Brewchin , to Technology in Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app avatar

Nice. But as a BitWarden user, it's useless to me. I've never put all my eggs in one account basket.

Passwords on one service, MFA on another, email on yet another, etc.

Nerrad , to Technology in Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app avatar

I assume its still absolutely impossible to migrate from one authenticator app to another without having to set it all up again?

Bogasse , avatar

"Import" does appear on the roadmap for this month, we probably can't know what's the scope fr that but you'llhave your answer soon :p

Nerrad , avatar

Authy killed their Windows app so its been on my mind. Im trying to use Roboform integrated mfa more, but i probably have 50 accounts in authy.

Nanabaz2 ,

You can use Authenticator Pro (android, opensesource) and Proton Pass, both let you copy the TOTP generation code to paste into another without problem. Both generate exact code

In fact that's how I am using them right now, with Authenticator Pro is my on-device, offline, encrypted backup offline backup TOTP for Pass.

I guess it is not as straight forward as export import as you hope, but it's not as bad as other options used to be.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

As long as you can access the keys, you can swap authenticator apps.

I tried a few until I landed in Aegis, and I have two on my desktop that I'm trying out as well. Just get something that allows exporting the keys and there will be a path to switching apps.

jacktherippah , to Technology in Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app

Any reason to switch from Aegis?

Smokeless7048 ,

Thats what i want to know, i use Authy, and want to know if its worth switching for.

Appoxo , avatar

Not yet.
No icons, no ability to save notes, a URL or back it up in an encrypted json.
I will definitely keep an eye on it though.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Honestly, TOTP is so simple it would take a lot to switch from Aegis, and most of that would be from Aegis screwing up.

InvaderDJ ,

Is there anything about Aegis that makes it better than Authy? Just looking at the page for Aegis, I'm not seeing a lot of difference. And it being Android only limits it.

jacktherippah ,

It's open source. Authy isn't.

InvaderDJ ,

Ah, gotcha. Makes sense.

NGC2346 , to Technology in Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app

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  • Agent641 ,

    They're good Bits, Bront

    CalicoJack ,

    It's also free in the Bitwarden app if you self-host with Vaultwarden. It's only a paid feature if you're using their hosting, and seemingly only so they can dangle it as a "premium" benefit.

    KingThrillgore , avatar

    Of which I pay for, I have no issue paying Bitwarden for good work. And I use Bitwarden on-site myself.

    Appoxo , avatar

    For 10€ a year I will pay for a feature I don't even use voluntarily.
    Just because the app is great and works really well with multi accounts.

    Adderbox76 ,

    Exactly. I don't pay for Bitwarden because I need all of its features. I pay because I want to support them and the job that they are doing. The extra features are just a side-effect of that.

    rolling_resistance , to Technology in Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app

    Just like in the password manager, they ignored HOTP. Oh well.

    UnsavoryMollusk ,

    Could you tell me more ?

    sugar_in_your_tea ,

    HOTP is an HMAC-based OTP, whereas TOTP is a time-based OTP. Basically, this is how each works:

    • HOTP - based on a key + a counter, which increments with each code generated
    • TOTP - based on a key + time, so you get a new key every N seconds

    TOTP is quite common and honestly is all I use, whereas HOTP may be more common in certain enterprises. Main criticisms:

    • HOTP - longer time window for a key to be valid for the entire time between logins (i.e. potentially easier to brute force)
    • TOTP - less user-friendly due to the time window; also, you just need a clock, you don't need to know the counter value (if someone gets the key, they can generate keys whenever)
    UnsavoryMollusk ,

    Gotcha, thank you very much.

    LucidBoi , to Technology in Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app

    Why not just use KeePassXC? It's completely free amd works great.

    Rin ,

    Syncing doesn't work well for me. Bw did a much better job.

    LucidBoi ,

    True, it is a hassle sometimes... Especially on new devices.

    sadcoconut ,

    Assuming you're asking about the password manager?

    Most important for me is that with Bitwarden I can share passwords with someone else.

    Appoxo , avatar

    So is Bitwarden? Even more so if it's selfhosted?

    anon_8675309 , to Technology in Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app

    Currently use Raivo on iOS. If this is offline only and has a way to export I may change.

    capital , to Technology in Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app

    Glad these were answered:

    Isn't this the same as storing TOTP authentication codes in Bitwarden Password Manager?

