9point6 , to Technology in The decline of Intel..

Cheap intel stock going then

I'd be very surprised if they don't find a way to bounce back, they've done it before

Imprudent3449 ,

Maybe. In the past they have always been able to rely on their dominance in the PC market. With consumers shifting away from this, I don't think it's so straight forward and in other emerging markets like AI they are way behind.

At least they are finally putting actual money into R&D. This article was a really good read. Will be interesting to see how and if Intels investments pay off.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Yup, they need to fund engineering. That's what AMD did, and it turns out that's a good strategy. Companies need to provide value to customers, and then marketing's job is easy.

Alphane_Moon , avatar

I am also betting they will bounce back; hopefully this is indeed a good opportunity to buy the stock for cheap.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Investing in israeli companies right now is a high risk low reward move.

ArtikBanana ,

Intel is an American company.

If you're bothered by Israeli involvement you should avoid all the companies in that list, including AMD, as they are all invested in Israel and have Israeli teams.
Even large Chinese tech companies like Xiaomi, which has an R&D center in Israel, are invested in Israel.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Yeah and TikTok is a Singaporean company and has nothing to do with China.

There might be a reason why LTT videos of Intel tours go to israel. And why Intel is spending 25 Billion on building a chip factory in israel during the height of the israeli Genocide in Gaza.

2023-12-23 Intel will build $25 billion chip factory in Israel’s ‘largest investment ever’

The Israeli government and Intel confirmed plans to build a $25 billion chipmaking factory in the south of the country, an investment Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has described as the biggest in Israel’s history.

The American tech giant already employs 11,700 people in Israel and has invested more than $50 billion in the country over the last 50 years.

Intel now wants to expand its existing chipmaking factory at Kiryat Gat — about 16 miles northeast of Gaza — undeterred by the October 7 attacks and the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. Reuters earlier reported the news.

“Intel has chosen to approve an unprecedented investment of $25 billion and to establish its new factory right here in Israel,” Israel’s finance minister Bezalel Smotrich wrote in a post on X on Tuesday.

Notice the praise from Netanyahu and Smotrich in there

ArtikBanana ,

Tiktok is owned by ByteDance, which is headquartered in China and was founded by Chinese.
Intel is headquartered in the USA and was founded by Americans.

Intel is investing in Israel for the same reason other companies like Nvidia do (who just acquired another Israeli startup last month and has 7 R&D centers in Israel). Innovation and talent.

Linkerbaan , (edited ) avatar

Buying a startup and building a new factory are entirely different.

Intel is investing in israel because the board members and owners are israeli and they are ideologically motivated to support the Apartheid state.

It does not take a genius to realize that making your biggest investment ever in an active war zone where WW3 is likely to pop off is not a great plan. It would be like Russia starting a chip factory in the Donbass.

In any case the stock doesn't fall without reason. And unlike AMD with Ryzen there does not seem to be a magical comeback plan for Intel that is paying off over time. ARC has failed to deliver.

And if we wanna do semantics TikTok is not owned by China either

ArtikBanana ,

Nvidia is also currently building their most powerful supercomputer in Israel. And the CEO has also mentioned the Israeli startup Mellanox (which they acquired for 7 billion USD) as an important part of Nvidia's success.
He also said “Israel is home to world-leading AI researchers and developers creating applications for the next wave of AI,” as recently as the end of last year.
Considering that, their startup accelerator program with over 300 Israeli startups, and their 7 R&D centers in Israel (Intel has 4 facilities), I'd say that by your logic Nvidia is much more "pro-Israel" than Intel. And it's number 1 in the OP's article's list.

Don't see any Israelis in the board members or owners. Them and the founders all seem to be American. I did see Bangladeshi-born and Malaysian-born Americans on the board.

You're doing semantics with yourself.
I wrote that ByteDance is headquartered in China and was founded by Chinese. Nowhere did I write "owned by China".

Linkerbaan , avatar

Oh geez so concidental that Nvidia started pushing for more investments in israel after israeli Michael Kagan became CTO of Nvidia in 2020.

There's definitely no ideological Zionist thing going on here either. Just a great idea to do massive investments in an unstable Apartheid state in the middle east instead of in America itself.

Still the biggest difference here is the amount. A $25 Billion fab is very risky right now and practically ties Intel to israel.

