CoCo_Goldstein , to World News in 'A Full-Fledged War Crime': Israel Condemned Over New Human Shield Footage

I found the first part where the guy was digging in the rubble, then later searching the tunnel to be inconclusive. I couldn't tell who or what was going on.

However, the second part, where the guy is handcuffed in his underwear, surrounded by soldiers, then later on it looks like the same guy being herded through a building... that doesn't look good. Someone below mentioned a possible prisoner swap. I don't think prisoner swaps are handled like that.

RizzRustbolt , to World News in 'A Full-Fledged War Crime': Israel Condemned Over New Human Shield Footage

I'll stand in front of you...

I'll take the force of the blow... Projection.

pyre , to World News in 'A Full-Fledged War Crime': Israel Condemned Over New Human Shield Footage

IDF: Hamas is terrible; they use human shields!

also IDF:

Linkerbaan , to World News in 'A Full-Fledged War Crime': Israel Condemned Over New Human Shield Footage avatar

For those that haven't seen it yet, here's the newest Aljazeera video with hard video evidence of israel using Human Shields in Gaza. Even dressing them up as IDF soldiers and forcing them to clear buidlings

dditty , avatar

I first started following the Israeli-Palestinian conflict twelve years ago and the IDF were using Palestinians as human shields back then (and I believe well before then). While this is nothing new, seeing video evidence of it is so jarring, horrifying, and indefensible it has left me feeling shaken and infuriated at the wanton disregard for human life and international law.

theacharnian ,

Do you know of any version with English subs?

Linkerbaan , avatar

Someone posted this below it looks accurate.

I just used closed capation auto translate on the YouTube video.

Resol , to World News in 'A Full-Fledged War Crime': Israel Condemned Over New Human Shield Footage avatar

I swear, if they accuse us of antisemitism for criticizing this move for the umpteenth time, I will checkmate them by saying that real Jews would never, ever, encourage this sort of behavior.

Why is it so easy to excuse Israel for this disgusting thing they're doing?

BertramDitore , avatar

real Jews would never, ever, encourage this sort of behavior.

I really wish that were true. I’m a Jew, and I am fully against this genocide and Israel’s hypocrisy in general, but Israel is full of real Jews who absolutely encourage this behavior. It’s sad, demoralizing, and shameful, especially for us “normal” Jews who see it for the evil that it is, but I’m not sure enough of the world realizes how normalized this kind of violence is in Israel. I’ve spent a lot of time there, and the vapid, bloodthirsty hatred for Palestinians is absolutely real, and many many more Jews than you or I would like to believe support these atrocities.

I’m a descendant of Holocaust survivors, with a sizable contingent of family that escaped Europe to Israel, and I frankly won’t be talking to any of them ever again now that I know they happily support genocide.

Mrkawfee , to World News in 'A Full-Fledged War Crime': Israel Condemned Over New Human Shield Footage

"The most moral army in the world"

Silentiea , avatar

Almost as moral as the fullest void is full

ynthrepic , to World News in 'A Full-Fledged War Crime': Israel Condemned Over New Human Shield Footage avatar

What proves this footage is really what the article claims it to be? It's a very specific explanation for what appears quite vague.

I just don't want to go sharing something we cannot actually verify as true. There's a lot of other stuff mentioned in the article a lot of which we know to be true, but that isn't proof of this claim.

Kbobabob ,

What exactly is vague about being naked (mostly) with hands tied behind their back while walking through a building? What explanation do you have for such an event?

ynthrepic , avatar

Something like this could easily be a simple prisoner transfer. This is one idea.

In general, we don't know the where, the why, or the who. Movies have worse scenes than this. Nothing is beyond fabrication. Why were they filming and who posted the video? There are myriad possibilities.

There are already many clear-cut reasons to be critical of Israel, but it should still matter what is actually fact and what is fiction, shouldn't it?

Linkerbaan , avatar Here's the video. There's nothing vague about it.

ynthrepic , avatar

You're kidding me right? This is in Arabic for a start. I don't speak Arabic. It looks on the face of it a vague as before otherwise. Help me out here.

IndustryStandard ,

I posted a translated version yesterday. I will link it below. It took a dip in the internet JPEG fryer so quality is not as great anymore.

Linkerbaan , avatar

You can press the closed captions button and click auto translate to English.

It's a magical world out there.

ynthrepic , avatar

And we can trust what's being said you think?

Linkerbaan , avatar

Yes of course. The narration matches the video evidence.

skulblaka , avatar

Hang on... So you aren't going to trust a primary source from a country that doesn't speak English, unless said source is in English? The fuck? Of course it's in fucking Arabic, it was filmed in an Arabic-speaking country. Put it through a translator like the rest of the world did.

cyberpunk007 , to World News in 'A Full-Fledged War Crime': Israel Condemned Over New Human Shield Footage

Another day, another disgusting thing done by Israel. And another day other countries governments just don't seem to give a shit. What the fuck.

wurzelgummidge ,

What can other countries do? Invade? The US bullies Nato into compliance, the rest of the world can only sit there and be appalled.

Dagnet ,

The US: "Oh no, more innocents died, that's sad" sends more bombs

trxxruraxvr ,

What can other countries do?

Same they do to Russia. Freeze foreign money and ceace all trade

wurzelgummidge ,

Most of Israel's trading partners are Nato or Nato aligned. They can't sanction Israel because they will be sanctioned in turn by the US.

ghostdoggtv ,

As an American we should sanction the fuck out of Israel. The founders would have revolted by now.

ad_on_is , avatar

but... but that would be anti-semitic

cyberpunk007 ,

I'm definitely not equipped to have an answer, but it's not right.

