
rozodru , (edited ) to Canada in Rate of older adults losing secure housing is on the rise.

I volunteer for both a food bank and community centre/drop-in. I'd say the past year or so I've seen a lot more homeless seniors, especially women, then ever before. Hell I've just seen more "regular" people in general then ever before. Homelessness in this country is 100% no longer something regulated to the mentally ill or addicts it's now affecting everyone. Majority of people I work with now you wouldn't think were homeless if you walked by them no the street or saw them having a coffee in tim hortons. At first I was shocked like "you're homeless? you don't look it" but now it's no surprise. You could have a clean cut person wearing clean and nice clothes looks like they work on king street come up to me and say their homeless and I wouldn't bat an eye.

The problem is the system as it exists now and as done for decades isn't built to deal with these people. It's not meant for people who are elderly or families or people who are simply broke. None of the resources we have can help these people because they've always been tailored to the addicts and the mentally ill. Shelters aren't going to help even if there were space available again because shelters are set up and staff trained to work with addicts and the mentally ill. I've had co-workers come up to me and say "I don't know how to help this person or these people because none of the resources or programs we have will help them".

We took a very narrow look at the homeless and instantly said that they're homeless because they're drug addicts or crazy. And that just simply isn't the case anymore. The fact of the matter is, based on my experience, Addicts and the mentally ill are quickly becoming a minority within the homeless population. I know that will be difficult to swallow but it's the truth. I work more with "regular" people now than I do with someone on drugs or someone that doesn't know where they are.

We need to rethink and rework how we deal with the homeless population in this country. We need to ditch the thinking that they're all addicts and finally accept that most are now just like you or me. Thus we need to start tailoring resources and programs to instead of focusing on rehab, mental health, and street health to focusing on housing, jobs, and food. Because I'm no longer being asked about safe injection sites or CAMH referrals now I'm being asked about Jobs and where to eat daily.

Grant_M , to Canada in Liberal backbencher calls for Trudeau to resign in email to caucus
@Grant_M@lemmy.ca avatar

I'm calling for Poilievre to resign.

Beaver ,
@Beaver@lemmy.ca avatar

Pension boy at 31 has gotta go!

SatansMaggotyCumFart , to Canada in Liberal backbencher calls for Trudeau to resign in email to caucus

Trudeau is trailing Pierre by twenty points so he’s not wrong.

Something has to be done.

autotldr Bot , to Canada in Liberal backbencher calls for Trudeau to resign in email to caucus

This is the best summary I could come up with:

The New Brunswick MP is the first Liberal caucus member to openly call for Trudeau's resignation since Tuesday's byelection upset in Toronto-St. Paul's.

"For the future of our party and for the good of our country, we need new leadership and a new direction," Long wrote in an email obtained by CBC News.

The Avalon MP, who has voted against his own party twice on the carbon tax, said it's the prime minister's decision to make alone, but stressed the need for an urgent, in-person caucus meeting with Trudeau.

According to sources who have seen the email chain, Kingston MP Mark Gerretsen asked members to stop hitting reply-all.

"I and my entire team have much more hard work to do to deliver tangible, real progress that Canadians can see and feel," he said in a media statement this week.

In 2017, he was kicked off two parliamentary committees after he supported a failed Conservative motion related to proposed small business tax changes.

The original article contains 319 words, the summary contains 153 words. Saved 52%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

autotldr Bot , to Canada in WestJet strike averted after federal labour minister imposes binding arbitration

This is the best summary I could come up with:

A strike by WestJet mechanics has been averted after federal Labour Minister Seamus O'Regan directed the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) to impose final binding arbitration to resolve the outstanding issues of the collective agreement between the airline and the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA).

A potential strike by WestJet airplane mechanics had threatened to upend travel plans for 250,000 customers over the Canada Day long weekend, according to the airline.

"With the government's actions, the summer travel plans of Canadians have been protected and we have a path to resolution," said the airline's president Diederik Pen.

Slade was on a three-week rotation and had flights booked to go back home to Newfoundland from Victoria on Wednesday with a connection through Calgary — where he ended up stranded because of the impacts of the potential strike.

Plane mechanics first served the carrier with a 72-hour strike notice on June 17, prompting WestJet to cancel nearly 50 flights last week before both sides agreed to resume negotiations.

Union members voted overwhelmingly to reject a tentative deal earlier this month and have opposed WestJet's request for intervention by the country's labour tribunal.

The original article contains 524 words, the summary contains 181 words. Saved 65%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

autotldr Bot , to Canada in MAID lawsuit shines spotlight on faith-based health organizations - Under 1995 agreement, B.C. allows organizations to withhold services that conflict with beliefs, values

This is the best summary I could come up with:

A recent lawsuit over access to medical assistance in dying (MAID) in some hospitals in British Columbia has put the practices of religious health organizations in the spotlight.

are allowed to opt out of providing certain services if they conflict with their values and beliefs — including access to abortion, contraception and reproductive health care in Catholic-run, publicly funded hospitals, according to researchers.

"I appreciate that people want to see a sort of legal response but my concern is patients and making sure they have access to the care they need," Dix said during an unrelated news conference in Surrey, B.C., on Tuesday.

Jayaraman quit her job at May's Place Hospice last year after it was taken over by Providence Health Care and subsequently stopped offering MAID.

The Quebec government passed legislation last year which requires all palliative care homes, including those run by religious health groups, to provide medical assistance in dying.

Daphne Gilbert, a University of Ottawa professor who has been helping human-rights charity Dying with Dignity with the lawsuit in B.C., said the Quebec government is taking the opposite approach to B.C., which has so far been reluctant to dictate which services religious health networks must provide.