Pacmanlives , to Technology in Innovation or Overreach? UH Research Casts blame on OceanGate's Submersible Design says: Low quality carbon fibre lead to the accident

From what I remember it was supposed to be a simgle use vehicle that they kept using.The CF worked great those few time but would eventually wear out because of stress fractures. That's what I remember from when the accident happened so I could be wrong.

barsquid ,

I think "great" carries a sort of connotation as if engineers expect it might work once or twice. From the sounds of it, the better description of the submersible for the surviving trips might be that it worked miraculously. Basically divine intervention that they made it back even once.

_haha_oh_wow_ , to Technology in Innovation or Overreach? UH Research Casts blame on OceanGate's Submersible Design says: Low quality carbon fibre lead to the accident avatar

CF just seems like a bad material to use for this purpose at all

possiblylinux127 , avatar

But it sounds cool

BastingChemina ,

CF is extremely light, so when you want to build something that sink it make sense to build it out of extremely expensive CF rather than cheap steel like every other submarine.

SparrowRanjitScaur , (edited )

It's also not great when the pressure is on the outside of the vessel. It's good at containing pressure because that leads to tension on the carbon fibers which is when they're their strongest. But when the pressure's on the outside of the vessel they're more or less useless.

Voroxpete ,

Yeah, at the point where you're resisting outside pressure your hull is basically just the plastic resin that the fibres are sealed in. Without that, the fibres are just a fabric bag.

Imagine if they'd said "We're diving down to the Titanic in a submersible with a plastic resin hull." Doesn't sound so great.

reddithalation ,

Your point makes sense, but an epoxy submersible definitely wouldn't make it down to the titanic intact even once, and there are some ways fibers could be put in tension by compressing the cylinder, so the CF was doing something, its just complicated. They shouldve just built a normal submersible though.

bstix , to Technology in Is Tesla Feeling the BYD? A Chinese Giant Shakes Up the EV Electric Car Landscape

Looks like a turning point.

Renault, VW and Hyundai have also increased their EV sales considerably in 2024 so far, while Tesla is moving down the lists.

So it's not just Chinese cars taking over due to artificial low pricing. I think consumers are getting more comfortable with EVs in general. Tesla no longer have the advantage of being "first" or long range or being perceived as exclusive luxury or whatever drove them to the top in the first place.
Their design also looks pretty dated by now in my opinion.

buzz86us , to Technology in How Airbnb accidentally screwed the US housing market and made $100 billion

Maybe they should ban whole home AirBNB.. i only ever do rooms.

Breezy ,

Theyd part out a hous into multiple rooms. I stayed at one airbnb that were 3 stories and each one was another airbnb, with a kitchen on the main level that had to be shared. No one used it for the 3 days i was there, but still.

bitwaba ,

You can easily regulate against that.

Yggnar ,


Fedizen ,

Through the tax code. If you have a short term rental property that's not a primary residence: shazam busted. You'd need some kind of policing for it but you could force airbnb to make a filing on it as well which would make it possible to automate.

Tryptaminev ,

No regulation is worth anything without enforcement.

bitwaba ,

Sure. That's step two. You gotta do step one first.

Tryptaminev ,

I agree. It wasn't meant to be against regulations. Problem is in my city we have plenty of regulations to avoid repurposing flats for tourist rentals without a permit, we have regulations against systematically letting flats empty to be able to sell the house or flat at a premium etc. But we only have like three dozen government employees, who are supposed to oversee a city with more than 1.5 million flats and individual homes. So even if every one of them manages to check on 2 flats every day, they manage like 15.000 flats a year, which is already a rather optimistic estimate.

It is crucial to not only demand regulation, but also that enough resources are assigned to enforce them.

eran_morad , to Technology in How Airbnb accidentally screwed the US housing market and made $100 billion

“Accident” fkn lol

possiblylinux127 , (edited ) to Technology in The decline of Intel.. avatar

Intel GPUs are still ahead in some ways. They need to work on getting Intel GPUs in datacenters

I also like that they are working on creating a more open AI hardware platform

uninvitedguest , avatar

In what ways? Transcoding?

iopq ,

HDMI 2.1 support on Linux 😂😭

GladiusB , avatar

Maybe in some niche performance matrices. However they still are more expensive for the same performance. AMD is cheaper and same in terms of power.

bruhduh , to Technology in The decline of Intel.. avatar

While I used AMD since fx bulldozer and currently using laptop with Ryzen 7 5700u and really enjoying it, downfall of intel saddens me because they keeping the GPUs prices down, i mean, would AMD and Nvidia offer 16gb GPUs in 300$ price range if intel wouldn't bring a770 16gb for 300$ on the table first, p.s AMD always deserved first place and still deserves it now, while intel is good as catching up player which keeping the prices down

sfantu , to Technology in The decline of Intel..