YarHarSuperstar , to World News in 'A Full-Fledged War Crime': Israel Condemned Over New Human Shield Footage avatar

"full-fledged", unlike all the many, many, other only partially-fledged war crimes /s

Oisteink ,

Yepp - condemnation it is!

Hupf ,

Geneva suggestion misinterpretations

Gsus4 , to World News in Most People on Earth, Even in Petrostates, Want Quick Fossil Fuel Phaseout: Poll avatar

Even in petrostates? But most petrostates are not run by the people or for their people, so petrostates will keep being petrostates until demand for oil in EU/China/India dries up.

_sideffect , to World News in Most People on Earth, Even in Petrostates, Want Quick Fossil Fuel Phaseout: Poll

Meaning what exactly?

I'd like to hear their plans on how exactly they want us to stop using oil "quickly"

Mothra , avatar

"And YOU get a FREE EV! And YOU get and EV! And YOU! EVERYBODY GETS AN EV!!!"

frazw ,

I guess it's "I don't want to use fossil fuels but I don't have an alternative. Give me an alternative! Don't have one? Then I'll keep using fossil fuels"

In fairness though not using fossil fuels it's something of a luxury at present. EVs are more expensive that non EVs. Maybe this will change but slowly.
Home solar is very expensive and still doesn't get you self sufficient in most cases. Power companies need to make the grid renewable to make it accessible to the average person for home power.

_sideffect ,

I find it funny when people associate fossil fuels with cars ONLY.

Almost everything you have on you right now, and in your home, was made using oil.

That's why I asked what I did; I'm all for not using oil and moving to a cleaner approach, but no good solution has been proposed yet, and people that want to do it cold turkey are fools that don't know any better.

vividspecter ,

Most people are talking about fossil fuels in terms of electricity and transport, which can and should be transitioned to renewable energy and electric vehicles as fast as possible (ideally with some people moving away from cars altogether).

And the poll itself is specifically talking about renewable energy, so it's not like the article is confused on that point.

Yes, manufacturing is a harder problem, especially when it's not just used as an energy source. But the easier problems need to be attacked as quickly as possible to reduce the risk of runaway climate change.

JustARaccoon ,

Give more renewables at least the same incentives and funding oil is getting, and get more nuclear ready. Yes, nuclear is safe, look it up

Blizzard , (edited ) to World News in Landmark UK Supreme Court Ruling 'Slams Brakes' on New Fossil Fuel Projects avatar

'Slams breaks' as in criticises or pushes pedal to the metal?

OtherPetard , to World News in Landmark UK Supreme Court Ruling 'Slams Brakes' on New Fossil Fuel Projects

Who in their right mind thinks more Fossil Fuel projects are the current solution?
And what problem do they think it'll be solving?

darthsid ,

You’d be surprised

zib , avatar

Since when was it ever about providing solutions? That would assume any of them have the best interest of the people and the environment at heart.

nogooduser ,

Sunak’s (official)reasoning when he gave the go ahead for more fossil fuel production was that we aren’t losing our dependence on fossil fuels any time soon and it was better for the environment to produce the energy locally rather than importing it.

The real reason was probably money.

webghost0101 , (edited )

Are you stupid or what? The line needs to go up, up and up!!!!! Your problem is the fucking line not having the greatest boner your moms bottom will ever see.

Daddy needs to see numbers climb to FeEL aLiVe.

Dont you get wat injustice are done to us?
Only today some hippy weirdos took the spot in the news that i could have used to give an adverview about buy our product.

Trow the scum in jail i tell you. That will teach them to destroy our beautiful heritage. Fossil fueled electric chairs for all of them.

fargeol , to World News in Israeli Politician Quotes Hitler to Argue for Resettlement of Gaza
uriel238 , to Technology in Child Advocates Back Surgeon General's Call for Tobacco-Like Warnings on Social Media avatar

I call shenanigans. We've had bullying when I was a kid in the 70s. Has anything been done about it? No. Why? Because dominance hierarchy is in among our school districts and administrators, and they like sports team lettermen over science nerds. This hadn't changed in the aughts. It's still the same, today. Even when kids come in with proof of violence (e.g. phone camera video) the question is why did you have a phone in school? not can we identify the dude curb-stomping kids three times smaller than him?

We had hungry kids in the 70s. Have we done anything about it? No. We try to set up school lunches, but then the programs get cancelled because socialism bad! So kids are going hungry thanks to ideology.

Are we yet teaching sexual consent (or how about consent in other places like work and TOS?) No. We're teaching abstinence-only education in 26 states with comprehensive sex ed mandated in three (the west coast). We're teaching girls they're like chewing gum, that is, one-use, and a sexual assault destroys their value. And we're teaching boys their sexuality isn't welcome until they can afford to put a ring on it and have a salary in place, driving them to become alt-right war boys for Immorten Joe. ( WITNESS ME! )

So how about dealing with kids who are homeless? In poverty? In the abusive foster-care system? Dealing with DV at home? Not a god damn thing. Kids need food, shelter, basic needs like clothing, playtime, time to bond with their family, time to socialize, stability at home. Until they have these things, any energy we spend not arranging to providing these things is failure of society to serve basic child welfare for the public.

Warning labels on social media will not feed hungry kids, or assure their place to sleep is safe and warm, and we have an outrageous number of kids for whom the latter set are the problem, not dangers of social media. Also warning labels that are not congruent with current scientific consensus only weaken the veracity of tobacco product labels.

ETA: That's not the best link. This search leads to a wider array of stories, and TD is pretty good about including sources within each article.

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