The original article contains 1,148 words, the summary contains 198 words. Saved 83%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

autotldr Bot , to Canada in Head of National Microbiology Lab resigns in wake of scientist security scandal

This is the best summary I could come up with:

The head of the National Microbiology Lab (NML) in Winnipeg says he is stepping down to continue his medical work and take a position at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba, CBC News has learned.

Poliquin is an infectious disease pediatrician who has conducted research for several vaccines, including one that prevents pneumonia, blood poisoning and meningitis among children in the North.

"Dr. Poliquin has led the NML with distinction for four years and PHAC [the Public Health Agency of Canada] is grateful to him for his service," Christopher Aoun wrote.

CBC News first broke the story in 2019 of two staff scientists who were investigated and later fired after one of them sent a shipment of deadly viruses to China, sparking a political firestorm over concerns of espionage and laboratory security.

An assessment by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), released by the federal government this spring, found Dr. Xiangguo Qiu was using the Level 4 lab in Canada "as a base to assist China to improve its capability to fight highly-pathogenic pathogens" and "achieved brilliant results."

But, for years, opposition MPs have demanded information on what the scientists' supervisors in the lab and their political bosses in Ottawa knew about their activities.

The original article contains 574 words, the summary contains 193 words. Saved 66%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

recursive_recursion , to Canada in 'I'm sorry, God': Accused cried when Coutts border blockade abandoned
@recursive_recursion@programming.dev avatar

For next time, plesase remove the duplicate posts instead of leaving them with the edited title "Deleted"

besides that it's a simple mistake so you're good🤗

MapleEngineer OP ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

I did delete them. They were marked with the garbage can but didn't delete so I edited them to say they were deleted.

recursive_recursion ,
@recursive_recursion@programming.dev avatar

huh I guess it might be federation issues, either way fair enough!

MapleEngineer OP ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar
TSG_Asmodeus , to Canada in Eligibility for federal dental care plan expands to children, people with disabilities
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks, NDP!

aDuckk , to Canada in 'I'm sorry, God': Accused cried when Coutts border blockade abandoned

These guys already call whatever they happen to stub their toe on a woke communist pedo globalism, so he'd 100% shoot them and anyone else if he could possibly get away with it.

MapleEngineer OP ,
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar


autotldr Bot , to Canada in Eligibility for federal dental care plan expands to children, people with disabilities

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Ottawa plans to expand eligibility for the federal dental program today to include children under the age of 18 and people who receive a disability tax credit.

The government estimates 1.2 million more people will now be able to apply for the program.

Critics have suggested that basing eligibility for people with disabilities on the tax credit will leave out a huge number of individuals who most need the help.

Federal ministers have said eligibility will be fully expanded to include everyone who meets income criteria in January 2025, so those who are left out won't have to wait much longer to access federal dental coverage.

The rollout of the program was negotiated with the New Democrats as part of a political pact to prevent an early election.

To qualify, applicants must be uninsured and have a household income under $90,000 per year.

The original article contains 143 words, the summary contains 143 words. Saved 0%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

MapleEngineer OP , (edited ) to Canada in 'I'm sorry, God': Accused cried when Coutts border blockade abandoned
@MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca avatar

Sorry...I was getting an error and didn't think it was posting.

I deleted the posts and they were marked with the garbage can but they were hanging around and people were upvoting them. I decided to edit them to deleted to avoid confusion.


JackLSauce , to Canada in This woman pays 100% of her income on rent

She had to sell her house after her divorce and now pays $2,679 per month for a three-bedroom townhouse in the same neighbourhood. She didn't want her children, a teen boy and teen girl, to have to switch schools or share a bedroom

Then... What did selling the house achieve...?

n2burns ,

She probably didn't qualify to take on the whole mortgage without her ex-Spouse.

JackLSauce ,

Understood. I've only recently been learning how much Canadian mortgages force their lendees to "readjust" to new conditions. In the US you can generally keep the initial terms shy of a refinance or foreclosure

Can you provide any local insight as to whether you can find a decent house at a lower rate than that?

I know housing affordability is a shit show there and that lady isn't making enough no matter what she does but I'm curious how much she could have lowered that percentage

n2burns ,

I'm pretty sure she'd be in the same situation in the US. Assuming the house was jointly owned and she had the ability to buy out her ex-Spouse's equity or get the whole home in the divorce, there would still be a change of ownership, so she'd need to get a new mortgage solely in her name.

I know I've heard of couples splitting up and coming up with creative solutions, like continuing to jointly own the house, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.

DerisionConsulting ,

It might have been part of the divorce, selling the house and splitting the profits.

MystikIncarnate ,

Someone had to pay their lawyer.

psvrh , to Canada in Trudeau says he isn't quitting — do the Liberals have any good options to turn things around?
@psvrh@lemmy.ca avatar

do the Liberals have any good options to turn things around?

Quit the party and vote NDP.

rozodru , to Canada in Trudeau says he isn't quitting — do the Liberals have any good options to turn things around?

"The beatings will continue until moral improves" Feels like we're in a domestic abusive relationship with these politicians...all of them. The cons are morons without an original thought in their head, they looked south, got jealous and said "we want some of that"

the NDP lost their spine when Layton died and their current leader is more concerned about optics then doing anything of actual meaning.

And then you go the liberals who have managed to piss off most of the country, then laugh about it, then wave their hand at the rest of the shitshow parties in this country and say "really? them? haha good luck with that."

we're fucked.

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