) quoting Hitler?

nondescripthandle ,

You want the truth or you want to keep what's left of your faith in humanity?

deadbeef79000 ,

It's not directed at you or me or most others, it's a rallying cry to his supporters.

I'd call it a dog-whistle but he said all of it out loud.

sndmn , to World News in Israeli Politician Quotes Hitler to Argue for Resettlement of Gaza

Not a big surprise given the actions and policies of this Apartheid state.

leetnewb , to World News in Israeli Politician Quotes Hitler to Argue for Resettlement of Gaza

I don't know understand why this article would quote Yanis Varoufakis or Trita Parsi, but not a single Israeli. Does Moshe Feiglin have meaningful support? Is he likely to hold a seat in the Knesset? What are the odds his party gains seats against Likud in the next election?

Do I have the wrong expectation of what journalism is?

t3rmit3 , (edited )

I'm confused. Are Feiglin, Ben-Gvir, and Smotrich not Israeli?

Him quoting Hitler isn't even the main issue in this case (to me), it's really what he's using the quote to justify, which is the expulsion of Palestinians from Palestine/ Gaza, which is, as the article demonstrates, a much more broadly-held viewpoint among Israelis, including ones who unarguably do have a lot of political power.

Lastly, if there are not a lot of public quotes condemning this coming out of Israel, for them to quote, isn't that itself kind of a problem?

leetnewb ,

I’m confused. Are Feiglin, Ben-Gvir, and Smotrich not Israeli?

Quotes from a right-wing Israeli get together in January isn't completely out of context, but it is pretty out of context for a reaction article to something in June.

Him quoting Hitler isn’t even the main issue in this case

I think it sort of is in the context of this article if the author is seeking a response to cite.

Lastly, if there are not a lot of public quotes condemning this coming out of Israel, for them to quote, isn’t that itself kind of a problem?

Sure, that is possible. But you would assume someone citing Hitler in Israel would get some sort of response, so not touching that at all seems like an omission. Yanis's thoughts on that are less interesting to me than a random Israeli teenager on Omegle. Also, this Feiglin person seems to have last held office in 2015 (I don't know, just a quick Google), which might be useful context. I want to know if this nutter has any hope of grasping political power, or if he's the equivalent of Rush Limbaugh.

some_guy ,

Rush bragged about how Bush senior carried his bags when he stayed at the White House. He had tremendous political power whether he could command troops (like the PotUS / congress) or not.

leetnewb ,

I guess my phrasing wasn't great on that, but also deeply skeptical of literally everything that came out of Rush's mouth.

ramble81 , to World News in 'The Abyss Is Beckoning': Global Nuke Spending Surged to $2,898 a Second in 2023

Seriously. Pick a better unit of measurement. I’m not going to multiply it out by 86,400 x 365 to figure out the actual amount.

mlg , to World News in 'The Abyss Is Beckoning': Global Nuke Spending Surged to $2,898 a Second in 2023 avatar

I can assure you Pakistan is using that money for new mercedes for all army generals, and some 99 cent red paint to pretend they upgraded their nukes.

Kwakigra , to World News in Israeli Politician Quotes Hitler to Argue for Resettlement of Gaza avatar

I have been reflecting recently that I was not learning the same lessons about the Holocaust as some of my classmates. I got the impression nothing like it should ever be allowed again and we should do everything we can to stop it when we see the signs. I assumed everyone got that impression but I'm realizing that was not the case.

kibiz0r ,

I think part of the problem is that when you read about the horrors of the Holocaust as a kid, you can't help but think of Nazi Germany as a cartoonishly, outlandishly evil place full of people who spend every waking second thinking about how much they hate impure bloodlines.

You come away with an impression that it should be obvious when genocide is happening.

Then you go home after school and you see something about genocide in the Middle East, and you ask your parents about it and they say "Well... it's complicated." And if it's complicated -- if it's not cartoonishly, outlandishly evil -- then it must not be genocide.

teawrecks ,

Yeah, I think this "cartooning of evil" is at the core of American patriotism and entitlement. There are a lot of Americans who legitimately believe that we're immune to certain phenomena "because we're American". It's the same as when people say they're not racist "because they're not trying to be". Or the rich man bankrolling the presidency isn't evil because he doesn't twirl a mustache.

In the same way, this can't be genocide, because we would never do a genocide! We're just doing what we believe needs to be done to maintain our standard of living...

kbin_space_program ,

My Oma was in the Netherlands in the 1930s. Her family sheltered part of a jewish family(the elderly mother who was too sick to escape to North America, and one of her sons, a lawyer, who stayed behind to care for her.) This was before the invasion and the start of the war.

At the time, late 1930s, she said that everyone knew something bad was happening to the Jewish people the Nazis rounded up, but not what.

After more than a year of occupation, they were turned in by a neighbor for extra rations because none of her family needed daily visits from a doctor. The Nazis took the two Jewish people and her Dad into a camp.

A local factory owner, some months on, tried to have everyone from the area released in return for his compliance in letting them use his factory output. Her dad was among those released, but they refused to release any Jewish prisoners. Her parents then immediately joined the resistance and helped it out until the end of the war. The factory owner allegedly ensured that the output to the Nazis was changed to be only subtly defective units, pipe walls too thin, cooled too quickly etc.

Mora , to World News in Norway Isn’t Bowing to Threats of Capital Flight

Way to go, Norway!👍

nul42 , to World News in In Snap Election, French Left Forms Alliance To Counter Far Right and Neoliberals

Liberté, égalité, fraternité

mozz , to World News in UN Human Rights Office Says IDF's Deadly Nuseirat Raid May Amount to War Crime avatar

"May" amount to?


ohwhatfollyisman ,

"you know all those hundreds of war crimes you've committed? yeah, this one may be one more."

mozz , avatar

Israel: Can have all the hostages back, any time they agree to stop killing people

Also Israel: Decides instead to kill hundreds more people including 64 children to recover 4 hostages, leaving all other hostages still in danger of death and all kinds of other things, because they cannot bear the thought that they might have to agree to stop killing if they want to get them back without having to do even more killing

World: Hey maybe they shouldn’t do that

Israel: Why would antisemitism do this?

Zehzin , to World News in UN Human Rights Office Says IDF's Deadly Nuseirat Raid May Amount to War Crime avatar

You mean the 2024 Nuiserat Refugee Camp Massacre?

Why9 , to World News in Biden Claims Israel Isn't Starving Gazans. Rights Groups Say 'It Is Clear as Day'

To all those people who keep saying that in order to not have Trump back in 2025, everyone must suck it up and vote Biden, this is why that just can't happen.

Sure Trump is bad in many ways but Biden's insistence on helping Netenyahu no matter what will lose him the election.

I'm not making a case for Trump, btw. Both things can be bad at the same time. For people who are seeing Gazans die for no reason, Biden cannot come back into office again. Does that mean we want Trump? Of course not, and that's why voting for anyone else makes sense.

If voting for anyone else means you're voting for Trump, so be it!

jordanlund Mod , to World News in Biden Claims Israel Isn't Starving Gazans. Rights Groups Say 'It Is Clear as Day' avatar

Israel is not only starving Gazans, they've BEEN starving Gazans for DECADES.

That's been the whole point of the blockade.

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