yournamehere , to World News in 'More Unhinged by the Minute': Senior Israeli Lawmaker Suggests Nuclear Attack on Iran

anyway. did you know that theran is standing on soil that rather sooner than later will crumble and take the city down? climate change sped this up, but stupid "government" doesn care. large cracks around all of the city, sinkholes in theran. it is not worth bombing a country thats doomed already by nature. wait it out. good will happen.

TokenBoomer , to World News in 'More Unhinged by the Minute': Senior Israeli Lawmaker Suggests Nuclear Attack on Iran

I don’t remember paying for that, was it in the fine print?

Potti , to World News in 'More Unhinged by the Minute': Senior Israeli Lawmaker Suggests Nuclear Attack on Iran

Nothing suprising here, didn't Financial Minister Smotrich say that Gaza should be nuked months ago?

jeffw OP , avatar


tiefling ,

Trump's team is also saying the same

mightyfoolish , to World News in 'More Unhinged by the Minute': Senior Israeli Lawmaker Suggests Nuclear Attack on Iran

Sadly, even taking about issues like this one outside of !worldnews will get you called out for spreading "Republican propaganda" (as you can't make it seem that Biden and his allies want to expand the current war). I hate to sound like a doomer but bleak times (are most likely) ahead.

footoro ,

It says it’s closed and last posts I see are from like 3 months ago that sub seems pretty dead, am I missing something here?

TokenBoomer ,

Israel nuked it 3 months ago, it’s all over Telegram. I can’t link the video tho (NSFW).

jeffw OP , avatar

It was basically locked and merged into !world

TheClockStruck13 , to World News in Zelenskyy: If Trump Has Plan to End the Ukraine War 'He Should Tell Us Today'

The entire military complex is milking the US taxpayer dollar from this war, if Trump were to stand in the way of the MIC and their income… given the presidential assassinations observed in recent history I would imagine that he would have multiple crosshairs on his forehead:.: it would take an incredible amount of patriotic duty to ignore that risk and pull funding anyway.

alienanimals ,

"It would be so patriotic to let the Ukrainians get genocided by our long-time enemy bro"

TheClockStruck13 ,

Putin has been on Tucker Carlson and remained fairly clear since the beginning that this war is not about killing Ukraine people (in a genocide as you word it)… in fact the genocide is really happening as a result of US influence, Russia has many legitimate reasons to seek unification of Ukraine with Russian interests, I don’t agree with them, but I disagree that it is a US interest to send US taxpayer money to Ukraine for weapons and arms to prolong this war.

America simply cannot afford to forever siphon money out of the coffers to Ukraine which then purchase weapons and arms which then make the weapons and arms dealers more powerful and wealthy… it’s a wholesale scam, just as we saw in the Middle East… Orwell predicted this, long drawn out pointless wars that suddenly stop when a new war is created. Today we’re told Russia bad guy, tomorrow it might be palestines Hamas, in the future we may see a forever war with China…

It doesn’t really matter at this point. America just like other allied nations should stay out of other people’s wars. Military tax money should be on a need to have basis only

alienanimals ,

During the course of the entire war, the US has spent $175 billion helping Ukraine. This might sound like a lot until you realize that in just a single year, the US' federal budget is $6.5 trillion. So even if we paid for everything all at once, there's still $6.32 trillion left this year.

Not to mention most of the money goes back into the American economy. We are spending money on weapons that are largely sitting in warehouses that we would otherwise need to be replaced. Weapons don't last forever. So for pennies on the dollar we are saving Ukrainian cities from being "liberated" by our cold war enemy that never stopped being our cold war enemy. Sounds like a great investment to me.