Either they make a phone chip ... or they continue to rot to obscurity.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Why? AMD doesn't make phone chips, yet they're dominating Intel. Likewise for NVIDIA, who is at the top of the chip maker list.

The problem isn't what market segments they're in, the problem is that they're not dominant in any of them. AMD is better at high end gaming (X3D chips especially), workstations (Threadripper), and high performance servers (Epyc), and they're even better in some cases with power efficiency. Intel is better at the low end generally, by that's not a big market, and it's shrinking (e.g. people moving to ARM). AMD has been chipping away at those, one market segment at a time.

Intel entering phones will end up the same way as them entering GPUs, they'll have to target the low end of the market to get traction, and they're going to have a lot of trouble challenging the big players. Also, x86 isn't a good fit there, so they'll also need to break into the ARM market a well.

No, what they need is to execute well in the spaces they're already in.

Jesus_666 ,

When AMD introduced the first Epyc, they marketed it with the slogan: "Nobody ever got fired for buying Intel. Until now."

And they lived up to the boast. The Zen architecture was just that good and they've been improving on it ever since. Meanwhile the technology everyone assumed Intel had stored up their sleeve turned out to be underwhelming. It's almost as bad as IA-64 vs. AMD64 and at least Intel managed to recover from that one fairly quickly.

They really need to come to with another Core if they want to stay relevant.

sfantu ,

Lol .... AMD dominates ? They have half the revenue .

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Yes, and 5 years ago, they had very little of it. I'm talking about the trajectory, and AMD seems to be getting the lion's share of new sales.

sfantu ,

I hope for the best for AMD ... they make great products... I own several AMD machines.

But ARM and the trust built around it ... continues to eat their market .... I see Intel as having more of a fighting chance.

IF THEY RESTRUCTURE ... or whatever the fuck their strategy is.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

I don't really see ARM as having an inherent advantage. The main reason Apple's ARM chips are eating x86's lunch is because Apple has purchased a lot of capacity on the next generation nodes (e.g. 3nm), while x86 chips tend to ship on older nodes (e.g. 5nm). Even so, AMD's cores aren't really that far behind Apple's, so I think the node advantage is the main indicator here.

That said, the main advantage ARM has is that it's relatively easy to license it to make your own chips and not involve one of the bigger CPU manufacturers. Apple has their own, Amazon has theirs, and the various phone manufacturers have their own as well. I don't think Intel would have a decisive advantage there, since companies tend to go with ARM to save on costs, and I don't think Intel wants to be in another price war.

That's why I think Intel should leverage what they're good at. Make better x86 chips, using external fabs if necessary. Intel should have an inherent advantage in power and performance since they use monolithic designs, but those designs cost more than AMD's chiplet design. Intel should be the premium brand here, with AMD trailing behind, but their fab limitations are causing them to trail behind and jack up clock speeds (and thus kill their power efficiency) to stay competitive.

In short, I really don't think ARM is the right move right now, unless it's selling capacity at their fabs. What they need is a really compelling product, and they haven't really delivered one recently...

sfantu ,


The intel atom had a 4w tdp ... a snapdragon 855 has 5 w tdp ....

Intel is out of the smartphone market because Google built and optimized...( not as much as Apple ) ... android for the arm shit.

This fucked everyone and helped android... since now we are dependent on the chip vendors . Android can't be replaced on the damned things ... and every 3 years you ha e to buy another piece of crap.

mihies ,

It's not just node, it's also the design. If I remember properly, ARM has constant instruction length which helps a lot with caching. Anyway, Apple's M CPUs are still way better when it comes to perf/power ratio.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Yes, it's certainly more complicated than that, but the lithography is a huge part since they can cram more transistors into a smaller area, which is critical for power savings.

I highly doubt instruction decoding is a significant factor, but I'd love to be proven wrong. If you know of a good writeup about it, I'd love to read it.

mihies ,

Here, I've found an article. M CPUs are also much more integrated, like a SoC, which gives them further performance/power advantages sacrificing extensibility.

iopq ,

Actually, AMD do make phone chips. That is, they design the Exynos GPUs, which are inside some Samsung devices

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Huh, TIL. It looks like they basically put Radeon cores into it.