    Integrated TOTP authentication is a premium feature in Bitwarden Password Manager. Bitwarden Authenticator is a standalone mobile app that generates TOTP codes for any online service that supports them. Bitwarden Authenticator can be used without a Bitwarden account.

    Should I use both? When should I use the integrated authentication  feature? When should I use Bitwarden Authenticator?

    Integrated authentication in Bitwarden Password Manager offers a convenient way for users to add 2FA to their online accounts. This popular feature will remain available across paid plans. 

    Bitwarden Authenticator can be used to store your verification codes to access your Bitwarden account, as well as other online applications you use. 

    They can be used together, or separately, depending on your security preferences.

    pineapplelover , to Technology in Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app

    I personally have no use for this since I use Aegis and sync it with my synology drive

    Evotech , to Technology in Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app

    I'm not putting my totp with my password, same as I'm not putting my password with my email (proton)

    pitninja , avatar

    Exactly, from a security perspective, it's a bad idea to put 2 factor tokens together with your passwords. You effectively eliminate the security benefit that 2 factor provides if you do because if people get into your password manager, they have everything they need to access your accounts. The only people it "helps" having it all in one app are people who don't understand the purpose of 2 factor and just see it as an inconvenience when services force it on them. Even though I use BitWarden for passwords, I don't think that I'll be changing from Aegis to BitWarden's stand-alone authenticator because Aegis is doing its job nicely.

    sugar_in_your_tea ,

    That's also part of why I'm against the new passkeys. I think passkeys could replace either passwords or tokens, but not both.

    million , avatar

    It really depends on your threat model. It’s not a one size fits all thing.

    For instance in some threat models you shouldn't have TOTP auth and passwords on the same device, let alone the same app, but the vast majority of people are not going to carry two devices because of how inconvenient it is.

    rolling_resistance ,

    It's a separate app with no sync to Bitwarden accounts.

    Evotech ,

    Still, I bet they share a lot of the same backend and personell.

    Appoxo , avatar

    personell doesmt matter as it's zero knowledge?

    Appoxo , avatar

    And seemingly reading beyond the headline is also not your thing.
    This is a separate app unconnected to your bitwarden account...

    Coreidan , to Technology in Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app

    Jesus fuck. How many more authentication apps do we need that all do the same thing?

    At work I need at least 4-5 different authentication apps because every customer has something different.

    We don’t need another.

    blazeknave ,

    Random number generator 2fa?

    dave , avatar

    4-5 TOTP apps? So far, when, e.g. Microsoft or Google have insisted use of their own Authenticator app is required, it’s worked fine for me using Ente Auth or similar just by entering the code / QR.

    sugar_in_your_tea ,

    Yup, most 2FA is just TOTP, which is a pretty simple, open standard and is hardware independent. All you need is a key (the QR code or the numbers) and access to a reliable time source and you can make a TOTP app on anything.

    I use Aegis on my phone and Authenticator on Linux (some GTK app), and they both produce identical codes for the same key.

    million , avatar

    This even works with some apps that hide the standard part - like Symantec VIP - it’s possible to extract what they are doing and use a standard TOTP app instead of VIP.

    vividspecter ,

    You only need one app, as long as the totp is implemented in a standardized way.

    0x0 ,

    Microsoft products would like a chat...

    JustARegularNerd ,

    They did. DUO was born.

    Scrollone ,

    I use my Microsoft account with a standard OTP app, you don't need their own app.

    0x0 ,

    I did too until it kept rejecting my tokens frequently - changing to M$ Authenticator "solved" it.

    sugar_in_your_tea ,

    They must now require HOTP or something now. TOTP doesn't care what machine it's on, whereas HOTP does (well, you could spoof it if you really wanted).

    rolling_resistance ,

    Wait until your workplace requires you to only use MS Authenticator push notifications 😭 and HOTP occasionally…

    sugar_in_your_tea ,

    Is that a thing? Usually those have a fallback to a regular TOTP code.

    I use Okta for work because we integrate SSO with it everywhere, but I could technically enter a code every time and swap out the Okta app for the other TOTP app I use.

    My company is a MS shop, but they use TOTP as the second factor, and even that is optional. My department uses Okta, which is a completely separate system (we're a weird, separate unit entirely from most of the rest of the company).

    sugar_in_your_tea ,

    They're probably using HOTP or something else, not TOTP. TOTP is literally just the key + any clock. Or maybe it's the "click button to authenticate" and not the "enter code to authenticate," which might not be HOTP or TOTP, but something else entirely (e.g. Steam's system is neither AFAIK).