Ranvier , to World News in 'More Unhinged by the Minute': Senior Israeli Lawmaker Suggests Nuclear Attack on Iran

Whaaaaaaa???? But I thought Israel totally didn't have any nuclear weapons

timewarp , to World News in 'More Unhinged by the Minute': Senior Israeli Lawmaker Suggests Nuclear Attack on Iran avatar

Biden after Israel nukes Iran... "I am a Zionist. I will always be a Zionist"

Deceptichum , avatar

After Iran lobbies a volleyball over the border in retaliation: “Irans outrageous antisemetic terror attack means i have authorised invading Iran to defend our most moral ally Israel”

Lost_My_Mind ,

A war on terror in the middle east? Wait, no, I've seen this one...

dactylotheca , avatar

Oh you mean the prequels?

tiefling ,

War on Terror 2: World War Three is the sequel nobody asked for

Sam_Bass , to World News in Zelenskyy: If Trump Has Plan to End the Ukraine War 'He Should Tell Us Today'

I believe hes already said he would pull all US aid out and let russia have them

Yawweee877h444 , to World News in Zelenskyy: If Trump Has Plan to End the Ukraine War 'He Should Tell Us Today'

His plan is to hand you over to putin on a silver platter, for free.

GiddyGap , to World News in Zelenskyy: If Trump Has Plan to End the Ukraine War 'He Should Tell Us Today'

Trump has got to be among the biggest narcissists alive.

GladiusB , avatar

And he's teaching others how to be one too

cultsuperstar , to World News in Zelenskyy: If Trump Has Plan to End the Ukraine War 'He Should Tell Us Today'

Remember when Trump said he would get rid of the ACA and they had a plan to replace it? But he never had a plan and eventually said "who knew healthcare was so complicated?" (Everybody knew it was complicated.) This is the exact same thing.

HubertManne ,

if trump was president in 1940 ww2 would have never happened. Also ww1 for 1914. and civil war for 1861. If trump was president before we would all live in solid gold houses and drive rocket cars with zero pollution

Sam_Bass ,

Only things he likes more than himself are underage girls.

CableMonster , to World News in Zelenskyy: If Trump Has Plan to End the Ukraine War 'He Should Tell Us Today'

This is really not that hard, its to negotiate peace with the main part being that Ukraine will never join nato. Its almost like we could have totally avoided hundreds of thousands of dead people if our foreign policy didnt suck so bad.

spongebue ,

Putin should have no reason to give a rat's ass if any country is in NATO, unless he plans on invading it.

CableMonster ,

They correctly feel that nato is an anti soviet/russian union. Why should they not be concerned about it getting on their border?

spongebue ,

What is NATO doing to interfere with Russia's domestic operations and sovereignty? Ukraine is not Russia, so Russia should have no say in the matter just because they're next to each other.

Same thing would apply if Ukraine were to invade Russia. Ukraine would have no business doing so.

CableMonster ,

Putting arms near their border... This has been a known problem since the cuban missle crisis.

spongebue ,

And what history does NATO have of using their arms for offensive purposes, rather than defense?

CableMonster ,

A really big history... Take a peak at what countries are in nato and realize they have a long history of being directly in conflict with Russia/Soviet Union.

spongebue ,

You mean like being a part of the USSR and wanting nothing to do with them?

CableMonster ,

Or directly fighting them and having a 40 year long cold war. Maybe most of those countries have been in direct war with russia in recent memory.

spongebue ,

Or maybe Ukraine isn't the aggressor here and Putin is proving why Ukraine wants to be in NATO

CableMonster ,

Ukraine is not the aggressor, I never said it was. What I will say is that this was was 100% preventable with the promise that Ukraine would not join nato. It was a known red line, and it was crossed. "BUT UKRAINE CAN DO WHAT IT WANTS!!!" Great, and NATO can directly say we dont want a conflict and we dont want Ukraine to be a part because we know it is a line that will likely trigger a war.

spongebue ,

I'm also curious how annexing a country and extending your borders to countries already in NATO solves that problem?

MentallyExhausted ,

Russia doesn’t get to dictate what sovereign nations do. They can fuck off back to their own country, that would put an immediate stop to the war.