Giooschi ,

They used to, but they weren't very good.

sfantu ,

Lol ... If they don't manage to make a decent one ... they're done.

That being said I would love an "not so good " x86 smartphone with usb video out and desktop mode.

But clearly that ain't going to happen... all the ARM shit must be sold .

borari ,

The reason for a lack of “not so good” x86 smartphone chips isn’t some desire to sell “all the ARM shit”. Device manufacturers have to pay to license the ARM instruction set, if there was a viable alternative they would be using it.

The issue is power consumption. Look at the battery life difference between the Intel and Apple Silicon ARM MacBooks. Look at the battery life difference between an x86 and ARM Windows laptop. x86 chips run too hot and need too much power to be viable in a smartphone.

What purpose would an x86 smartphone serve anyway? Also bro you gotta chill on the ellipses.

sfantu , (edited )

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  • borari , (edited )

    Jesus christ bro you need to fucking relax before your heart pops. If you care about openness then call for phone/tablet/laptop manufacturers to shift to RISC-V.

    Nothing lasts forever, and x86 and x86_64 have lasted for eons. We will move away from x86, probably in your lifetime (unless you give yourself a coronary event which is honestly pretty likely all things considered), so you should probably come to terms with it.

    I honestly can’t tell if your unhinged response is a joke or legit. If you had just tossed in ellipses liberally, in place of every single other punctuation, I would have known you were joking. With the Trumpian/boomer FB caps rant, I’m thinking maybe you’re actually serious?

    Edit - You edited your comment to add more information, which is kind of a dick move. “Intel Atom” is a line of processors, not a specific processor. In trying to find the specs for their last released Mobile SoC processor, the Atom x3-C3295RK I think, Intels spec sheet doesn’t even give a TDP, they instead list a “SDP”, or “Scenario Design Power”. They didn’t publish the actual TDP of the chip that I can find, which is pretty telling. Also clocked at 1.1Ghz. The contemporary Snapdragon 835 beat that Atom chip in to the dirt.

    sfantu , (edited )

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  • borari ,

    Wow you’re really doubling down on the ranting and raving huh?

    sfantu ,

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  • borari ,

    I was hoping you would engage like a rational adult, and not like a wailing infant.

    sfantu ,

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  • borari ,

    I told you to “chill with the ellipses”, not that you needed to chill. But now yes, you absolutely need to chill. You’re coming across as unhinged my dude.

    sfantu ,

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  • CuttingBoard ,

    Careful guys! He's going full angry cabby now.

    insaan ,

    To paraphrase the great Malcolm Tucker, it's like watching a clown running across a minefield.

    joneskind , to Technology in The decline of Intel.. avatar

    Nice read. Thanks OP!

    Dragxito OP ,

    Appreciate it 🙏.

    ricdeh , to science in Swiss Alps Hide a Lethal Lake Layer: A Poisonous Sulphuric Layer Home Of Alien Bacteria avatar

    single-celled photosynthetic bacterium

    Bacteria are always single-celled, and quite frankly, I don't know why the ones in question are such a big deal, there are plenty of prokaryotes that thrive under anaerobic conditions.

    Hamartiogonic , avatar

    Having seen enough exceptions in biology, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone found a multicellular bacterial species that violates everything we know about bacteria. Biology is completely wild, and it’s really hard to come up with a rule or a category that always works and nobody has any problems with it.

    werefreeatlast , to Technology in Innovation or Overreach? UH Research Casts blame on OceanGate's Submersible Design says: Low quality carbon fibre lead to the accident

    I can show anyone that I can successfully apply low grade carbon fiber as flooring material. No matter what grade porcelain you use, you probably wouldn't use it for a submarine, car or plane body. It's all about proper engineering design based on sound science and testing of materials.

    MyOpinion , to Technology in Is Tesla Feeling the BYD? A Chinese Giant Shakes Up the EV Electric Car Landscape avatar

    Tesla is in the process of failing unless drastic action is taken.

    Buffalox ,

    IDK Musk is taking pretty drastic action, but I suspect that will make it fail faster.
    They need to fire more people IMO, but only 1 more.

    gedaliyah , to World News in CIA Chief officer ready to share Intel of Hamas top leaders to mossad avatar

    I never noticed before that the Hamas billionaires all have the same haircut.

    Chee_Koala , to Technology in Innovation or Overreach? UH Research Casts blame on OceanGate's Submersible Design says: Low quality carbon fibre lead to the accident

    I guess everyone was right al along, that makes for a pretty boring article though 🤣

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