    If it's TOTP, you just need to get the key and can use any authenticator app.

    chemicalwonka , to Technology in Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app avatar

    with full Internet access (As shown in Aurora Store)

    Thanks but I pass, I'd rather use Aegis that doesn't need internet connection at all.

    SatyrSack ,

    How does 2FA work without an internet connection?

    themagzuz , avatar

    it's basically just a shared random number generator on a timer (it's slightly smarter than that but that's the gist), so as long as you know the start time, the current time and the starting point for the RNG, both parties can get the same result without having to ever communicate

    penquin , to Technology in Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app avatar

    Does this save to my cloud account with them or is it only local? I got screwed over by Aegis (my fault) when I got a new phone and forgot to back up Aegis and lost a lot of my logins. Some of them I can't get unless I call the company and verify it's me 🤦🏽‍♂️

    sugar_in_your_tea ,

    Do backups kids. :)

    I actually keep an authenticator app on my desktop, so I always have two places for everything. Aegis on my phone and "Authenticator" on my Linux desktop.

    akilou ,

    Then how do you secure the backup without 2FA?

    Or is it 2FA all the way down?

    GustavoFring ,

    You could store it on an external drive. You can encrypt it with VeraCrypt as well.

    sugar_in_your_tea ,

    Aegis encrypts it with a password, then you copy it somewhere. It's just a set of keys and you can have as many copies as you want (I have three, one phone and two desktops).

    akilou ,

    Aegis doesn't run on your desktop using the same key, it's just a key stored there, right?

    sugar_in_your_tea ,

    No, I use a different authenticator app (called Authenticator in the Flatpak store), but it does use the same keys. So I import the keys from an Aegis dump so I can generate exactly the same keys on my desktop app that I do on my phone.

    TOTP is a really simple system, as long as I have access to the secret key and a reliable time source, I can generate the exact same tokens as any TOTP app would.

    Plopp ,

    Wait, I'm a second child, am I a backup kid?

    lemmyingly ,

    Aegis does automatic backups. I guess you didn't turn it on?

    penquin , avatar

    Guess I didn't. I hate me even more now

    lemmyingly ,

    The penguin is dead 😂

    penquin , avatar

    😂 I guess it is. Damit

    lemmyingly ,

    I spelled your username wrong. I thought the q was a g. 😂

    penquin , avatar

    I don't care. It's meant to be a penguin with a q.

    misanthropy ,

    Yubikey and yubico authenticator is king. Just need multiple keys. Stick it in a PC or tap it on your phones nfc.. bam totp code pulls up.

    LucidNightmare , to Technology in Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app

    Thank goodness! I can finally get the hell away from Authy!

    bamboo ,

    What's wrong with Authy?

    LucidNightmare ,

    I guess for me, it being closed-source and the fact that the Bitwarden password manager and now Bitwarden authenticator are open source. Truthfully, I just see how they handled the desktop version of their Authy software, giving no fucks if consumers wanted it or not, being a big red flag of what could come after. Having used Bitwarden for years now, and giving them $10 a year, makes me more biased and inclined to use their other software, since they've never let me down. :)

    bigkahuna1986 ,

    Not open source, and I believe an account is required.

    ADTJ ,

    Also doesn't allow you to export so you can't switch to another service

    nexas_XIII ,

    Also they have weird behind the scenes integrations into accounts even if they are just supposed to be regular 2FA. You can read stories about Twitch not playing well with other 2FA until 30 days after you remove Authy. I don’t want those kind of shadow integrations and I should be allowed to switch apps as I see fit

    sanimalp ,

    Uhg... Didn't know that part. So frustrating.

    pineapplelover ,

    And twilio, the parent company has been hacked before

    sugar_in_your_tea ,

    I use Aegis and it works well. FOSS and easy to use.

    seth ,

    They discontinued the desktop client about a month ago, which is what made me stop using it.

    akilou ,

    You could have before. I moved from Authy to Aegis a few months ago

    podperson , to Technology in Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app

    Why not just use Strongbox? All of that’s built in and don’t have to store your vault on their cloud.

    cyrus , avatar

    This new app is offline.

    podperson ,

    ? Works fine for me and their site seems to be normal as well:

    cyrus , avatar

    No I mean the new bitwarden app works completely offline lol

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