CableMonster ,

Thats true, but what if we had listened to them and prevented hundreds of thousands of dead people? Why would that have been bad?

MentallyExhausted ,

What if they had listened to us and not fucking invaded a sovereign nation? Why would that have been bad?

CableMonster ,

So then nato gets to constantly aggress on them and they cant do anything? And then you are shocked that they invaded.

MentallyExhausted ,

“Aggress on them” by existing on their border? This is apologist and appeasement nonsense. Russia’s rights end at their borders.

CableMonster ,

Except that the cuban missle crises shows the US completely disagrees (unless it is convenient at that moment). Do you not see how this war was 100% avoidable if nato did not cross the directly drawn line?

MentallyExhausted ,

Comparing them to our imperialist actions isn’t the brilliant argument that you think it is.

At any rate, NATO has never offered membership to Ukraine — they’ve been explicitly told their corruption issues were a non-starter.

And, of course, Ukraine only started those talks following Russia invading Crimea in 2014. Again, Russia is the clear aggressor here. Get real.

CableMonster ,

You are correct that they didnt offer it yet, but it was on the table, and NATO knew that was the reddest of red lines. You also do even know why russia took over Crimea in the first place.

And yes, how america would react is imporant because it shows how we really feel, not just propaganda about how they can do what they please.

Mirshe ,

Moreover, surrendering whatever Russia sticks a flag in is appeasement nonsense. We've already seen this strategy before WWII: *oh, Germany will be OK if we just cede Czechoslovakia. Oh, Germany won't attack if we cede Alsace-Lorraine...." An aggressive power like Russia, who already tried to annex large portions of another sovereign nation in 2008 (they invaded Georgia and got their shit kicked in because they tried the whole "three day thunder run" strategy), almost certainly will not stop if you just "give them what they want". Eventually, they'll want more, and more, and more, and you wind up surrendering slice after slice after slice of your country.

Baphomet_The_Blasphemer , to World News in Zelenskyy: If Trump Has Plan to End the Ukraine War 'He Should Tell Us Today'

His plan is to tell Ukraine to stop fighting and just let it happen.

fluxion ,

Everyone knows this, but it's difficult to point out how dogshit Trump's "plan" is if he refuses to state what his actual plan is.

ZILtoid1991 ,

And when Putin asks Trump to accept the end of Ukraine and no longer accept the Ukrainian language as separate from Russian, he will immediately do some executive orders.

ChickenLadyLovesLife ,

Ha ha "asks".

JesusSon , avatar

If it's good enough for the woman he rapes it's good enough for Ukraine.

TheClockStruck13 ,

I’ve been digging into the whole rape thing, correct me if I’m wrong but it looks a lot like a smear campaign than anything else, that is which to say, there is zero evidence he did this and yet the mainstream media has been instructed to go hard with it lately to perhaps persuade the public to vote against him… thoughts?

KinglyWeevil ,

A civil court conviction seems like enough for me

JesusSon , avatar

“As the court explained in its recent decision denying Mr Trump’s motion for a new trial on damages and other relief [in the New York case] … based on all of the evidence at trial and the jury’s verdict as a whole, the jury’s finding that Mr Trump ‘sexually abused’ Ms Carroll implicitly determined that he forcibly penetrated her digitally – in other words, that Mr. Trump, in fact, did ‘rape’ Ms. Carroll as that term commonly is used and understood in contexts outside of the New York penal law.” - Lewis A. Kaplan: Senior Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.

lepinkainen ,

He’s been on Epsteins plane 7 times. He was his friend.

Trump also knew Epstein liked “younger girls”.

It’s all in court documents

twistypencil , to World News in Zelenskyy: If Trump Has Plan to End the Ukraine War 'He Should Tell Us Today'

Or they will release the secret tapes of him colluding with Burisma?! I hope so

xc2215x , to World News in Zelenskyy: If Trump Has Plan to End the Ukraine War 'He Should Tell Us Today'

Trump doesn't have one.

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